A/N: Hey everyone! Here's the next chapter; hope you enjoy! Slight spoilers for the Season 5 episode, The Fight.

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.

Chapter 16:

~ April 2010 ~

JJ rubbed at her tired eyes as she read a case-file by the dim light of Hotch's office lamp. She glanced over at Hotch at the other end of the couch, immersed in a file of his own. As far as she was concerned, he was sitting way too far from her. But, she guessed that was the point; after all, Henry was conceived on this very couch.

She grinned as she flipped through the pages of the file folder, her mind obviously not on the case file anymore, but on that night and how far they'd come since then.

"And just what is more intriguing than that case-file, Agent Jareau?"

JJ looked up, surprised that he'd noticed; he'd been so engrossed in the reading of his file, she'd thought. They were attempting to get ahead of the mounting caseload, hoping to weed out some of the ones that wouldn't need their direct attention, in hopes that they could keep the whole weekend work-free.

"Nothing…" she said elusively, still grinning.

He threw his file onto the coffee table, grinning too, and slid across the leather sofa, closing the gulf of space between them.

"Really?" he said, pulling one of her legs across his lap, her skirt hiking up just enough so that his hands could slip under and settle on her lacy-underwear-clad ass easily. "I think I know… Maybe it's got something to do with this couch, and a certain night, say about a year ago… Hmm?"

She shook her head, playfully. He was right on the button of course.

"I, for one, think that night was very, very intriguing," he said slowly. Hotch pulled her right into his lap, so she straddled his body. "It went something like this, I think…"

He kissed her then. And now, JJ knew, the couch had been a mistake. There was no way they were going to get ahead now. So much for that.

JJ ground her hips against his, feeling how his need for her matched her own.

They were right on their way to a repeat of that night so long ago, when a loud knock was heard. The sound was like a cold bucket of water being dumped over both their heads.

JJ quickly got out of his lap, smoothing her skirt back into place. She watched as Hotch scooted back to his side of the couch, grabbing his previously discarded file folder and placing it over his lap.

"Come in?" he called out.

His voice was full of the confusion she felt. Who else was here so late?

"Agent Hotchner," Chief Strauss began as she pushed open the door. "I'm glad you're st—Agent Jareau?"

"Ma'am," she greeted as neutrally as possible. She didn't want to give anything away, especially how fast her heart was beating, a combination of both the moment before and nearly being caught.

Instead of Strauss's gaze going back to Hotch as she expected, she remained focused on JJ.

In all the years JJ had worked for the Bureau, and especially the years she'd been with the BAU, she hadn't been particularly noticed by the Section Chief. She wouldn't say it was because Strauss didn't think that JJ's job was very important, it was just that JJ's duties just weren't top-priority for Strauss. In the end, as long as JJ did her job, she was able to fly under the radar. She was able to do things, pull strings, that the others couldn't.

To have the full Erin Strauss glare turned on her, now, was an intense and almost intimidating feeling.

"I didn't expect to find you here this late, Agent," Strauss told her, giving her a quizzical, considering look that JJ couldn't quite read. "Shouldn't you be home with… Henry, is it?"

JJ gave her a surprised look. She didn't think the woman had even known she had a son—which was irrational since she would have had to approve Agent Todd's temporary placement during her maternity leave—let alone knew his name.

"He's with Garcia right now," she answered swiftly; too quickly, she thought a moment later. What business was it of hers where Henry was right then?

"Ah, so he's not with his… father right now…"

JJ couldn't be sure, but she thought she noticed Strauss's steely eyed gaze flick over to Hotch for a moment before coming back to her. It was just too dim in the room to tell for sure.

"No, he's not," JJ said with finality.

"It's such a shame when a child's parents split up," Strauss commented.

JJ's face heated up. She was seeing red. The woman was judging her! How dare she? "With all due respect—" she began through gritted teeth.

But the woman cut her off, looking to Hotch once again. "I thought we could talk about the Albany case, Agent Hotchner, and just how Agent Morgan ended up with that bump on his head, but, I can see you're busy." Strauss's gaze flicked from the case-file smooshed up against JJ's chest to the one in Hotch's lap. "So, first thing tomorrow morning, my office."

"Yes, ma'am," Hotch agreed readily.

"Get home you two, you have children to see to," she said, and with that she left the office.

