"You know, you are going to thank me later for this" Klaus replied. But Claire just rolled her eyes, she couldn't even stand being in the same room with him. It had been 3 months since she left her life in Mystic Falls, since she left Damon behind.

The first months she was a mess. Desperate to get away from Klaus, she tried to escape him numerous time. Until he threathned Damon's life, and he had her right there. She couldn't risk Damon's life, so she stopped struggling.

To say that Claire missed him, would be an understatement. She tried to reach him in his dreams but it's like someone or something is blocking Damon's head.

She would cry at night in her room, she felt so powerless. Claire would put a spell on her room so Klaus and Stefan wouldn't hear her crying. She remebered that today was Elena's birthday. She hoped that she was okay, and she hoped that she was taking care of Damon. If before she would had let Elena alone with Damon, she would say Hell No! But so much changed, she changed. Her life completely changed, Damon happened, Klaus happened. Klaus. The only thing that kept her from being happy with the love of her life.

She still couldn't understand his obsession with her, at first she thought that it was because of her powers, but he claims that he loves her. How fucking ironic. He was the one who said that love was for the weak. He isn't capable of love, sure he's fond of her because of her looks, powers, and because she wouldn't fawn at his charms.

Stefan. It scared her how much Stefan 'peace-maker-who-ate-bunnies' has changed in 3 months. Now she'd understand were his nickname 'The Ripper' had come from, he has absolutely no control when it comes to human blood.
She could actually see herself like Stefan when she was first turned, she did kill numerous people, rip them apart, inflecting misery, taunting them. Not because she had no control, but because she liked it. Human life didn't meant shit to her once a upon time. Maybe that's why Klaus is so obsessed with her, he wants to transform her into a monster like him, and he's doing the same time with Stefan.

Whenever she would try to talk with Stefan, but he would push her away or avoid her. He is scared of showing his humanity, everytime she would talk about Elena he would wince at her name.

And now Klaus had dragged Claire away with Stefan across the country to hunt packs of werewolfes, since it looks like he hasn't been succeding in making more hybrids. Little did he know that Elena is very much alive, and that certainly was the reason why he couldn't make more of his kind. They kinda settled in Tenesse, where packs usually travel together.

"I seriously doubt that. Now can you piss off, so I can shower?"

"By all means, be my guest" He smirked not moving a inch from her bed. Then he proceeded to put his hands behind his head and crossed his legs.

She was seriously being annoyed by his presence, so she blurred across the room to land on top of Klaus with her hand around his throat.

"Piss. Off. Now." She sneered at his face, but he just chuckled and he rolled tem over to be the one on top of her with his hand around her throat.

"Now, now love. I'm growing tired of your insolence towards me." He purred, then he squeezed her throat that only made her struggle to breathe.

"You do not have the audacity to threathen me again, are clear?" He said venomously. She just nodded her head trying to break free of his grip. Then he loosen up his grip and threw her in the bed. She tried to catch her breath, when she felt two fingers tracing her lips and jawline. She jerked away in disgust but that only made Klaus grab her chin to force her to look at him.

"You know that I don't like hurting you Claire, but you have to cooperate. You need to stop fighting me, the longer you'll aceppt that this is your new life. The happier you'll be" He whispered in her ear.

She just laughed loudly, was he serious right now? He just raised his eyebrow, clearly not understanding why she was laughing all of the sudden.

"You don't get it, do you? I will never acept this shit, I will never be happy with you. I hate you with all my being. I love Damon, and it's always going to be him, and there's not shit you can do about it" She said each word dropping with venom, her eyes boring into his. Her face only inches away from his face.

He clenched his jaw, although she would do everyting to piss him off, he loved her fire and passion that she possessed. She was truly one of a kind, a true Muratore womam. She could be pretty extraordinaire if she would just turned off her emotions once and for all. She could rule the world with him by her side, she belonged to the darkness, to the power, to the control, to him.

"You know what they say my queen, there is a thin line between love and hate" He said with a sickening smile. Then he got up of her bed and made his way towards the door. But before he could shut the door, he turned around to look at her.

"Get dressed, we are going out. We have business to take care of" Then he left the room.

After her shower, she proceeded to look for some fresh clothes to wear. She searched on her wardrobe, and she pulled out a mini-shorts jeans, a white tank top, and black boots. It made her look very sothern. She wasn't wearing any facy clothes, she left all of her clothes in Mystic Falls. And Klaus had promised her, that he would take her shopping to buy new stuff, granted she wasn't a fan of simple clothes, she loved fashion. She had clothing from all the cities of fashion starting from Paris, Millan, Madrid, New York, New Zeland, Amesterdam and etc.

Although it didn't bother her wearing 'normal clothes'. It was nice wearing something different for a change.

