
Chapter 20:

Like a Puzzle

Jack's POV:

The Morning of Chapter 1:

"You know what must be done." He said to me. "And even though Lennard insists that you are a bright kid, I'm going to run the plan through with you another time. If anything, tonight is the worst night to fuck up."

I bite back my retort. To talk back against Gabriel could very well mean death.

"Now, you must eliminate the adoptive parents and capture the sister of Esmerelda, the best of the best at GRΣΣΚ."

My nose wrinkles at the name of the girl. She has faced me many times, and I don't take well to losing. Suffice to say I never took any of those encounters well. But tonight can, nay, will be different. Strike the heart of our enemies and soon their entire force shall crumble. Zelda, as she is called by her friends, shall not escape this encounter alive. I will see to this that my words will not remain unfulfilled by the end of today.

How weak she was last time I faced her, even though I was the one bested. A gun to my forehead and she couldn't pull the trigger, and then she tried to cover her weakness up by shouting meaningless threats and warnings. I'll have her regret that day for the rest of her short life.

A hand strikes my face, leaving a stinging whelp on my cheek from a wolf shaped ring that rested on Gabriel's middle finger. "Hey fucker!" Gabriel spits, "Get your mind away from the damn personal shit! You do as I say, and nothing else, you hear me dipshit?"

"Yes sir." I say, stopping my maniacal monologue, before rubbing my jaw.

"It's about that time, now get your ass out of here!" He yells, and I make my way to a car.

I have been acting as the boyfriend of Zelda's sister's adoptive sister. For some reason Lilly, Esmerelda's sister, believes that Kate is her birth sister, and Kate's parents are her own. Doesn't she see that she is a stark contrast to the rest of them? Her pale skin versus their tan, her smaller frame versus their more muscular build?

No matter. Her stupidity, in a sense, has aided our mission, and further lead to her own capture and her sister's demise. How tragic, finding out that you were the cause of death of a sister you have never met in your life.

I begin my hour drive to the Winslow house, driving carefully, obeying all traffic laws. Today is not the day to have a criminal charge put on my name. That is for later tonight, unless I pull this off perfectly.

Anything less than perfect is no good for Gabriel, hence all the careful preparation for this act. Get in, disable parents, disable Kate, grab Lilly, get out.

I pull into a parking lot two miles away from the neighborhood, and turn it off. I get out slowly, then pop in some earbuds and begin jogging, as to look less suspicious. It takes me only ten minutes to reach the neighborhood, then slow my pace as I turn on Kate's street.

I silently make my way around her house and peer in through her bedroom window, but Kate was not there. I didn't want to search any further, for the streetlight behind me held me in plain sight. So I slipped back to the front of the house and pulled up the matt, finding the key. I slide it in and open the door.

Kate was seated on the couch, her sleep shirt draped of her shoulder and the blanket had fallen to her lap. "Jack?" She whispers. "What are you doing here? My parents are home!"

As a part of the plan, I pull out a sawed off shotgun from my jacket. "I can fix that."

"What the hell!" She screams. Not the smartest thing she could have done, because this alerted her parents. I suppose I'm not one to follow a stealthy approach anyways. Her parents stumble down the staircase to meet the barrel of my shotty, before two pulls of the trigger and one third of the plan has been completed.

Kate screams loud, and I slam her against the wall. I press the gun against her forehead, and proceed to step two. But... I could have myself a little fun before I kill Kate and retrieve Lilly. So I begin to yell. "Take off your clothes!"

Kate's tears fell from her eyes down her cheeks as she hesitated.

"Now!" I yell again, and slap her hard in the face. "I want to see underwear now!"

Just then I hear the door bust off its hinges. In a short bout of panic, I whirl around and shoot. It wasn't the most accurate shot, but the boy who bust in took a slug to the gut, and he began to fall.

"Humphrey!" I turn to Kate as she yells.

I press the gun harder against her temple. "Now-" I began, before a shot rings out. My leg explodes in pain. New plan, I wasn't going to die today. I fling my gun around to the boy once again, but only a "click" came from me pulling the trigger. I cursed viciously and swung at the window, shattering the glass. I threw myself out and landed on my bad leg. With a grunt of pain, I lift myself up and try to climb up the side of the house and peer into Lilly's window. My face pales as I see the room empty and the bed made. She never was home.

I let myself fall from the second floor, then begin a three mile limp through the forest to get back to my car without being in the open. I soon hear sirens back at the house, but I am far enough gone into the forest by then.

I bandage my wound once I get back to my car, then take a long, painful drive back to our facility. I pull into a large hangar, and Gabriel himself stood in the middle of it. As I pull up closer to him I see his face, and he looked like he already knew I had failed. I stumble out of the car. "Sir, things didn't go as planned." I say, wincing as I place pressure on my leg.