It was about a minute later before JJ could take a breath. And she did so with a big gasp. "Oh, you can't say she doesn't know something now…"

"She doesn't," Hotch retorted, tight-lipped.

"She does, she looked at you when she mentioned Henry's father," she replied.

"JJ, you're being paranoid," Hotch accused lightly.

Was she? They were planning on telling the team tomorrow night. Jack already knew, so did Jessica; they'd asked her to be there when they told the little boy. Other than Jack and Jessica, the only people who really knew were Garcia and Rossi.

And Will.

But, he wouldn't… she thought, dread filling her at the mere thought. Would he? Actually the question she needed to ask herself was: Did he? Will was just angry enough to go to Strauss with the truth. He'd want to get back at her. At Hotch. Any way he could.

Hotch reached across the couch, taking her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. "Everyone who cares about us will know tomorrow night. As for the fraternization issue, you know Dave is helping us with that. You reporting to him, instead of me, is a viable solution. We'll be ok, JJ."

She nodded, but the nod turned into a shake of her head. "Not if Strauss finds out first. You know she's been looking for some sort of excuse to get rid of you since forever. This could be it, Aaron."

"She doesn't know. If she did, she would have said something by now, don't you think?" Hotch countered.

JJ thought that over for a second. "Yeah… she would have…"

He moved in closer to her. "So, you agree, she doesn't know?"

She sighed. She just wasn't sure. "The only thing I can agree on is that we can't tell the team fast enough at this point."

"Luckily," Hotch told her. "The gathering at Dave's will fix that."

Hotch poured out a few flutes of champagne and passed them around Dave's dining table. He retook his seat, next to Dave's head of table spot and glanced nervously across the table to JJ. She watched him too and looked just as anxious as he felt.

The night was winding down, the table was strewn with the leftovers of another one of Dave's fantastic creations, and they had yet to inform their extended family of their necessary deception.

For his part, Hotch was waiting for the right moment. As he knew JJ was doing. Before they'd left the apartment, the two of them had tried to come up with a game plan. But, in the end, they both agreed that whoever could fit their bombshell of a revelation into the conversation naturally first should just go right ahead.

It was definitely nerve-wracking. And, in hindsight, they probably should have opened dinner with the news that Henry was actually his son. That way he wouldn't have had to spend the last hour or so twisted in knots.

Deep down, Hotch knew his friends would support them no matter what. They would have questions, for sure, but they'd still be there for them. Still, it was hard to predict how they'd take the news of their dupe initially. Profiler or not, Hotch just couldn't predict what would happen next.

The twinkling of silverware on glass gained his attention, bringing him out of his uneasy thoughts. Hotch looked for the source of the sound and found Rossi holding his champagne glass up in the air, grinning at the group. All eyes were on their host for the evening.

"A toast," he began. "To the greatest family a man could ever ask for. Proof that family doesn't end with blood."

"Here, here," the group agreed happily. They all took a collective sip of their drinks, thinking that Rossi was finished.

"Speaking of families and, coincidentally, blood…" the older man continued, after giving Hotch time to swallow his sip, obviously not wanting him to choke on it. How considerate…

The wink Rossi through him confirmed Hotch's suspicions, Dave was about to spill the beans for them. "Hotch, JJ, I think there's something you've wanted to share with the group for a while now, isn't there?"

Hotch glared at the man. What happened to letting them announce it on their own terms, huh?

He spared a glance at JJ; she'd lost all color and was white as a ghost. During their conversation about how they'd break it to the team, JJ had revealed to him that she was worried that their friends would perceive her actions as that of a home-wrecker. It was an irrational fear, she'd conceded, but she had it nonetheless. He also knew that she was worried that they wouldn't forgive what she had done to Will, even though it had been a necessary evil.

Still, he gave her a 'don't worry' look. He would do this for her, tell the team. And she looked the tiniest bit relieved at this.

Turning his head to face the group, he noted the looks of curiosity plain on Reid and Morgan's faces. Emily looked downright suspicious; he knew from JJ that the brunette already had her own ideas about the two of them.

"It's a long story, you're going to have bear with me," Hotch began by disclaiming.

"What's going on, Hotch?" Morgan questioned, never one for being left in the dark. He liked his transparency in all things.