She wasn't wearing make-up which was very odd for her, because she always used make-up. Damon had always said that she was more beautiful natural without her make-up and fancy clothes. She wished he could see her now, he probably wouldn't recognize her. She remembered when Klaus said that she would still be beautiful if she used a bag of potatoes. She rolled her eyes at his comment and his pathetic attempt to charm her.

She waved and wet her hair to look more vibrant. So her hair fell to her back in waves. With her lack of clothing it showed her tattos on her body. So far she had three, one under her wrist (Marilyn Monroe's face), one lower on her left shoulder that said 'C'est est Belle' (You are beautiful) and another on her right side above her hip that said 'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger'. She looked one more time at her reflection on the mirror and left the room.

She headed downstairs to see a waiting Stefan and Klaus. It didn't surprise her anymore to see Stefan sucking a girl dry. Klaus head snapped at her direction, and drank on her figure. His eyes took on inch part of her slim but curvy body. And took a special attention to her endless legs.

"You look stunning as usual my dear" He complimented her once she joined them.

"Can we just go, once dungeon boy over there finish his food?" She whined looking quite bored. Stefan just glared at her and she smirked.

Klaus watched the interaction between the two vampires and chuckled, Claire sure isn't afraid of speaking her mind, he thought.

"So who are we looking for exactly?" Claire asked in the passenger seat.

"We are looking for our good o'l Ray, he is a werewolf" Klaus replied with a smirk.

"Figured much. I want in, whatever you and Stefan are planning" She said looking at the window of the car.

Klaus and Stefan just stared at her, like she was crazy. Claire could feel their penatrating gaze at the back of her head, so she turned to face them.

"What? I'm bored, and I'm stuck with you for god only knows how long, at least let me do something. Because sure as hell I'm not waiting in the car"

"Why are you willingly to help all of the sudden?" Stefan asked in a snarky tone.

"Does it matter? I've been waiting all summer for her to give in to her true nature" Klaus said with a twisted smile. "Very well my dear, we are going to look for Ray. Stefan you stay in the car until I say otherwise. Claire you come with me"

They got out of the car, then she felt a arm around her waist.

"And what you think you're doing?" She asked slowly.

"Oh c'mon love, don't be like that. It would be more beliavable to say that you're my girlfriend" Klaus whispered in her ear.

"One wrong move, and I'll set you on fire" She whispered back in his ear.

"What we talked about the threats?" Klaus said in a more serious tone.

"You didn't think that I seriously gave a damn, did you?" She said sarcastically. He glared at her, then he grabbed her arm and dragged her with him. Then he shushed her putting his finger on her lips.

"Rudy. Rudy! Come on. It's too hot to make me come look for you" A blonde girl called out into the night. She sighed loudly and turned around and jump when she saw Klaus and Claire behind her.

"We are so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you" Klaus told her.

"Can I help you?" She asked them

"Yeah, our, uh, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back. And I feel like me and my girlfriend had been walking forever. Yours is the first house I'd come to, so I was just hoping I could use your phone. By the way meet my girlfriend Claire" He said looking at her with a smirk. Then he gave her a small kiss on her lips.

"Asshole" She mumbled against his lips, and he just smirked at her reply.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Claire. Look we really could use your help, we've been out of gas for like a hour" She said with her best human interpretation.

"Don't you have a cell phone?" The girl frowned.

"Huh. Yeah. Battery died" He showed his cellphone. "Look, we promise we are not a serial killers. I just want to use your phone" Klaus told her.

"Sure" The girl nodded.

"So...Can we come in?" Claire asked.

The girl starred at them curiously "No. I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you"

"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting" Klaus dropped the act.

"I'm from Florida" The girl replied.

"Well, that explains it" Claire rolled her eyes. She rushed over to her and grabbed her neck and began to compel her.

"Now show us a little Southern hospitality... Sweet pea" Claire compelled her. And Klaus smiled.

Inside of the house, in the kicthen was a dark-skinned girl who was cooking a meal, as Klaus, Claire and the blonde girl walked into the kitchen.

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning" The girl chuckled. She turned around and saw her friend with a strange man and woman.

"What's going on?" She frowned.

"Please don't be alarmed. I'm told Ray Sutton lives here" Klaus said.

"He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly" The girl told him

"But I expect he makes it home... Once a month" Klaus smiled. No response came from her.

"Well, this is not productive at all. Where is he now?" Claire looked at the girl. She continued silent.

"If I have to make you tell me, it's going to be infinitely more painful for you" Klaus replied. The girl ran and tried to get out of the house but was blocked by Stefan in the front door. Klaus and Claire followed with the blonde girl behind.

"I love it when they run" Klaus smirked.

