Title: All Fall Down

Rating: M

A/N: Okay I don't know if anyone is obsessed with this pairing the way that I am but seriously I can't believe the awesomeness that is AJ Lee and CM Punk. I mean come on; they are definitely inspirational as well as cuter than buttons. Yes I'm just obsessed! So this story is based on the weekly happenings of Raw and Smackdown. It will show what goes on behind the cameras discussing what happened while the cameras were rolling. I hope they keep this storyline going for awhile at least and nobody gets injured. *KNOCKS ON WOOD* So we're going to have to go all the way back to AJ's first encounter with Punk backstage on Raw. Now to quote Heath Ledger…


May 14th, 2012

"Do you think I'm unstable?" The petite brunette asked her two-toned friend. She was currently folding her clothes neatly into her duffel in preparation to drive to the airport so she could make her journey to the next venue for WWE.

"Totally," she replied in the most nonchalant while stretching to prepare for her match that evening. AJ frowned at her best friend's response. "I mean that in the best possible way sweetie," she corrected, not wanting to earn another slap from her friend. They had just gotten back on good terms and she wanted to make that last and keep the crazy at bay.

"How exactly is there a 'best possible way' to mean that?" She questioned wanting more insight while putting air quotes around her friend's choice of words.

Kaitlyn brought her head up from the stretch so she could look into her eyes. Kaitlyn was honest to a point but sometimes her words didn't come out right. Straightening so she could stand and raise her arms over her head to loosen her muscles. "Simple honey, you're heartbroken," she explained, "I wouldn't expect you to be anything but unstable after what you went through."

AJ nodded zipping her bag; it was good she understood exactly how New Jersey native was dealing with life after her breakup with Daniel. She was finally beginning to adjust to life but for awhile she felt herself drawn to a terribly dark place which affected many of her relationships. She pulled away from wonderful friends like Kaitlyn, hell she even pulled away from her family. Somehow though she was making it through.

"Why do you ask exactly?" Kaitlyn questioned walking over to the mirror applying some fresh lip gloss and mascara so she could look her best in the ring.

"I don't know…" she replied begrudgingly, not really wanting to let onto the conversation she had in the hall way a few hours ago.

"Don't go there AJ," the season winner of NXT proclaimed, "I don't want you going to that space in your mind again where you keep things from those closest to you." She felt the blonde grab her shoulders forcing her gaze to hers.

She sighed knowing she couldn't get anything past her fellow diva. She was her best friend after all.

"I wanted to wish CM Punk good luck on Sunday at Over the Limit." Now it was Kaitlyn's turn to sigh, patting her friend's shoulder she removed her hands so she could cross her arms signaling an encouragement for her to continue.

"So I did and…well he said he knew Daniel for so long and he's known me for not as long and during that time I've been unstable." She knew he didn't mean it to be cruel because he wasn't wrong; he was just going off of what he'd seen.

"Look girlie, he just doesn't know the real you," she explained trying to ease her friends mind about the comments made by the 'Best in the World.' "Punk doesn't respond well in situations to people he doesn't know in company and I bet if he got to know you he'd absolutely love you." Nudging her short friend's chin with her fist she smiled. "Don't worry about what he thinks anyway, just watch him kick Bryan's ass on Sunday at the paper-view and enjoy the satisfaction."

AJ couldn't help but giggle a little bit at her friend, she forgot about that detail. Even if Punk did think she was psycho he was still going to make Daniel squeal which excited her more. She'd seen his work, she even heard about it from Daniel many, many, MANY times.

"You're right," she smiled shouldering her bag.

"I know," the humble diva stated causing both women to laugh as they pulled each other in for a hug. "You sure you don't want to wait for me, I just have to whoop someone's ass then I'll fly out with you?"

AJ shook her head, "No thanks," she waved it off, "I just want to get there, buy a room, and try to sleep."

"You're a vampire," Kaitlyn laughed looking in the mirror making sure everything was in place one final time, "you never sleep."

"Don't make me suck your blood Kaitlyn." She giggled making claws with her hands and opening her mouth making her best vampire face. The blonde just shook her head.

"Go on now girl or you're going to miss your flight. I'll see you at the hotel once I'm done here and catch my flight."

"Alright," she agreed waving goodbye to her friend as the exited the lockeroom. She was definitely thankful to have Kaitlyn back in her life. She was even more thankful that she could finally get out of the arena and forget about the comment made by the 'Chicago Made' Superstar. Hailing a taxi, she was determined to get some sleep on the flight, get to her hotel, read some comic book, get more sleep, then awaken and begin the routine the next day. No Daniel, no distractions, no nothing.

