Soul and Maka were great friends, wonderful friends, weapon and meister together. Of course, that doesn't mean they didn't fight-

"SOUL SHUT UP!" Maka screamed as she threw a book at Soul's white hair.

"Maka what the hell? Calm the fuck down woman!"

"I am so TIRED of you calling me a tiny tit, fat ankles chick that you "just know"!" She stopped yelling. "I am your meister… Not just some chick. I'm important to you, well I'm SUPPOSED to be… And you're important to me…" She rubbed her eyes. "I'm going to bed Soul. Goodnight." She waved goodbye as she turned on her heel and headed into her room.

"Maka wait…" Soul stared. He didn't even get to say sorry. He just mumbled 'fuck it' and went to bed.

It was a couple of days later, when the ruckus would only start up again. It was summer, so, less kishin eggs were being required for catching. Meisters and weapons need a break too. Soul got up late, as Maka was already up. And their scuffle from last week had already ended. Instead Soul and Maka actually PLANNED to play a game of one to one soccer in the park today. Maka was ready. She was just waiting for Soul… again.

Soul was finally dressed as he held the soccer ball in his hands. "Ready Maka?"

She smiled. "Mhm, let's go."

They hopped on Soul's motorcycle and drove to the park. It only took a matter of five minutes. Soon they were already playing the game, of course something had to go wrong.

"Ow you frick!" Soul fell on the ground as he grabbed his ankle. Basketball was NOT Maka's sport, but soccer was. She's always played rough when it came to soccer, and she accidentally kicked Soul in his ankle attempting to get the ball away.

"Oh Soul! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't mean to!" Maka pleaded.

"Ow, you fuckin' bitch." Soul cursed. Maka looked wide-eyed. Soul had never called her a bitch before… Soul stood up and tried to kick Maka really hard. He missed. He looked her straight in the eyes with fury and anger. "You're lucky I fuckin' missed."He pushed Maka hard. So hard she fell to the ground. Soul gave his two cents and flipped herthe bird and 'fuck you bitch'. Then Soul went to go dribble the ball some more.

Maka's eyes filled with tears. Why was Soul so mean to her? She didn't even feel like asking. She just walked home. She called Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki.

"Hello?" Liz picked up.

Maka sniffled. "Can you please bring Patty and Tsubaki over? I'm… I'm really upset."

Liz complied. "Well sure Maka… What happened? Are you okay?"

"Actually… No Liz…" Maka began to cry. "Soul was s-so mean t-to me!"

"That bastard. We'll be right over Maka." Liz hung up.

Maka was sitting on the couch. Crying. Thinking. Why was Soul so mean? I didn't mean to hurt him… He really scared me. Why the fuck did he curse at me? "I didn't MEAN to hurt him! I mean, I'm sorry… I-I..." Maka grasped her head in her hands. She was just shocked. I mean… Soul had NEVER been THAT rude to her. Of course, she just thought tiny-tits and fat ankles was stupid, because she could obviously win in a comeback fight with him, she was more book smart, and using big words that Soul didn't know would make her win in minutes. There was a loud knock at the door, and Maka jumped. She walked to the door.

"Hey Maka…" Tsubaki immediately stepped in and hugged Maka. Liz rushed in with Patty in weapon form.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" She was looking around in anger.

"Yeah! You get him big sis!" Patty called out.

"Maka! Are you okay? Is he home? I will shove this gun so far up his ass that he will have to open his mouth so I can shoot it!"

"Ew! Big sis don't do that!" Patty yelled.

"Oh sorry… I'll use a different gun… Patty! I would never do that to you!" As Liz continued, Patty transformed into a human form. Patty squeezed Maka rather too tight, crushing her insides as Maka gasped for air with everyone hugging her.

"We're so sorry Maka…" Tsubaki said.

"Yeah… what even happened?" Liz asked being concerned.

"Well, first, I-I can't br-reathe…" Maka suffered.

Everyone let go.

Maka took a huge breath. "Okay… thanks…" Maka scratched her head in embarrassment. She didn't want anyone to know what happened, but these were her best friends. "Well… Soul and I were playing soccer, and he had the ball between his legs, and I was trying to get it away from him, and I kicked him in the sensitive part right here in the ankle." Maka held up her ankle as a demonstration. "And he fell to the ground… a-and he said 'ow you frick' and then he got up… and he tried to kick me… REALLY hard… and then he said 'you're lucky I fuckin' missed' and then…" Maka began to cry. "He called me a f-fuckin' bitch, and pushed me to the ground, flipping me the bird and saying 'fuck you' and-and then he just went to kick the ball some more! Like he didn't even care!" Maka starting crying more now. Everyone hugged her again. The four girls were awfully confused. This wasn't like Soul…

"We're so sorry…" Liz hugged tighter. "You know what? Everyone is coming to my house tonight. I'm telling Black*Star what happened, and Kid too. Soul is not going to get away with this shit. I'm telling you this right now Maka. Let's go. Pack your bags. This bastard is going to get it."

Everyone let go. And Maka blew her nose.

"T-thanks you guys. You guys are the best." Maka did her best to crack a happy smile. It was weak, and everyone knew it was fake. Soul had hurt Maka, and he wasn't going to get away with it.

OMGOMGOMGOMG HI GUUUUUYS. I'VE MISSED YOOOOU! Sorry I've been dead forever. I've… just been playing some xbox, reading A LOT more, and now that my parents own a Dance and Theatre Arts school, we start tomorrow. SO I SAID, I CAN'T SLEEP, LET'S START A NEW STORY!

I'm done with school, so… I THINK THIS STORY MIGHT GO SOMEWHERE!


Maka was so sad she didn't even Maka Chop him…

Must be serious…

Can I fix this?

Plz R&R

I lurv you guys :)