A/N: This is the first fanfic I've ever written, so please be nice and review :)

This will be a multi-chaptered fic, I've got most of it planned out, I'm guessing there will be around 8 chapters - give or take. Depends if I decide to extend it or not.

More reviews I get, Quicker I will update.

Rated M for future smut scenes.

Set fire to the rain ~ Adele

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Vampire Diaries belongs to The CW/L.J Smith/Kevin Williamson&Julie Plec or who ever legally owns it these days.

Caroline's eyes snapped open. She had been dreaming about him again. No, not Tyler...someone else, someone she isn't allowed to dream about in the way she did.

Caroline picked her phone up off the bedside table and looked at the time. 10:35pm. She had texted Tyler 3 hours ago asking him if he was alright, as she had not seen nor spoken to him since yesterday morning. Yet there was no reply whatsoever, she wandered if he had his phone switched off for some reason, or maybe it was dead, or he had lost it.

Caroline got up and pealed her pink cardigan off and huffed in annoyance at the blazing heat. It was mid July in Mystic Falls and temperatures were at an uncomfortable level, as they had been for the past 3 weeks.

She switched the air conditioning in her room onto the highest setting, turned some music on and picked up a magazine and headed back to her bed. She lay down on the bed and fanned herself with the magazine. Her left hand resting gently on her stomach and her long, slender legs were dangling off the bed.

She turned her head to the side and gazed out of the window, trying to work out whether it would be cooler outside than in her stuffy bedroom. As the sun was going down, and it was slowly getting dark, she decided to head out and find somewhere cooler to go.
She swiftly got up and headed downstairs, where her mom was sat watching the news.

"Mom it's like a freaking oven in here, I'm going out to get some air." Caroline panted.

Caroline opened the front door and stepped out into the evening air. Like she had guessed, it was cooler outside than inside, it was still rather hot, but not as uncomfortable. The sun was setting, with hazy shades of pink and orange across the skyline, and despite the heat, there were thick black clouds rolling into the skies, signalling a big storm was coming.
She immediately headed for the woods at vampire speed.

Once Caroline reached the woods, she noticed the air felt significantly cooler, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back slightly and felt a light breeze sweep across her face. "Mmm, much better" She sighed.
Caroline loved the woods, they were her favourite place in mystic falls, always peaceful, always quiet, always calming. She slowly started walking and thought about how she and Tyler had been a bit distanced lately. They hadn't seen each other very much over the past couple of weeks or so.

There was also the lingering feeling deep inside her mind on how she had developed some feelings for a certain other person... The one she had been dreaming about. She knew she couldn't talk about these feelings to anyone she knew, as they certainly wouldn't be accepted. After a few minutes of walking in the silence she came to an abrupt stop.

It was at this moment that she had heard a strange noise, a moan of some sort. It was only thanks to her enhanced hearing ability that she had heard it, it seemed to be about 200 metres or so away.

It's probably just two people at it in the woods. She thought humorously.
But what if it's someone that's hurt? Her subconscious replied to her.
Her curiosity and need to care was getting the better of her and she found her feet guiding her towards the sound.

As she walked through the trees the sound became more and more distinctive. She stopped walking and was about to turn around as she was pretty sure she knew what this sound was, but her caring heart just had to make sure it wasn't someone moaning in pain. Caroline discreetly peeked around a large tree and was shocked at the sight in front of her.

There was a brunette girl in just her shorts and a black bra pushed up against a tree with her fingers entangled tightly in a shirtless guy's hair, they were kissing passionately and he was running his hands all over her hungrily.

The thing that shocked Caroline was that the guy was Tyler Lockwood. Her Boyfriend.

Caroline stood there frozen for a moment, she tried to move but couldn't, she was frozen like a statue. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open in disbelief that he was cheating on her. Tyler loved her...or at least he did. Finally Caroline found words and screamed at the top of her voice.


Tyler suddenly jumped and pushed away from the girl and saw Caroline stood there, a mixture of rage and despair on her face. She had tears in her eyes. Tyler just stood there with his eyes wide, not quite sure what to do in this situation.
He looked from Caroline to the girl, who was clearly just as confused and angry at Tyler as she was, then back to Caroline again.

"C-Caroline...I...uhh..." Tyler stuttered.
"Who the fuck is that?" Caroline shouted, referring to the girl he was with. The girl had a look of pure anger on her face, she seemed to register what was going on. Clearly both girls had been lied to.

