A/N: I know I should be working on my other stories, but I just could NOT get this idea out of my head. The mystery never happened. This is Nina's first term. Also sorry it's so short.


As the taxi stopped in the parking lot at the boarding school for those with talents from sports of all kinds to all kinds of art, every single student stopped and turned to stare. What they saw was a 16 year old girl around 5' 6", with light brown hair getting out of the car. She was wearing lipstick red low-rise skinny jeans, silver high tops, a blue tank top that said 'BORN TO PARTY', and pulling a deep purple ZUCA bag. The driver got out and helped her carry her other suite case towards the residential section of the campus. The school bell rang out, signaling lunch was over.

The driver walked her to Anubis house and sat down her bag. "Well her you are. Have a good day." "Thanks, you to." Said the strange girl, handing the cabbie some money. She went to knock on the door and it slowly creaked open. "Creepy." She pushed the door open the rest of the way, and rolled her two bags in. When the doors slammed shut she turned and glanced at them before turning back around only to come face to face with a really old creepy man holding a stuffed raven.

"Did you knock?" That's what he says? Real welcoming.

"Um… the door was just open."

"Does that mean you don't knock?" As he was speaking a short slightly plump woman came walking in.

"Victor, are you being nice? You must be Nina Styles."

"Yes, I am. But if it's alright with you I would like to keep my last name a secret. I have experience with people wanting to be my friend just so they can get close to my brother."

"Absolutely dear. What shall we say your last name is?"

"Um, well my grans maiden name is Martin. So let's go with that."

"Ok dear. Well on that note. Welcome to Liverpool school for the talented. As you are aware this is the House of Anubis. Or the house mates refer to it as the House of Myths. I am Trudy your house mother. I am also a mood transfer. I can take one person's mood and put it in a different person."

"Oh, wow, that is so cool."

"Well thank you. Well why don't you go get settled. Oh, one more thing. Only those who live in this house are aware that we aren't human. We also have the most students living in one house. The rest of the student body don't know why, and we would like to keep it that way, ok?"

"Yeah, no problem. Well I'm gonna go unpack.