
Marcus Volturi, one of the kings of the vampire population, a friend and a brother to Aro and Caius Volturi. A vampire, a vampire with a gift- the ability to read relationships, However in all of this blessing it is important to note a few things. Marcus Volturi is alone, his mate is dead, and his reason for living is gone, forever. Marcus Volturi is a suicidal vampire.

Marcus gazed into the distance, ignoring the squabbling of Aro and Caius as he tried to think back, tried to remember happier times, a time when he Marcus, had the love of his eternal life, Didyme.

Marcus knew that Aro had made Chelsea strengthen his ties to the Volturi, so that he could not take his own life and end this misery. Marcus knew that the guard with Aro and Caius, not to mention Athendora and Sulpicia shot him worried glances when they thought he would not notice. He knew that they missed the "old" Marcus, The one who constantly cracked jokes and gave solid advice to all, the one who enjoyed and valued life. At times Marcus would felt a twinge of guilt for what he was putting them all through, but then he remembered that the Didyme, who had stolen his heart and had it even now in death, was no more.

Marcus knew that one day, one day soon he would find a way to end this, end this all and one day his life would be over, but first he needed to find Didyme's killer, first needed to end them in the most painful way possible, then and only then could he die in peace.