"I see." He says, holding six bullets in his hands.

My face pales. I know what Gabriel does, and it isn't pretty. From all the rumors and stories floating around the compound, I deduct that when people enter Gabriel's office and don't ever return, they haven't been given a vacation.

He places one bullet into his pocket, as I desperately hope he'd discard more. I sigh hard in fear when he doesn't, and pulls out his revolver.

"Sir!" I plead. "I can fix this."

'Click' the first bullet gets put in the chamber.

"Sir, give me another chance!"


"You know my potential, you've seen it!"



"No.." I look at the last bullet in his hand. "No!"


"Now I'm sure you have heard of this procedure." He says, his voice unwavering and cold. "You have 1 space open, five bullets loaded." I hear him click the chamber back in place and he spins it.

I gulp and nod. "Yes sir."

He spins it again, then again. He spins it a fourth time, then points the revolver at my forehead.

"Please." I whisper, as he pulls the trigger.

Lennard's POV:

I caught Gabriel in his office, his legs propped up on his desk. In his hand was the legendary revolver, and he was cleaning it.

I stood and waited a good thirty minutes until he was done, then I spoke up. "Sir, I have some information that might be of some alarm to you."

"Fire away Lennard." He says, spinning the chamber.

"The one who interrupted Jack during his task," I began. "That was Michael Wolfe's son."

Gabriel sits up. "What?"

I nodded, and rubbed the strap of my gun that was slung over my back. "Saw his face clearly through my scope. He was a spitting image of Michael."

"Are you sure you aren't mistaken?" Gabriel asks me.

"I never forget a face, sir." I say. "And this was Michael's son."

I'm a sniper, and I'm always stationed a set amount of distance from the happenings of any of Gabriel's missions, sent to oversee and intervene if needed. I gather information, and I am Gabriel's right hand man.

"And we are sure Michael is dead?" Gabriel asks. His eyes look uneasy at the mention of Michael's name.

"I saw his heart monitor flatline, and his body wheeled to the morgue." I say. "That was two years ago sir, Michael is dead."

"Good. Now what are the looks of his son?" Gabriel sits back.

"He has his father's courage, but he lacks training of any sort." I report.

"Is he a threat?" He asks.

"Not to any of our plans, sir." I say.

"Good." He says. "Find a way to kill him."

"Sir?" I ask, the sudden harsh decision shocking me.

"I do not want him alive." Gabriel says, spinning the chamber of his revolver again. "Any family of Michael's is a threat to me."

Michael Wolfe worked as a double agent ever since the beginning of Gabriel's reign. He was Gabriel's right hand man for years, and it was unknown that all the while he was a spy for GRΣΣΚ. As soon as Gabriel found out, he had issued orders to kill the most trusted member of our organization, Michael. Gabriel didn't rest for weeks, as men after men were reported dead after being sent to terminate the double agent.

It wasn't until two years from that day that one agent found his way into Michael's home and killed two of his family members, and injured his eldest son. It was later that Michael died in the hospital from his wounds, but Gabriel still was uneasy. It took another year for him to stop having others check behind the shower curtain, under his bed, and his closet for Michael's blade.

And these were real orders from him, although it was quickly learned that no one was to speak of these in any ridiculing way. Five men were killed instantly for having such a conversation, and this silenced the rest of our compound for good. Gabriel's temper was none to be trifled with.

Michael's skill and power with his daggers scared Gabriel, as no other could do. His skill in combat was greater than Gabriel's own skill. This was why Gabriel kept him so close, and why he was so hellbent on killing him as fast as possible once he was found a traitor.

"Yes sir." I say. "I shall make ways for the boy to die."

"Good." He says, and that was the end of this conversation. I saw my way out of his office, finding comfort in the feel of the strap.


Ava's POV:

"Just a few more, sir." I say, looking up from my clipboard that has my patient's physical requirements.

He squats five more times, then drops the weights from his shoulders with a soft grunt. He then smiles at me. "All for today, chief?"

"Yes sir." I say to the Omega. "You have come a long way since your injuries."

One of two Omegas, the other being Lacy Lovell who has been missing for sometime, he has been out of commission due to various wounds, but in the recent months all of his usual strength and skill has returned. If anything, his mental wounds should have been larger and deeper than his physical wounds, but he manages to smile each and every day before, during, and after his training.

"I'd say you have already been well ready to return to our main base." I say. "For about a month or two you have been in top shape. If anything, better than you were."

He nods. "Maybe, but I can't return just yet." He stretches his arms and legs. "The timing needs to be impeccable. The only thing for us to do now is train and be patient." He then puts his arms up in a stance. "Now come on Alpha, let's spar."

I smile, and raise my arms as well. "Try me."