"Is that your girlfriend!" the girl screamed. Tyler was looking from Caroline to the girl, a look of horror on his face.

Caroline looked into Tyler's eyes and tears started running down her face. "I can't believe you would do this to me! We're over!" She sobbed. She turned and ran away from the scene, Tyler continued to do nothing until the girl slapped him harshly and she started yelling at him.

Tyler did not come after Caroline. He seems to have his priorities sorted these days, she thought to herself.

By this time Caroline had reached a clearing in the woods, there was a river flowing not too far away from her, she stumbled over to it and sat on a tree stump by it and stared into the water. Her face scrunched up in sadness and she put her head in her hands, pulling her knees to her chest she huddled up and started crying harder than ever.

There was a loud clap of thunder and a flash of lightening, and then the rain started.
Caroline stayed put and remained hunched up in her little ball, listening to the sound of the rain.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when she lifted her head up it was dark. The rain had stopped and the night sky had been cleared of clouds, the only source of light was the moon shining down through the trees. The heat had disappeared and the air was much cooler now.

She sat for a moment staring idly at a leaf floating down the river when she someone stepped out in front of her. She looked at the black boots stood before her and immediately knew it was Tyler. She waited silently for him to start apologising or say whatever fucking excuse he had for getting it on with another girl...but when the man spoke Caroline heard a sexy British accent rather than Tyler's voice. "Are you alright sweetheart?" She looked up to see Klaus.

He looked at her sympathetically, a worried look in his eyes. Caroline's eyes were red, puffy and watery from crying. She stared at him for a long moment before he spoke.
"What happened?" He asked her softly. She could feel the tears turning back on again and could barely even get one word out. "Tyler." She squeaked, resting her chin on her knees. He didn't question her on it any further.

He sat down next to her on the tree stump, he was about to put his hand on her shoulder but he hesitated first, contemplating whether or not she would demand he take his hands off her of not. He decided to go with it, as he was only trying to comfort her, and at his surprise she didn't demand that he get away from her, she just continued sobbing into her hands.

He stood up and tried to gently pull her up with him. "Come with me, I'll take you home." He said softly. But she just flung herself back down again.
"No! I'm not going home to my mom in this state! She'll wanna know what happened and I can't talk to her about these things!" Caroline stammered whilst crying. Klaus just looked at her for a moment and then he spoke. "I'll take you back to mine 'til you've calmed down, then I'll take you home." Klaus suggested.
Caroline nodded and Klaus was rather surprised, he had expected a rejection to his offer.

Klaus scooped Caroline up in his warm arms and walked back out of the woods. She soon realised she had stopped crying, and she felt an odd sense of security and comfort in his arms. He smelled nice, she wasn't quite sure what it was, but it was very attractive. Whilst he was walking she glanced up at him discretely.

God he's beautiful, she thought, but then quickly pushed the thought out of her head and looked away, blushing. Ever since the night Klaus had saved Caroline's life, there had been undeniable sexual tension between the two of them. She knew it and he knew it. But neither of them would admit it to anyone.

They soon reached Klaus's mansion, and Klaus set Caroline down on the couch in the living room by the blazing fire. She eyed the room around her, taking it its beauty, the high ceilings and the beautiful art work hanging on the walls. Klaus sped out of the room while Caroline gazed into the flickering flames in the fireplace. He returned quickly and placed a white cotton blanket over her and handed her a tissue.

"Would you like anything?" He asked, "Tea, Coffee, Tequila?" he laughed. Caroline smiled at his attempt to cheer her up. "A glass of water would be nice, thanks."
He fetched her a drink while she wiped the smudged mascara and tears from under her eyes. He came back and gave her the drink as he sat across from her on the couch opposite, watching her intently as she took small sips; all the while she was staring at the floor.

She placed the glass on the coffee table and his eyes caught her gaze. They looked at each other for a moment before Klaus spoke.

"Do you want to talk about it?"
Caroline thought for a moment before taking a deep breath and replying to him.

"I caught him in the woods...kissing another girl." She closed her eyes for a moment and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration at Tyler's actions, then opened them again to see him with an odd expression on his face. It was almost blank, but had hints of other emotions in it.

"We'll it's his loss, clearly he doesn't appreciate the beauty of you." Klaus said with a small smile. Caroline smiled at him timidly and lay down on the couch, she pulled the blanket up to her chin and within moments she had fallen asleep.

A/N: What do you think of it so far? Yah? Nah? Please review :) 10 reviews for chapter two ;)