Icestar's Reign~

Icestar has finally conquered the forest and renamed the four combined
clans Forestclan. Although she is the leader, not every cat is on her side. A
rebellion soon rises with plans to defeat her and return the great clan back
into four. Will they succeed or is Icestar just too powerful? As the battle
rages, Icestar is yet to realize the rebellion isn't her only enemy.

Well, that was the description of Icestar's Reign.

The sequel is now up and running. You can easily find it on my profile.

It's been a blast, writing Path of Ice, but now it's over.

On another note, I just want to thank everyone again. It's been great; I never dreamed my story would be this popular. So thank you, everyone, for reading and I'm so happy that everyone loved it. It's been quite an adventure and it's not over. Please continue on to the sequel.

Have a nice day~