Sighing to herself, AJ twisted the headphones around her iPod and placed the device in the side pocket of her bag. She had made it to the airport, through security, and sat patiently waiting at the gate for her flight. She had another hour before the flight would board and take off; silently she chastised herself for always being early to everything. She hated being late more than anything, an obsessive compulsive attribute she had earned over the years since starting her career. Hell, she wasn't even late the day she was born; it didn't do any good to be late ever so she always made it a point to be early.

However when it came to flights she wasn't thrilled. Feeling a cramp build up in her back from sitting in the hard chair outside the flight gate for so long she thought it best to grab some coffee and snack before the flight.

Shouldering her bag she made her way to the airport's Starbucks.

"Hi," she greeted the barista with good nature.

"What can I get you?" The girl responded equally as kind.

"Ummm, just a regular coffee please," she scanned some of the food items until her gaze landed on a delicious looking turkey and Swiss sandwich, "and this." She said holding up the sandwich. After paying and a few seconds of waiting the barista handed her the coffee so she could add the ingredients she needed to make it perfect. Finishing up there she made her way to a table in the Starbuck's and began unpacking the sandwich.

Sipping her coffee and picking up one half of the sandwich she was about to take a bite when someone cleared their throat above her.

She eyes widened. Standing over the table in a Chicago Cubs t-shirt and blue jeans was none other than the man to earlier in the evening viewed her as unstable.

"Hi." He said, just 'hi', with just one word and for some odd reasoning AJ's heart fluttered.

"Hey," she smiled in reply trying to compose herself.

She observed him a moment after her reply watching him bring a hand to the back of his head beginning to scratch it. From prior observation she knew he only did that when he was nervous.

"I don't really enjoy sitting by the gate before a flight, and well, it is awhile before my flight so…I was wondering, if you don't mind…" He trailed off making her smiling a little at him. He wasn't afraid to tell her what he thought of her earlier so why was he playing all shy now?

"Please," she said extending her hand to the seat opposite from her at the table, "take a seat," holding up the girl scout hand sign she continued, "I swear I don't bite." He smiled at that setting his backpack on the ground and pulled out the chair to take the seat offered.

"So what flight are you on?" He questioned taking a sip of his own coffee.

She couldn't help but stare at the way his lips touched the cup, enjoying the flavors inside. Mentally shaking her head she tried to concentrate on his question. "Ummm, I think its flight 720," she said digging in her coat pocket for her boarding pass to make sure. Gazing at the paper she replied, "Yeah that's the one."

He laughed a little smoothing his black hair down upon his head, "Me too."

"Don't you normally take your bus?" She asked, finally taking a bite of her sandwich.

"It's being repaired," he shrugged, looking off at something behind her before refocusing his gaze, "I should have it back when we get to the next city."

"Well that's good," she responded kindly taking another bit into her mouth. There was a moment of silence, just a moment but it was enough to make her look back into his eyes only to see him looking at something on the table, her sandwich.

She laughed at that a little, enough for him to take notice. "What?" He asked bringing his eyes back to hers. She licked her lips bringing her eyes to the sandwich and back to his so he'd understand that she knew he had been eyeing her food. "You can have this half if you want…" She offered sliding the container over to him only for him to slide it back.

"No, it's okay-"

"Please," she smiled, hoping it wasn't creepy, just genuine. "I can't eat this whole thing and its really good and clearly there won't be anything good on the plane either since its only a two hour flight so please, I insist," she said sliding the container back his direction.

He smiled, obviously seeing she was being genuine and not 'unstable' as he had put it earlier that evening.

"Thanks," he grinned, picking up the other half and taking a bite. She watched his jaw as he chewed, the muscles and lines and scruff his face contained was so beautiful she wondered how she never noticed them before.

"I'm sorry by the way," he stated, regaining her attention.

"For what?" She asked, slightly bewildered by his apology.

"For earlier tonight…for calling you…" He trailed off obviously embarrassed by what he'd said making her smile a little at his flustered expression. The Chicago native was finding it difficult to muster up the words to continue.

"It's no big deal really," she responded after swallowing the last of her sandwich and smoothing some loose hair behind her ear.

"No really," he continued finding the strength to speak again, "What I said…I obviously don't know you enough to make that kind of judgment call. I normally don't judge someone like that until I do know them so I apologize for my behavior."

She sighed looking at her coffee top in her hands taking a sip before setting it back down and bringing her eyes back to his. "I don't blame you really Punk," she explained," in fact I understand why you'd catch that assumption. It was just a hard breakup."

A month earlier she might have been in tears making that statement, but she was recovering from that, becoming stronger.

He nodded in understanding, "I've seen the damage he's done," drawing his gaze more intently on her, "and for what it's worth, I'll make him pay on Sunday."