"I don't want to keep our love a secret anymore," I blurt out to Eric as we lay on my bed, trying to fall asleep. He automatically stiffens and sits up, pulling his body away from mine. Coldness sweeps over me, maybe I'm overacting, but I did feel warmer with the Huntsman close to me.

"I thought you respected my choice."

I close my eyes and sit up by him, I was afraid this was going to happen. "I do respect it Huntsman, but we have no reason to hide our love from everyone." Besides it had been a couple months since I had that conversation with William, I did think about this.

"We have every reason to hide our relationship from everyone," Eric shoots back easily. I feel awkward tension sit between us as I search for something to say, something to change his mind.

"Why do you feel this way, my Huntsman," I ask, in a sweet, caring voice, knowing that he melts when I talk like that. It works because he physically relaxes and turns to look at me. For a moment he just seems to look into my eyes.

"As I have told you before, I lost my other wife. I lost her so suddenly I didn't have time to think," Eric stops and sorrow is painted on his face. I feel my heart break, but for two different reasons. "If we came out and told everyone in the kingdom that we were interested in each other, I'm almost positive someone would disapprove."


"Now, I know that you don't care whether they like it or not, but I do," Eric says ignoring my interruption. He looks away from me and moves his thumbs around, something he does when he's nervous. "People like you, a Queen, belong with someone like William, a Duke."

I'm stunned as he says this to me. Didn't we already talk about this? That I don't want William, that I want him, did I not tell him?

"I thought I already told you that I only want you!"

"You did, but when you hear all the things the other people will say about me, you will realize that it's the truth. Then you will leave."

I can hear the sadness in his voice, and I can't help but feel sad too. This must be his biggest fear, having me leave him. I take my time thinking about what to say to him. I want him to know that I really mean it.

"You have to understand that, that will never happen, even if I wanted to leave you I wouldn't be able to. I'm not going to explain myself again, Eric, I already told you that you mean the world to me. Maybe you're the one who wants to leave."

His head snaps up to look at me. His blue eyes are filled with pain and he takes my hand in his. I look away from him, maybe he really does want to leave, can't blame him really.

"Princess that is not at all what I want; I just want what's best for you, I'm trying to figure out if I'm really what the best is for you."

All of a sudden I can't take it anymore; I crash my lips to his, angrily. He's shocked at first but gives in and kisses me back, although I can tell this won't last. When he removes our lips from each other he pulls us down under the covers.

"Let's get some sleep, Snow," The Huntsman says kissing my neck softly before fully resting. I sigh and unwillingly close my eyes and try to sleep, knowing that nothing will be different tomorrow.

"Queen, did you hear what I just said about the new expanding plans for the land?"

I look up alarmed. I thought we were still talking about some new laws, new expanding plans?

"I'm sorry Sir, could you please repeat what you said," I say modestly, now giving him my full attention. I listen as he tells me about the plan. I tell him that he can go ahead and start it, then dismiss everyone. William tries sticking around but I give him a look and he leaves without a word.

These past few days were horrible; Eric seemed to be avoiding me ever since I brought up that I didn't want to keep us in the dark. If I knew that Eric wouldn't talk to me I would've never said anything. He doesn't even come to my room at night.

I'm faced with the nightmares alone now.

I sit in my too big chair and feel suffocated in my too big dress. A sudden desire to be out in the woods again with my Huntsman overwhelms me. Maybe that's how Eric feels; maybe the only thing keeping him here is me. Would he rather be out of this kingdom, out on his own?

I slouch forward and put my head in my hands. I know this is not a very Queen action but right now but I'm having a tough time, running this kingdom and keeping my love for someone a secret.

The lunch bell rings and the great halls fill with people. I get out of my chair automatically and make sure my dress and hair look fine. I'm not hungry at all; my Huntsman has not showed up for meals in days so I'm forced to sit with William and some members of the Council. I wait until everyone is in the Dining Room before making my way down there.

While I enter the Dining Room I look at the place where the Huntsman and I usually sit and find him there all by himself with an empty seat across from him. A huge smile spreads across my mouth and butterflies flit around in my stomach.

"Is this seat taken," I ask with a teasing grin on my face. He looks up and smiles his most breathtaking smile at me, making me melt inside.

