Book 2: Earth

Chapter 6: Emi Alone

A/N: Hello friends! In ANOTHER completely shocking series of events, it's been an age since I've updated this story. If you're still reading this, you have my sincerest thanks, and if you're new to the scene, then I'm glad you're here! I love working on this fic, and I hope you all still enjoy reading it. One day it'll get finished, friends, mark my words! I think this one is a real good one too; be prepared to see some things you've never seen before.

See you at the double bar!

Emi's feet dragged tiredly against the dirt as she made her way to the small town she knew was ahead, her footprints looking less like distinct prints and more like two long lines. She had only just managed to keep on Zuko's trail, since she only had the tracks of his stolen ostrich horse to guide her. The town she approached now, however, was not where she'd find her best friend. She was exhausted and discouraged, and she wasn't at all ready to face him after what she had done. She didn't want to just follow him until she was ready for that confrontation, but what else was she supposed to do? That was the whole reason she was out here, completely alone. She knew that, but every time she blinked she saw his hurt, betrayed face, and it was tearing her up. What if she'd spent the last few days following him just for him to decide he still didn't want to see her? She'd been turning that dilemma around in her mind, over and over again, and it had somehow led her here; a neighboring village close enough to keep track of him, and far enough away that she wouldn't see him. Not yet.

As she walked the path leading into town, a familiar commotion ignited new energy within her. She knew that sound; the sound of fighting that seemed to follow the Fire Nation army wherever they went. Picking up her pace, Emi forced her tired legs into a jog, which turned into the best sprint she could give as soon as she rounded the corner. She didn't hesitate to throw herself into the fray, coming up behind a soldier and swiping his feet out from under him. His burst of fire missed its aim, but Emi barely spared a glance for the boy she had saved. Instead, her eyes quickly scanned the crowd around her, looking for the one person who could ruin everything; Azula.

As her eyes landed on a 'Wanted' poster with her own face on it, Emi cursed herself. How could she be so careless? In one quick motion, Emi pulled the leather tie holding up her dark hair and let it fall into a curtain around her face. If she could only help these people for long enough to get the Fire Nation soldiers to go away, then she would move on. It seemed as though she was destined to run into bad luck wherever she went.

Moving forward, Emi was stopped in her tracks as a soldier appeared in front of her, his faceless mask somehow intimidating as it stared back at her. Instinctively she dropped into a defensive stance, raising her arms up in front of her. That was all the encouragement that the soldier needed, and he came at her viciously. As much as she hated fighting, she was glad for all the time she'd spent sparring on their ship. She was even grateful for all of the times that Zuko made her practice without bending; bending at all was too dangerous for her at the moment.

She met the soldier's first attack head on, dodging a burst of fire while blocking the movement of his left hand; a move she'd done with Zuko a hundred times. But this was not practice, and this man wasn't going to go easy on her. His next burst of fire hit closer to home, and she grit her teeth as her side flared in pain. She tried to keep up the best that she could, but it soon became clear that she was outmatched. Just as she dodged a hit, his other arm came out of nowhere, backhanding her across the face and sending her hurtling towards the ground.

Pushing herself up, Emi forced herself to her feet, gritting her teeth against the gasp of pain that threatened to escape. Even though the soldier who'd downed her had moved on to a new target, their altercation attracted the attention of another. Unfortunately, Emi didn't notice until he caught her by surprise, roughly grabbing hold of her wrists and pulling her tightly against him before she could even take another step. A soft whimper escaped her as she fought against his grip, panic rising in her throat at the thought of being discovered. If they knew it was her, they were going to take her back to the Fire Nation, where she was a criminal. Azula would get a hold of her, and they would know that Zuko was nearby. She had been foolish to get involved in this fight, it was too big a risk. As the soldier gripped her chin in his hand, Emi's eyes widened when she realized that the jade colored eyes she now gazed into were familiar to her.

"Renny?" She asked in hushed disbelief.

