Welcome! This is another FF begin to unfold...sorry not good at introductions :( But anyway on this story I will do my best (like in every other story) but on this story I'll go a little more above and beyond. Reasons being is that this will be the last story I will create on So I hope you will enjoy this story to its last chapter. It's been one hell of a ride for me :D I hope I did good.

R&R please and thank you for reading


The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed

-Carl Jung

Ice Hime

Instead of the usual sunny day, today its raining. It's not a heavy downpour but its enough to keep you from going out. Unless you're brave enough to face the ice cold cloud tears. But I like to watch the rain fall. It gives a sort of peace to the mind. As if time has stopped for a moment to give me time to think of nothing and everything all at once.

Sitting on the porch and watching the rain fall down...I wonder how many times I've have done so and still find peace in this chaotic world. It has been many years...the house is quiet most of the time, unless the children and grandchildren come to visit. How I miss them so. How I miss holding them in my arms. Now I wonder when they'll be back for another visit? The last time was a couple of weeks ago...

"Watching the rain my dear?"

I turn to smile at the woman who holds my heart. We have been married for over 50 years, but it seems as if we had barely begun our lives yesterday. Though the years have taken its toll on us, she's still the most beautiful woman I have ever known. She sits near me and lays her head on my shoulder. I gently rested my head on hers and grabbed her hand with mine.

"How are you this morning?"

"Better than yesterday."

I smile and gently tighten my grip on her hand.

"You know what this rain reminds me of?"


"Of that kiss we had on our first date after Shizuka was born."

"I remember that."

"It reminds me of something else too."

"What would that be."

"You don't remember?"

"Refresh my memory love, I am a fragile old woman now." I chuckled.

She chuckled and moved her hand so her fingers intertwined with mine.

"It was that day when Shizuka came home..."


"Mom? Hey mom, I'm home."

"In the kitchen."

The seventeen year old teenager began to take off her shoes before she entered the home. As soon as she entered the kitchen area, she smiled at the woman who almost looked like her. She wrapped her arms around the woman and laid her head on the woman's back.

"Hey mother."

The woman turned around and wrapped her arms around her daughter.

"Welcome back Shizuka." The woman placed a small kiss on her daughter's head.

"Where's mom?" Shizuka asked as she unwrapped her arms around her mother's waist.

"Your mother is still at work, where are the twins?"

"Hana's at a art club meeting and Haru is doing his baseball stuff." Shizuka opened the kitchen fridge.

"I see." The woman sighed.

"Need help cooking?"

"That would be nice," the woman smiled, "It shouldn't take to long though. I'm making your favorite."

"Niratama?" Shizuka's eye's light up.

"Nope, liver and leeks."

Shizuka's eye's lost their interest and she sighed. The woman smiled and continued to prepare the meal.

"Since its your favorite, please make something that will go nicely with the liver and leeks."

"Miso soup goes good with anything." The teenager began to search for the ingredients.

"Was school okay?"

"Eh, it was the same as usual." Shizuka responded.

"High school and then off to college. Ara I can hardly believe it." The woman put a hand to Shizuka's cheek.

"Well I'm still the little Speedy you know and love." Shizuka smiled.

"Mischievous too, if I remember correctly," The woman smiled, "Just like your mother."

Shizuka smiled as she looked through the kitchen cabinets. A question that had crossed her mind earlier that day came back and she turned back to her mother.

"Now that you mention, mother when did you and mom meet?"

"In college, we went to the same university."

"Well yeah, but when and where?"

"Well...you see I was walking down the street when I saw something sad. I saw a puppy in a box with a tag that said 'Natsuki'. She was so cute I decided to take care of her for the rest of my life. That's how I met your mother."

"Ara, mother seriously how did you and mom meet?" The teenager sighed.

"In college." The woman smiled.


"Ara, why the sudden question?"

"I talked to grandmother on the phone a few days ago."

"Uh-oh, what did your grandmother have to say?"

"Besides that she wants me to apply to a college over in Kyoto so I can stay with her?" Shizuka smiled.

