Crystalmaiden62 sighed as she looked at her work.

Crystal: Well, that's good.

Anna: Wow, you really do work quick.

Blair: Yeah, Unlock the Heart only finished a few days ago.

Crystal: Well, I've only got a bit of time before I have to return to school now, so I'm working hard on this. So let's start with the disclaimers.

Disclaimers: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. I do own every OC in this chapter including Lunar Wish though. Hope you like it and please, no flames.

Chapter 1: Return and The Deep Dive

"Alright class, that's it for today. Have a good weekend." The whole class scrambled to get out of the classroom as I calmly put my books away. I moved one of my braided pigtails as I undid the tie I was forced to wear for a class presentation so I can pull out my locket from under my shirt.

"Anna." I turned to see my teacher smiling proudly at me. "You did a good job to day. You're power point was good."

"Thanks Mr. Hill, have a good weekend." I said with a wave as I left for my locker. It's been seven weeks since I left Riku with my promise and telling Amy and Amanda that I'm the Destiny Keeper. I feel a little better now but I still don't feel ready to return to Kingdom Hearts yet. At least things with me and my two cousins are doing great. Now that they know the truth, they're eager to find out as much as possible and I already finished telling my adventures but they keep asking for me to repeat it a lot. It's also the trust I gave them that we're really close and they haven't told anyone my secret as far as I know. They even gave me the locket I'm wearing for Christmas when I gave them completed Thalassa good luck charms. But I haven't told them I don't feel ready to return yet, heck, I'm actually a little scared to return. I have a feeling Sora may forgive me if I tell him but Riku I'm not sure. I mean, I've always had a crush on Riku when I first saw him when I was nine. I just don't want my first video game crush to hate me now that I get to actually meet him for real. I sighed and felt my Wayfinder in my pocket as I got to my locker.

"Anna? Hey, Anna." Someone tugged lightly on one of my braids. I turned to see a familiar girl with black hair; my friend Katherine. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking." I said as I opened my locker and put some of my textbooks inside.

"Hey, you wanna go to the mall for a bit? They're having a sale today at the video game store." She asked, as I shook my head.

"Can't, I gotta finish the revisions for the song I'll be singing at tomorrow's Karaoke Day." I pointed out as I closed my locker and I sung my backpack on. "Besides, Amy and Amanda are coming over again for a bit."

"Those two kids really do like you." Kat grinned as I nodded, playing with my locket. "So for missing out on the mall, you have to pay for drinks tomorrow, 'kay?"

"Okay, see you tomorrow." I waved at my friend as she ran off. I've grown attached to my normal life: being around my family and friends, not fighting for my life, and not thinking of my duties as the Destiny Keeper. But I can't help but wonder some times when I'll have to return. A part of me wishes I can never return back into the game and just life my happy normal life but the other part knows I'll have to return eventually.

"Anna, over here!" I looked up to see two little black haired children among the high school students; the two kids waving at me and grinning.

"Amy, Amanda, what are you guys doing here? I thought my mom told you to wait for me to come by your school." I said, walking up to them.

"I know but we wanted to make things easier for you." Amanda pointed out as Amy nodded.

"Okay, let's head home then."

"Okay." Amy and Amanda really haven't changed much since I told them about me being a Destiny Keeper. Well, maybe a little. They love Kingdom Hearts more than ever and love to ask questions about the worlds I've been to. They've even asked if I can bring thing something back when I return; the main reason why I told them I'm scared to even return. They'd be pretty disappointed. Anyway, today was the same as ever; but I don't mind. After I tell them a story about my adventures they want to hear, Amy would play any Kingdom Hearts game she wanted, Amanda would draw, and I would work on something and today it's the song I'll be singing tomorrow. The song is Omokage or Reminiscence from the Shaman King series. It's kind of a think my friends and I have when we choose one Japanese song and we make an English version to sing at Karaoke, this is mostly because we can't read the Japanese language unless it's in romaji and that's not an option at the karaoke place we go to. I felt someone tug on one of my braids again and I turned to see Amanda holding out one of her drawings.

