So, this one kind of got away from me. Anyway, this chapter is for Sinkme, who prompted me to finally finish my Risk chapter. Go check out some of his Avengers fics - they're intense and well-written.

Chapter 6: Risk

"Oh, crap," Tony breathed.

The Avengers were forty five minutes into a of Risk. Since it was a war strategy game, Thor and Steve were not only interested in it, but also grasped the rules quickly.

However, grasping wasn't the same thing as winning. Most of the board was covered in Natasha's army. She had systematically eliminated all but Tony's army with a sadistic glee.

"C'mon, man," Clint urged. "You can't let her win this easy."

The other three men crowded behind Clint and Tony. Natasha eyed them from across the board, smirking. It was Tony's turn, and any move he made would end in certain destruction.

Tony tapped a finger against the table nervously. "So, how does it feel to conquer more of the world than the Soviet Union ever did?"

Natasha smiled. "Almost as good as it will feel when Russia completely takes over the world. Stop stalling."

"I'm not stalling, Stalin. I just need some time to think."

"You have thirty seconds until I call forfeit."

Tony searched the board in desperation. "I…I give up."

"Ha! I win!"

Clint and Steve groaned while Thor grinned widely. "Your strategic assaults are worthy of those of Asgardian warriors, Widow," the demigod said.

"Thank you," Natasha smiled, standing up. "Since I rule the world, I get to give Tony orders. Have fun doing my laundry tomorrow."

"That's just unpatriotic, Stark," Steve said angrily. "Americans don't give up when times get tough. What are you going to do now that Natasha rules the world?"

Clint shrugged. "It's really not that bad once you get used to it. You just have to be careful not to piss her off. For your own sake, just do everything that she tells you."

"Really?" Tony shot back. "How's that been working out for you, Robin Hood?"

Natasha leaned over and kissed Clint on the cheek. "Pretty well, I'd say. Much better than how it'll work out for you." She took the archer's hand and led him out of the room.

"Wait," Tony said pensively. His frown broke and turned into a smile. "Does this mean I get to see Natasha's underwear?"


Tony shrugged. "Since she ordered me to do her laundry. She's practically inviting me to look."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a pervert?" Steve said, crossing his arms.

"You wouldn't be the first. And I'm not a perv since she gave me permission. If anything, it's a little pervy on her part."

"What is a 'pervert?'" Thor interrupted loudly. Shaking his head, Steve grabbed the god by the elbow and took him away to explain.

Bruce shook his head, ignoring Thor. "'Do my laundry' does not translate to 'look at my underwear.' Besides, it's probably just gym clothes and her S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform."

"Awesome. I've always wanted to know what she wears under that cat suit," Tony replied, waggling his eyebrows.

"You're incorrigible. And a pervert."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Like I said, that's nothing I haven't heard before. Besides, you'll be plenty jealous tomorrow when I get to find out what her bra size is. Do you think she's a lace girl?"

"I think I'd rather not die by having a token from Risk forced through my jugular," Bruce shot back.

"Party pooper. Whatever. I'll let you know tomorrow anyway."

The next day in the lab, Bruce was still trying to figure out why the men had lost the game so badly when he was interrupted by Tony. The disheveled billionaire lowered himself onto a stool and sighed. "Well that was interesting."

Bruce set down his work and raised an eyebrow. "What happened to you?"

"Well, Natasha said she left her laundry by the machine for me," Tony began, tilting his head back, "but then I realized that I don't know how to do laundry. I don't even know where the laundry room is. So then -"

"Wait, really," Bruce exclaimed, interrupting Tony. "You're in your forties and you don't know how to do laundry? And how do you not know where your own laundry machine is?"

Tony shrugged. "I've never had a reason to do laundry before. That's more of a Pepper thing. I've told her that I'd rather go around naked, I'd probably even prefer it, but she just keeps insisting that I wear clean clothes in public."

Bruce rolled his eyes. Poor Pepper. "Okay, I get it, you're a lazy pervert Now back to the story."

"Right. Well, I didn't know where the laundry room was, so I couldn't exactly do her laundry. So, I went back to Natasha's room to ask for directions."

Bruce crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Tony. "That doesn't sound like the reason why you look like this now."

"It's not. Her door was open, so I went in. I didn't see her, but there were some dirty clothes on the bed, so I picked them up so I could wash them too."

"Uh-huh. Sure."

Tony glared at Bruce. "Anyway, I may have been checking the tags on her bra when Clint found me. He was in full Hawkeye mode and he went berserk. It was terrifying."

"I'm sure it was nothing that you didn't deserve."

"Anyway, then Natasha came running to see what all the fuss was about. Turns out she had been in the shower, and the towel slipped a little bit, and then she and the Hawk were both screaming at me in, like, three different languages."


"And the next thing I knew I got thrown into the hallway, covered in shampoo and without directions to the laundry room," Tony finished sadly.

Bruce couldn't resist the urge to facepalm. "That's it? You're lucky they didn't kill you."

Tony shrugged, grinning. "It was totally worth it. Turns out Natasha does like lace, and lots of it."

Bruce glanced back down at his calculations. Given that Natasha was a strategic mastermind and Tony was a first class perv, the odds favored a violent death for the billionaire. "Let's not play Risk ever again."