"Yes besides that." The woman smiled.

"I had asked her about you and mom, she said it was quite a story before you two could be considered a couple."

The woman's smile on her face slightly dropped. She sighed and turned her full attention to her daughter.

"Make some tea for us will you?"

Shizuka nodded her head and began to prepare the tea. The woman walked into the dinning room area where Shizuka followed after her.

"You really want to know about how your mother and I met?" The woman asked as Shizuka handed her a cup of tea.

"I do." Shizuka sat in her chair.

The woman sighed and wrapped a hand around the tea cup. She looked up at Shizuka, the dark shade of chestnut hair and the jade green eyes. It was all beautiful to her, even the two to three piercings on each ear. Though she was punished for it by one mother, the other gave her a high five behind the other mother's back.

"Okay, your old enough to know the real details," the woman responded, "Mind you there will be some things I will leave out."

Shizuka nodded her head.

"It's a long story so don't fall asleep on me," the woman winked, "Okay?"

"I won't. Who knows? I might make this story into a book."

"I'd rather you didn't."

Shizuka smiled and took a sip of her tea. The woman smiled and took a deep breath.

"It all began on that one fateful day..."


I was walking down the street back to my apartment. Class had ended and I was exhausted. I need a break one of these days. I felt small sprinkles falling on top of me. I looked up and saw the sky darken. I sighed and continued on my way back to my apartment. Figures it rains on the day I forget to bring my umbrella. I walk pass by the people and suddenly someone bumps into me. I turn and apologize. They make no response and keep moving on their way. I raise an eyebrow at them. I ignore her and walk again. But then I turned back and took another look. Something...I felt some emotion just burst inside of me. I can't even begin to describe what is was.

"And now... I just...I can't get her out of my head. Even right now." I sighed.

"Is it because she didn't apologize when she bumped into you?" My friend asked.

"No...its something else..." I rested my head on my hand.

"Well I may be majoring in psychology but I don't think I can give you any helpful advice on this one. Sorry." My friend sighed.

"Either way, okini Yukino."

My friend and I were sitting in our favorite study area, the cafe right next to the university we attended. The waiter brought our beverages and I smiled and thanked him. He sneaked a piece of paper along with my tea and winked at me before leaving. Yukino smiled at me as I pocketed the paper.

"Another chaser?"

"Another broken heart. Though I'm not cruel enough to just throw it on the ground."

"Thank goodness for that." Yukino sipped her coffee.

"I guess," I sipped my green tea, "So how are things in the psychology department?"

"Its alright, what about you and business?" She asked.

"Eh, could be better..." I responded.

"That mystery girl still bothering you?" Yukino responded.

"Ara, I don't know why."

"Was she cute?"

I almost chocked on my tea as it ran down my throat. I quickly swallowed it and looked at Yukino.

"Well she was but what does that-"

"Don't worry its just us. It's not like anyone can hear us." Yukino responded.

I sighed but I had a smile on my face.

"Yeah...she was cute, no...beautiful."

"Well that means you want to see her again. Or maybe your attracted to something else you saw in her. Maybe, I'm just sprouting out ideas."

"I won't lie, she was beautiful...but there was something different about her." I sighed.

"You've always been like that," Yukino smiled, "Attracted to something that wasn't really in the normal factor."

"I suppose that's always been me." I smiled.

"Uh oh, here comes your boyfriend." Yukino winked at me.

I made a quiet groan as I felt him coming to our table. As usual I smiled and tried to act polite as I could. I motioned Yukino with my hands I wanted to leave, now. She nodded her head and we began to walk out of the cafe. When we were about a block away from the cafe, I let out the groan I was holding in.

"Looks like my favorite studying place is ruined."

"If you want, I could buy you your green tea and bring it to you."

"Ara, I won't put you through that much trouble for tea. I'll just go to the store and buy some."

"You sure? I thought you didn't like the tea from the store."

"I'm sure my survival instincts will kick in," I took the paper out of my pocket, "You want it by any chance?"

