Time to finally finished this story. Time to finally have an ending.

Fasha POV

I looked at Bardock happy that I would be able to see his face once again.

I looked around as I saw that everyone was healed. I could finally experience peace.

I giggled aloud as I thought of this. I felt happy that I would finally be a woman.

I could finally stop hiding my true emotion. I could finally fall in love with the man I loved. I turned back to Bardock but saw he did share my happiness.

Bardock stared at the ground like something was troubling him. I scouted closer to Bardock to try and comfort him.

"Through all the fighting and turmoil…what's left Fasha? What have we got left now?" Bardock asked me.

I knew the perfect answer to that.

"Tomorrow Bardock. We've finally got a tomorrow." I said to him.

I reached and held Bardock's hand. Bardock squeezed my hand as he understood.

We both stared off as I saw a smile appear on Bardock's scarred face.

Bardock POV

After Fasha and my moment we went down to the river where everyone was.

Both of us joined our friends. Krillin scooped a bucket full of water by the river. Bulma and Master Roshi sat around the fire as Krillin brought the water.

"It's a good thing you finally came around at the end, Goku. For a minute you all had us worried sick." Bulma said to Goku.

"That's true but you fight like you are in a dancing contest. Is it too much to ask that you just use your dukes and punch it out?" Roshi said giving Goku a hard time.

Goku laughed at the old man's comment.

"You always said fighting with my head is the thing that wins the battle." Goku said tapping a stick on his head gesturing to his mind.

"You did a really good job back there, Icarus. I guess you are part of the group now so I have to ask. Do mind if I pet ya?" Oolong said to the dragon.

As Oolong put his finger in Icarus snapped at it and Oolong jumped back in surprise.

"That's great. He's just like Piccolo, everything for Gohan nothing for me. I wasn't thinking a dragon would like pork." Oolong said.

Then Icarus rubbed his nose against Gohan. Gohan started to laugh and then everyone joined in.

Everyone laughed happily as they finally won there hard fought battle. I smiled as I grabbed Fasha by the hand. She knew what I meant.

It was time to leave. Fasha and I got up from our position and walked away from the group. No one noticed as we walked away from our friends. We were about to walk into the forest when somebody got our attention.

"Bardock, Fasha…." Kakarot said from behind us.

Both of us turned around as we faced our son.

"I'm glad you guys helped us out. Without you we would have died." Goku said smiling.

"Thank you" Goku said to us. It was time to tell him the truth.

"Goku…" I said to him.

"We love you so much. Please stay happy and healthy." I said to him.

Goku looked confused.

"Goku, I am your father." I said telling the truth.

Goku looked like a combination of happiness of happiness and relief. Goku had tears in his eyes. Goku believed us.

"Thank you for not taking over this planet and showing us the error of our ways." I said to him.

"You have changed our race forever, you have finally showed us that life is beautiful." I said to him.

Fasha and Goku both had tears in there eyes.

"We will always be here Goku." I said to him as I turned looked him in the eyes.

"When ever you need us, just call." I said wrapping up my speech.

Then we disappeared as we moved hyper fast. As we ran through the forest I knew Fasha and I would be ready.

We would find the Dragon Balls and bring back our innocent friends. We had changed destiny.

In this farewell, there's no blood. Cause I've drawn regret from the truth. So now mercy can finally come and wash away what we have done.

I untied my blood soaked headband as we ran away.

I have faced myself and crossed out what I used to be. I have erased my old self. I clean my slate and begin a new. I start again and whatever pain may come I will continue on. Our dark past is done. Now I can see that life is beautiful.

This new beginning is because of Goku.

The weakest of us all has changed our race forever.

Thank you, my son.

Thank you for everything.

I loved writing this story. Now I can finally rest. X3 Thanks to everyone who read my story and made the journey. Very special thanks to daughterofrisingsun, Chimera prime, and PnutButtr for their reviews. Maybe I'll make a sequel (I'm still not sure about that.) Thanks for all the fun. I love you all. -NewBlood7