OH,MY GOSH!IM SO SORRY!I had no internet and I was moving at the same time, my grandma didn't want internet until we settled in and…and im sorry, wahh X'C

Kyuubi: Will you stop crying, please its annoyin-

Lina: *glare*you wanna say that again, go ahead I dare you, we'll see who will end out on the !~

Naruto: O-on with t-the story…help me!


Naruto pov…

'my feet hurt' I thought while walking up the stairs to my apartment building. I was carrying my work uniform in hand as I tried fiddling with my keys. Tomorrow I have a long day. I have to put up with school, with that brat of an uchiha, than I have to go to his place to do the project. 'I hate the fact that we even have to do the project on that dead old guy and the history of alchemy and shit…I think the old guy was named sir…sir…newsberrie?newtens?whatever…'

I entered my house, and just stripped off everything and jumped on my bed, 'god, I hate heels' I looked at the clock.' It's 11:20pm, I think I forgot to do something…oh well' I soon drifted off to sleep.


Knock , knock ,knock…



"WHAT!" I screamed, 'who ever it is that disturbed my sleep will pay with their lives'I thought.

"Get up! I don't want to be late to school! Your lucky that my mom forced me to take you!" I heard the familiar voice of Sasuke The Fuckin Uchiha.'Wait, what time is it?' I looked at the clock.

"ITS FIVE FIFFTEY EIGHT!WHAT THE HELL!"I screamed.i ran around the house gathering whatever I was gonna wear. I got my back pack and stuffed my uniform in it, then ran out the door.

"You look like a mess." Sasuke stated. 'does he even have any consideration for people's feelings?' I thought as I ran down stairs and hopped on his bike.

"Hurry up will you."I yelled up to him. He raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head."what?"

"Your underwear is sticking out." He calmly said, I looked down and blushed. I tightened my belt around my waist.

"thanks." I looked down ashamed and depressed. Sasuke chuckled, 'did that asshole just chuckle me? That hot sexy chuckle, He will pay!...wait did I call his laugh hot and sexy? Gahhh… I must be going insane' I glared back at him. " can we go now?"

"Yes I believe we can." 'He's mocking me, I'll kill him' we finally sped off to school.


Normal pov

"Naruto, Sasuke, your late!" Iruka said/yelled.

"We're not late, you all are just early." Naruto remarked, in which iruka ignored.

"Naruto, wouldn't wake up, it's her fault." Sasuke plainly stated with his signature smirk, pointing an accusing finger at the girl.

"What!? If you would have come earlier we wouldn't have been in this situation!" she yelled.

"I was at your place at five thirty!" he yelled back, as they were bickering, iruka looked as if he would pop a blood vessel. The other students were betting on who would win the argument.(Lina:I bet five dollars Sasuke will win…Naruto:hey! You're supposed to be on my side!)


"Ooo~touchy~" naruto laughed.


"okay, okay" Naruto said muffling a laugh.

"now time to begin class" the students goaned



"Yummy~ look at all this food!"Naruto said with pure joy 'when was the last time I ate…?' she tried thinking, but gave up once the food was in front of her. Chowing down on some ramen and jacking your friend's pizza was not enough to fill her up. "Awe, im still hungry." she whined.

Tenten glared at her, "How are you still hungry, is your stomach a bottom less pit? Quit trying to grab my chips!" tenten snatch her chips out of Naruto's hand.

Naruto pouted, "No, my stomach is not a bottomless pit….it's a black hole." she said sarcastically

Hinata chuckled at her friends. Naruto's group consisted of Shikimaru, Tenten, Choji, Hinata, and sometimes Kiba, Nenji, and Sasuke, but that's only when Kiba tries to flirt with Hinata or pick on Naruto.

"So, Naruto h-hows w-work?" hinata stuttered out. Naruto stopped dead in her tracks, as she tried to grab choji's chips that he always keeps in his bag, they were taken away from her on the spot 'damn' Naruto thought. Only Tenten and Hinata knew about the job that she can't stand, but the money was good and the tips were sometimes better.

"My boss is a perverted dick, he took away our old uniform and made us wear something else. I'll show you in locker rooms later." She told them.

"*yawn* I'm starting to get curious about this mystery job. Naruto will you tell us?" shikimaru question.

"No." she stated

"Fine I give up. I'm going back to sleep." Choji sighed looking at his lazy friend.


After school

'Where is that dope !' Sasuke thought as he waited for Naruto. He stood there leaning against his motorcycle. He heard some bickering coming from the front of the school.

"That outfit should be burned!" he heard a slightly familiar voice, he turned his head and seen a brunette with to bun in her hair, walking with his friends cousin and Naruto.

"I-It's to re-revealing don't you think?" The shy girl mustered with a blush across her face.

"it's worse then her last one! You should complain to the company, then burn the outfit." Tenten announced pointing at naruto with fire in her eyes. Naruto sweat dropped.

"Um, I think Tenten is turning into an arsonist…" Naruto whispered to Hinata. In which she replied to the statement with a nod.

"It's not that bad, but whatever…OH, hey sasuke…" ' Was he there the whole time?' naruto thought while shuffling under his glare.(Lina: Ever day I'm shuffling *dances* Kyuubi: oh, please stop -_-')

"Do you know how long I've been waiting?" his glare darkened. Naruto checked her watch.

"School just let out five minutes ago." Naruto stated. Hinata and Tenten giggled.

Sasuke blinked. "…..Just get on the damn bike." He glared at her once again and through her the helmet.


Yeah, im just gonna leave it at that for now. I really am sorry I didn't update sooner. Review, even if you hate me now, still review, please (;_;).

Kyuubi: Oh, quit playing the pity card will you.

Lina: What was that! (#-_-)

Naruto: Um Lina-chan, h-he doesn't mean it ^_^'

LIna: if you got something to say, say it!

Kyuubi: Fine I will! I'm tired of your constant bulling toward me, what? Am I not supposed to speak my mind! Every time I – Ouch ! See there you go again!

Lina: oops, my hand got stuck and slipped. Continue…..

Kyuubi: uh huh, okay…. Well then, as I was saying, your always being a Bitc-*boom* ahh what was that! Is that a beebee gun in your hand!

Lina: Oops, my finger slipped while I was polishing it.

Naruto: *sigh/sweat dropp * this is gonna be a long night.