"He's in Tulley. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's off Highway 41" The dark-skinned girl blurted out.

"Thank you, my love. Now..." He smiled turning to the other girl. "May my friend and come in your home?" Klaus asked.

"Yes" The girl was sobbing loudly. Stefan entered the house and looked at Klaus.

"Kill this one quickly" Klaus pushed the blonde girl towards Stefan. "Make that one suffer. We'll be in the car" Klaus said looking at the other. Then he grabbed Claire's hand leading the two of them outside.

"Please don't, please..." The blonde girl begged. Outside Klaus and Claire could only heard the screams of the two womans.

"What was that little stunt Klaus?" Claire asked once they were on the car.

"It was a harmless kiss. Besides if I didn't know better, I would say that you actually enjoyed" Klaus said putting a stray from her hair behind her ear.

"Don't ever do that again" She sneered, closing her fists in anger.

"I will do whatever I please with you, don't forget that I have more power than you" He said seriously, and Claire couldn't argue with that, but she didn't back down either.

"That maybe so, but I have the enough power to hurt you. You are not the only invicible thing here" She whispered menacingly.

They argument was disturbed by Stefan's arrival in the car, so they looked away from each other, and Klaus started the engine and sped off.

Elena was already awake in her bed, as she sighed loudly. Not ready to face another day, but she walked towards her curtains and opened it. Then she entered Jeremy's room and opened his curtains too, letting the sun pour into the room.

"Ah! Early. Bad." Jeremy whined putting his hand in font of the sun.

"Ah! It's not early." Elena replied and pulled the covers off of him "You're late for work. Matt just called."

"Well, maybe he'll fire me." Jeremy shrugged.

"Aim high." Elena called walking out of his room.

Caroline was carrying shopping bags walking around Mystic Falls, as she was talking on the phone with Elena about her birthday party.

"What are you doing?" Elena asked.

"Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on." Caroline told her.

"I never said yes in the first place..." Elena sighed, walking into the kitchen.

"You were never going to, which is why I planned to anyway." Caroline replied "Oh, that reminds me, my mom wants you to call her."

"Did she find something?" Elena asked hopeful.

"Animal attack in Memphis, it's the third one this week in Tennessee." Caroline said.

"And you're sure it's a vampire?" Elena asked as Alaric shot her a look across the kitchen.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's Klaus." Caroline trailed off.

"Doesn't mean it's not." She shot back. "I'll call her."

"Well call her on her cell." Caroline replied "Alright. Well, I gotta go. I'll see you in a bit." She added spotting Tyler.

"Oh, Caroline wait, just... keep tonight small. Please." Elena sighed.

"Wear something pretty." Caroline told her and hung up.

"Hi!" She smiled at Tyler.

Damon was enjoying a nice bubble bath on his bathtub as Andie was getting ready for work. He poured himself a glass of champagne emptying the bottle.

"We are out of champagne" He replied.

"Huh. No, you are out of champagne, 'cause I don't drink in the morning" Andie told him.

"Well, would you be a dear and..." Damon began

"I think you can probably get it yourself. I'm not your slave" Andie scoffed. Damon got up from the bathtub and walked out of the bathroom, his body soaped in bubbles and dripping water on the floor.

"I mean, you're dripping... a little" Andie noted.

Elena walked into the boarding house. She couldn't help but wonder in what mood Damon would be today. Since he has been in a depression mood because of Claire and Stefan's disappearance, especially because of Claire. In the first months it was really hard for him, he stopped feeding and would snap all the time. But now he was slowly turning to the old Damon. She walked into the living room and put her hair in a ponytail.

"Mornin'" she heard Damon say behind her.

"Hey, I was going..." Elena turned around and saw Damon completely naked.

"Oh" She turned around embarassed. "You heard me. You knew that I was here"

"You know, you should learn to knock. What if I was... indecent?" Damon smirked.

Elena grabbed a towel and covered her eyes, she threw the towel to Damon. He put it around his waist, she uncovered her eys and pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket.

"Sheriff Forbes gave us another location to check. Memphis" She replied, handing him the paper.

"Another dead end, you mean?" Damon rolled his eyes.

"You don't know that" Elena scoffed.

"You're right, Elena. This could be the one" Damon said getting closer to her. "After almost three months, this could be the clue that tells us Stefan's alive and well and living in Graceland."

"And how do you know that Claire is alive?" Elena huffed. "Fine. I'll go by myself" She turned to leave but Damon blurred in front of her, blocking her.

"I'm sure that Claire is alive, because she can't be killed. Besides she can handle Klaus speaking of which you're not going anywhere because Klaus doesn't need to know that you're tracking him. He thinks you're dead. Let's keep it that way" Damon nodded.