**Tears ran down her face as Emi sat in front of the small pond that she and Zuko liked to visit together. Pulling her knees into her chest, Emi rubbed the palm of her hand against her cheek and rested her chin against her knees. She had been living in the Fire Nation for a couple of months now, and still she couldn't get used to it. The heat was almost the worst, she thought, the sun burning her pale, uncovered skin, and causing her to be thirsty all the time. But even the heat couldn't compare to the hole in her heart where her parents used to be; she was sure that that fire burned even hotter than the sun.

Missing her parents was unbearable, but it was made worse by Zuko's horrible sister, Princess Azula. Emi knew that she did not belong in the Fire Nation, even though she had to try. But no matter what she did, or what she ate or what she wore, Azula seemed to know that too, and Emi was sure that she was trying to make her miserable. Sniffling, Emi hugged her knees tighter against her body, her nails making small indents where they dug into her arms. How could Azula already hate her? It was just so unfair when all she wanted was to belong somewhere. To not be alone. Zuko was kind to her; she thought that he might even like her and want to be her friend, but whenever she got to be around Zuko, Azula tried to ruin it.

"Are you okay?" A new voice brought her thoughts away from Azula, and she turned curiously to face whoever had spoken. The dark-haired boy she saw was unfamiliar, and she thought that he might be a little older than she was. She nodded shyly as he came towards her and crouched down next to her. "What's wrong?"

Emi couldn't help the pout that settled on her face; she was just so relieved that someone seemed to want to help her. "Princess Azula hates me." She told him in a shaky voice, unconcerned about spilling her thoughts to someone she didn't know. Her eyebrows furrowed when the boy next to her started to laugh.

"Oh the Princess? Don't worry about her, she hates everyone." With a wide smile, the boy stood up and reached out a hand to her. "I'm Korin." As she gazed up at him, Emi saw that he had the most unique pale green eyes she'd ever seen. Smiling, she gripped his hand with her small one, letting Korin lift her to her feet. "Thank you. I'm Emi." **

She wasn't sure if he'd even be able to hear her. Korin had been her only other friend in the Fire Nation, like the big brother she'd never gotten to have. He'd lived at the palace as well, the son of some Lord, but when his father had been called away, he had left as well. And now, at eighteen, he was fighting alongside the very people she was running from. Too late she realized her second mistake; she cared about Korin, and had even sent him letters in their first year or so of banishment, but what if he was truly loyal to the Fire Nation? What if their friendship wasn't enough to keep her secret?

Suddenly Korin shoved her away from him, and she gasped as she landed roughly, the dirt scraping against her exposed skin.

"Men, retreat!" His voice was deeper than she remembered, but still so familiar that it tugged on her heart. "They aren't here." Emi watched in amazement as his soldiers followed his direction without a second thought. Was he the commander of this force? As she turned her attention back to the man who'd been her friend, she couldn't help but cower at the menacing look in his eyes. She stiffened as he knelt in front of her, unsure of what exactly was happening.

"I'm so sorry." He said, the whispery tone of his voice not at all matching the fierce expression on his face. "Please, meet me back here later. Midnight." Without waiting for her answer, he turned and stalked away, Emi's shocked eyes burning holes into his back.

"Hey! Are you okay?" The hand on her shoulder finally pulled Emi's attention away from Korin, and she looked up at the owner's face with confusion. His kind eyes were full of concern, and Emi cleared her throat as her mind searched for something to say. She could hardly think past the shock of seeing Korin again.

"I, um, yes. I think." Emi touched her hand gingerly to her cheek, wincing when it came away wet with blood. The boy who'd approached her reached out to help her up, but she realized upon standing that she must have twisted her ankle when she fell. Losing her balance, she fell into the boy, gripping his tunic on instinct to keep from falling again. "Oh! I'm sorry." She said, grunting in pain.

"Easy there, I've got you." The boy pulled her arm around his neck, propping her against him so that the weight was off of her injured leg. Emi couldn't help but lean into him, relieved that at least some of the pain had been eased.

"Thank you, um…"

"Ying." Emi nodded her head, giving him a pained smile.

"Thank you, Ying." Ying returned her smile and adjusted his arm around her to get a better grip.

