This is a 3 part story. Mostly done because I think Tony with Pepper is cute but Tony and Steve is amazing! I think he needs them both. TonyxPepper and TonyXSteve. Thank you OnyxvanGem for the beta.

Because He's a Playboy

By Wildfire

Pepper wasn't stupid. In fact, she was quite the opposite; you had to be a genius to keep up with a genius. She wasn't as smart as Tony or Bruce, but she was smart in her own way; she was great at managing situations or knowing when to pull out of a deal.

As she sat at the breakfast table, she watched as Tony made doe eyes at Steve Rogers. Sometimes she wondered if it was time to end her and Tony's relationship. It was obvious the two men felt something for each other—sometimes just their fists— but as soon as the thought entered her mind she shoved it aside. She loved Tony Stark, she loved him with all her heart, and, what more, she knew he loved her and would be completely lost without her.

She sipped her coffee, smiling a bit as Tony ogled the captain's ass when the man's back was turned. Steve did have an amazing back side. She had no interest in sleeping with the captain though, Tony was already more than she could handle.

She paused at that thought. She did have a hard time keeping Tony in line and it would be nice to know someone who loved him was watching out for him in battle. No, she wouldn't give Tony up, not for all the peace and tranquility in the world, but perhaps she could share him. It was no mystery that he was a playboy, maybe it was time to loosen her grip on him.

"Pepper, if I make two suits that can go into space would you fly over the moon with me?" Tony grinned and Pepper rolled her eyes at the cheesy line.

"Tony you will never see me in one of those suits of yours. You can take Rhodey, he seems to like them." She stood up to refill her coffee.

"Nah I don't think Rhodey would appreciate flying over the moon like that. He'd probably be mapping it out for the military. Cap, you want to go to the moon?"

Steve, who clearly wasn't expecting to be brought into this conversation paused mid bite. He had a large mixing bowl full of scrambled eggs. "Umm, no?"

Clint snorted as he walked into the kitchen, having caught the last part of the conversation. "Always say no to Tony." He opened the fridge. "We're out of eggs again? Why are we always out of eggs?"

Steve ducked his head a bit and held the bowl up. "Want some?"

"You know I think he actually eats more than the hulk does." Pepper observed. Clint brought a fork over and started eating the eggs out of Steve's large bowl.

"Really? When have you seen the hulk eat? I just see him smash things, usually my things." Tony grumbled.

"Well it's you that usually brings the hulk out. You should be glad he doesn't smash you." Steve reasoned.

Pepper smiled, listening as the three men argued. She didn't regret pushing Tony to renovate the tower for the Avengers. It was clear they belonged here. They were a family, Bruce and Clint had quickly adjusted to Tony's humor and became close friends. Thor, well Thor didn't understand most things Tony was talking about and usually just laughed it off. Natasha was more of a blessing to her than anyone else, the extra female to keep the tower in one piece. Though, sometimes, she was sure Natasha helped the guys in destroying it.

She had tried to convenience the woman to come back and work for her, but Natasha said she wouldn't work for Tony again if his life depended on it. It was a pity, as Natasha was by far one of the best secretary's she's ever had.

The renovations for the tower had been intensive. They took floors 32-35 and made half of each floor part of the most intensive training room that has ever been built. The other half of the floors were for bedrooms. Tony and her stayed on floor 32, Steve, Thor and Bruce's rooms were on level 33 and Natasha and Clint were on floor 35. Level 34 was a large common area that had a huge entertainment center and kitchen. Tony put his lab on level 31 and Bruce's lab on level 36, there were private stairs that lead to each floor that were not accessible to the rest of the building.

She stood up, and was a little shocked when all the conversation stopped and Steve quickly stood up with her. Tony and Clint just stared. "I'm going to the office; someone has to keep Stark Industries running."

"Have fun," Tony grinned. Pepper quickly left the room, looking back to see Steve taking his seat again. Perhaps if Tony dated Steve some of his manners would rub off…


The next few days ended up being a mad house in the business world as they got ready for the next big expo. Tony had been working in the lab nonstop to prefect his latest discoveries.

It was because of this that her thoughts of Tony dating Steve had been momentarily forgotten.