"It's a new lead, Damon. We haven't had one in a while" Elena sighed.

"Ok. I'll check it out. If find anything, I'll call you" Damon told her.

"But..." Elena tried to argue but he turn his back on her leaving the room.

He opened a closet in his room, which had a large map and newspapers in relation to the attacks.

"They've definitely moved to Tennessee." Damon told Andie.

"Huh, that fluttered victim you had me looking in to had a family in Tennessee." Andie informed him.

"Which one, the Pensacola?" Damon asked and she nodded.

"You up for a road trip?"

"Ha. No can't do. I have got to work, but I can see if I can get you an address" Andie replied and he nodded his head.

"See you at the party" She replied walking out of the room.

"Get me that address." Damon called from his spot. He turned to look at the map again, it was getting tired. When he thought that they were closer to find them, it looks like they got back to start all over again. He wouldn't give up to find his brother and girlfriend. He missed Claire so much, it hurt physically and mentally, he wanted her back no matter who paid the price.

Outside of the Grill, Caroline and Tyler were sitting at a table talking about Tyler's mom.

"Something's up with your mother." Caroline told him.

"Like what?" Tyler asked.

"When I was over yesterday she just kept eyeing me." She replied.

"Hey guys." Jeremy walked over them with a notebook to take their orders.

"Did Matt make you switch sections?" Caroline questioned as Jeremy shrugged his shoulders "He thinks we're dating."

"So does my mother." Tyler admitted.

"What?" Caroline looked at him.

"We're together all the time, it's not a leap." Tyler shrugged.

"That's crazy."

"Right." Tyler mumbled.

At the bar Southern Comfort, Claire was sitting on a booth sipping her drink, as she was waiting for Ray to show up. She would try and seduce him to get his attention, it was all part of Klaus's plan, she didn't liked one bit but she went along with it. Then a man with light hair, with beard walked into the bar. She smiled, there was their werewolf.

"Hey Red, get me a beer." Ray asked the bartender, he sat on the booth across Claire. She could feel his gaze penetrate her and she looked up to meet his gaze. She smiled sensually to him and hypnotized by her beauty, he watched her every moves and undressed her with his hungry eyes. She had him right where she wanted but decided to seduce him a little more so she dropped a little bit of her drink on her top on porprose and that caught his attention right away.

"Would you look at that, I'm so clumsy" She replied giving sexy eyes at the werewolf.

"Hey. Need help with that?" He asked smoothly and Claire smiled knowingly.

"If you would be so kind..." She said sweetly, turning on her Southern accent. Then the drooling werewolf gave her a napkin to clean up her top. She took the napkin, brushing her fingers with his and proceeded to clean her top, which made Ray's eyes glued to her chest.

"Ray Sutton. Could you give me the pleasure to know yours?" He asked.

"Claire Muratore." She smiled at him.

"Well Claire, can I buy you a drink?" He asked moving closer to her.

"I'd love that Ray. Can my friend join us?" Claire purred closely to his ear, and she looked across the bar to someone. Then suddenly Klaus sat on a booth next to Ray with a coy smile.

"Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus asked.

"Who wants to know?" Ray turned to look at Klaus.

"We've been looking everywhere for you." Klaus replied "We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here, to you."

"I think I'll be going." Ray got up from his seat and turned to leave but Claire blocked him.

"Not so fast, wolfy boy. You just got here, now your type are very hard to come by" Claire smirked.

"You tricked me." Ray scoffed.

"Well, what can I say, I have many talents. Like sensing werewolfes" She winked and he turned to move past her but this time Stefan blocked him.

"I wouldn't do that." Stefan held him firmly.

"Vampires." Ray said looking between the three of them.

"Swifty, swift Ray. Yes, my friend here is a vampire." Klaus nodded his head to Stefan. "He's compelled everyone in the bar so don't look to them for any help." He added "But. This stunning creature" Klaus indicated to Claire. "Is a little different. And myself, however we are something else, we're a different kind of monster. We've got some vampire, I've got some werewolf and she has got some witch..."

"You what?" Ray stammered.

"A hybrid, Ray. I'm both. You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray. I need you to direct me to your pack. So... Where can I find them, Ray?" Klaus demanded.

"You can't compel me, it won't work" Ray snapped.

Stefan looked over at Klaus who nodded "I need a scotch on the rocks, please" Stefan looked at the barman. He held in his hand a small bag.

"Ahem. Tell you what, Ray. We're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane" Stefan told him.

"Feel like talking now?" Claire smiled.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun Ray." Klaus smirked.

Damon and Alaric pulled up to the house which the adress indicated to. As they were getting out of the car, Damon's phone began to ring. He pulled out and saw that Elena was calling so he ignored the call.

