This is a letter from China to Japan, I do not own Hetalia..but I bet you knew that!

Dear Japan,

Are you still angry with me? If so I am sorry to hear that, I thought we had finally mended our rift. How can you yourself be angry at me, when you have done the same thing? Please I beg of you read this through, and then maybe you can understand how I fell in love.

Ever since you and the others left I've been feeling so down. I had thought I was a good older brother, that I was teaching you to be good nations. But then you all left, and I didn't know how to feel. You didn't know this, since after you left we kinda became enemies, but when you guys left me it left scars. No matter how hard I would scrub they wouldn't come out. They are still there.

And then he came along. He was so persistent, I didn't want the attention, not from him. He would keep showing up at my door, and I would have to keep telling him to leave. It got to the point where I had to build a great wall to keep him away. But he still kept coming, and thank Buddha he did. At first I only let him in out of pity, after all he had been doing this for a long time. But as I got to know him I got less and less afraid of him. Soon when he came to visit he brought me sunflowers, he said they reminded him of my eyes. The closer I got to knowing him the more I was pleasantly surprised. He had the same scars I did. After the fall of the Soviet Union he became so despondent, and he came to my house more and more often. That's when I found out about the scars, he may seem big and frightening, but he's really only a child. We became even closer, and I realized I was falling for the stupid nation... Oh you must think me so foolish. But no I wasn't, because he loved me too. And now you know. I beg of you to understand, I know that he is scary but he is also one of the kindest people I know.

When I'm around him I blush like crazy, and he says when he's around me it's like he's finally found his sun. And it's true, when we're together he follows me around everywhere, just like a sunflower. He calls me Yao-Yao, something I still haven't gotten used to. He makes me feel special, and wanted. And most importantly he makes me feel young again. When I'm with him I just feel like the world is a better place, and that when I'm in his arms I feel at peace. There you have it. Will you forgive me falling in love?

Love from,


PS how's the honeymoon with Greece?

AN Who's the mystery man China fell in love with? I hope you can guess, I wasn't very subtle or anything. If you can't it's Russia. I hope this made you happy...happy enough to review it da? Please if you are a writer then you must know that I live for reviews! So if you feel moved to please review this.