This will be my first Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. I have actually had this idea in my head for quit some time. I think it's creative, tell me what you think.

Bardock's POV

It was like any other day. We were sent to some planet to conquer in the name of Frieza. I didn't know for sure why we still followed that tyrant. Most likely it was because of Frieza's ungodly powers.

This time we were sent to some planet called Kanassa. Kanassa had been rumored to have been inhabited by beings that had special powers. The planet didn't too special to me. As we ravaged the planet in our Oozaru forms I didn't see anything special about it. As my team and I crushed the people of the planet I was thinking it was too easy. The only person that even got injuries was Shugesh. Though a laser cut across the face was nothing to a saiyan. I wouldn't even call it an injury.

The city was completely destroyed. Well what did you expect from 5 Saiyans in Oozaru form? After the night was over there was nothing else left to do. All 5 of us just laid in the ruins on the used to be city.

"Aw shut up!" Fasha said as we all sat around in a crater.

"…I don't see how you guys remember anyway." Fasha said talking about how when she goes into Oozaru form she always wakes up not remembering.

The strange thing was this was the same for my whole team. No one remembered after they came out of their Oozaru forms, but me.

"I'm with you Fasha." The usually silent Borgos said. "To me it's like waking up from a dream, you kinda remember it all. But then it just slips away." Borgos said giving a simile.

"I don't remember much either, but I do remember the crusty little pebble who gave me this." Shugesh said groaning as he touched his newly marked scar.

"Bardock says he remembers everything." Fasha said admiringly.

She always saw something in me. I don't know why but she always seemed to have looked up to me. "Hahaha" my best friend Tora laughed.

"Don't make me laugh Fasha." Tora said laughing at her naïve remark.

"Bardock might remember every second of every battle but he remembers nothing of his personal life." Tora said truthfully.

"Allow me to demonstrate." Tora said going one step farther.

"Bardock! Do you remember what day your son was born?" Tora said now talking to me.

I figure I would have to give some type of answer.

"No but that was a long time ago." I said talking about Raditz.

"I was not you lazy bum. Yesterday? Come on you need to go see the little tike. We have enough time to stop in before our next assignment." Fasha recommended.

"Visit him huh? How nice. Father son bonding." I said getting up from my laying down, supine position. I spat the grain I had out of my mouth and onto the ground in distaste.

"Why should I? They'll just send him away." I said irritated.

"What's the use? Tell me that." I said turning to Fasha.

"Hmm Bardock." Fasha said turning her head to the side.

"Your childish." Fasha said as Borgos chewed on a piece of meat and Shugesh smirked.

"Hey guys" Shugesh said cutting in. "Why do we fight for this dump anyway?" Shugesh said bringing up a good question.

"Is Frieza out of his tiny little mind?" Shugesh said mocking Frieza.

He was never in his 'tiny little mind' to begin with Shugesh. Then I remembered the rumors.

"Yeah. But not in this case." I said trying to explain.

"…I think this planet has special energy, or so I've heard" I said trying to provide a reason.

"Yeah I heard the same thing. You're supposed to develop psychic powers if you live here." Tora said agreeing with me.

"Like being able to read minds and see the future and stuff like that." Tora said believing the rumors were false.

"Frieza is such a paranoid freak. He'd jump at the chance to read minds." I said knowing that Frieza would love the power.

"That's a scary thought." Borgos said adding his comment.

"Frieza reading minds. I…" Borgos said as he got cut off by something coming out of the rubble.

There stood one lonely Kanassian.

"I wish you rebels could read minds so you could have heard the thoughts of my troops as you slaughtered them!" The Kanassian said obviously angry with us.

The Kanassian ran full force at me of all people. I could take this guy no sweat. I got into my stance ready to fight, but then the Kanassian disappeared! I felt a sweltering and painful sting on the back of my neck. I could only guess it was the Kanassian's fist. I fell face down on the dirt. I never went down this easily. I couldn't move and I just laid there.

Fasha's POV

The Kanissian hit Bardock squarely on the back of the neck. I knew that neck injuries were serious. Bardock would need help if he was going to survive. As soon as the Kanassian landed on the ground Shugush kicked him. The Kanassian landed on the other side of the dirt mound.

The Kanassian quickly got up onto his feet again and turned around to face us. Tora didn't wait and shoot an energy blast at the Kanassian. The strange creature erupted into blue fire as he burned away. Bardock surprisingly got up from the hit he took. He really was strong! If anyone else took that hit they would be out.

"What the heck is going on!" Bardock said still confused.

Now all of us looked on at the strange sight.

"I have transformed your destructive force into a more tolerable energy." The soldier spoke as was still on fire.