"No thanks, as handsome as he was, he was kind of creeping me out." Yukino smiled.

"Oh well, maybe he'll find himself a nice girl someday," I smiled as I threw the paper in the trash can, "Have class tomorrow by any chance?"

"Yeah, I'm booked solid. What about you?"

"Well...I might take a day off. You never know." I smiled.

"You know its not good to skip class too much."

"Of course but-"

Yukino noticed I stopped talking and looked up at me. I didn't respond as I felt her tugging at my sleeve. There about a block away was the same girl I had run into a few days ago. I watched her until she disappeared from my sight. Beautiful...that long midnight hair against that pale skin...its a shame she had a scowl on her face...


I came back to reality and looked at Yukino. She looked confused as I smiled at her.

"Kanin na, I just saw something that caught my attention."

"Was it the girl?"


"She might be going to our university. You gonna go after her?"

"No...not yet...well-"

My phone began to ring which caused me to slightly jump. I brought it out and looked at who was calling me. I slightly groaned at who it was.

"Your girlfriend?" Yukino asked, sensing the annoyance.

"Yeah..." I pushed the green button.

"Your answering it?" Yukino seemed surprised.

"If I don't I'll have to make up some lame excuse as to why I didn't answer my phone." I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby." My girlfriend at the end of the phone answered.

"Hi." I simply responded.

Yukino mouthed me good luck as she went on her way. I waved back, sad that she was leaving.

"So are you free this Sunday by any chance?"

"Ara, I have a tea ceremony class to teach." I made up.

"Aww, your always busy." I heard her pout.

"Kanin na."

"I know, it's not your fault. When are you going to have a free Sunday? All of your Sunday's have been busy for two months. I miss you."

"Yeah..." I didn't really want to say 'I miss you too' as I was actually trying to avoid her.

"Oh well, maybe we can meet up for lunch or something like that?"

"Sure, that be nice."

"I love you."

"...See you later."

I hung up and put my phone away. I sighed and began to walk again. I didn't say I love you...it didn't feel right. It would feel like a lie if I said that to her.

I quickly looked up and remembered of that girl I was so memorized by. Maybe she's still here, maybe I can talk to her, maybe...just maybe...! I turned the corner and sighed in disappointment.

She was gone.


"...and this is this and that is that..."

I was taken notes, or at least trying to. Usually the professor talks on and on and on and on so much that I usually end up drawing something in my notepad. Of course the only thing I'm thinking about right now is that girl...so mysterious...

"Boring lecture huh?" I heard a voice besides me say.

I turned and smiled at the person next to me.

"Eh, I just don't feel like taking notes today." I smiled as my pen began to move again.

"I can see that." She pointed to my picture.

I looked down and was surprised with my drawing. Usually I just draw circles or a box, I'm not really all that artistic with a brush or pen. It was a small chibi that looked like the girl I had run into.

"So who's this?"

"None of your business." I quickly put the drawing out of sight.

"Right...and the lucky girl is...?" She smiled at me.

"I...I don't know." I began to write notes in my notepad.

"Well if you ever need some tips, give me a call." She gave me a card from her jacket.

I grabbed it and read the information. Want that special someone to notice you? Then call the Great Love Expert.

I raised an eyebrow and looked back at the raven haired girl who was smiling at me.

"Um...is this really a job?"

"Of course, that's ust my professional name. Just call me Chie."

"So what do you do?"

"I help people to get the person they want. At a price, mind you."


"You never know if you don't try." She smiled at me.

"Well you see I already have someone." I explained.

"Oh, well he's one lucky guy."

"A girl."

"Oh, well she's one lucky chick."

"But that's the problem..."

She looked at me and fixed her glasses.

"Let's settle this business at lunch, kay?"

I smiled and nodded my head in approval. When class was over we walked over to a nearby lunch cafe. When we ordered lunch and settled at a clean table, we began to discuss business. This girl is kind of straight forward. Cute though, with her black almost gray short hair. She seems confident, I'll give her that much.

