Percy's POV:

What has happened in my life in the past two months:

1) Mom and Paul got divorced after they saw Amphitrite and Poseidon at the beach. Mom and Dad are still in love, Paul and Amphitrite fell in love, Dad and Amphitrite also go a divorce. Now my mom is now the immortal wife of my dad (dream come true, and I know he will stay faithful), and Paul is the immortal husband of Amphitrite (good luck to Paul, he's a good guy, but Amphitrite is nicer now...).

2) Because Triton chose to move in with Amphitrite and Paul, I am now the official Prince of the Seas and my fathers heir.

3) Annabeth cheated on me with a son of Apollo, I don't even know (or care about) his name.

4) I defeated Kronos, Oceanus, and Atlas.

5) I became a god.

Yep. I have such an interesting life, right?

"Percy? Heloooo? Olympus to Percy, do you read me?" Aphrodite said as she waved her hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of it, smiled sheepishly, ad most likely blushed.

"Sorry, thinking." I said with a laugh.

Aphrodite laughed to and nodded. I thought I caught a hint of a blush on her cheeks, but why would she blush? Blush is also makeup...

"Hey Aphrodite? Why do you wear makeup?" I asked.

Aphrodite shrugged.

"It makes me look pretty." she stated simply.

I shook my head.

"Aphrodite, you're beautiful, and I think that without makeup you would be even more beautiful." I stated.

"T-thank you." she stuttered with a blush.

Why was she stuttering and blushing? Did I say something? Wait...oh gods...

"No problem. It's the truth." I said, furiously blushing.

We looked at eachother and bursted out laughing. Most likely at ourselves for blushing. After a few minutes, we calmed down to chuckling.

"Wait...I just realized we're at camp..." I said.

She looked around. We were on the beach, and nobody was here.


And then we bursted out laughing again.

"Aphrodite, I think this is the beggining if a beautiful friendship." I said between laughing.

She nodded, and I put my arm around her shoulder and she put her arm around my waist as we continued laughing. After about ten minutes, we didn't calm down, and only started laughing even harder. I fell to te floor from laughing so hard, but I had my arm around Aphrodite and her arm around me, so we both fell to the floor. Shelanded on top of me, her hair falling in her face. She really did look beautiful... Snap out of it, Percy!

"Sorry." I breathed.

"It's okay." she whispered.

I tucked some hair behind her ear. Her face was beet red, like mine. She was so close I could kiss her...

"Percy?" she whispered.

"Hm? Yeah?" I replied.

I noticed our faces were slowly inching closer.

"Percy, I need to tell you..." she trailed off.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

Her lips were so close... Since when did I want to kiss Aphrodite? But I really do...she's sweet, kind, beautiful, and I feel like I could trust her.

"That know what? I'll tell you later. I need to do something first." she whispered with a smile.

She looked even more beautiful with a smile.

"Do what?" I asked.

We both moved closer, our lips milimeters apart.

"This." she breathed and our lips met.

Our lips moved in perfect synchronization, molded like they were made for eachother. Her lips tasted lip strawberries and the slightest hint of the sea. It was bliss.

Aphrodite POV:

Kissing him was what I had dreamed of, but better. So much better... His lips tasted salty like the sea, but sweet like a fresh chocolate chip cookie. It was the best kiss I ever expierienced. All the others were full of lust and want, but this was sweet and passionate. I smiled against Percy's lips. It was bliss.

Percy's POV:

We could have continued kissing, but I pulled away and smiled.

"Let's go see Chiron and the Campers." I whispered.

Aphrodite pouted.

"But why?" she whined.

I smiled and kissed her cheek lightly.

"Because dinner is about to start." I whispered, and the conch sounded right after I finished my sentence.

I stood up and offered her my hand with asnow. She giggled and I pulled her up, but kept my fingers laced with hers.

"Come on." I said and led her to the Dining Pavilion.

Once we saw the Campers, Aphrodite dropped my hand. I shot her a questioning gaze and she gave me the "tell you later" look. I nodded and she walked ahead of me and met her kids. I continued walking, and all the whispers were making me uncomfortable.

"Percy is back! He got even hotter..."

"Damn, look at that body! And those eyes..."

"Too hot! He's so hot, I'm going to faint!"

Those we're the frequents, and the most appropriate. Some of the others...oh gods...

"Percy?" somebody asked.

I stopped and turned around.

"Hell, Annabeth." I said curtly, and continued walking.

Annabeth jogged to catch up.

"Where have you been for the past month?" she asked.

It was only a month? Hm, time flies.

"Fighting Titans." I said simply.

"What! Who? How?" she exclaimed.

I shrugged.

"I found out Atlas got out from under the sky, so I went to find him. Along the way, I had a run in with Oceanus, needless to say he's in Tartarus. I got to Mount Orthrys, Atlas was gettin Kronos back. I fought Atlas, got him back under the sky, and then sent Kronos to Tartarys again." I explained.

She stared at me wide-eyed.

"Wow...that's...something. Anything else happened?"

"Yep." I stated.

"Are you gonna tell me?" she pushed.

"Nope. Ateast not now, you'll fond out along with the others." I stated.

I was still a bit upset with Annabeth, but I was over her. I've moved on. I smiled as I thought about Aphrodite. Annabeth saw my smile and blushed. Oh gods no...not this conversation...

"Percy...I'm really sorry, and I want to give us another chance." she said as she grasped my hand.

Everybody was watching and whispering now.

"Annabeth. That would be nice." I started.

Her face lit up, and I heard Aphrodite's gasp that the others couldn't hear.

"But I've moved on. And I'm very happy with thos girl. She sweet, beautiful, understanding. She's perfect in every aspect. I'm sorry Annabeth, but us isn't going to happen again." I said.

I shot Aphrodite a glance and smiled. She grinned back at me. With a bit of newfound confidence, I walked into the dining pavilion. Once very body was seated, Dionysus started.

"Well, hello brats! I'm done with this camp, so please don't cry for me leaving. My replacement is already ere, so see you never!" he exclaimed and disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

"I do not know who the new Camp Dorector is, but we do have a guest. Welcome, Lady Aphrodite. Do you happen to know who the new Director is?" Chiron asked.

Aphrodite grinned and a shared a knowing look.

"Why, yes I do. Why doesn't he stand up?" she stated.

I grinned and stood up.

"Hello everybody. My name is Perseus Jackson, I go by Percy, but you all know that. I am the Fifteenth Olympian, and the new Camp Director." I stated.

There was silence. Then everything webt insane.