"Elena?" Ric asked. Damon shrugged "I don't know why you just don't come clean and tell her where we are."

"Because Andie said this was a half lead and I don't want to get her hopes up." Damon told him.

"Yeah, well they're all half leads, and I'm your accomplice. What do you want me to say to her, I'm practically living there." Alaric noted.

"Still sleeping on the couch?" Damon asked.

"You know, I keep waiting for them to kick me out but they don't. I don't know what, it's not like I'm helping or anything..." Ric told him as he looked over at Damon "It's quiet."

"Yeah. Too quiet." Damon agreed and tried to test if he could enter the house. When he stopped the threshold he figured that the humans were already dead. They walked into the living-room to see two dead womans sitting upright in the couch with their bodies parts back together.

"Ugh, vampires for sure." Alaric nodded.

"Stefan for sure." Damon corrected him

"How do you know?"

"It's his nature. It's the reason why they call him a ripper. He feeds so hard he blacks out and rips them apart but when he's done he feels remorse." Damon said and nudged the blonde girl's foot as her head fall from her shoulders and onto the floor. "He puts the pieces back together."

"Back together?" Ric lookes at him.

"Definitely Stefan." Damon nodded.

Elena helped prepare the birthday decorations with Caroline and Tyler while explaining her frustration with Damon about finding Stefan and Claire.

"I feel like I have to fight Damon every single time we get lead on Stefan" Elena told the two of them. "Just because he knows that Claire is alive, seems that he doesn't even care for his brother"

"Maybe he doesn't want to find him" Tyler told her.

"Tyler!" Caroline scolded.

"What? He's just worried about his girlfriend. Right?" Tyler asked.

"The only reason Stefan left with Klaus was so that he could save Damon's life, and Claire went along with him. I mean, trust me, Damon wants to find him" Elena nodded.

"So you two haven't been closer, since Stefan and Claire left with that Klaus guy?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler!" Caroline gasped. "I'm sorry" The blonde said looking Elena.

"I... don't worry about it. Look, it's not like that, okay? Yes, me and Damon have been closer but not in the way you're thinking, we've been there for each other. I love Stefan and Damon loves Claire. Is that simple." Elena explained. "Hey. I got a miss call from Bonnie." Elena replied checking her phone "I'll be right back."

"Just because I tell you things, doesn't mean you're allowed to know them..." Caroline scoffed.

"Sorry" Tyler replied."I've gotta run if I'm gonna change and pick up Sophie in time..."

"Wait." Caroline called "You're bringing a date? Slutty Sophie is your date?"

"Hey! It's been kinda slow in that department. And... I am horny all the time now!" He blurted out.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Caroline nodded "Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna explode! It's a vampire thing. Yeah, our emotions are heightened and we're on overdrive."

"It's a werewolf thing too. Just like I can't turn it off." He looked at her.

"Yeah." Caroline nodded as they stared at each other awkwardly "Well. Uh. I hope you'll, uh, get lucky tonight."

"I'll see you later." Tyler chuckled leaving the room.

"Yeah, see you later." Caroline trailed off.

Claire was sitting on a table with her legs crossed and with a glass of bourbon in her hand, she was watching Stefan launch darts soaked in wolfsbain at Ray who was pinned against the wall, bleeding with darts all around him and in his skin. Stefan stired a dart in a glass full of wolfsbain and then threw it at Ray. He screamed out in pain as Klaus watched from his chair next to Claire.

"Ray, you can end this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon" Stefan told him.

"I can't" Ray groaned.

"This is bullshit" Claire frowned. Then she got up of table and made her way towards the bleeding wolf, she grabbed a dart from Stefan's hand and threw right at Ray's eye. He cried out in pain, Klaus was watching the scene in amusement, she was manhandling a werewolf, she looked pretty sexy right now.

"I know, I know, you live by a code and all that. But see, he's not going to let me stop until you tell me and I do whatever he says. That's the way it goes around here" Stefan told him. A woman walked over and rejoined Klaus at the bar. Stefan looked at Claire who nodded her head. They looked at them and tried to listen into their conversation.

"Hello Mr. Klaus. I have some information for you. He told me to tell you that he saw that guy's brother Damon at the farmhouse" The woman told him.

"Well, thank you, Claudine. You just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighborhood watch, huh?" Klaus smiled. The woman nodded and walked away as Stefan and Claire stood in front of Klaus.

"My brother's still on our trail?" Stefan frowned.

"He's getting closer. I'm going to have to deal with that" Klaus growled. He turned to walk out but Stefan grabbed his arm.

"No, no, no. Let me handle it" Stefan said.

"Why should I let you leave?" Klaus asked.

"'Cause you know I'll come back" Stefan replied.

