"Are thou ready for thy rewedding?" asked Princess Luna a few nights later as she walked into the bedroom, where she saw Twilight wearing a more chaotic wedding gown then what she had worn to her first wedding.

"I am ready." Twilight smiled as Rarity adjusted Twilight's veil on top of her head. "And incredibly nervous."

"I can't believe I'm going to be able see you get married!" exclaimed Rarity. "Well, you both will simply repeating your vows, but it's still your wedding day!"

"When we got married at the courthouse in Manehattan, it was nice, but it wasn't the same as having a real wedding where my family and friends would be able to see me." Twilight smiled.

"And you never gave me the chance to make you a beautiful wedding dress!" Rarity complained. "But now another one of my fabulous creations will get to walk! This is the second dress I've made for royalty. I can't believe you're also becoming a princess! Your life has definitely become more exciting ever since you and Discord become one. It's just the thing you needed to pull you away from all those old books."

"Hey, I enjoy my studying, thank you! This is a great dress, Rarity." smiled Twilight.

"The ceremony is ready to begin whenever you are ready, Twilight. Your father is waiting for you outside the door as is Screwball. She insisted she get to walk with you as well." smiled Luna.

"That's fine." Twilight said as she used her magic to push down the veil in front of her face. "I believe I'm ready."

"Very well then. I shall meet you all out in the gardens. Miss Rarity, come along." said Luna as she used her wing to beckon Rarity out of the chamber, which she did after making a small adjustment to her own dress, the same one she had worn to Shining Armor's wedding before.

Twilight glanced in the large mirror that was in the mirror and let out a sigh. She never thought her friends and family would accept this. Sure it had been hard and quite a shock for them all when they found out about the marriage, but they accepted it because they all cared about her and simply wished for her to be happy.

And Discord. Two unlikely souls came together because of destiny. But this was only the beginning of their destinies together. Who knew what adventures awaited them bewteen tonight and the time the foal is born. That's nine months of unplanned time. Knowing how their lives had been so far, nothing would give them simply a relaxing time in Ponyville. Something exciting, different, was sure to happen again. Something that would help Equestria and test their bonds together.

And who could forget Screwball? She had come in so suddenly and because of a spell Discord had placed on her, called Twilight her mother. It may have been an acceptance spell, but nothing told Screwball to call Twilight her mother. The way she had tried to protect her when Apple Sweet was using the Alicorn Amulet was more then any mere acceptance spell. With her as her 'daughter,' who knows what adventures could occur with her around?

Twilight smiled as she felt a small kick in her stomach. And she couldn't possibly forget the little one. They would become apart of the adventures that they have yet to experience too. Maybe the foal would possibly be born under quite unusual circumstances? Like flying in an air ship or perhaps on a ship at a sea. Only timing would surely tell that.

Twilight giggled at the odd thought of adventure as it popped into her mind. Even though she was carrying a foal inside of her and shouldn't even be doing those sort of things, with Discord, they were more then bound to happen. Twilight smiled as she walked towards the open doors where her father and Screwball were waiting for her.

Twilight's dad looked at his daughter and gave her a proud smile. "I can't believe I'm seeing my own daughter getting married. I never thought I'd see this day, and to add you're also becoming a princess!"

"I know. It's exciting." Twilight smiled at her father.

"Come on! We can't keep Daddy waiting all night for us!" Screwball said impatiently in her own chaotic bridesmaid dress. "Let's get these hooves moving!"

"Alright, alright." Twilight laughed as her father and her began to move, Screwball following right behind them.

The three of them walked through the palace until they came outside to the gardens, which had been purposely decorated for tonight. The night was as clear as it could be, a full moon hanging in the sky along with many, many stars. The decorations themselves were quite chaotic, all sorts of different colors and shapes, as Discord wouldn't have wanted anything less.

The wedding itself was simply only Twilight's friends and family, as Celestia still hadn't reveal to the public about Discord's return or Twilight's coronation, but that was going to happen in due time. Until then, it was simply about truly uniting two souls who belonged together.

A rather chaotic rendition of 'Here Comes The Bride' bellowed out from a self-playing piano as Twilight was in full view of everypony. Celestia and Luna were both at the front of the altar, awaiting Twilight's arrival. Discord was also standing up there, wearing quite a chaotic tuxedo top. Twilight walked down the small aisle as she caught sight of both her mother and Rarity having tears in their eyes.

Twilight approached the altar as Screwball and her father both sat down before Luna began to speak. "Mares and gentlecolts, we are here on this most lovely of evenings to bring two souls together in which most of society would have thought impossible for it to happen. But these two braved the odds, and even in the small window of time when all hope seemed lost, fate played a hand to ensure that these two would still be together, no matter the challenges."

Luna quickly passed over the speech to her sister. "Along with uniting these souls together, we are also here to indicate out two newest members of the royal family, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Discord. They have both proven that they are ready for this responsibility. Although I was weary about Discord truly being good, he has proven that he has indeed changed, thanks to Twilight Sparkle. I am happy to say that I am glad to be here tonight to watch them become something more. Cadence, as the mare of love, I wish for you to come up and unite these two."

Cadence immediately stepped up to the altar and opened up a book that had been lying up there. "Under our sun and moon, destiny has brought these two together. But now, do you, Princess Twilight Sparkle, take Discord to be your husband, through chaos and order?" asked Cadence.

"I do!" Twilight smiled happily.

"And do you, Discord, take this Princess to be your wife?"

"Sure, why not?" he laughed.

"Well, by the power vested in me as the Princess of Love, I declare you both the newest Prince and Princess couple in Equestria as well as the Chaos Gods! You can kiss your chaotic bride!"

With a swift movement, Twilight's veil was swooped over the top of her head was now kissing her husband. There was a loud cheer from everyone as well as a loud sobbing from Rarity, who was behold happy for one of her friends.

A little while later, after Rainbow Dash had performed a Sonic Rainboom for the couple, a small reception/coronation party was being held, thanks to Pinkie Pie. Twilight and Discord had already danced quite an energetic dance, similar to the one they had danced when they had been in Cloudsdale at that one night club.

"I can't believe I saw you get married, Twilight darling!" spoke Rarity. "And now you're a princess!"

"I couldn't have became one without yours or any of the others help, Rarity." smiled Twilight at her.

"Twilight." said Celestia as she came up to her. "Now that you are officially a Princess, it means you have more things then ever."

"Oh no...what if I can't handle it?" Twilight said with a slight panic.

"There is no need to worry, my dear student. What I mean is by more things then ever is that you won't simply be learning about the magic of friendship, you will also be promoting it to other places in Equestria...and beyond. You are the newest princess...The Princess of Friendship. You will be going to different places and be separating what you have learned to other ponies."

"But...what about my friends? My new family?" asked Twilight. "If I go, I can't see them as much."

"That doesn't mean they can't come with you. I'm the ruler of Equestria so if they did something to be taken care while you were away, it can be done simply like that." Celestia smiled.

"Really, Celestia?" asked Twilight.

"Why would I ever separate you from your friends and family?" asked Celestia. "Besides, your family would go with you, no matter what. I have no places planned for you anytime soon, but I will be asking for you in a few weeks. Are you going to be prepared, my student?"

"I believe I will, if I have my friends and my family at my side." smiled Twilight at her teacher.

Order and chaos are one and shall always be one.