"You will all die!" The man on fire said obviously not comprehending the position that he's in.

"Oh yeah? Well see about that!" Bardock said still ready to fight.

"Goodbye." Bardock said ready to deliver the finishing blow.

"Wait…you have come here seeking psychic power." The Kanassian said taking it the wrong way. We were not here for the psychic powers, Frieza was.

"…Well I have given it to you, Bardock." The Kanassian said as I just wished he would die already.

"Read minds?" Bardock said confused.

"You can too now, Bardock. You have the power now too." The Kanassian said still ignoring the fact that he was on fire.

"Me, what are you talking about?" Bardock said now in denial.

"The one who seeks the power, Frieza will never have it. But I have given it to you Bardock so that you could see." The Kanassian said implying a lot.

"See what?" Bardock asked. I was actually interested too.

"See the horror of your end. Just like we had too!" The Kanassian said evilly. Then he started to laugh like a maniac. Bardock was pissed off. I guess I would be too if this happened to me.

"SHUT UP!" Bardock yelled as he threw an energy wave at the man on fire. This time the wave destroyed the stranger, unlike Tora's.

Flaming chucks of the man rained down to the ground.

"Instant barbeque hehe. Never going to know what you are going to find under a rock these days. Pretty freaky creature eh?" Shugesh said instantly going into joking mode.

After his comment it was just silence.

"Hey? Yo? Hello?" Shugesh said as he turned to Bardock hearing the silence.

Then Bardock fell over and onto the ground face first. I knew that injury was worse then it looked. We all sat around and saw our leader collapse to the ground. I was surprising the first one to run to Bardock and help him up.

"Well just don't stand around, help me." I said as I dragged Bardock's unconscious body. Borgos ran up and helped me with Bardock.

"I'll get the pod ready." Tora said as he ran off. Me, Borgos and Shugesh dragged Bardock all the way to the pod. Tora put him inside.

"Alright, let's get off this rock." Tora said as he gestured to the other pods meant for us. We all got in and took off. I worried about Bardock, what would we do without our leader? What am I saying? Bardock is the toughest guy I know. I know he'll make it out okay. He always does.

A few hours later

Fasha POV

As we finally arrived on Planet Vegeta I saw the towering buildings and I instantly knew I was home. The pods landed in their docking bays as we entered the metropolisis. I got out and was greeted by two soldiers, as was the custom. The soldiers said nothing as I walked out of the docking bay and inside the building.

I walked inside the building looking around for my other comrades.

"Whew whew. Looking fine." A male saiyan catcalled as he walked by.

This was common amongst saiyans. They were always rough and had very little rules. I walked until I found Tora and the others.

"Hey guys." I said sitting down at the table.

Borgos waved to me as Tora stared off.

"Hey Fasha. How's Bardock?" Shugesh questioned.

"He'll be fine. He just needs some rest." I said knowing that our mission to Planet Meat would be postponed.

"Bardock and rest. I never thought I would see those two words in the same sentence." Shugesh said laughing.

"Trust me Shugesh. If you got hit there you would probably be dead." I said slyly.

"Remember that he now has psychic powers you guys." Tora said joining in.

"I thought you didn't believe in that stuff?" Shugesh said questioning his sudden turn in logic.

"That Kanassian didn't sound like he was lying. He sounded truthful if you ask me." Tora explained.

"He could have just been another one of those screw balls." Shugesh said still not believing it.

"You may be right Shugesh." Tora said siding with him.

I think it was true. I would believe that Bardock had psychic powers. Stranger things were possible.

Then I heard a rumbling come from my stomach. I blushed at the sudden outburst. Tora and Shugesh laughed. Borgos just smiled and looked at me.

"Why don't you go get something to eat Fasha?" Tora said still laughing a bit.

"O- okay." I said trying to hide my face from my comrades.

I slowly got up from the table and slinked away. That was so disgraceful. Saiyans are NEVER supposed to blush or be embarrassed. I made myself look weak in front of them. I knew I should have eaten before hand. Borgos always brings food with him. I should have been prepared like him.

I continued to beat myself up as I walked down to the dining hall. As I walked along the street I saw something.

There was flames coming from a building. I watched as the building was engulfed by fire. Then an explosion blew up the side of the building. I shielded my eyes from the flying debris. When I turned back I saw five people walk out of the flaming building. Some of them were carrying supplies, obviously just stolen.

Without thinking I flew over to the burning building to confront them. I was out numbered but I didn't care.

"Stop! Those belong to lord Frieza." I shouted at them.

All five of them turned to me. All of them seemed to be wearing Frieza armor.

