* Please Review! This is it! We have reached the end of another story but don't worry. I am already thinking of Blade story but I wont be able to start it for a bit. I have a few others that need my attention. Thank you so much for reading! Please check me out on as well*

Judas sighed and turned over onto her left side. Her arm was sore so she started to rub it without opening her eyes. She touched a bandage and frowned a second before someone took a hold of her hand and pulled it off her arm. She opened her eyes to little slits to see that someone was Scud. He smiled down at her.

" Hey sleeping beauty." He whispered.

" What happen?" She asked. He sat down on the bed and moved so he was leaning back against her.

" You fainted." Scud said.

" I fainted? Are you serious? I have never fainted before in my life." She said.

" Yeah well, you sort of went through a very stress situation so don't worry about it. Besides, I got to carry you." He winked at her as he smirked. Judas managed a smile as she rolled over onto her back.

" Who cleaned up my arm?" She asked.

" Me. I did. I had to stitch it close but you're going to be fine." Scud asked.

" What's going to happen now?" She asked.

Scud sighed as he stood up. He pushed at her legs, making her move so he could have room beside her. He laid down and put his left hand under his head while his right arm went around her shoulders. He pulled her into him. Judas hooked one of her legs around his and her head went to his chest. He started to rub his chin against the top of her head.

" Well, B is going to keep hunting vamps. W's gonna keep being cranky. I'm going to make shit for B and you can lay in my bed all day, naked, if you want." He said. Judas closed her eyes and smiled.

" All day, huh?" She asked.

" Yeah. I kind of like the idea of you naked, just waiting for me." Scud said with a smirk. He started to rub her shoulder with his knuckles. " Yeah, I like that a lot."

" As much as I'd loved that too, I think I would get fat from doing nothing." Judas said.

" Oh you'll be doing shit." Scud said, Judas tilted her head up so she could look at him. He grinned down at her.

" I'm serious. What is going to happen now? Are we gonna stay a we? Where am I going to live?" She asked. He brought his left hand to her hair where he tucked it behind her ear.

" You can live here with us. I mean, all your shit is here already so why not? As far as we staying a we, I'd like that. I want that. I can teach you things, like how to work on my van or shit for Blade so you don't feel useless. And there's a lot of things I still want to show you, things you need to experience." Scud said.

" All of my first have been with you and I have liked all of them." She said, making him smile.

" So you'll stay?" He said. Judas laid her head back down on his chest.

" Until a better offer comes along, I guess so." She said with a smile. Scud chuckled and hugged her tightly.

" We will take this one day at a time, alright?" He asked. She sighed and closed her eyes.

" One day at a time." She agreed.