My first attempt at writing a story with multiple chapters. Well, my first attempt that I've published. I know it's no masterpiece, so please feel free to critique. I love reviews :)

"Damn it, "I mumble as I rummage through my locker. "Did I leave it at home?"

"Who are you talking to?" I jump and turn to see Sugar peering into my now disheveled locker, bouncing on her toes. She had this habit of sneaking up on me.

"No one," I say turning back to my locker. "You don't happen to know where my Chemistry homework is, would you?"

"Actually, I do. You left last night and forgot it in my room. I swear if your head wasn't attached to your body, Santana…" I spin on my heels and give her a look of relief as she hands me the stack of notebook paper.

"I know, I know. I'm hopeless. Thanks." I smile at her, throwing the papers into my notebook.

I never truly understood why Sugar was my friend. Well, more like best friend. She was gorgeous and popular; everyone liked her. Her dad was loaded and she threw the best parties.

As for me, well, I'm far from being a party animal. I try my best to dress comfortably (some would consider my wardrobe a bit geeky), not fashionable like Sugar. I hardly stand out and I'm pretty conservative with my actions. Better safe than sorry. I guess that may be the reason Sugar and I get along so well, I'm her anchor. I help her with her schoolwork and she's just a great friend. I really don't need anything else.

"Are you coming over tonight? We can finish out history research and watch Teen Wolf. Plus, I think my mom's ordering takeout." She said, glancing up from her phone. She's pretty good at handling multiple conversations at once.


"Duh. Sweet and Sour Chicken?"

"Of course. Sauce on the side." I smile as we finish that last part in synchronicity. "All right, I'll be over around six. See you at lunch," I say as I close my locker and start down the hallway towards the chemistry room.

Half the class is already in the room, tapping away at their phones and talking to one another. I take my usual seat in the middle and look at the board. Hmm, that's weird. Mrs. Mueller hasn't written what we're doing today up there yet. Whatever. I pull out my phone just as the bell rings.

Mrs. Mueller stands up and starts taking roll. I'm hardly paying any attention, just gazing out the window at a bird picking at its nest. I wonder how hard it is to make those with out any thumbs. I hear loud footsteps in the doorway.

"Sorry Mrs. M, I was taking care of something for Coach Sylvester." She sounds out of breath. I turn to see a tall blonde girl in a Cheerios uniform handing a pink pass to the teacher. Oh, it's Brittany.

"Sit down, Pierce." Brittany salutes to the teacher, causing a few snickers from the back of the classroom. She brushes past my arm as she makes her way to her friends.

"All right class, due to the majority of you failing this course, I'm reassigning all of you lab partners for the rest of the semester. This time, you won't get to pick your own. You have all already proven to me that doesn't work. So after I call out your pairing, please move to a table and start todays lab, which you can find on page 452."

Many groans and protests escape the mouths of the students

"Come on Mrs. M, this blows," exclaimed Puck, leaning back in his chair running his hand over his Mohawk. I never liked that thing.

"Noah, I would have thought you'd be glad to take any opportunity to get your grade up at this point. Your new partner is Tina, now get to work."

With a roll of his eyes, he stands up and walks over to Tina, putting his book down on the counter along with his head. I guess this period is still naptime for him.

Mrs. Mueller continues reading off names. My old partner, Rachel, got paired with Finn, the dumbest kid in the class. She looks at me with a shocked look in her eyes, and slowly made her way over to the big guy who was staring intently at his index finger. I see her mouthing Help me before turning back to the dopey looking kid. I'm not sure what he said to her, but her reaction is priceless.

"Lopez, you will be paired with Pierce." The words pull me away from Rachel and Finn and back to reality. Brittany? Out of everyone in the class, I get paired with the girl who does relies on her partner to do all of the work. She's almost as bad as Puck. At least when I was paired with Rachel, we split the work fifty-fifty. I hope this doesn't ruin my grade.

I glance over at her; she's already sitting at our lab table, looking in the book. Huh, maybe she won't be so bad after all. I gather my things together and make my way back to her. She glances up at me.

"Hey, Santana, right?" I nod; a little surprised by the fact that she knows me by a name other than "Lopez." She gives me a little smile and scoots her stool over, making room for me.

"I literally have no idea what we're doing in this class. I'm fairly certain I'm one of the reasons everyone's getting reassigned. Sorry you got stuck with me…" She trails off at the end, sounding a little sad. Brittany quickly turns back to the book. I couldn't help but feel bad.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll help you." I offer, looking down at the book with her. She lights up and smiles.

"Thank you so much Santana. I promise I won't bring your grade down. Now, what's a meniscus?" She says, furrowing her brow. Oh boy. This is going to be rough.

We actually finish up our lab early, thanks to my excellent science skills. After everything is put away, I pull out a study guide for my history test next period. I review a bit on the French revolution and I forget that Brittany is sitting there. I glance up to see her watching me intently. I'm not sure why, but I turn red. Well, as red as a Latina can get.

"Uh, is something wrong?" I ask. I sound defensive, but I don't mean to.

"What're you reading?" she asks, tilting her head a bit with a quizzical look in her eyes. I've never noticed this before, but she's really beautiful. Okay, that's a lie. Of course I've seen how attractive she is, but not from this close. There's just something, different about her.

"Oh, I'm just studying for my history test next period."

"What's it over?" Damn, this girl asks a lot of questions.

"Just the French revolution. Aren't you in world history, too?" She blushes.

"Yea, but I'm not really sure what's going on in that class. All I remember is learning about some machine called a geoshine and it gave me nightmares for weeks." I start to chuckle.

"You mean a guillotine? Yea, the French were pretty gruesome back then."

"It's gross. If I were the president back then, that sort of stuff wouldn't be legal. I'm pretty sure that's bullying," she says, without a hint of sarcasm of humor in her voice. Is this girl being serious?

Just as I am about to explain French monarchy to Brittany, the bell rings. Wow, I didn't even notice how quickly the time passed.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Santana," she says, bouncing up from her chair with her adorable smile. Adorable? I mean charming. I guess that's not really any different.

"Yea, bye Brittany." But she's already gone. I sigh and stand up to go meet Sugar, who's already waiting for me outside of my already cleared out classroom.

"Why are you so smiley, Ms. Santana?" She nudges me with her shoulder. I didn't even notice I was smiling.

"Oh, I just remembered something that happened earlier." Why am I smiling?

"Mhm, sure, whatever. Oh my God, you'll never guess what happened last period!"

She starts to ramble on about something that happened in her Spanish class. Something about a slushy or whatever- I'm not really paying attention. All I can think abut is the way Brittany smiled when she said my name. I've never looked forward to another Chemistry class in my life.

So what did you think? Tell me in the reviews!