22 Prime Blood~ Magnitude~ Finale

a/n No this may not be the ending you expected, but I promise you, I did not kill anyone off. I left this ... this way... who know what will come out of my brain next.

Ultra Magnus had to agree, the meeting with the lawyer was tedious and boring. He would much rather be back in Shockwave's torture chamber with those petro mice running around inside his armor. How Marissa stayed sane, boggles his mind.

And yet, she was clearly on top of the documents…. So it seemed.

At breakfast the next morning, Marissa brought out a pair of handcuffs. He knew she wasn't ready to return to their fertility experiment, so she had to have something sinister in mind. "Marissa…"

"You have two choices, stay here by yourself, or I help you." She waggles the cuffs. "Your huffing and groaning was driving me insane yesterday. I felt like I was babysitting again. Please, I beg of you, stay here and enjoy my father's books. Alright?" He frowns, "Please?"

"Am I really driving you nuts?"

"And bolts."

He frowns deeper to the 'Bot joke. She scrunches up her face seeing how he didn't like that one. He takes the cuffs, "I'll be good. I did see a few books that look interesting."

She smiles and sighs in relief. "I want you to take your time. If there are any books you want, please, find a box and pull them. I'll have them shipped home."

To that his eyes go wide, "Marissa this is your-"

Her marked hand grips his, "No, it's not Magnus. You are. Hope is. Her sparkling is. This hasn't been my home since the first time I left you on furlough and was more home sick for you than this place."

The warrior's shoulders sag. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid."

"Not going to promise that."

"Marissa…," the warning drawl of her name is the same one she uses on her own unruly crew.

Rising, she leans down and kisses his cheek, "I bound myself to you, that should say it all."

He's not sure if that was an insult or a compliment.

She pulls away and heads towards the door, "Marissa, I'll go anywhere with you. I'll do anything for you."

"I know, Magnus, I know."

And with that, she leaves.

He never thought she would come home. Back. It was well after dark before she returned. Together they curled on the large leather couch after hot soup and tea snuggled before the fireplace under an antique quilt. Magnus strokes her arm tenderly soothing the female warriors arms.

He ponders the mysteries of a female body. How can they be so lithe and strong yet soft and formidable at the same time? Marissa is no different. Yes, she has been cleared for active duty. He was a bit worried when he saw how hard she pushed it in the gym to regain the muscle tone and required strength to qualify for activity duty again. She was bound and determine to get back into that fighter and lead her troops. They never spoke of it, but he was kind of hoping she would retire with him. Yet on the other hand… so proud of her for not.

Here she lays between his own strong thighs against his proud chest, just curled up with him. Holding his hand, she strums and examines the mark on his hand. Leah's and his mark. Turning his hand over, she sees the tattoo of Leah's Cybertronian name right in the most sensitive spot of the ring finger: Right where the finger joins to the hand. The opposite side of the band..

"Optimus has Elita's name here too, doesn't he."

"Mm-hum." He watches Marissa soothe it. "I got the idea from him."

Tipping her head up he gives her the other hand. There, she sees Hope's name.

"You kept this hidden from me all these years?"

"It was not easy. Most certainly not after you learned Cybertronian."

They drift back into silence. Marissa turns his hand back over and looks to the new mark added to Leah's band. It's a white band with chocolate swirls. She smiles. The mark is still fresh. Obviously done today. "How…"

"Your butler came by today to get some information about the reception tomorrow. I asked, he seemed more that pleased to oblige me." The older warrior shrugs with a sign of his younger spryer days.

Rolling over, Marissa folds her arms across his chest and rest her chin, "Mags, you are too funny. What made you think of this?"

He blushes.

"Magnus…," her interrogation tone again.

He weaves his fingers through her loose trusses and lets out a deep breath, "I had dreams of a snow white Seeker with chocolate curls along her fuselage. When she would proto-form, they were long tendrils of temptation entangling my servos and spark."

