Hey guys. This is my first story; well, I've had other stories but I haven't really liked them much (your probably wondering why I wrote them then; answer=I don't know)

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this story.

Here is the preface. First official chapter up tomorrow (Monday)

Disclaimer; I do not own Twilight or the characters; I just like putting them in fucked up situations.


I held her as she cried, unsure of what to do.

I felt helpless! And that terrified me! Never in our relationship has there ever been anything that I have never been able to fix; when her parents got divorced, I made her laugh and she was okay a couple of days later; when her dog got run over by the prick Mike Newton, I organized a funeral and made a small shrine in my backyard, knowing that my parents wouldn't mind; when her aunt Kelly and uncle Robert died in a car accident when we were ten, knowing that she was close to them, I got all of the pictures of them that she had and my mum helped me make it into a book.

Anyway, the point was, I had always been able to fix any problem. But now, this was too much.

Too much for me to handle, because I was going through it also. Not as bad as she was, but it affected me in such a way.

But I couldn't cry…wouldn't cry…for her! I had to be strong for her. That is what the doctor had said, what my father had said. So that is what I would do, I would be strong for her, because, if I wasn't looking after her, I would break, I know it.

Eventually she was all cried out and fell to sleep against my shoulder. This was my time…my time to mourn. I put my hands on her stomach and felt the tears spill out of my eyes.

And as I fell to sleep next to my girl, I thought, Goodbye my angel. We will always love you.


