DISCLAIMER - I do not own anything.

"Now, that's impressive." Rory Williams said, stepping out the Tardis and into the bright sun.

Miles around, white sand layered the ground. Rory could hear seagulls squake and the gentle lap of the water against the shoreline. Rock formations springed out of the sand and turquoise waters, creating a dramatic landscape.

"Amy, get out here!" He exclaimed.

Amy's head popped out of the Tardis, and she looked around. "Finally! A beach that doesn't smell like someone threw up!" She said, breathing in the nice ocean breeze.

The Doctor's head popped out beside her's. "This place is hideous." He said, scrunching his nose.

"What are you talking about? This is the best place you've taken us to!" Rory exclaimed.

The Doctor took a step out of the Tardis. "It's beautiful, but where's the fun in that?" He said. "You just sit... and stare. Trust me, I've been here before, and it will get boring, Rory."

"That's fine by me, Doctor." Rory said.

The Doctor turned to face him. "Just when I thought you were finally beginning to understand, Rory..." He said, shaking his head sadly. He looked up again. "Well!" He said, clapping his hands, skipping over to the Tardis, and pulling Amy out of its doorway and into the arms of Rory. "You two enjoy your date!"

Amy couldn't help but laugh. "Bye Doctor." She said, standing up properly.

He smiled at her fondly. "Bye, bye, Pond." He said, patting her head. He snapped his fingers and stepped into the Tardis. "Later Rory!"

With that said, he closed the Tardis door. Seconds later, the Tardis vanished. Amy smiled at Rory, grabbed his hand, and began running toward the water.

The sound of the Tardis returning stopped Amy from running into the pretty waves. She turned around. "Doctor?" She said.

Rory looked at her, a confused expression on his face. He began to walk back up the shore toward the Tardis. Amy trailed behind him. Eyebrows lifted, Amy and Rory opened the Tardis door.

After hours of sitting in the Tardis, alone and bored, the Doctor returned to the beach where he dropped Amy and Rory off. Happily, he threw open the Tardis doors. "MY FRIEN-"

He stopped short.

The beach was empty.

His friends were gone.

A/N - I know it's short right now, but it will get longer as I go along. :)