Now it's Marissa's turn to flush. With a gripping nudge to the base of her scalp, she crawls further up his chest where he can kiss her, and does. Slowly, rolling his lips to pull and suck on her lips before pulling back, "And then I would take her… on the battlefield." He pulls out a moan from her in the next kiss with the thoughts of him ravaging her in the mist of smoke and missiles. He smiles and pulls on her lips again. "And then I would swoop her up and take her back to my private shuttle and ravage her again and again until…." he breaks a kiss off sharply to her whine. "That damned alarm will waken me and tear me away from my angel." Stroking her face he pouts, "And from my hand."

She leans in, "Never again."

He smiles and nods giving her a sweet peck. "I know. But I just wanted everyone to know… my heart is bound to an angel as sweet as fudge."

Marissa laughs and bows her face into his throat. "You're the sweet one."

Massaging her head again he murmurs, "Only because of you." She hums into his soothing touch.

"Magnus, what was the reaction in the tattoo parlor?"

His chest rumbles in delight again, "Ah well, keep in mind, I have been in some pretty seedy places bringing my Wreckers back home. They do have a tendency to wander sometimes. And you should see Whirl. He's all tatted up. In places," he shivers. Marissa giggles, which makes him giggle too. "Anyway, this place is quite clean and well prepared. They actually like my idea." His brows jut in a slightly cocky way.

Marissa lifts her head to gaze at his expression. One she hasn't seen in quite awhile. Smug. Excited, she props herself up, "And?"

He lets his hand trail from her nape down the solid spine, "Well I told them that I have this incredible mate for she is far more than a wife and I don't want there to be ANY question as to my devotion to her. Due to my occupation, a metallic band would not be appropriate, but her call sign would be."

Marissa raises her own brow, "But my call sign is Xenia?"

He chuckles, "Not any longer. It's Sweetspark, beloved." She sniggers to the thought of that. They both laugh thinking of it going out across the channels during a firefight. The Decepticons would stall and fritz their little processors.

Magnus snuggles her close, "Is there anything I can do for you tomorrow?"

Nuzzling down, she just lets his hands soothe and comfort her. "There's not really anything you can do. Just… if I give you the retreat sign, I'm going to bail."

"Alright. Do you want me to come with you?" She just nods. "Alright. Now rest."

The day is beginning to take it's toll on her. Resting on her husband's chest on the couch where she used to snuggle with her father an eon ago… too much comfort. Too much peace. Her body and brain have no choice but to shut down… and just breathe.

For Ultra Magnus, just what he needs as well. To know Marissa is safe and protected. Not just in body but in spirit as well.


Sure enough, the funeral is solemn and reverent. A lot of dignitaries. A lot of business associates. Politicians, military advisors, dignitaries. Very few who knew "Little Marri." To this, Magnus is respectfully silent even though she kicks him as if to be quiet. To that he does have to hide his mirthful grin.

He is not surprised that Marissa went in uniform. She needed to be seen as the officer she is, not the heir to the Fairborn Estate. For herself. Everything she has fought to hard to be. Everything her father built.

Magnus wore a dark suit with nothing but an EMC General's gold pin on his lapel. The sign of a retire officer. A man not to be messed with. A husband proud to stand beside his wife as they bury the man who made it possible for Marissa to fly across the stars into his arms.

Back at the estate, the reception is just as formal as the service. Marissa mingles and nods. Magnus does not hover, but stays within eye range. He notices a couple times she rubs her leg. He grimaces and shoots her warning looks. But she shakes them aside.

The hours drag on, until he sees her rubbing her temple. No, it's not the retreat sign, but he is calling it a day for her. Coming beside her, wraps his arm possessively around her waist, "Excuse us, I need to talk to my m-wife." He steers her towards the stairs.

She whispers, "Magnus, please… I'm not-"

"Colonel, listen to me. You need to retreat," he is just as soft leading her towards the main entry and staircase.

"I do not."

Scooping her up into his arms, sprints up the stairs two at a time. Only a few people took notice. For he had been quiet and swift. Ever the expert of sneak attacks and slicker retreats. Once the door is closed, he sits on the bed holding her firmly to his lap.