"Come on, let's get you inside."

Emi sat quietly as Ying gently pressed a wet cloth against her cheek, trying hard not to wince. Every time she did, the boy looked up at her in concern, and Emi hated the feeling that she was inconveniencing this family. The fact that she was sitting in their comfortable, warm living room with his mother pacing anxiously back and forth was not lost on her. Finally, she brought her hand up and placed it on his, gently stopping his movements.

"I'm fine, Ying, really. Thank you." She said earnestly. The cut on her face still hurt, but she knew she couldn't risk healing herself. Even if Ying and his family didn't say anything about her miraculous recovery, there was no telling who would see her. And if the Fire Nation knew there was a waterbender here, then she'd be in even more trouble. He frowned for a moment, but eventually relented, dropping the now bloody cloth into a bowl of water at her side and rising to his feet. The splash it made called to her, the desire to waterbend running through her so strong that she could have raised it with just a thought, but she didn't. She was back to hiding that part of herself again. The feeling of Deja-vu she had because of it left a sour taste in her mouth.

"Foolish, foolish boy." Ying's mother finally said, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Starting a fight with those soldiers, and dragging this young girl into it." Ying's face twisted in anger in a way that Emi just couldn't bear, and she shut her eyes against it for a moment. For the hundredth time, she wished that Zuko was with her again, this time so that he could watch the scene in front of her. Just like that night in Song's village, Emi had to watch the effect that the Fire Nation had on innocent families, even ones as far removed from the fighting as this one. She knew firsthand that Korin's men were just the tip of a horrible, dangerous iceberg.

"I didn't start that fight! Those soldiers have no right to be here! I was defending our home; someone has to!" Ying's growling, harsh voice made her open her eyes again, and she rose to her feet with the intention of getting involved, even though she had no idea how she could help. Ying wouldn't want to hear that his mother was right, that other Fire Nation soldiers had done far worse for far less of a reason. Her hands clenched into anxious fists as her eyes flicked between the bickering couple. Guilt thrummed through her before she could stop it; she couldn't help but think that this was all her fault.

"They'll take you away!" His mother yelled in response, tears glistening in her eyes that made Emi's shoulders slump. "There is no winning against those monsters. All we can do is keep our heads down and try to survive them." Sighing, Ying's mother ran a hand through her hair and then turned to Emi. "I am sorry for that. Please, stay as long as you need."

"Thank you." Emi said hoarsely to her back as she turned to walk away. If only these people knew that she was planning a midnight rendezvous with one of those 'monsters'. Emi didn't deserve their kindness; she'd leave as soon as the sun rose. She wouldn't let this family unknowingly house what they would surely consider to be a traitor.

Saying goodnight to Ying, Emi made her way to the room that had been offered her and laid down on the bed so that she faced the window. As much as she knew she needed the rest, she didn't let herself sleep. Instead, her eyes traced the path of the moon, counting down the minutes until she got to see Korin again.

Standing partially hidden behind the general store, closed now since the moon was almost at its peak, Emi bit her lip, her arms wrapped protectively around herself. Maybe she shouldn't have come out here, maybe it was too risky to see Korin when the Fire Nation soldiers who hunted her were so close by. Or, maybe it was a trap. That thought made her throat thick.

A figure appeared around the corner and Emi froze, unable to move even as her brain told her to prepare to defend herself. But when Korin came into the light, an open, familiar expression on his face, Emi couldn't help herself. She started to limp towards him, ignoring the pain in her ankle, and flung herself into his arms without a second thought. He held on to her tightly for several moments, and Emi clutched the fabric of his tunic as if she'd float away if she let go.

"I can't believe you're here." She whispered finally, pulling away so that she could look up at him. Even though it had been three years since she'd last seen him, it suddenly felt like much longer. There was something about him, maybe the stubble on his jaw or the way he held himself, that made him seem much older than the fifteen year old boy she'd left behind. Korin's eyes searched her face intently, and her brows furrowed in confusion, unsure of what exactly he was looking for. Then his intense gaze softened, and he pulled her down to sit next to him, their backs leaning against the wall behind them. Emi was glad for his awareness in that moment; in her happiness, she'd forgotten that no one could find them together.