"Here." I took it and I couldn't help but smile. It was a picture of me with Ven and the others. "You said, you needed something to put in the treasure chest when you need to return to Neverland. You can put this in it."

"Thanks, Amanda." I said and Amanda grinned before running off as Amy paused her game.

"Have you heard from Lunar yet?" I shook my head, a little sad. Yes, for some reason Lunar left last week. I haven't heard from her and I can't even feel her presence, which makes me a little worried. She's a friend now and is really the only one who knows I'm scared to go back into the game. "Do you think this means you're not the Destiny Keeper anymore?"


"I mean, she just up and left. Maybe she found someone else." Amy pointed out, looking serious.

"I don't think so, I've got a feeling something would've have happened if I wasn't anymore." I said, turning to her. "What brought this up?"

"Amanda and I were just thinking if you weren't able to go back, you wouldn't be able to see your friends again and keep your promises." Amy said, looking a little sad now. "Aren't you scared you won't see your friends?"

"A little but not really." I said, pulling out my Wayfinder. "I'm still connected, that's what counts right now."

"But you must be scared of something, right?" Amy asked, coming to look at my song.

"Yeah, I get scared just thinking of something but that's not important right now." I said, as Amy was about to ask but Amanda came back.

"Hey Amy, Auntie's going to that market next to the gift shop. She said she'll drop us off at home after that."

"I'll come with you." I said, getting up. "I've been meaning to check out if they got anything new." The gift shop is a small shop that sells some cute things like cell phone charms and stuff animals. Still, I like looking at everything in the store.

"Hey Anna." I turned to see Amy with Amanda and holding out a pink mushroom cell phone charm in a bag. "For you, we already paid for it."

"Thanks but why?" I asked, taking it to look at it. It's really cute and my color too.

"Something to cheer you up about Lunar." Amanda said as Amy nodded. They're really nice.

"Thanks you guys." I said as the two smiled and ran off to look at the stuffed animals. After we dropped them off at their house, we had dinner, I goofed off, and normal things I've become used to. "Today was a good day." I sighed as I lay in bed in my missed matched Pjs; just a red t-shirt and dark blue Pj shorts. I looked at the little cell phone charm Amy and Amanda gave me. What if I do have to return? What'll happen then? 'No, don't think about it now.' I though and took my Wayfinder and tied my cell phone charm to it. It looks really pretty and I smiled as I snuggled in bed. 'I'll think about it later.' But I felt a sudden yet familiar gentle warm feeling in my heart and I couldn't help but smile as I fell asleep.

I splashed into water in the darkness as I began to sink, yet I didn't react. I knew this feeling all to well and new what would come from it in the end. I can still breath in this water and I looked down to see a familiar pink circular stain glass platform. I couldn't help but smile as I landed lightly on it looking at it. My appearance on the glass is still the same even though I'm in my Pjs right now, the Land of Departure background is still there, the snowflakes, Mickey heads, and stars looking good and nothings really changed. I looked ahead of me to see a glowing ball of light floating to me.

"Hey, Lunar. Welcome back." I said as the light bobbed a bit.

Good to be back.

"Where did you even go anyway?" I asked, watching Lunar floating around me, as if happy to be back with my heart.

I went back to the Kingdom Hearts Universe to check on how things are. Lunar said, sounding sad and serious. You need to return. Things are looking pretty bad now.

"Not yet." I said, shaking my head. "I've still got Amy and Amanda after all."

Liar. Lunar pointed out and I flinched slightly. Just admit it, you're scared to back. We both know it.

"Alright, I'm scared of how Riku and Sora will react when they know my secret. I know Sora might get a little mad at me if I don't tell him where Kairi is. But I'm really scared to face Riku knowing what'll happen to him." I stated, gripping my hands. "I'm just not ready to go back just yet."