"JJ and I are… well, together—dating, I'd guess you'd say." Though it was so much more than that. Dating implied casualness, what he had with the pretty blonde was forever. Before he could correct himself or even go on exclamations of surprise bombarded him from the three clueless guests present.

"What?" Morgan exclaimed.

"Really?" Reid asked, eyes only for JJ, he looked worried.

"Holy crap!" Emily enthused, clearly pleased to have her suspicions confirmed.

"What—How—When?" Reid stuttered out for the threesome.

"Oh, dear, maybe you should start at the beginning," Garcia suggested to him from JJ's side.

Emily's eyes zeroed in on the technical analyst. "You knew? And you didn't tell me?"

Garcia gave her a sheepish look, for once in her life speechless.

Morgan stared daggers across the table at Rossi. "And I'm guessing you knew, too."

The older man held up his hands in surrender. "It wasn't for us to disclose."

Hotch stared bewilderedly at their friends. Things were getting away from him. He needed to reel things in and fast.

"Rossi's right, guys," Reid spoke up, this time more coherently. "Besides, they're telling us now, that's what counts." Reid paused looking from a queasy looking JJ—how Hotch wanted to hold her just then—back to Hotch. "Garcia's right, you should start at the beginning. We're happy for you, but… how did this happen?"

Hotch took a deep breath. The beginning, huh? He strained his mind to remember that far back. It had all begun with Hailey's weird request. But they didn't need to know about that part exactly. "JJ and I have been seeing each other off and on since 2005. And I've loved her ever since." He stopped to look at the woman in question fondly. She smiled back, some color returning to her.

"But, but… Hailey? Will?" It was Emily's turn to sputter.

"My marriage to Hailey was over long before anything ever happened between JJ and me, just not officially. As for Will—"

"Will was my attempt to get over Aaron," JJ jumped in, cringing. "Only things got a lot more complicated."

"You had Henry," Reid stated knowingly.

Oh, little did he know… "I had Henry," she echoed. "But…"

Hotch reached across the table, taking JJ's hand to give it a fortifying squeeze. "But, Henry isn't Will's son, he's mine."

Gasps came from the three. Emily looked like she was downright about to hyperventilate. Hotch let that new tidbit sink in.

"That is—" Morgan began, stopping abruptly. And then, "What the hell?"

Hotch didn't blame the man for his incredulity. If he were in his shoes he would have been just as dumbstruck.

"How long have you known?" Reid questioned.

"Since just after Henry was born," JJ informed.

"A year!" Emily exclaimed. "A year and no one told us?"

JJ looked at her, an apology in her blue eyes. "We wanted to. Trust me. We wanted to tell everyone, but we couldn't. Not even Will."

"Yeah, Will. What about him?" Morgan wanted to know.

"And why couldn't you tell us?" Reid asked.

"We were afraid," Hotch stated matter-of-fact. "Of the Reaper."

"Backtrack for a second; what does Foyet have to do with your relationship and Henry's paternity?"

Hotch took a deep breath, either he wasn't doing a very good job of explaining or their news had temporarily fried their brains. Who was he kidding, it was probably both.

So, he took Emily's advice and backed all the way to the beginning. "It all began one night, in April of 2005…"

JJ stood on the threshold to Rossi's place, exhausted, but wanting to see her friends out.

Reid gave her a hug. Of the three he was behaving the most supportively. Not that Emily and Derek weren't happy for her and Hotch. It was just that after Hotch had detailed the events of their lives the past five years, he seemed content with their story, while Morgan and Emily were all questions, hence her exhaustion.

"I'm so happy you two can finally be together out in the open," Reid said as he pulled back.

Emily gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Me too."

"Well, not quite, there's still the matter of the fraternization rule," JJ said, frowning.

Morgan frowned, as well. "We won't say anything until Rossi gets things all settled with Strauss." He paused, the lines on his face deepening. "But, I wouldn't be so sure about Will…"

He'd read her mind. JJ was worried about how angry her ex was and how far he was willing to go to hurt her and Hotch.

"Maybe I'll talk to him," Reid offered.

"Thanks, Spence," she said gratefully.

"And…" Emily began tentatively. "Maybe you should consider letting Will see Henry."

JJ grimaced.

"He thought he was Henry's father for a year of both their lives. Those feelings don't just go away, JJ," Morgan explained.

They were right of course. JJ nodded; she'd at least consider it.