"Of course not, Princess, this one is reserved for you."

"Good, I couldn't imagine anyone else but me sit across from you."

"Exactly what I was thinking my Queen," Eric says lovingly. This makes my throat dry, usually he doesn't play back, but today he seems in a very good mood. His always dazzling blue eyes glow as they look at me. He also looks more cleaned up, his hair is part way pulled up just the way I like it, but he looks better in some way.

We continue with our lunch as we normally do, he asks me how running the kingdom is going and I ask him how he's doing with his job.

"If you would excuse me for a minute or so my Princess, I have an announcement to make," Eric says getting up and going to the front of the Dining Room. I'm shocked as he does this, what's his announcement, is he going to leave?

He puts his two pointer fingers in his mouth and blows out, making the sound of a whistle. Everyone quiets and looks at him questioningly. I can't help but look at him the same way. What is he doing?

"Thank you for your attention," Eric says with a strong accent, "I have something I would like to share with all of you today, if you don't mind." I see some people lean in as if my Huntsman is going to tell him a secret.

"Now you all know that when Ravenna was still in power, she sent me out to kill Snow White," the Huntsman says taking a pause waiting for everyone to take this in. "Ravenna promised me that if I did bring back Snow Whites heart, she would bring my dead wife back to life. Now, I then learned that Ravenna could not do that, even if she wanted to, she would kill me either way, whether I brought back Snow White or not."

"When I first saw Snow White I was struck by her beauty and kindness, as most of you probably were," my Huntsman says shooting me a grin. I can't help but blush as he does this. "I kept thinking, 'Why would Ravenna want this girl dead?' So I decided I had no right to take her heart and give it to the Dark Queen, instead I would save and protect her heart, and that's what I did." I hear people murmuring things but I can't take my eyes off of Eric.

"We began to trust each other, Snow and I, we became a team. At first, I still did not know why Ravenna wanted her dead but soon I realized it on our journey together. Snow White is the one to heal our kingdom, she is the one. As soon as I realized it there was no going back for me, I would protect her with everything I had, as I'm sure most of you would do."

Tears form in my eyes as he says this, love erupts from me, and I'm sure everyone can see it.

"But then I lost her, just as I did with my first wife. I let her out of my reach for one moment and the Dark Queen got to her." The silence spreads across the room and I wonder if people are even breathing and if they can hear my heart beating against my chest.

"They say that true loves kiss can break any spell there is, now I didn't believe that at all. Duke William who was also on the journey with us, kissed her first. I was almost positive that Snow would wake up, but she didn't." People turn to look at William and he gives them a sheepish smile. "Then one night, when we moved her to a town we found, I came into her room to say goodbye."

Tears are now running down my face and more follow as I see my Huntsman choking up too.

"I told her that I had a wife and I lost her, and that I became a lazy ole drunkard that I didn't care for, until I met you," Eric says looking in my eyes. "I told her that I'm sorry I failed you but you will be up in heaven where you belong. Then I kissed her." Some people gasp, but I ignore them. How else do they think I came back to life?

"Automatically, I left. As soon as I stepped outside I thought of running away and I was about to do that until I saw Snow White convincing all of these men to come fight with her against the Dark Queen Ravenna. It was then when our eyes met that we knew my kiss broke her spell." I smile with tears stained on my face as people actually sigh with content. Eric looks away from me and back towards the crowd.

"I guess that what I'm trying to say here is that, I am in love with my Princess, Snow White."

I'm out of my chair before anyone can comprehend what he just said. I run up to the Huntsman and press my lips to him not caring if this is disrespectful to my royal subjects, I kiss him with everything I have. When I think I have enough of his lips, we pull away and beam at each other. I turn to the crowd.

"I guess what I'm trying to say too is that; I'm in love with my Huntsman, Eric."

The Dining Room is silent for a moment until the loudest cheers erupt with joy. Eric wraps his arm around my waist and I lock my hand in his, feeling warm at once.

"Now will you really marry me my Princess," Eric whispers to me tickling my ear. I squeeze his hand and whisper back,

"Of course, I would never keep you waiting my Huntsman." He pulls me in for another kiss and the cheers get louder, not knowing how they could get any louder.