Well hello everyone! I know it has been a while and I'm sorry. I really have no excuse. For the ones that have still stuck around thank you. Thank you for your patience. Enjoy.

Kagome followed Adorée up the stairs and couldn't help but notice how grand everything was. She really shouldn't be amazed considering she had been in Inuyasha's home before and his dad had a tendency to do everything big. She could imagine him standing at the top of the stairs and laughing and saying, 'Nothing but the best for me.' She spent way too much time at that house if she could imagine that.

"….get lost." Adorée finished saying.

"Oh. I'm sorry can you repeat that. My mind kind of wandered off." Focus Kagome focus!

Adorée stopped in front of a set of double doors and said, "No worries. I was just saying that the house might seem big but it's really easy to navigate. You'll probably get turned around for the first couple of days but you'll get the hang of it." She noticed how tired Kagome was. Poor girl must be so jet lagged.

Adorée waved to the door in front of her and then to the left, "This is your room and that is mine. If you need anything just come get me. You have no idea how excited I am for another girl to be here." She was talking as she pushed the door in. Kagome laughed and realized how truly happy this girl was to have her here. Her laugh was cut short when she saw the inside of the room though. Whoa, big room. She looked around and couldn't help but notice the huge bed in the center of the room. The room was decorated in different shades of grey and white. She didn't think she needed that big of a room. She turned when she realized Adorée was walking towards a set of doors on the right.

"This is en suite bathroom and the door on the left is your walk in closet. Mom and I redecorated this room when we knew you were coming. Do you like it?" She turned expectant eyes to Kagome.

"I love it but it's huge. I don't know what I'm going to do with so much space." Adorée laughed.

"Trust me, once you get to know Kei and Adrien you'll love all this space just to get away from them." Adorée shut the bathroom doors. "I'll let you get some rest but dinner is at seven tonight."

Kagome walked to the bed and sat down. "I know it's probably best that I stay awake so I can get accustomed to the time but I am just so tired."

"It'll be no worries if you don't come down. I'll come and knock. Come get me if you need anything." Kagome waved as Adorée shut the door. Kagome sighed. What she really needed was a shower. She opened the bathroom door and boy was it huge. Oh forget the shower. She was going to take a bath.

"But I don't know where my luggage is." She mumbled to herself. Maybe it's in the closet. The last thing she expected when she opened the doors to the closet was it to be packed with clothes. Clothes that didn't even belong to her as far she could tell. Out of curiosity she picked up a tag off the closest thing to her and dropped it just as fast. Someone had very expensive taste that wasn't her. She spotted her luggage towards the back of the closest and just made do with the space available. As she was unpacking, she let her mind wander. She couldn't believe that for the next two months this was going to be her home. She knew that this was what she needed. But she couldn't help but wonder what Sesshomaru was up to.

"What we have here is a tough competition between Sesshomaru and his phone. The stare down of the century. Who will win? Who will—what the hell? Why'd you throw that?" Inuyasha exclaimed as he rubbed the bump on his forehead. He didn't think an empty water bottle should have hurt him as much as it did.

"You should keep your mouth shut." Sesshomaru stated coldly.

Inuyasha threw himself on the sofa Sesshomaru had in the room. "Look you're being more miserable than usual. Just call her already."

Sesshomaru glared at Inuyasha. "I am not miserable." He didn't like the look Inuyasha was giving him. He was the older sibling here! He demanded respect!

"So you say." Inuyasha got up and stretched. "I would prefer if you didn't call her considering all the shit ya did to her but I can't stop you. Later." He waved as he exited the room.

Inuyasha was wrong. He was fine. He'd gone longer without speaking or seeing Kagome. But back then she was at least in the same country. He didn't miss her. He missed the quiet she provided. She didn't nag, scream or squeal like all the other girls. He would call her but just to check up on her. Nothing more. Really who was he trying to fool?

Sesshomaru picked up the phone and looked her up under his favorites and hit her contact. He would deny it to his dying day if anyone asked about it. He heard the first ring.

He shouldn't have called.


He could still hang up.


He was hanging up.


That was most definitely not Kagome.

Adorée closed the door to Kagome's room and was startled to see Kei standing there. Adorée smiled, "You know standing there being creepy isn't going to get her to like you."

Kei was left sputtering as she walked away. He just came upstairs to ask her a question. He was just debating whether or not to knock or call her name.

"I'm going back downstairs." He mumbled to himself.

As he was about to turn around to go downstairs Kagome's bedroom door opened. Kagome didn't see him as she was looking down and talking to herself. Kei laughed to himself. She's cute.

"Can I help you with something Kagome?" The question seemed to startle her. She wasn't expecting anyone to be in the hallway. "Actually there is. I didn't bring any shampoo or conditioner with me and was wondering if Adorée had any."

Kei gestured to the room, "Do you mind?" Kagome moved to the side and let him in. "There's a cabinet full in the bathroom of just about whatever you need. My mom and Adorée stocked it up when they knew you were coming." He was saying as he walked into the bathroom. Kagome realized he wasn't kidding when he said they stocked it with everything imaginable. She'd never run out if anything.

"Did they do the same with the closet? I mean there are a lot of clothes in there." She asked.

Kei laughed. "Actually all those clothes are Adorée's. She uses it as a second closet but you are free to take anything you like."

Kagome shook her head and waved her arms about. "I can't do that. Those are her clothes."

"Kagome she left those in there so you take anything you want or wear what you want. It is no trouble and Adorée would tell you the same thing." Kei could say Kagome was about to argue so he grabbed her hand and led her out of the room to Adorée's room which was next door. The polite thing Kagome would've done was knock on the door but Kei just barged in. Adorée looked up from her computer.

"Hi you two."

"Adorée tell her she can have any of the clothes in the closet or whatever."

"Kagome you can have any of the clothes in that closet or whatever." She got off the bed and walked over to Kagome. "Seriously take what you want. There's an outfit for every occasion. Make yourself at home."

Kagome looked between Kei and Adorée and realized they were being serious. Kagome sighed, "Ok but," She pointed at both of them. "I will use the clothes I brought and only, and I do mean only, use the ones in the closest if it is absolutely necessary."

Adorée waved her hands. "Of course."

Kagome sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Well I guess I'll go unpack or something. Maybe I'll take a nap too." She said to herself as she walked out of the room.

"I think she's more tired than she's letting on."

Kei agreed with his sister. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." He waved to his sister as he walked out of her room.

Adorée pouted. "Well now what?"

Halfway down the steps Kei decided he needed some snacks and changed his route to the kitchen when he heard a phone ringing from the living room. That's odd considering he has his phone and he saw his sisters on the bed. Adrien probable left his phone but that was doubtful considering it's glued to his hand. He saw the phone on the coffee table and realized its Kagome's. It was just a number. She must've not saved the name. He decided to answer.


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