The Spiral

by TwinEnigma

Standard Disclaimer - I do not own Young Justice or any of the characters therein. I do not do this for profit, but rather for fun and skills building.

NB: done as a fill for the YJ-anon-meme, for a prompt requesting that Dick has PTSD. De-anoning because meme post getting full

Warnings: Spoilers for the YJ tie-in comic; language, graphic description of trauma and violence


Dick's numb at first.

It doesn't really set in, he supposes, until later and, even then, he doesn't quite understand what it means. It's almost too abstract a concept and he keeps thinking it's a bad dream, that he'll wake up back in their home and they'll all be there, but he doesn't. He never does.

Some days, though, it feels like he's been gutted. He doesn't want to move. He doesn't want to sleep or eat. When he moves at all, it's as if his body's on autopilot and his mind is left somewhere else. He just exists, caught somewhere between that moment and this one.

The shrink says he's just mourning and that's normal. He says that it won't stop hurting, but it'll get easier.

One of these days, he may just believe him.