Dear readers,

thanks again for reading my story and subscribing to it and everything! Even book 1 is still getting favourites! :D

As most of you surely must have noticed by now, I haven't uploaded any new chapters lately. This was initially due to the final exam stress before I would graduate from college, followed by the ever so feared writer's block. I'm really doing my best to get over it, but too much has happened in my personal life recently, and I've simply not been up to writing, drawing or anything lately.

But of course, since you guys couldn't possibly be aware of my situation, I've received a couple of messages, comments and even DEMANDS for me to upload the next chapter, so I thought: yeah, I should probably just give you guys a message and let you know I'm still alive, and I'm not giving up on this story frenchise. I have too many good ideas for the main leads of these stories, heck, I've already come up with the main plot for book 3! I'm just stuck on this one stupid scene and I can't get it right! .

So anyways, what I'm trying to say is, I don't know when I'll finally get over this writer's block. All I know is that I'm doing my very best to upload the next chapters as soon as possible, now that my life is slowly coming back together again.

I know you've been very patient with me up till now, even during book 1, but still I'd like to ask you guys to have just a little more patience for this one. You guys are the greatest and I feel awful for making you wait this long! I'm very sorry... m(_ _)m

As soon as I finish the next chapter I'll upload it here, and remove this message.

Thank you for understanding and a million thanks to those of you who have been waiting for such a long time and are still with me!

See you guys soon,

~Goddess Hanyuu