"I'm so sorry about earlier." Korin said, taking his hand in hers. She could see his disappointment written all over his face as he shook his head. "I could have hurt you, and it's not acceptable."

"Korin, it's okay. I understand." She knew first hand what it was like to get caught up in the heat of the moment and do something that you regretted.

"No, I shouldn't have been so rough." he said sternly. "I'm not, usually, I promise. I'm not a monster, Emi. Just, when I saw that it was you...I panicked." Emi squeezed his hand where it rested on her knee and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I know you aren't a monster, Ren." She said softly. But his words reminded her of something that she wanted to forget, and she frowned down at their entwined fingers when she next spoke. "You're supposed to be looking for us, aren't you?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. The irony of the situation was not lost on her, and she knew that there was no way that Korin being the one sent after them was an accident. Azula had known about their friendship; that she would use it against her now was no surprise.

"Yes." He answered, his voice just as soft, and full of regret. Not that Emi had needed the confirmation anyway, but hearing it made her heart twist. Would nothing stop Azula in her aim to destroy them? To destroy her? After all this time, even without knowing the truth, Azula hated her. For a second she felt utterly helpless. What had she ever done to deserve this? Would she ever have anything that Azula couldn't touch?

"I'm trying to distract my men the best I can, but Azula knows that the both of you are in the area. It's not safe, Emi. You need to move on." Emi nodded her head in agreement, but the frown on her face deepened. They were already on the run, but clearly they needed a destination. And it was particularly difficult to come up with one when she and Zuko weren't speaking to each other and she hadn't seen Uncle Iroh in days.

"Speaking of which," Emi didn't miss the way that Korin's voice seemed to harden as he continued speaking. "Where is Prince Zuko? He's supposed to be with you, protecting you."

"If only I needed to be protected." She responded, her voice short. "Zuko and I split up." She wasn't sure why she bothered telling him something so obvious. If Zuko had been with her today, she wasn't sure how things would have ended. Would he have fought against the Fire Nation as she had? Zuko wasn't ready to give up on his home, but they were being hunted. The only way they went back to the Fire Nation was as prisoners, and the fact that Zuko didn't seem to understand that frustrated her to no end.

"Hey." Korin said, tugging on her hand until she looked back up at him. "Whatever has happened between you two, it can be fixed. You guys need each other, now more than ever." There was something wistful about the way he said those words, but Emi didn't dwell on it. She knew that her old friend was right. Sometimes she felt as though she and Zuko were like the sun and moon spirits, circling around each other in the oasis; even when he was far away, she felt a pull towards him. It was how she managed to follow him, even though he was a half day trip ahead of her.

Blinking back tears, Emi wrapped her free arm around Korin's neck and hugged him to her. "You always were smarter than the rest of us." She joked, her voice thick. "I'll miss you so much." The few moments they'd gotten to spend together didn't feel like nearly enough, not when they'd practically be enemies again when the sun came back up. But she knew that their time was up; it was too dangerous to be out here together. Finally, using willpower she didn't quite know she had, Emi pulled away and got to her feet, pulling Korin up alongside her. "Goodbye Ren. Be safe." She couldn't keep the sadness out of her voice, and Korin's smile was soft as he embraced her once more.

"I'll be okay, Em. Go find Zuko." Emi nodded against his chest, keeping her eyes tightly closed when he kissed the top of her head. She kept her eyes shut for just a moment longer, and when she opened them again, he was gone.

Covering her mouth with her hand, Emi didn't attempt to wipe away the tears as she began to wander back to Ying's house. Every day, it felt as though more and more started to go wrong. Being away from Zuko and Uncle because of a fight was bad enough, but finding out that Korin was the one hunting them made her heart turn to ice. He'd already risked so much to let her go, and to meet with her in the dead of the night. Would Azula punish him when he came back empty handed?

