Here's the beginning of my new story Switched. I hope you guys like the idea. It took awhile to put together. Enjoy

For Jade West a typical day was getting up, being grouchy, putting on her clothes and make up, going to school, being annoyed all day by various people, and going over to Beck's after school since they we're back together. Jade was happy they were back together; she missed having someone to lean on.

She grabbed her messenger bag, not looking forward to the next eight hours of being annoyed, and walked out to her car. She threw her bag into the passenger's seat and got in the car. When she shut the door she sat there for a moment just to have some silence before she went to school. Knowing Cat she'd pop up the second Jade got there and she needed a moment to prepare for the preppy synthetic red head.

Jade started the car and took the long way to school like she always has. She loved the silence and darkness of it all, the desert and the dark creepy forest, were definitely her style. The car ride to school went to quick Jade thought as she got up and walked up Festus' truck to get a coffee. When she had her coffee she walked inside to the busy morning chatter, and guess who greeted her? Cat. Shocker there.

"Jade! Looky! I got you a birthday present!" It was her birthday? She checked her phone and sure enough it said March 23rd 2012. (I know it is really July 26th but just stick with me on this ok?)

Jade took the black box from Cat that was a little larger than her own hand. She opened it to find a pair of scissors. Jade smiled, this was the second time Cat had gotten her scissors. For some reason she recognized them, but she didn't know from where.

"They're the scissors used the kill Kathy in the Scissoring Two." says Cat excitedly. Jade's eyes widen as she remembers the scene. Cat asks,

"Don't you like them?"

"No." Cat looks like she's about to burst into tears, "I love them." Cat bounces up and down and hugs Jade. Jade lets her hug her for three seconds then shouts,

"NO!" Beck had arrived putting his arm around Jade's shoulder and asks her,

"Why are you yelling at Cat?" Cat wasn't even affected by the yelling, she was still bouncing up and down like an idiot.

"She hugged me for more than three seconds." Jade frowned. Beck chuckled and kissed Jade's cheek. Jade looked up and him expecting something from him. He whispered in her ear,

"I'll give it to you when we're back in my RV." Jade hated being kept in suspense. Beck chuckled again and led the two of them to Sikowitz's classroom. Cat followed behind them like a puppy dog. Jade and Beck sat down their normal chairs and Cat sat in front of them. Jade put her legs up on Beck's lap and leaned her head against his shoulder. Beck took her coffee from her, took a sip, them placed it back in her hand like it never left. A moment later Jade had downed the whole coffee and chucked it at the garbage, Robbie was in the way though so it hit him somewhere where guys don't exactly like getting hit.

"OWW!" He sunk to the ground in pain while Jade smiled at her good fortune. She put her head back on Beck's shoulder as the bell rung. Sikowitz walks in, late, as usual.

"Boys and girls today we will being doing another skit!" Most the kids smiled, Jade loved skits but was tired so she ignored him. "Ok Sleeping Beauty, since it's your birthday you get to choose who will perform in the skit." The hippie knew it was her birthday and she didn't? That's just sad.

Jade grumbled a few things and went up onto the stage.

"Cat, " Cat squealed and ran up next to Jade, "Beck, Robbie, Andre… and Tori."

"OK! We are going to do backwards alphabet improv!" Jade frowned, like she could remember the alphabet backwards. "Sinjin give us a letter!"

"J!" Jade rolled her eyes and looked at Beck. He shrugged and started,

"Jade is my girlfriend." Beck glanced over at Sinjin.

"I am indeed." Jade glared at Sinjin.

"Hot is what I am right now." said Tori waving her hand like a fan.

"Yes you are." replies Rex.

"You're out Robbie!" yells Sikowitz.

"But Rex said it!" Robbie yells back.

"To bad." Robbie frowns and goes down to his seat. "Cat! G!"

"Gosh it is hot in here."

"French fries are hot." Jade rolls her eyes at her boyfriend.

She turns to Tori,

"Eww. You're sweating." Jade takes a huge step away from her.

"Don't get to close or you'll catch the disease." says Tori sarcastically.

"Can you please get hit by a bus?" asks Jade.

"Bus? No. But you can." Tori replies smiling.

"Alright that's it." Jade lunged towards her, Beck tried to stop her but reached out for her to late. Tori screamed and ran in the opposite direction. When she ran pass Beck, Beck grabbed Jade and held her still. Jade crossed her arms and frowned.

"Zoology is where I'd rather be right now," mumbles Beck.

"You wouldn't rather be with me?" asked Jade as she glared up at him.

"Xylophones are pretty!" yells Cat randomly.

"With you with me." says Beck as he kisses her forehead. Jade smiles in satisfaction.

"Vast amount of weirdoes here." said Andre. Everyone forgot about him and was startled when he talked. "Umm… Yeah. I'm still here."

"Tired of standing here…" says Jade.

"Soon we'll be done." Beck tells Jade. The bell rang. "See?"

"Alright! Beck, Jade, Cat, Tori, Robbie, and Andre please stay for a moment."

"UGH!" Jade yelled loud enough for Wisconsin to hear.

"Calm down Sleeping Beauty. I would like to know if any of you would like to have a sleepover, here, Saturday night?"

"Bye." said almost everyone except Cat.

"Guys! Come on! Please!" yelled Cat.

Jade was already out of the room.

"I'll give you guys all A's on the next big project after Spring Break." Jade suddenly appeared back in the room. "I want to do an experiment. Ok?" They all agreed, well Jade sort of did by saying whatever and walking away. Beck followed her out. The rest of the day was normal and after school Beck and Jade went to Beck's RV.

Jade dropped her stuff on the floor and took off her combat boots. Beck took off his to and went to the bathroom. Jade lay down on Beck's bed on her back staring at the ceiling. Today hadn't been an unusual day but it felt different, wrong in some way to Jade. She closed her eyes and rested while she could. She heard Beck come in and put a DVD in his DVD Player. She recognized the beginning theme as the Scissoring. She smiled but didn't open her eyes as Beck came to lay by her.

He pushed up her shirt so he could see her pale stomach and started writing on it with Sharpie marker. Jade giggled, yes Jade actually giggled, because the marker tickled on her stomach. Beck smiled and kept writing. Jade eventually got used to the marker and was to drowsy to answer Beck when he asked her if she was hungry. Beck smiled and kissed her once on the lips and then on the cheek.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered in her ear. She gave a small smirk before she drifted into sleep.

The next morning she woke up to some annoying alarm, and when she tried shutting it off she realized it wasn't where it was supposed to be. So she opened her eyes to find out she was in Cat's room. When did she get here? She had fallen asleep in Beck's RV. And where was Cat? Jade got up and looked in the mirror and her question was answered when she saw her reflection. She screamed. Because in the reflection….

She saw Cat.

I hope you guys liked it! Review Review! xoxo