"Do I?" Klaus raised an eyebrow.

"You saved my brother's life. We are in your service" Stefan told him.

"Speak for yourself" Claire scoffed. Klaus just threw daggers with his eyes at her. "What? I'm only helping you, because I'm bored. Not because you can boss me around like you do with Stefan"

"Oh, that almost sounds so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?" Klaus asked. Claire just rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore" Stefan told him before leaving the bar.

"And I can go with Stefan, I would persuade Damon better" Claire told him, as she went to follow Stefan, Klaus blurred in front of her only inches away from her body.

"You wouldn't try to let your little boyfriend, our whereabouts, would you?"

"Now, why would I do that? I'm not risking Damon's life, of course I didn't had anything to do with this" She frowned. She was actually telling him the truth but he looked into her blue eyes, trying to find a doubt or hesitation, when he found none, he backed away from her to go torture Ray.

Elena finished up getting ready for her party in Stefan's bedroom. She looked in the mirror and saw Damon leaning in the doorway.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to lose it. At least not before the cake" Elena told him.

"It's your party, you can cry if you want to" Damon shrugged. He walked into the toom and took a look at the picture of Stefan and Elena.

"Ah, Stefan. Such a pack rat." Damon replied. "I got you something. I know I promised not to buy you anything, so don't worry, I didn't pay for it."

"You stole it?" Elena frowned.

"No. Found it" Damon replied. He pulled out a box and opened it. Inside was Elena's necklace that Stefan had given to her.

"My necklace. I thought I'd never see it again" Elena breathed.

"Alaric found it in his loft. I figured you'd be happy to get it back" Damon explained.

"I am happy. Thank you" Elena smiled.

"You're welcome" Damon said softly.

"Can you..." Elena motioned to the necklace. She moved her hair to one side.

"Ah, absolutely" Damon said. He took the necklace and clasped it around her neck. Elena turned around and smiled.

"Damon are you sure you're okay?" Elena asked. "I know you really miss Claire, I catch you staring at her side of the bed at night."

"I'm fine Elena, but of course I miss her. It's been hard in the first months, but she wouldn't want me to be in the state I was, so I had to move on" Damon told her.

"You really love her don't you?" Elena asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"More than anything" He breathed. "Shall we?" Damon asked offering his arm. Elena took his arm and nodded.

The two of them were walking across the hallway. There was teenagers everywhere drinking and dancing to the blastering music. As people were wishing happy birthday to Elena and she thanked them. When they arrived to the living-room they saw the teenagers going completely crazy. Damon saw a girl holding a bottle of bourbon and took it from her.

"Ooh, hey, hey, hey. You don't want that" He compelled her taking the bottle. "You want the cheap young stuff over by the cheap young people." The girl walked away as Caroline aproached them.

"You like? Don't answer that" Caroline said.

"This is "keeping it small"? Elena looked at her. "What are we drinking?" Caroline smiled and pulled her to find a drink for her.

"I am every parent's worst nightmare. I'm the chaperon teacher from hell" Alaric groaned on the back porch with Damon. The two of them sat on a ledge with bottle of alcohol around them.

"I love high school parties" Damon smirked.

"Isn't Andie supposed to be coming?" Alaric asked.

"10:00 broadcast. She'll be here in a little bit" Damon replied. Then Elena walked over to the pair.

"Hello, birthday girl" Damon smiled.

"Drink" Elena said grabbing his glass of scotch and drinking it. She looked over at Alaric.

"Jeremy's smoking again" Elena told him.

"Is his stash any good?" Damon smirked.

"You're an ass" Elena rolled her eyes and looked at Alaric. "Talk to him, please. He looks up to you." Elena handed Damon his glass and left.

"You're screwed" Damon told him as he drank his scotch.

Inside of the Salvatore Boarding House, everyone was dancing and drinking. Tyler was dancing with Sophie as Caroline leaned against the door watching them, drinking heavily.

"Since when were they a thing?" Matt asked walking over to her.

"I thought you were ignoring me?" Caroline questioned.

"I'm not ignoring you..." Matt denied.

"You only said five words to be all summer, and those were four of them." Caroline scoffed.

"Maybe because every time I've seen you, you're with him." Matt snapped.

"Because he's my friend! Which is what I thought you were." She replied with hurt in her voice.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be like mortal enemies, I mean isn't that how it words in the vampire-werewolf universe?" Matt questioned.

"Matt! Shh!" The blonde shushed him but Tyler looked over at them "What is wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I'm out of it... I guess... Sorry." Matt sighed and walked away.

"What was that about?" Tyler asked walking over to Caroline.

"Nothing." Caroline shook her head.

"Great party, Caroline!" Sophie grinned at her.