Suddenly a figure moved from out of the shadows, and Emi's face went pale as her eyes locked with Ying's, the realization that if he was out here, then he could have seen everything rocking through her. The look on his face told her that he had. Her tears came faster then, betraying her. She wasn't guilty of anything, but she didn't think that he would believe her. She knew in her heart that she didn't have the strength to lie about what he'd seen, to spin some sort of story about why she was seen with one of the very men attacking them earlier that day. She could only hope that he showed her the same kindness as he had then, and allowed her a moment to explain. It was a reminder that she had sorely needed; sometimes those in the Fire Nation were as much victims of the Fire Lord's terror as she and Zuko.

"Ying...wait. It's not what it looks like." Emi flinched at the flimsy words, trying to push past her emotions enough to find the right thing to say. "Can we sit and talk?" she asked, raising her eyes to his hopefully.

Ying nodded stiffly, but the hard set of his jaw made a knot form in her stomach. As they sat down side by side on the front porch of his house, Emi was at a loss. What could she say that would make her friend seem less like the monster Ying and his family saw him as? She'd been trying to make Zuko see how horrible the Fire Nation was, and now she was about to argue the exact opposite. Twining her fingers together nervously, she jumped slightly when Ying finally muttered his first word.


Emi nodded, as if bracing herself, and began to speak, her eyes fixed on her hands. "Korin is a good friend. We grew up together, kind of." She paused slightly when she felt Ying stiffen beside her, but she pushed forward. "I was brought to the Fire Nation when I was 8, after my parents died. Only a few people know that I'm actually from the Northern Water Tribe. And now you know, too."

"I know you have reason to hate the Fire Nation, trust me, I do." Emi said with a short, choked laugh. "My parents are dead because of them, because of the ones that truly are evil. But not everyone from the Fire Nation is bad. Some of them have protected me when I had no way of protecting myself." She knew that without Uncle Iroh and Zuko and Korin, she'd be lost.

Knowing that she had to move along to the part of the story that Ying actually cared about, her shoulders slumped. "Korin and the others were here because they're looking for me. Well, they're after my friend, Zuko, actually. I doubt they care much about me, other than using me to get to him." Emi's voice was bitter, and she curled in slightly on herself without even knowing she was doing it. "Zuko is my best friend, and is the Prince of the Fire Nation. It's my fault." She said, looking up at Ying's hard face. "I brought them here."

Next to her, Ying blew out a hard breath, running his hand tiredly over his face. Her story wasn't an easy one to believe; a renegade prince, a waterbender disguised in red, and their long lost friend hunting them both and dragging innocent bystanders into the fray. Just like kind and righteous Ying. She wondered which one of his traits was going to win out this time. An uncomfortable silence descended upon them, but Emi didn't know how to fill it. What else could she say, after all? What he knew now was just the ugly, complicated truth.

"You can't stay here anymore." He said finally, and Emi's heart sank. "I'm sorry for what you've had to go through. I'm not sure I can believe that there is any good within the Fire Nation, but I couldn't imagine losing my parents. I want you to stay, but it isn't safe for you to be here. I truly am sorry." Emi gave him a pained smile and nodded her head. He was right, of course. She needed to find Zuko and convince him that they needed someplace to go. Korin had been right as well; wherever Zuko went, she would follow. Whatever happened, they would get through it. Together.

At dawn, after a few hours of much needed rest, Ying met her by the door with a rucksack of food that he pressed into her hands, despite her many objections.

"The only repayment I need is for this war to be over." He said, waving away her attempt to thank him. As intimidating as that statement was, a wave of determination washed through her as he said it. One way or another, the war was going to end, and Emi knew, somehow, that she and Zuko were likely going to be smack dab in the middle of it when it did. But there still had to be a way for them to end up on the right side, Aang's side, when all of this was said in done. She'd find a way.

Saying one last goodbye to Ying, Emi set off to pick up Zuko's trail once again. She wouldn't stop until she found him and apologized for lying to him the way that she did. She could only hope that he'd missed her as much she had missed him.

A/N: Stay tuned friends, I'm still not ready to give up on this one!