They returned when she came back to the tower at 3 am, tired, hungry and just plain cranky. And there was Tony sitting at the table holding a mug of coffee with both hands.

She let out a frustrated sigh, knowing she'd have to herd Tony to bed before she'd be able to sleep. She defiantly could use help with managing this man.

"Tony, why are you up?" She asked softly coming to sit beside him.

He smiled a tired smile at her. "I can sleep when I'm dead."

"Why don't we go to sleep now?" She offered him her hand.

"There's backlash, every time I fire it, it backlash's so much I swear my arm is going to dislocate. There's no reason for it to be doing this. I've checked and rechecked-"

"Tony, it's 3 am, and I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's go to bed." She pleaded.

"Pepper, it's right there. I know the solution is there. I just have to find it." He stood up, "I'll come to bed here in a bit."

"Tony I want you to date someone else." She blurted and a moment later realized how horrible that sounded. Judging from the look Tony was giving her he had clearly taken it the wrong way. It was hard to ever get Tony to let his guard down, but, looking at him now, he was clearly hurt.

His walls quickly slammed back up and he gave her a smile. "Well, why don't we talk about this—"

"I don't mean instead of me, I mean in addition to me." She rushed out before he said something they may both regret.

"Are you giving me permission to cheat?"

"No! Yes… sort of. Sit back down." She said taking a seat herself, giving up on the idea of sleep.

He sat down. "Should I be drinking for this?"

"No. Tony, you are… incorrigible, loud, obnoxious and really annoying. Still you have a great heart and I love you very much." She put her hand on top of Tony's. "I could use help in managing you."

"You want me to have a babysitter? Because we both know that will never work, I mean really—"

"Tony, shut up. I won't share you with another female. That's just asking for trouble and your enough trouble on your own. I don't ever, EVER, want to be part of a three way and you are never to ask me to be. I mean it Tony; you will never ever ask it. I think you should date Steve."

"Steve?" Tony said slowly. "You want me to date the leader of this little group?"

"You like him." She said with a shrug.

"I like a lot of people." Tony said with a shrug. "Hell, I might even like Fury; he could be sexy in his own weird one eyed way."

"You like him." She repeated.

"I like ice cream and liquor, doesn't mean it's good for me."

"He likes you."

"Really? No he doesn't. I drive him insane, and he came from a time period where being with a man is vastly inappropriate. Pretty sure he wants to marry a nice girl and have 2.5 kids. The .5 will no doubt come from whatever genes he has that didn't get chemically enhanced, like his brain."

"He checks you out." She said calmly.

"The man is a 90 year old virgin, I'm pretty sure he's checking out the cucumber at this point. This is more tragic than that sparkly vampire. You know… they could make a good couple, well if the sparkly vamp was real, which obviously it's not. I mean, what kind of messed up person makes a vampire sparkle? Did the author not realize that the sun is not the only thing that would shine like that off their skin? There are loads of other light sources that would do that. At the very least all the kids in school would think the family got dosed in glitter every day. Which is not a great way to get a girlfriend."

"Tony, Steve?"

"Steve, right. Let me see if I get this. You want me to date you, and Steve, but never to mingle you two together. What would we have like assigned nights for me? Split custody? You get me four days a week and every other weekend sort of thing? You know I'm not sure I like that idea, I think we ought to do like three and four days. Or every third Wednesday of the month is random day I can have Jarvis randomize your names and—"

"We're all busy Tony, and I'm sure we could manage without a schedule. Whoever is available and not dead tired can have you."

Tony pouted. "I'll be alone most of the time than. Two lovers and always alone." He sighed dramatically, "No, we should have a schedule."

"We will not have a schedule Tony. We're all adults and we can manage without one. Plus, right now we don't even know if Steve wants this."

"Right." Tony stood up. "I'll talk to him, Jarvis wake St-"

"No." Pepper yanked Tony back down. "Jarvis do not wake anyone." She sighed.

"Yes ma'am, shall I make a note for this conversation?"

"No, I'll talk to Steve, later, once everything's calmed down. For now, let's go to bed." She took his hand leading him out of the kitchen.

"Well as this could be the last time you get me without having to arrange it with Steve I guess—"

Pepper shut him up with a firm kiss to his lips.

This is my first Avenger fanfic, please let me know if the characters seem in character.