They said their goodbyes and JJ went back inside.

She found Hotch, Rossi, and Penelope seated in the living room.

Sighing, she said, "Well, that went well…"

JJ came around the sofa and Hotch pulled her down next to him, wrapping her in a much needed embrace.

Garcia was shaking her head as she stared at them.


"I don't know how I didn't see it before," Garcia answered, pointing between her and Hotch. "The perfection that is Jotch."

"What?" Hotch asked, chuckling.

"JJ, Hotch, Jotch. You know, like Brangelina."

"Except with bigger problems," Rossi cut in; his smile faltered for the first time that night. "You two need to figure out this Will issue before he blows things for you at work… I can talk Erin into anything—trust me—but the change will still take time to implement and process. And you don't want Will talking before it's done.

"I heard what the others were saying; maybe it is time to let Will see Henry again."

JJ got it. She'd done a bad thing to Will. But everyone was acting like this lawsuit was what she wanted. It wasn't! "Believe me, I was all willing to let Will see Henry. But then he tried to sue for custody, and now he's suing me for all I've got. I didn't start this, Dave," she said tersely. "He did!"

Dave sighed. "I know. But someone's got to end it. Preferably you two. I know Will's state of mind right now. He's more than angry, he's downright explosive. It has to be you two guiding this to the end. On your terms, not his."

"Dave's right," Hotch said. She turned slightly in his arms to see what he was thinking. "I'll go see Will as soon as I'm free. You and I can come up with some meeting times for him to visit Henry when at least one of us can be present. I'll explain things to him. He'll either have to take it or leave it."

"And if he decides to leave it?" JJ asked, frightened.

"We'll cross that bridge when or if we need to," Hotch assured.

She nodded. There was no one in the world she trusted more than Hotch. Besides, he was right. They needed a solution. And proceeding with the lawsuit wasn't the right one.

"Enough with all the seriousness," Garcia suddenly exclaimed. "When's the wedding?"

JJ laughed, happy to leave behind the topic of Will. "Considering you guys, Jessica, and Will are the only ones who know, it wouldn't be much of a wedding, now would it?"

Garcia waved her hand in the air. "Who else do you need? We're the most important part!"

JJ smiled. "True…"

Hotch pulled her closer, grinning. "Are you saying you're willing to marry me?"

"When and if you ask," she said.

He shook his head. "No if," he told her. "Just when."

~ May, 2010 ~

"All right, yes… I'm on my way… No, I'll contact the rest of the team," Hotch was saying into the phone.

He hung up, spotting JJ in the entrance to the hallway, then. She was dressed very casually in sweatpants and tank-top, all prepped for the day of painting they'd planned.

JJ gave him a sigh, arms crossed over her chest. "So much for painting, huh?"

He stood up, closing the distance between them. Hotch placed his hands on her bare arms. "I'm sorry." He leaned in and gave her a kiss.

They would have to put off their little project again, and it wasn't the first time. After the pair had revealed to Jack that Henry was his little brother—a fact that made the five year old ecstatic—and to the team—also super happy for them, despite their questions—they'd decided to move things along. JJ had already moved into Hotch's apartment. Today was supposed to be their day of putting JJ's stamp on the place.

They had plans to buy a house together, but they'd yet to get things settled with both Will and the Bureau. Currently, JJ's address was listed as Garcia's, since it was common knowledge now that she'd broken things off with Will.

The painting project—they had planned on starting with Jack's bedroom—would have to wait. It was also too bad, as today was the day Hotch had planned on seeing Will.

He pulled back from the kiss and found JJ smiling. "Aaron, it's both our jobs. I understand." She paused, patting his chest. "We'll try again another time. Or… why don't I call Jessica; see if she's willing to come over. Jack's all dressed in his overalls, ready to get started. It's so cute. Maybe they could get started at least…"

He nodded. "Good idea," he agreed. "I should get—"

Hotch's cell phone rang then, cutting off his comment. Checking the caller ID, he was quite surprised to see who it was. "Cooper?" he said into the phone as JJ gave him a curious look.

He listened mostly and then hung up.

"Who was that?" JJ asked.

"SSA Sam Cooper, he runs his own team," he explained. Recognition lit JJ's eyes, she would know of him. "He wants me to meet him."


"Yeah." He frowned, looking at the time. "I've got to go."