You're going to have to return really soon though. Lunar pointed out as I sighed.

"Well, let's see if you can get me to return." I gasped and sat up and looked around before sighing in relief. I'm still in my room, in my bed, and the sun isn't up yet. I wasn't sent back to Kingdom Hearts Universe. 'Knowing Lunar, though, she'll find a way to bring me back.' I thought as I snuggled back into my blankets and going back to sleep.

"Anna, come on wake up." I groaned as I could see the sunlight through my eyelids. "Get up." I shook my head and I covered my head with my blanket and got comfortable again. "I said 'get up'!" I felt my blanket being yanked off me and I sat up to glare at my mom or who ever did that but it wasn't my mom or dad who pulled my blanket off me. At the end of my bed, stood a girl around my age with short white hair with light blue eyes and matching blue dress grinning at me. Naturally, one thing came into my mind.

"MOM! THERE'S A WEIRD GIRL IN MY ROOM!" I screamed as the girl grinned.

"I always wanted to see your reaction to me in this form." The girl grinned, throwing the blanket back at me. "Really, though it took me a while to get this form right." I could only stare with my mouth opening as my mom walked in.

"Oh I see you met Lunar, she's an old family friend of ours. You might not remember her but you used to be really close." My mom smiled before leaving and I gaped at the girl.

"Lunar? How... Why are you..."

"Human? Well, I need to convince you to come back to the Kingdom Hearts Universe." Lunar shrugged as I continued to stare at her. "I can't force you to keep sleeping or you're parents will wonder what's going on with you so I decided to join you in the real world."

"Lunar, it's gonna take a lot to get me to return on my own free will." I said getting out of bed. "Besides, I've got somewhere to go today so I'll be with other people. It'll be hard to talk to me about my Destiny Keeper duties."

"Oh I won't need to. I can just talk about Riku. Maybe even in front of your mom." I stared at her as she smirked at me.

"You won't."

"Well, you have had a crush on him for years so yes. I'll use it if necessary." Lunar said as I glared at her.

"Now that's low my friend."

"Well, you need it. Get changed and ready, your mom's taking us shopping for snacks for that karaoke thing today." With that Lunar left and I looked at my Wayfinder and up to the ceiling.

"Ven, Aqua, Terra. I know I'm supposed to be the Destiny Keeper and running away from my job is bad and all but really. I have a keyblade like her."

"I heard that!" I rolled my eyes and got ready. After washing up a big and braiding my hair. I walked down in a black dress and pink scarf with Wayfinder and cell phone charm in my purse to see Lunar watching TV with my mom.

"Oh, Anna. Good, we need to held to the market to get those snacks."

"Thanks again for letting me come with you." Lunar said smiling sweetly at my mother.

"Oh don't worry dear. You're always a friend here." My mom said, as she left for the car.

"What did you do to my parents anyway?" I asked as Lunar shrugged.

"It's a gift." Yeah, I'm kind of starting to regret not buying the snacks yesterday now. I had Lunar breathing down my neck as I'm picking out chips and sodas.

"Okay Anna, you do realize that if you don't return Riku might not leave the islands without you." Lunar pointed out as I rolled my eyes at the potato chips before turning to her.

"Lunar, I don't know if you noticed but things will happen whether I'm there or not." I stated as Lunar looked a little sad. "Even if Sora, Riku, and Kairi aren't planning to leave the island on their raft, the darkness will come anyway. You need to come up with a better argument."

"Anna, please just go back." Lunar pleaded. "You have to face this, not only because it's your duty but because of your promise to Riku as well as Ven and the others. You promised Riku to be there to start this; you're going to get involved anyway." I stared at her before I nodded.

"Okay, good point."

"Good, now lets..."

"No!" I shook my head. "I need one more reason to go back."

"What more do you what?" Lunar asked, looking exasperated.

"A way to help Riku at least. He needs at least something to guide him out of the darkness." I answered and Lunar looked a little scared.

