My head was swimming when I left chemistry. I walked down the hall, looking out for Sugar. But when she was nowhere to be found, I sighed and turned to my locker. Another lunch alone I guess. She probably has an appointment or something. Or she's with Sam. I don't really mind, I just want her to be happy. If being with Sam makes her happy, I'm happy.

I grab my copy of Hamlet from my locker and start towards the library. I didn't have much of an appetite, so I avoided inevitably spending lunchtime alone in the cafeteria. I don't really mind, but I'd rather spend my time doing something productive rather than hearing snickers and being taunted for being alone.

I walk into the library and find my usual spot by the window that over looks the courtyard. I sit down in the chair and look out at the yellow and red fall trees, relaxing into the soft cushions of my favorite chair. Sighing contently, I open my book where I had last dog-eared the page and began reading, becoming engrossed in Shakespears words.

About fifteen minutes pass, and I look up at the clock to see how much time I have left before it's time to head to my least favorite class of the day- gym. Noticing I have around ten minutes remaining, I reach for my backpack and grab my cellphone from the small pouch in the front. Two texts are on my screen, one from Sugar explaining how she and Sam were running to the café down the street for lunch and one from Quinn. My stomach flutters as I open the message.

Meet me in the courtyard for lunch today.

Shit. I get up, scolding myself for not checking my phone more frequently and look out the window. I see the back of her golden brown head sitting on a bench by a birch tree. Alone. A pang of guilt hits me; so I scoop up my stuff and rush out of the library, speed waking out the courtyard. The bright sun causes me to squint as I take the stairs two at a time. I look over towards the birch tree, but the bench beside it is empty. My shoulders drop as I left out a sigh, both of relief and guilt. I wasn't sure what I'd say to her, but I was more worried about what she would have said to me.

I reach for my pocket at pull out my phone where a text from Quinn is waiting for me.

I get it. I'll leave you alone.

I quickly tap back a instinctive response.

Quinn, I'm sorry, I didn't check my phone. Really, I'm sorry. We can meet for coffee this weekend.

I regret it as soon as it's sent. I don't want to see her this weekend. I don't want to catch up and find out where we stand. It's just so messy and I'd rather just do what I do best and avoid the situation.

Rather than dealing with this now, I lock my phone and put it in my back just as the bell rings. Things are becoming too difficult.

I pull off my t-shirt and toss it in my gym locker. Gym wasn't too terrible today; all we had to do was play field hockey and I quickly learned if you stay near the edge and watch where the action was happening, it was easier to not get hit. Or have to interact with the jocks.

I finish getting dressed and shut my locker. Everyone else is still getting dressed. Looking up at the clock I realize I have ten minutes before class starts, so I grab my backpack and slip out of the locker room. I don't worry about anyone noticing, because I usually go unnoticed most of the time anyway. Being invisible would drive most people crazy, but I embraced what I could.

Clicking my tongue as I make my way down the empty hallway that leads to my locker, I pull out my phone and see that Quinn hasn't replied to my text. Maybe I'll be lucky and she'll just not want to go at all. Maybe I'll even be luckier and she'll want to be friends. Or acquaintances. Or something were we at least don't have to act awkward around each other. I lock my phone as I reach up to open my locker. I hear what sounds like a couple girls making their way down the hallway but really don't pay any mind to them. I begin searching for my spiral notebook for my last class, when I over hear a soft voice behind me talking to the other girl.

"Hold on, actually, you go ahead. I'll catch up with you in a bit."

I locate the notebook and grab a pen from the metal basket attached to the door of my locker. Just as I'm about to turn around I feel soft fingers tap on my shoulder and a sweet familiar scent overwhelm me.

I quickly glance over my shoulder to see Brittany standing in front of me, her pink lips stretched over her perfect white teeth and bouncing on her toes. My mouth hangs open, and I try to say something but my body won't cooperate with my mouth.

"Hi." she says in her sweetest voice, which is actually just her voice because she's the sweetest person I know.

"Hey." I croak, not sounding near as cute as her. I try to stay cool, but my face just turns red and I end up looking at the floor.

"How's your day been Santana?" The way she asks makes me feel like she genuinely cares. And whether or not that's true, I still have the feeling inside to tell her. But I don't want to say the wrong thing or bore her, so I answer with the conversational norm.

"It's been all right, and yours?" Her face falls for the second time today. But unlike before, she doesn't mask it with a sad grin.

"That's actually why I wanted to talk to you." Her eyes, which are a lighter shade of blue than normal, travel down to the floor. She looks so innocent and vulnerable. I want her to feel the way I do when I'm around her, like nothing else matters and that I can do no wrong.

"What's wrong Brittany? Did something happen?" It's weird that I care about her. I mean, it's only the second day of being lab partners with her.

"I'm failing most of my classes Santana. I'm failing and I don't know what to do." She looks up at me with watery eyes. "It's, it's just that when I'm with you, I feel smarter. Like I actually can do the things I'm being taught. I know I've only known you for a couple days really, but I just feel like I'm not as stupid as everyone says when I'm around you."

My heart breaks at her words. How could anyone call her stupid?

"Brittany you are not stupid. I promise, I know stupid and you're far from it. You're just different, and I like that about you." I can feel my face growing hot as I compliment the beautiful girl standing in front of me. She shyly looks up and smiles.

"You really think that?"

"Of course. I don't say things I don't mean. Now about your grades, I just want you to always remember this, those papers they hand out with letters on them don't define who you are. They are just tedious little obstacles you have to face before you graduate and move on with your life. You're much more than a letter "F" Britt."

Her lips press together in a thin smile and she looks at me graciously. I can't help but feel like she's looking into me, past my dark brown eyes, trying to figure out why I'm being so nice to her when people at this school treat me like nothing. For a second, I almost feel her leaning into a hug. But I don't think we're quite at that level of comfort.

"Will you help me Santana? You're the only one who has the patience to work with me, and I just feel like, I don't know. I understand if you don't want to…" her voice trails of and becomes even softer.

"I will definitely help you Brittany. With what ever you need." Smiling, I lift my hand and put it on her shoulder comfortingly. Wow, bold Santana. She snaps back to her normal happy self, lighting up the space around us with her

"I can't thank you enough. Now I'm excited," she beams, "How about this Saturday? You can come over or something and we can start then?" The thought of being with Brittany when I'm not in school shoots shivers down my back.

"That sounds perfect." The bell rings and students begin to flood into the hallway.

"Awesome," she's bouncing on her heels again. She reaches for the basket in my locker and grabs my arm, pushing up the sleeve to my sweatshirt. Her skin feels so soft and warm on mine that I almost don't even notice the pen begin to flow onto mine. "There's my number. Just text or call me and we can work out the details." Her eyes crinkle up above her smile and she puts the pen back into the basket. My other hand unconsciously touches where her hand just was.

"I definitely will."

"Great, well, I have to go before Coach Sylvester makes me run laps. Thanks Santana, everything you said, it really means a lot." She yells over the commotion in the hallway. She turns and gives a little wave and disappears into the mass of people. I sigh as I watch her go off, closing my locker. Alone in my own little thought bubble, I don't even notice a Cheerio with raven black hair walk by and nudge me into the wall of lockers. Like always, I just shrug it off. Nothing can bring down the mood I am in.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out. A text from Quinn flashes on my screen.

Saturday will work great.

My mind flashes back to Brittany and I's plans. My face drops thinking about how the hell I'm going to work this out. I groan and put my phone back into my pocket, and slowly make my way to my English class.

AN: Tell me what you think guys! I think I know where this story is going, but I always love suggestions :)