JJ nodded. "All right. I'll get the boys all set. And then I'll see you at work."

She kissed him and reluctantly he broke contact. "See you later."

"And the next time either of you feel like going off on a tangent. Don't," Strauss was saying. "Honestly, you aren't cowboys and this isn't the Wild West—"

Hotch snuck a glance to his left to share an amused look with his fellow scold-ee, Sam Cooper. Cooper was less than discreet, grinning outright from ear to ear.

"We—" Strauss went on, though her voice was audibly louder; she'd obviously noted Cooper's less than apologetic vibe. "—have rules in place for a reason."

"Rules are mea—" Cooper began.

"Tut," Strauss cut him off, shaking her head and closing her eyes as if a headache was coming on. Hotch wouldn't blame her. "I've already asked you to hold back your insolence, Agent Cooper." She opened her eyes to stare at him hard. Though, Hotch caught a brief twinkle in the Section Chief's eyes. Strauss was at least a tiny bit amused; he'd have to tell JJ. This was perfect evidence of the mellowing of Strauss. "I won't ask you again."

"Yes ma'am," the man answered a little more contritely.

"We'll come to you the next time we have a change in plans," Hotch acquiesced, for now. Though, they both knew that if time was of the essence, like it was on this case, he would do the same: act first, argue for approval later.

"You do that," Strauss allowed. She sighed, moving to stand behind her desk. She looked down at the desktop and waved them off. "That will be all."

Hotch took a deep breath, sharing a relieved look with Cooper. They headed towards the exit, not having to be told twice.

"Agent Hotchner, stay a moment," the Section Chief requested.

Both he and Cooper paused at the door. They turned to find her seated, reading glasses perched on the tip of her nose, reading out of a file.

"Ma'am, this was as much my doing as it was Hotch's—" Cooper began to protest.

"Agent Cooper, you are dismissed. I have a separate, unrelated matter to discuss with Agent Hotchner."

His friend opened his mouth to say more, but Hotch silently shook his head at the man and he quickly closed his mouth. Cooper gave him an apologetic look and clapped him on the shoulder for support before leaving.

Hotch held in his sigh. He should have known that he wouldn't get off that easily.

"Ma'am?" he questioned. She had yet to look up.

"Have a seat, Aaron," she ordered; the use of his given name did nothing to soothe his worry.

Tentatively, he did as told. He waited silently for her to get on with whatever this was. He'd learned in the past that it was best to let Strauss get in the first—and last—words. It made for a happier section chief.

After a good minute of quiet, Strauss put down the file and looked up to eye him shrewdly. "I've read your report."

"Yes?" He thought this was supposed to be a separate and unrelated matter.

She tapped at a section of the file in front of her. "I'm particularly interested in this part here. The takedown of the un-sub, John Vincent Bell."

"All right…" Hotch had no clue what irked her. He racked his brain for something. But, no, they'd done everything by the books.

"From what I read, Agent Jareau was part of the raid?" she asked, he assumed, rhetorically; it was all there in front of her, after all. So, when he didn't answer, Strauss frowned and prompted edgily, "Well?"

He couldn't hide his perplexed look. He answered her question. "Agent Jareau was part of the team that stormed Bell's gym."

"And she was at your side the entire time?"

Beginning to become concerned for JJ, he started to question, "Chief Strauss, has Agent Jareau done—"

"Just answer the question, please."

He pursed his lips for a moment, remembering. "JJ and I went in with the others." He waved a hand at the file in front of her to indicate that the 'others' were listed in there (along with everything else he was telling her now). "Together, we cleared the rooms immediately after the entrance. When we found the father, JJ stayed with him to await the arrival of the paramedics."

"I see," she said, sounding displeased, though for the life of him, he did not know why. "And I also see you weren't part of the actual takedown of the un-sub on the rooftop. Where were you?"

It sounded like she was accusing him of something, but he wasn't exactly sure of what. "I stayed back to coordinate the search for Bell. We needed the help of the SFPD to find Bell's vehicle and we also needed to arrange for a helicopter to take one of our agents up." He paused. "I don't understand, have I or Agent Jareau done something wrong?"

She took off her glasses and stared at him hard. There was no tell-tale twinkle of amusement in her eyes now. Now she just watched him very carefully.

"And whose decision was it to hold Agent Jareau back from the final takedown?" Strauss asked instead.