"Anna, I know you want to save Riku but please just return and forget about it."

"Why, you got something more to hide from me again?" I asked as Lunar did look sad.

"Look, Anna. I'm not telling you because I'm keeping you safe." Lunar said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Lunar, just tell me. When you do, it won't take long for me to decide, okay?" Lunar didn't look certain but nodded anyway.

"Okay. I just need to think how I'm gonna say this." I nodded as my mom came up to us.

"Well, we'd better go an pay and drop you off at the karaoke place."

"Okay." During the whole way to the karaoke place, Lunar was completely quiet and serious. Whatever Lunar has to say, it must be serious because she's never really this silent. She even stayed quiet as my friends and I started singing random songs but I haven't started singing my version of Omokage yet. Finally, after the first hour Lunar took my hand looking serious.

"Anna, I'll tell you." I nodded and got up.

"Hey Anna, where you going?" Kat asked, grinning.

"Just need to talk to Lunar about when we need to go home." I said and we walked out of our private room and went to the back, near the bathroom. "Okay, what's this next reason?"

"The next reason is, you may be able to help Riku fight against his darkness when his body is taken." Lunar stated as I stared at her.

"Lunar, why didn't you say anything before now?"

"Because I honestly don't know how to save him." Lunar said, looking a little frustrated. "I know you can't use your spells but other than that I can't help you. It'll most likely be dangerous for you."

"So if I go back to help free Riku from his darkness I might die if I try to save him?" I asked as Lunar nodded. "Okay, I'll need to think about this."


"No, I don't need a lot of time to think about this." I said patting her shoulder with a small smile. "I'll tell you when I'm ready to go before the Karaoke thing ends." Lunar nodded and we walked back to our room. Really though, because of this I couldn't sing that much since I was thinking a lot and really couldn't focus on my words. I mean, I know that if the keyblade wars start I will die because the light will be lost. How will I end up dying if I save Riku? There are so many questions and the outcome kind of scares me; this must be how Ventus felt. But I want to see Riku again, I hope to at least tell him I have a crush on him while I'm there. Still, if going back and facing Riku means I can help him, I'm willing. I'll just have to find out more facts when I get there.

"Hey Anna, you gonna sing your song?" Kat asked, and I nodded.

"I'm just gonna do the TV version of Omokage." I said as I pushed the buttons to get the song up and I went to the microphone and began to sing.

In the mirror on the side view of a face

I placed you over it and

my heart is breaking

like the cold wind that passes me by

Impossible for me to catch it

why is it you?

with finger tips reaching out but that'll never touch

I hold them all alone in my hands

The words that'll never be said or even heard

drift into the night sky and the stars!

I won't turn back

Ah, even with this sadness

with this loneliness

It helps me know I was born

Ah, flowing in my heart

reaching to the very ends

I've made up my mind!

Kat, Lunar, and my other friends stared at me as I finished. I looked to Lunar and nodded and she went out of the room in a hurry; guess she understood. "What's up with her?"

"I'll go check." I said, rushing after her back to the back of the place and saw her waiting.

"You really want to go back now?" Lunar asked as I shrugged.

"Maybe later tonight, I want to say 'good bye' to Amy and Amanda before I go." I said as Lunar nodded.

"You do realize that if you plan on trying to find away to help Riku with his darkness, you might not return here?"

"Yeah." I said with a nod. "But I know I won't, at least I hope not. I've got a promise to keep for Ven and the others." Lunar smiled and started to glow.

"I'll come by tonight and you'll need to do a proper Deep Dive before you return to the Kingdom Hearts universe." Lunar said and turned into a ball of light and went back inside me.

"Hey Anna, where's that Lunar girl?" Kat asked as I walked back into the room.

