Chapter Twenty One

A/N: Thank you to bellovettrix, darkraistlyn, Luna, ghostgirl208, Guest and Guest for reviewing.

When Sweeney Todd finally returned to the bakery, it was far gone dusk. Fresh blood stained the cloth of the shirt beneath his coat, still warm from the victim's veins, and the rich smell of iron filled his nostrils as he walked. No perfume had ever smelled so sweet.

The dim light of the gas lamps accentuated the shadows, making them seem to creep towards him as if to envelope his blackening heart. Light was becoming dimmer and dimmer each day, and the nights were becoming colder; it was as if all the world knew about the horrific crime that had taken place that evening.

Of course, to Sweeney himself, the crime was not horrific. It was simply justice, nothing more, for the horrors the man had committed. Blood dripped from his fingertips just as it did from the barber's, though he had never killed by his own hand. He had committed just as many crimes as he had condemned, against innocents by the dozen. The world was a safer place, now that Judge Turpin would move no more.

As he closed the door behind him, Sweeney took care not to step on the older floorboards, knowing that they would creak loud enough to wake the whole household. The last thing he wanted was for Mrs. Lovett to see him soaked in blood, much less the boy, even if it had been in vengeance for the baker that he had done such a thing.

Carefully watching the floor to ensure he did not trip, the barber made his way towards the staircase that led to the living quarters, intending to find one of the shirts Mrs. Lovett had washed for him and to find a fireplace in which to burn the one he currently wore. He would have wished to keep it as a trophy, a constant reminder of the victory he had sustained, but what to him was a reminder of victory would only be a reminder of suffering for Ella. Deciding that her happiness was more important than his own gloating, he knew that the best choice was to burn the shirt.

Sweeney was concentrating so fiercely on the floorboards that he did not notice the figure seated in one of the shops booths. Her black dress hid her in the darkness and it was not until she spoke that the man became aware of her presence.

"Did you find him?" Ella asked, her voice carrying clearly through the silent room. Sweeney, having thought he was alone, jumped a little, but turned to face her, quickly recovering himself.

"I did." he answered, realising that the darkness concealed the blood covering his shirt. Not that this mattered much anymore; Mrs. Lovett knew him well enough to know that it was there.

Ella nodded almost imperceptibly, her eyes downcast. Sweeney understood her reserved nature, for even after everything the judge had done to her, she did not quite believe in his death serving as his punishment. 'At heart, she is still the sweet, gentle Ella I knew as a child.' the barber thought with a smile.

"He deserved everything he got, Ella." Sweeney told his friend, hoping to convince her that what he had done was not wrong. Surprisingly enough, he found himself listening just as much to the statement himself as he hoped his friend was doing.

"I know." she responded, rising from the seat to go and stand beside the window, gazing out into the endless blackness of the night. "It's just strange to think that, after all the time I've spent scared recently, I'm finally free."

She had spoken quietly, as if addressing herself rather than the barber, but he was listening so intently to her that he caught every word. Slowly, the way one might approach a wounded animal, Sweeney crossed the room to stand at Ella's side; after all she had been through, he made sure not to make any sudden movements towards her. Watching her expression for any signs of discomfort, the man took her hands in his own.

"You will always be safe now, Ella, I swear it." he professed, reaching up to cup her cheek with his palm. For a moment, the baker flinched away, but soon leaned into his touch. "I will never allow another man to hurt you again."

Try as she might to enjoy the illusion, Mrs. Lovett could not allow herself to fall into the trap of affection. "But you can't always protect me, Ben. You aren't always going to be there."

This time, it was the barber's turn to flinch. Mrs. Lovett shut her eyes tightly, regretting her mistake of calling him 'Ben'. It had simply been an old habit that had manifested itself in the way he was looking at her, but she knew he loathed the name.

A long silence followed. There was the distant yowling of a cat, most likely one trying to escape Mrs. Mooney's claw-like fingers, and the far-away chirping of birds, but that was all. Finally, Sweeney took a deep breath and spoke.

"Yes, I will." he answered her slowly, as if an epiphany had come upon him. "A man must always be present to take care of his wife."

Mrs. Lovett all but swooned, reaching a hand out against the table to steady herself. Her mouth was gaped open like a fish. She must have looked an utter fool, but she found that she did not care a bit. Because Sweeney Todd had just proposed to her.

She did not know what forced her to ask the question, but it passed her lips before she could stop herself.

"And what about your Lucy?"

Suddenly, the barber's eyes fell to the floorboards beneath them. It was clear that he had not thought of this factor. Ella cursed herself silently; what in the world had made her ask about his stupid wife?

"You fell in love with Benjamin Barker, my pet," he began, stumbling a little over his words. "But that man is gone now. Instead stands Sweeney Todd in his place. Do you think that you could find it in your heart to love that man?"

"I already do," she confessed with a smile. "More than the world on its axis."

Sweeney let out a little chuckle and leant in towards the baker, pressing his lips to hers. They had, of course, kissed in the past, childish pecks on the lips to show that they were grown-up, but this was so much different. It was so much more real.

It was true, that the fall of Nellie Lovett had made her weak and vulnerable, but Eleanor Todd had risen in her place, a woman who was so much stronger.

A/N: So, that's it, folks! Please review!