He let that sigh out now, seeing no end in sight. He held his hands out to either side of him. "Agent Jareau said she'd stay with the father. As we had more than enough bodies to go after Bell, and Agent Jareau's primary role with the BAU is to liaise with the media and the family of the victims, I found no fault in her logic."

Strauss nodded. "Bodies that weren't officially sanctioned for this case, might I remind." He opened his mouth to defend Cooper's involvement once again. But she held a hand up for him to wait. "Nonetheless, you did good work. The girl and her father are alive and well. And a disturbed man is off the streets for good."

She wasn't criticising him? He was so confused. "Yes…"

"One last question, Agent Hotchner."

"All right."

"Is it your opinion that Agent Jareau is being put to work to her fullest potential? Can she do more?"

"JJ does excellent work as Media Liaison. She goes above and beyond her duties each and every case. On a number of occasions, she has demonstrated an acute ability to read people and situations precisely as a profiler would. I've even made the suggestion to her of becoming a profiler."

"So, she could do more."

"JJ's content in her current role," he offered.

"All right, that's all I have," Strauss dismissed.

Hotch reluctantly stood up. He still didn't have an inkling of what this was all about.

"Aaron," Strauss halted him once again, her tone without its previous authoritativeness. "Agent Jareau… She's a special woman, isn't she?"

Warily, he answered, "Yes."

She stood. "Keep her close. Protect her."

What? "Ma'am? My team is quite capable of keeping themselves safe," he replied as neutrally as possible.

She nodded her agreement. "Yes, they are. But, Agent Jareau—Jennifer, she's… more," she said pointedly. "She's a… mother."

Hotch's eyes widened. Oh crap! JJ's right.

"I'll…" he began. He had to force himself to keep it together. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Aaron," she said almost warmly.

He left the office then with one question on his mind. What were they going to do?

She knew.

Walking, he paused before Rossi's open office door. He poked his head inside. "You haven't spoken to Strauss yet, have you?"

Rossi's head was bent over a book he was reading. "About?" he began; he lifted his head then. Something on his face must have given it away; Rossi's eyes widened in recognition. "No. Not yet. I haven't had a chance to."

He grimaced. "I think she knows."

"What—How?" Rossi questioned. His frown deepened. "You don't think—Will?"

Hotch nodded. That's exactly what he thought.

"What do we do?" Rossi stood up, ready to act.

Shaking his head, Hotch replied, "Nothing. At least, not yet. I need to talk to JJ first. And Strauss didn't outright accuse us."

"So maybe she doesn't know," Rossi said half-heartedly.

"Maybe," he said, unconvinced.

He left Rossi and went in search of JJ.

They had some potential damage control to plan.

That's it for this one. I was initially going to keep going with this chapter, but I haven't had time to write it out (it's planned, though, that's something at least) yet. We'll get a better idea of what Strauss is planning in the next chapter, but I think some of you can probably guess what it has to do with…

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Thanks to everyone who's been patiently following along with this story. I can't promise fast updates, but I can promise that I will continue to update this until it is done.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter: natexserenafan (I'm so glad you decided to give this one a read; I think it's my favorite of my JJ/Hotch stories to date, so I'm happy you're liking it. Thanks!); Guest #1 (I'm following the storyline of the show pretty closely, with some obvious tweeks, but who knows… maybe a baby Jareau-Hotchner could show up…); SuperCumbercollective (Aww I'm so happy you like this one. Thank you! Hope you enjoy the rest as well); potternerd95 (Yay! I'm so glad I was able to convert you to the JJ/Hotch-side. Lol. Thanks for reading this one! I know a vindictive Will is tough for some to read, but hopefully his actions are understandable in this case…); bandanasbananas (Happy New Year! Yep, I'm a little late, as I am with this update too. Lol. Thank you for reading!); Guest #2 (Compassionate Strauss? Maybe… lol.); Christiangirl (Oh yeah, Will is definitely making things difficult for the pair… We'll see the result of his interfering in the next chapter); PLL92gal (Yep. He's just that pissed off); jekkah (So glad you liked the last chapter and that you caught the "That's What She Said" moment, that was just for you! :) ); Lalina92 (My thoughts exactly!); and hojear (Thanks for reading!).

I'll try to update soon! Hope you'll let me know what you think. Thanks!