"MAMA" the pups yelled running to their mothers.

"What is it you guys" Izumi asked.

A year after he moved into the palace Inuyasha and Izumi mated and had 3pups named Unmei, Shin'ai, and Yuki.

Unmei is the eldest of the triplets and looks like her mother with her long brown hair but her fathers' ears. They were brown with silvery lining. She had beautiful puppy brown eyes. She looks innocent but is as mischievous as her father.

Shin'ai looked exactly like his father even down to the purple stripe under his cheek. He was more like his mother though. He was sweet and gentle but protective of his sisters.

Nozomi and Tenshi are Mirokus' and Sangos' twins. They love torturing their uncle Inuyasha and loves playing with his ears. Both girls took after their mother. Sango was so grateful that they weren't perverted like their father. The only way to tear the two apart was eyes. Nozomis' eyes were magenta like her mothers while Tenshi had violet eyes like their father.

Kurono, Akuma, Hime, Tsuki, and Sakura were Sesshomarus' and Kagomes' pups.

Kurono was the eldest and looked a lot like his father except with his mothers care free and happy personality.

Hime was second oldest and looked more like Kagome but a little shier then her siblings. She was more the quiet and timid then the rest. The only ones she was comfortable around were siblings, cousins and parents. Anyone else she'll shy away from.

Akuma and Tsuki and were the twins.

Akuma had silver hair with black streaks and gold eyes. Tsuki had black hair with silver tips and blue eyes. Those two are inseparable. They sometimes sleep in the same chambers. They take baths together, play together and prank there friends together.

Sakura was the youngest. She was born a year later after her older siblings. She was four and daddys little girl. She knew exactly what to and sound like when she wanted something from her father. He could never resist those sparkling green eyes. She had black hair with silver streaks.

Shippo and Rin mated 3 years ago and had 2 pups, Kanji and Aki. Kanji looked exactly like his father with the same pranking spirit. Aki took after her mother and was sweet and loving. Kanji was sitting in his mothers lap while Aki sat on her fathers head.

Kohaku mated with one of the other servants as well. Her name was Mitszuki and had long black hair with green eyes and was more of the sweet but shy away type. The two mated a year after Shippo and Rin and had 2 year old named Kyo who looked like his father, who was currently in his mothers lap playing with her hair.

"Mommy guess what we found" Sakura said excitedly jumping into her fathers' lap.

"What did you find pup" Sesshomaru said softly holding his little girl in his arms making her laugh.

"Mama" Shin'ai asked "what is this" he threw some old beat up green and brown thing in front of them.

"Is that Jaken" Sango asked surprised. They all forgot about the little green snob. They wondered why it was so peaceful.

"Shippo" Kagome asked a little unsure of the answer "what did you do with Jaken" her only answer was a devilish smirk and a dark low laugh.

'This pup definitely takes after Kagome' Sesshomaru thought amused.