"She decided to head home early." I said, pulling out my cell phone to check the time. It was five o'clock. "We're near our end time, we'd better clean up." So we did, paid for our time, some food they served there, and left. My parents quickly picked me up and we went to Anna and Amy's place to dinner. It was nice to see my family having fun but it's a little sad, what if I don't come back right away from the Kingdom Hearts universe? Will time stop while I'm gone or will time pass? Mom will be scared if I just up and vanished and Amy and Amanda might tell the adults and be carted off to the hospital.

"Are you okay, Anna?" Amy asked after dinner as we went to Amy and Amanda's bedroom to watch TV.

"Yeah, but there's something I gotta tell you." I said, closing the door behind me before facing my cousins. "I'll be returning to the Kingdom Hearts universe tonight."

"But that's great news!" Amy cheered but Amanda seemed to get it.

"When will you be coming back?" Amanda asked, looking sad.

"I don't know, I don't know how time works when this happens." I said with a shrug. "Not only that, there's a chance I might die again."

"WHAT?" The siblings cried and hugged me tightly.

"Don't go back then!" Amanda cried, snuggling into my dress.

"You might not come back home." Amy whimpered, she never did like crying in front of people.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said making them let go. "I'll be fine, I've got a keyblade and you'll see me again soon."


"Hey, it's okay." I said smiling as the two looked scared. "Tell you what, what do you want me to do so that you'll know I'm okay?"

"Can you write a journal?" Amy suggested as Amanda nodded, now looking a little happier.

"Yeah, write about your adventures so that we can read it when you get back." I should've guessed, they love reading just as much as gaming.

"Sure, I'll write one then." I said and they cheered looking happy again. At least they feel better now.

"Anna, you'll tell Riku you like him right?" Amanda asked as I blushed.

"Well, maybe..."

"Tell him!" Amy yelled at me and I lost hearing in one of my ears. Still, the night was fine and I felt fine as I went home, changed into my Pjs, and looked at Amanda's drawing. I did say I'd put this in the treasure chest and I really don't know what'll change for my outfit so I did the one thing I could do. I folded it and stuffed it as best as I can into the locket; luckily it fits. I went to my bed, holding my Wayfinder with cell phone charm and wearing my locket.

Anna, are you ready?

"Yes, do whatever you need to do?" I closed my eyes and I felt my bed disappeared and I fell through darkness once again. But this wasn't the same feeling I usually get when I enter my heart. This one felt a little sad. I opened my eyes and instead of seeing my pink stain glass, I saw a dark platform. I landed on it and I shifted a little only to be blinded by light below me as doves flew around me before flying off. I looked down to see Snow White's stain glass. Why am I here?

You need to train and get ready again. So you need to go through the Deep Dive. Lunar pointed out from the darkness. You haven't trained in ten weeks, you really need this.

"I get it." I said, feeling a little sad. Was Snow White the first princess to be taken by Maleficent? A part of me isn't surprised but sad seeing as she's the first of the princesses of hearts I've met. I suddenly noticed three platforms appear each with a different weapon: a sword, a staff, and a shield.

You can change your path, Anna. I heard Lunar say, really seriously. Do you want to remain a magic user?

"Yes, I like my magic." I said, climbing onto the platform and taking the staff.

Very well then, which skill will you throw away then?

"The sword, I'm not much of a physical fighter anyway." I said with a shrug, not even bothering to go there as it vanished. Suddenly, there was a lurch and the whole of the stain glass crumbled and I fell through darkness until I stumbled onto Cinderella's stain glass; guess she was the second to go. I held out my hand, expecting to get Lunar Wish in my hand but instead the staff. "Hey, what's this for?"

You need to train so you won't use me until you need to. Lunar pointed out as I noticed something moving. I got ready as I noticed what it was; a Shadow Heartless. I'll admit, when I was six and I saw these things it made me really scared of the dark at how they'd pop out of shadows but that's the least of my worries. I'm fighting them in bare feet.

"Can't you at least give me shoes?" I asked, as I whacked and smashed my way through the Heartless. They keep trying to slash my feet!