"So what's the problem Miss Fujino?"

"You can call me Shizuru." I smiled.

"Okay Shizuru, tell the Great Love Expert Chie your love problems. And don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. I won't go blab out your stories."

"I...I think I'm falling for another girl."

"And your girlfriend doesn't know about it?"


"We're young, just dump your current girlfriend and hook up with the one you want."

"It's not that simple." I sighed.

"How so?"

"The girl I like doesn't even know I exist."

"Well then go talk to her."

"My girlfriend might get upset."


"She's...she's very fragile. I wish I could just break up with her without breaking her heart."

"That's life. We dream, we laugh, we cry and we break hearts. She'll get over it." Chie assured me.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"I guess there's more to this than meets the eye?"

"Yes, she like to cuddle a lot. It's not that I don't like to cuddle. It's just that...well even I'm getting a little tired of it."

"Whoa, she's the obsessive type?"

"More or less."

"Huh, that might be difficult to get out of."

"I've been avoiding meeting her but I can't keep this up forever."

"How did you two meet up anyway?"

"Um...I'd rather not say." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Fair enough. So for a special price I'll help you out with your love problem."

"How much?"

"Your a full time college student?"


"Okay, you get the special student discount. Your fee is 850 yen a day."


"I got eat too."

"Fair enough," I reached for my wallet, "What happens if things don't work out?"

"Then you get a total refund on the amount of money you pay me."

"Sounds fair." I paid her.

"But just remember, I haven't failed at match making." She grinned at me.

I smiled back, maybe this wasn't a bad thing.

"Okay, so who's the girl you want me to track down?"

"Well I don't know her name but she has long black hair and beautiful jade eyes." I smiled.

"I'll keep that in mind, I'll call you when I have more info for you."


She turned back to me and smiled.

"From Kyoto huh?"


"Cool, well later."

She took off leaving me alone at the table. I began to think about my girlfriend and how to tell her I wanted to break up. The way we hooked up...it wasn't...well...we we're two different people who happened to go to the same bar, talked a bit and had a few drinks and then...I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. It's not like I gave my virginity to her, I know that much. That's been gone for some time...

My cell phone began to ring almost making me jump out of my seat. I almost thought it was Chie when I saw who was calling me. I sighed in frustration and answered the call.


"Baby! Hey let's play a I spy game."

"Um okay."

"I spy something something green."

I looked around and noticed there were many things green.

"Um...the flower bush?"

"Nope, try again."

"How about the garden hose?"

"Your close."

I looked at the ground and saw a pair of familiar green shoes. I held back the groan as I looked up at the owner of those green shoes.

"Surprise!" She closed her phone and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you today." She kissed my cheek, "I saw you sitting here all alone.

"Oh, well I'm so glad to see you." I lied.

She sat down where Chie was previously sitting and smiled at me.

"Have you eaten lunch?"

"I have and I'm afraid I can't stay for long. I have another class to attend." That was actually true.

"Well we still have some time to visit."


I just smiled back and tried to keep this mask on. Out of the corner of my eye I saw long raven hair in the distance. I looked up and tried to get a better look. I think that's her...

"What are you looking at?" My girlfriend asked.

"Um, do you know that girl?" I asked.

"Which one?" She looked.

"That one, the only one walking across the grass." I pointed out.

"Oh, that's Kuga."


"You don't know her?"

"Well I had bumped into her one time but she didn't seem to respond."

"That's Kuga Natsuki, the ice princess around campus."

"She attends here?"

"Yeah you don't- oh yeah your majoring in business so you probably wouldn't know her."

"What's she majoring in?"

"Science, can't remember the exact field but she's in the science building all of the time."

"I see, why is she called the ice princess?"

"To put it in a blunt way, it's because she's pretty bitchy."

"How so?"

"She doesn't talk to anyone and no one talks to her. Even if someone tried to talk to her she gives them a cold shoulder along with her famous icy stare. They say its pretty scary."