"Thanks!" Caroline gave her a fake smile as she began to compel her "Now leave it!"

"What the hell!" Tyler looked at her, but she turned to walk away frustated.

Damon heard his phone beep and pulled it out and groaned. "Andie wants me to pick her up."

"Your fake, compelled girlfriend wants you to be a chivalrous boyfriend." Rick mocked "Now, what would Claire say if she saw you fooling around with Andie?"

"Well it's a complicated dynamic, besides it's not like I'm sleeping with Andie, what Claire doesn't know, doesn't hurt her. Hold the fort down will you?" He drunk the rest of his drink and then handed the glass to him.

"You mean the fort full of my drunk history students." He stated.

"Drink more, it'll feel less weird." Damon replied before turning to leave.

Damon walked into the studio looking for Andie, but he couldn't find her anywhere.

"Andie?" He called as his phone began to ring "Party central."

"Where are you?" Elena demanded angrily.

"Um, by the punch bowl." Damon lied.

"Don't do that Damon, don't lie to me! I saw your closet!" Elena cried.

"Oh... oh, I gotta go breaking up, beer pong." He hung up the phone, he walked into another room and saw Andie's stuff on the floor. He looked up and saw his brother.

"Stefan." Damon looked at him.

"Hello brother." Stefan said without a emotion on his voice.

"You don't write? You don't call?" Damon scoffed.

"I need you to stop following us. It's causing some problems."

"With who? Klaus? Are we supposed to care what he thinks?" Damon rolled his eyes.

"What you're supposed to do, is let me go. I know you won't let go of Claire even if I think you are only wasting your time, as long Klaus has her." Stefan told him.

"I will never give up on Claire, you can make sure to pass that message to Klaus. I saw your latest artwork in Tennessee." Damon said and Stefan smirked. "You're walking a fine line my friend. Keep that up and there'll be no saving you."

"See the thing is I don't need any saving." Stefan said simply. "I just need you to let me go."

"Nah, I've got a birthday girl at home that's not gonna let me do that." Damon replied and Stefan just nodded his head.

"You know, maybe I haven't made my point. Hey, Andie you still there?" Stefan called into the darkness and Damon frowned.


"Damon?" He looked up to see a very scared Andie. "I can't move. He told me that I can't move."

"Just stay calm, Andie." Damon told her before turning back to Stefan. "Not cool, brother!" He said angrily.

"Oh come on. A little bit cool, huh?" Stefan chuckled. "Hey, Andie, you can move now." Andie took a step forward. Damon went to catch her but Stefan shoved him against the wall. Andie's body hit the ground with a huge force as Stefan rushed out of the studio. Damon moved to look at Andie's dead body

Jeremy was walking towards his car as he saw Matt hovering around completely stoned.

"What are you doing?" Jeremy questioned.

"I can't find my truck." Matt chuckled.

"That's probably a sign you should be driving it." Jeremy told him "Need a ride?"

"You're more stoned than I am." He stated.

Jeremy got into his car and waited for Matt to get in, he turned to the side and saw Vicki sitting there staring at him. "Vicki?" He jolted from his seat to look at the dead girl.

"Help me." She begged.

"Hey." Matt got into the car as Vicki disappeard "What'd you just say?"

"Nothing." Jeremy replied.

"Did you just say 'Vicki', as in my sister Vicki?" Matt frowned.

"What? No, no. I, uh, I didn't say anything." He ut the key in the ignition to start the car, when he saw Anna standing in front of his car "No..."

"What's wrong?" Matt looked over at him.

"You know what, maybe we should just walk." Jeremy replied.

Damon walked into his room to see Elena holding a bunch of newspapers, she felt completely betrayed that he was going behind her back.

"What? What are you doing here?" Damon rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it a secret?" Elena sneered.

"Can we not do this right now? I'm having a really bad night." Damon told her.

"All summer, every single time I came to you with a lead, you made me feel like an idiot for having hope." Elena walked towards him

"You were an idiot." Damon replied. "We both were"

"Tell me what you know, Damon." Elena stopped him from moving.

"I know you need to get back to your party Elena." Damon looked at her, and passed by her.

"We're supposed to be in this together. Why didn't you tell me that you were tracing Klaus's victims?" Elena growled.

"Because they're not Klaus's victims. They're Stefan's!" Damon yelled.

"What?" Elena whispered.

"He's left a trail of body parts up and down the Eastern Sea Board." Damon countered.

"No, you're wrong." Elena shook her head.

"I've seen it happen before. He's flipped the switch. He's a full blown ripper!" Damon snatching the papers from Elena's hands.

"Stop it Damon!" Elena yelled.