There were two little alien twins. They had purple skin and wore scouters over their left eyes.

The next on was a bigger looking male. He had a ponytail and red covers over his pants. There was a scar on his face with similar position to Bardock's. The shoulder plates of his armor had spikes protruding out and he had a pink cover over his left arm.

After him there was a mechanical being. He looked like a cyborg and the silver metal on his shined. He was probably a lava being of some sort. He also had a scouter on his left eye.

The last of them was a black haired man with a mullet, he looked a lot like a saiyan. I bet he probably was. He wore gray armor and a necklace. His guy looked important. My guess was he was first in command.

The burly one smiled at me creepily.

"A female? We haven't had one of those in awhile." The large built one said.

"Why don't you step aside?" The black haired one said.

"I'm stronger than I look. Don't be fooled boys." I said warning them.

"I'll take care of this." The larger one said putting down his crate of stolen supplies.

I turned my head to the ground and smiled. This guy was going down easily. The large male charged at me Ki trailing behind him. I turned my head back up and saw his punch coming. I threw my leg around to block his elbow attack. My leg and his elbow collided together.

"Those legs go all the way up." The big guy said checking me out. I moved my leg off and I threw a punch quicker than the male could react. My fist got lodged into his chest. The male stood there as he was in shock. Then he fell over and tried to grasp for air.

"I told you to not underestimate me." I said talking down to the fallen attacker.

I heard something come around from behind me. I whipped around to see a metal object fly at me. The metal object rammed me with full force and I went backwards. I didn't fly for long because I was grabbed as I flew out of control.

"You are going to regret doing that." The person restraining me said.

I looked up to see what was the thing that hit me. I saw that the cyborg was floating there. There were multiple side panels coming out of him. Under the panels were multiple circles full of light. Before I had time to see more I saw the large male coming in for an attack. I tried to lift my arms but was reminded of how I was restrained. I watched helplessly as the large male hit me violently across the face. My scouter cracked on impact.

I tried to regain vision but had a hard time. I saw the blurry figure raise his hands up and then bring them down. The man from behind let go of me and I plummeted to the ground. I laid there in agony as I saw the large built man form energy around his hand. He was going to kill me here.

What had I gotten myself into?

"Stop!" I heard a voice call.

The group of thugs yielded to his command and stopped what they were going. I saw the person who had called the cease of fire. He flew down to where I was. He was a saiyan.

The saiyan walked over to me and put his hand on my neck. He was feeling my pulse? I blinked in confusion.

"Be grateful she is still alive!" The saiyan called up to the group of thieves.

The saiyan scooped me up and flew up to the others.

"Master Turles I-" The mullet male began.

"Not a word." The saiyan named Turles interrupted.

I wiggled out of Turle's arms and tried to regain myself in the air. I stared and saw someone across the horizon. Once they got close I was able to see that it was my team. Even Bardock was there!

"Bardock!" I called trying to get his attention.

Turles turned around and saw my friends coming closer.

"Oh geez Fasha what did you do?" Tora said not pleased with me.

"Stop where you are." Turles said to my friends.

"Fasha, who is that?" Bardock said confused.

"I am Turles." Turles stated.

"Your friend has caused quit some trouble." Turles explained.

"Well if you don't mind giving her back to us?" Shugesh said impatient.

"I'm the one that makes the deals around here pudgy." Turles said mocking Shugesh's weight.

"And I say all of you are going to join my group." Turles said as his other men stood behind him.

"I highly suggest you don't decline my offer." Turles said giving my friends no choose.

I knew that Bardock could take these guys but the others wouldn't be able to. Bardock obviously saw the same thing I did.

"Fine we'll join you." Bardock said through his chenched teeth.

"You are wise." Turles complemented.

"Take the crates back to the ship." Turles said commanding his new soldiers.

Borgos was the first one to go down and pick one up, the others soon followed. The pony tailed man grinned at me knowing that he won. All my friends glared at me not happy with me.

I slowly floated toward the ship. Once all the cargo was on the ship Turles pointed for us to go inside. We all got inside not knowing what was ahead of us.

I looked out the window and stared at Planet Vegeta. I didn't want to leave my home, but it was bound to happen either way. Well atleast we won't have to go to Planet Meat anymore. But what turn would being on this ship take? Then the ship took off and we left Planet Vegeta.

Little did I know, it would be the last time I ever saw my home.

Bardock, Tora, Borgos, Shaegush and Fasha are now on a strange new ship to a strange new destination. Their fates will forever be changed as they don't travel to Planet Meat but instead escape the betrayal of Frieza. What will happen to our hostage heroes? Next time things change, but is it for better or for worse?