"I wonder what happened to her."

"Who cares...why do ask?"

"Just curious."

"Stay away from her babe. It's better that way."

I'll admit I'm flattered that's she worried and looking out for me but I just can't...I don't know. I looked at my clock and picked up my things.

"I have to go."

"Okay, take care." She stood up and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and waved goodbye, relieved that I can get away from her. I walked away but took a quick glance at where that Kuga Natsuki was headed to. Making sure I stayed far away enough, I began to follow her. It looked like she was going to the library but then she suddenly made a left turn. I walked faster and turned the corner but she disappeared. I sighed to myself, I wonder how she does that. Just disappearing like that. I continued to walk again to my class.

I wonder when I'll meet you, Kuga Natsuki.


"You saw her again?" Yukino asked after class.

"I did."

"Wow what a coincident. So did you get to talk to her?"

"No, she disappeared before I could talk to her."

"Sorry to hear that. Maybe next time, ne?"

"Perhaps..." I looked up at the blue sky.

"So what's on your mind?" Yukino asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I smiled.

"Just a little."

I sighed as we sat on a nearby bench. I played with the twigs underneath my feet until I was ready to tell Yukino what was on my mind.

"You think its selfish to want to be with someone?"

"It's human nature to be with someone." Yukino responded.

"True but..."

"But what?"

I took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes.

"Will you go out with me?"

She smiled and tapped my cheek.

"Nice try."

I chuckled and relaxed.

"I...I want to make that girl my girlfriend."

"Oh...do you even know her name yet?" Yukino asked.

"I got a name, Kuga. Kuga Natsuki."

Yukino's eyes popped open to what I had said.

"Wait you mean that girl you ran into was Kuga Natsuki?"

"You know her too?" I have to remember to keep up with the university talk.

"She's practically famous on this campus. I'm surprised you didn't know about her."

"Huh, maybe I study too much."

"Maybe but Kuga? Shizuru I think you should look for someone else."


"Well anyone, whether it was a guy or girl, who tried to take Kuga on a date had their heart viciously stomped on."

"Ara I'm sure your being a bit dramatic."

"No I'm not. You know Takeda, the captain of the kendo club?"

"I've heard of him, but never met him. Why?"

"Yeah that one. He tried forever to get Kuga to notice him. Once he did, she literally stuck her hand in his chest, pulled out his heart, spit on it and fed it to the dogs."

"A little bit over exaggerating?" I asked.

"Actually I wished I was. Poor Takeda didn't come out of his apartment for a month."

I sighed and twiddled my fingers when I heard that news. So this is Kuga...

"Are you still gonna go after her?" Yukino asked.

I smiled at her as I jumped off the bench. I stretched out my arms and nodded my head.

"You never know until you try."

Yukino sighed and stood up from the bench and walked alongside me.

"You do realize your going to have to break up with-"

"I know, I know...I just don't know how to tell her."

"Well...good luck. That's all I'm going to tell you."

"Okini, I'm going to need it." I sighed.

I heard my cellphone ring and I brought it out of my cellphone to answer the call. After hearing what the person had to say, I ended the call and smiled at Yukino.

"Kanin na, but I have to go."

"Okay I'll see you later." She waved as I quickly walked away.


Walking to the meeting point, I saw Chie and quickened my pace. Chie heard my footsteps and smiled at me. When I stood besides her she began to walk.

"By now you probably know the girl your after is Kuga Natsuki."

"I do."

"...And your still gonna chase after her?"

"I am."

Chie whistled and gave me a smile.

"Damn you have guts. Okay then, lets get down to business."

I nodded my head and watched as she took out her expensive looking camera from her side bag. She held the screen so I could see the pictures. Each picture was of Kuga.

"For 500 yen, you can have any 2 pictures you want." She offered.

"No thank you."

"How about nude or bath pictures?" Chie grinned.

I think I blushed for a moment but I shook my head no.

"I want Kuga for her soul first, not her body. Though I'll admit that's a bonus."

"I like you, so I'll help you out as much as possible."