Sorry Anna, you went into this without shoes so no shoes until you get through this.

"Well, this SUCKS!" I yelled finished off the last Heartless. Just like in the game, what looked like dark puddles began to appear and I was sucked into one. I can now understand Sora's fear now because it's scary! It felt like something grabbed you by the ankle and is dragging you down to god knows where. I then appeared on a pink stain glass with three different images of princesses. It probably means it's there to mean the remaining three princesses out of Maleficent's grasp for him.

Time to test your magic.

"Right." I nodded as some Heartless appeared. "Blizzaga!" I yelled and it hit a few Heartless. "Alright, I can still use advance magic!"

Yes, you're still a mage after all. Lunar pointed out. Magic is your strongest point, if you didn't remember your spells, I'd think your last adventure really meant nothing to you.

"Oh shut it." I growled as I fought the Heartless with whacking and spells. I'll admit, the Unversed Floods were cute, the Shadow Heartless just creep me out. They scared me as a child, they creep me out because they look like evil ants. I soon disappeared and I reappeared on Aurora's stain glass.

Look out! Heartless! I looked around to see a large number of Heartless and I couldn't help but groan.

"Heartless, Unversed, and Nobodies. All annoying but it's always the Heartless that are first!" I yelled, striking them down as much as possible as well as enjoying using my fire and blizzard spells as much as possible. I don't know why seeing as I liked my old life when I lived it but I actually liked beating up the Heartless in battle.

It's because you've missed this life. Lunar pointed out and I can tell she was smiling. It's normal, you've been fighting and to get back to it, it must feel nice.

"I guess, yeah." I said, looking at my staff. "It just feels weird to like fighting again after living a peaceful normal life." I heard something behind me and I turned to see a stain glass stair way leading me to what I knew would be Belle, the last princess to be taken recently I'm guessing and my first boss fight alone. Wait; is it a boss fight if it's in a dream of sorts? Oh well, I walked up to it and followed it all the way up to Belle's stain glass and saw a beam of light coming from above and I walked over to it, knowing what'll happen next. Still, knowing what'll happen still didn't help the shock of seeing my own shadow pop out of the ground and morph into a giant Heartless: Dark Side. I moved back a bit with my staff in hand, ready to fight as Dark Side stared down at me. 'This is it.' I ran at Dark Side and started whacking his arm but I don't think that was doing much. Is it too late to get the sword? Still, I at least had magic. "Lunar Light!" I yelled but nothing happened.

You can only use my spells with my keyblade.

"I should've known!" I yelled dodging a few dark light balls coming at me. "If I can't use light, I'll use the next best thing. Firaga!" I yelled pointing my staff at one of Dark Side's arms and it instantly burnt. Yay for advance spells! Well, maybe not 'yay' as it Dark Side brought himself up to his full height ready to punch me and my staff vanished. I quickly had to dodge his punch and moved back a little. 'This isn't good, I'll be snuffed out before I even get to the islands!' I thought as Dark Side stared me down. 'No, I can't think that! I have a promise to keep and I'm willing to do what it takes now to make it happen.' I raised my hand up and I gripped it as Lunar Wish appeared in my hand. "Lunar Light!" I yelled as I aimed it at Dark Side, instantly destroying it and engulfing me in light.

Good job Anna, you can continue on with your adventure now.

"Yeah, thanks Lunar." I said, as I lost consciousness. I didn't really know what I'd wake up to but I know where I'd be. 'Sora, Riku, Kairi, I'm coming back. I'll make sure to help more this time.'

Anna: Well, that's the start.

Blair: You made her do the Deep Dive?

Crystal: Well, she needs the exercise.

Anna: Hey!

Crystal: Anyway, hope you liked it. Join us next time in Chapter 2: Destiny Islands, where Anna meets Riku again and the darkness begins to rise. Oh and if you'd like to see Anna's new look, some new pictures for this fanfiction, and the actual cover; check out my Deviantart account. See you soon!