"No you stop it, Elena! Stop looking for him, stop waiting for him to come home Just stop!" He growled angrily, and she looked at him scared. "Stefan is gone and he's not coming back. Not in your lifetime"

"Oh yeah? I bet if it were Claire's victims, you wouldn't give up anyway. So don't you dare say to me to give up on Stefan" Elena whispered with tears in her eyes, he stared at her then he walked out of the room, leaving her there heart-broken.

"Ok, it's a three step process, right? This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist" Klaus explained as Ray laid on a pool table. Claire watched from a distance, she danced her fingers on the edge of her glass, deep in thought.

"I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?" Ray cried out.

"Have you been listening to what I've been saying, Ray? I have great plans for you" Klaus then cut his wrist and forced it into Ray's mouth. "You'll thank me for it later. There we go, at a boy"

"What are you going to do now?" Ray asked.

"It's time for step two, Ray" Klaus smiled before snapping his neck, killing him. He looked over at Claire who just rolled her eyes.

"All this, just to snap his neck in the end?" She asked. Klaus just shrugged and gave her a wink.

"You're back" Klaus said turning around to face Stefan.

"Did you doubt me?" Stefan asked. Claire jumped from her table to walk towards them, she was eager to know what had happened between Stefan and Damon.

"Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life" Klaus noted.

"I don't care about anything anymore" Stefan said.

"Yeah right" Claire scoffed.

"I killed Andie you know, so I think I've made my point to him" Stefan replied without a emotion in his voice.

"Can't say that I'm upset about that. I never did like her anyway" Claire scoffed. "How's Damon?" She asked more softly this time.

"Right now? Hating my guts for sure. But at least, he'll let me go" Stefan said seriously.

"You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does. You never stop caring about family, do you? But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go" Klaus told him.

Elena walked into her house to see Alaric packing his clothes into a suitcase, and she looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah. I'm not gonna stay here anymore." Alaric turned to look at her.

"What? Why?" Elena put a stray of her hair behind her ear.

"I'm not a good role model." Alaric replied "You know, I drink too much, I say the wrong things, I encourage bad behavior. At school I can pull it together, but in my own life... The way I miss Jenna, it's just, I'm really not any good to anybody right now. I'm sorry, Elena. You're 18. You can do all this alone now. You can do it better without me."

Damon walked to Stefan's room. He looked around and began to tear everything apart throwing Stefan's items everywhere. Stefan was gone, for good this time. And there was nothing he could do about it. He walked back to his room, unbuttoning his shit and throwing it to the floor. He saw a piece of paper laying on his bed and he walked towards his bed and grabbed it. The note said.

'I sleep at night thinking of you, I look at my side thinking of you, everything I see or touch it makes me think of you. These three months have been hell, without you. But I'm holding up, and I hope you're holding too. I know that you are trying to rescue me , I would say to stop but I know that you wouldn't listen anyway. Just please wait for me, I will come back. I'll make sure of that, you promised always and forever and I'm holding into that promise. And when at night you can't sleep just close your eyes, and try to find my second favourite place in your dreams, when you hear a drop in the ocean, you'll know that everything is going to be okay.

Yours, Claire x'

Damon read the note over and over again, and he just wanted to die right now. This letter was the the hope that he needed to know that he will never give up on Claire. Tears started to form in his eyes, as he looked over at the photo that he had of her on his night stand. He ghosted his fingers across the photo and smiled. She was right. Everything is going to be okay.

Stefan walked out of the bar, to get some air. As he inhaled and exhaled over and over again. He pulled out his phone, and searched for her number. She pressed call and holding it to his ear waiting for her to pick up.

Elena was getting ready to sleep, she noticed a happy birthday card in her bed and grabbed wondering who could had left this in her room. Her phone buzzed in her chest of drawers. She walked back to her room and saw her phone. The ID was uknown but she picked up her phone anyway. She pressed answer and held it to her ear.

"Hello?" Elena replied. No one answered from the other end but Elena had a feeling "Stefan? Stefan, if this is you. You'll be ok. I love you Stefan. Hold on to that. Never let that go."

Stefan just continued to listen to her voice, tears forming in his eyes, as he took in everything that she said to him right now. He hung up the phone and looked into the darkness of the dark.

So here it is! The first chapter of my new story from season 3! Since Claire and Damon didn't have a scene together in this chapter, I figured that I would make a little surprise to you, so she left that note to him just to show how their love is beautiful :). What did you thought about it? So if there is any Klaus/Claire fans out there, they had many scenes together! And what did you think about Tyler's comment about Elena and Damon's relantionship? Do you think that they can get even closer? And poor Stefan is strugling to hide his emotions :'(, that scene where he called Elena was so beautiful, I actually cried. Please give me your opinion on the chapter, review! Thank you all for your support.