"Okay first thing you need to know about Kuga, she hates everybody."

I felt my heart drop.

"But that's a good thing as you don't know yet whether she walks on that side of the street like you."

"Is she?"

"I think so."

I felt relieved.

"Second, she's the ice princess so don't be too upset if she gives you the cold shoulder the first time. My strategy is that you smile, be polite and then leave. Any stranger who gives another stranger a smile will remember it for the rest of the day."

"Sounds good."

"Thirdly, don't be nervous and if you are try not to show it."


"Because she just entered that food market place like I predicted."

I looked in the direction Chie pointed in and indeed I saw Kuga. No matter how many time I see her long raven hair, I still find it memorizing. I felt a hand push me forward a little. I turned back and saw Chie give me a peace sign.

"Good luck." She winked at me.

I took a deep breath and walked into the food market. I could feel my heat beat racing as I grabbed a basket and began to look for Kuga. The store had a funny smell to it but I walked around anyway. Catching something out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bag of ramen noodles. My eyes lit up as I grabbed a bag. Well I'm here I might as well get some shopping down. I grabbed a few more items and put them in my arm basket. Wow this store has everything, I'm might come here more often. Walking down an aisle I eyed something delicious.

"I think I can treat myself to green tea." I smiled.

I began to walk over to the green tea bags and just before I could reach the area where the bags were, I bumped into someone. I was forced to take a few steps back from the impact. Looking up I slightly panicked. Here she was right in front of me. I felt my heart skip a few beats.

"I'm so sorry. I was not paying attention." I slightly bowed.

"It's okay." Kuga sighed.

I noticed that her items had fallen out of her bag. She began to kneel down and pick them up but I grabbed a few of the items first.

"Allow me."

As I picked up the items I tried to calm my heart down. Here at last was Kuga, the girl I'm stalking. What should I say? Should I just smile? What do I do?

When I finished panicking, I stood up straight and held the items for her to take.

"Here you go, I'm sorry for making you drop them." I smiled apologetically.

"...It's no big deal." She took the items and put them in her bag.

I noticed something leaking from her bag and quickly pointed it out. She looked at it and groaned.


"I'm so sorry. Here I'll pay for your broken items." I offered.

"Look just go." She began to shoo me away.

"This was my fault at least let me pay for what I broke."

"Go away." She looked up at me and glared.

...So this was the famous icy glare. It is scary, looking into those jade eyes I could see all the hate that was inside her. Yet...

I crossed my arms and glared back. Her glare softened and she almost took a step back. Two can play at this game. Though now she really is pissing me off.

"I'm just trying to help and apologize for breaking an item of yours. If that's how your going to be then fine."

I took out some cash from my wallet and threw it at her. She seemed surprised as I put my wallet away. I turned and went to the cash register. The woman smiled at me and I smiled back. Once all my items were scanned I brought out my wallet to pay for them.

"That will be-" The woman began.

"Put it on this."

I looked over and saw Kuga standing right besides me giving a card to the woman.

"Put my items on the order too."

The woman smiled and nodded. I rubbed my neck and began to speak.

"You don't have to do this. I'm the one who broke-"

I stopped talking and noticed that Kuga wasn't really paying attention to me. I sighed and once my items were purchased, I grabbed them and walked off.

"Thank you." I said before I exited the food market.

I didn't even bother to see if she was following or chasing after me. I looked for Chie and saw her waving at me from our original meeting place. I walked past her and said nothing. Chie didn't stop me but I heard her say:

"That bad huh?"

I stormed off, I don't know why I'm so pissed. I just...I don't know. I just feel so torn apart. That look in her eyes...

I took out my cell phone and dialed began to dial a number. I was stuck between two numbers, one would actually help me, the other would make me feel good. After a few moments I dialed the number and held the phone to my ear.


"I need to see you, I need to be with you." I said.

"Okay, you know where I'll be."

I hung up the phone and quickly walked away.

Why is it that I've just met Kuga and my heart is already breaking?