He expected her to argue, but she curls into him and sobs. Finally the dam is breaking. She beats her fists against his chest and wails. Too much. This past year has been hell on her emotions. Bonding, unable to procreate, and now this great loss.

And he has been here at her side the whole time. "I've got you, my spark. I've got you."

It takes awhile, but then her body subsumes to the weight of the day. She falls limp in his arms. Laying her down, he carefully removes her jacket and shoes then covers her with the library quilt. Wiping the tears from her exhausted face, he kisses her temple.

Yes, these are things he never did with Leah. Yes, these are things he never ever thought he would ever be doing. But they are things he will never regret… and for the first time in a long time… happy. Even if it's on a day of watching his mate's spark-heart break. He would not want her walking this alone, grateful to Primus for allowing him to be Marissa's mate.

Now to decide if he should just lay beside her and be here when she awakens or go down and tell them all that she is done for the day.

Seeing her down, he knows she will be out for quite awhile. He straightens his suit and pulls up his dignitary back. With the ease and grace he used to bear as Guardian of the Matrix, he performs his current duties as Guardian of Marissa.

His hand rests on the banister as he strides down the main staircase as if he was lord of the manor. All heads turn to him. A few steps from the bottom, he uses his soft authority tone, "Colonel Fairborne has retired for the evening. You are welcome to stay a little bit longer, but the staff needs time to rest and grieve as well."

He nods to the head butler, who graciously tips his head back. One white shirted server sniffs fighting back her trembling chin.

A couple of the guests set their glasses and plates down, preparing to go. Marissa's lawyer meets Magnus as he reaches the main floor. "How is she?"



~~00~~ Marissa comes to the head of the stairs. It's dark now, and the building is quiet. No, wait. The sound of laughter softly ripples up the stairwell punctuated by her husband's rumbling one. Pulling the quilt little tighter around herself, she glides down the stairs into the kitchen.

Blinking in the bright light, there she sees her beloved. White shirt sleeves rolled up, jacket tossed over the back of his chair, stocking feet kicked up on another chair, sipping a beer. He looks so comfortable and content. Her heart swells in delight. He's meeting the other half of her life she never thought he would see. And he is happy.

Around the kitchen are the key staff people she has known for a long time. Only about six, but as close to family as she had while growing up. The smiles envelope her.

Turing to their change of attention, Magnus drops his feet and starts to get up. But she pushes his shoulder to remain and strides around to hug the head gardener, butler and house keeper. They hand her a beer. Looking at it, she smiles and sets it aside.

"Not this night," she tugs the butler and they return with the good stiff stuff.

She pours the drinks and passes them around. Pouring herself a drink and looks to her mate. She tips it towards him like a toast. He clinks his glass to hers and then…. She sets the glass down staring at the contents, pondering. His brow arches. Just a week ago she had drank herself into a stupor of sorrow with near the same stuff. What would cause her to change her mind now?

Lifting her chin she smiles, "I still have a mission to accomplish, sir."

His whole face melts. Setting his drink down, pulls her into his lap, "Oh Marissa…."

With that, he does not hide his love for her. These people are practically family, it will do no harm for them to see Marissa is worshiped and loved. Marissa can never resist him when he kisses her like this.

"Woooo-HOOOO!" and the glasses are clinked as if in a wedding.

Marissa buries her face into his throat while he chuckles most arrogantly in his success of making her flush.

"Oh Marri, where ever did you find this piece of manly flesh? M-mm, has he got a brother?" The assistant house keeper clicks her tongue.

Which of course only makes Marissa and Magnus laugh heartily. She mumbles against his chest, "No, he's one of a kind. They broke the mold when they made him."

That makes his breath hitch, and she mumbles her apology. The Andrew, the butler, cuts in, "So, Mistress Marri, shall we be expecting you and your beloved to returning home? Shall I prepare the master for you?"

Magnus makes her pull back and look at him. "I told you, what ever you want. I will go anywhere for you."

"Can you really leave your daughter?" She replies in his native tongue.

But in hers, he responds, "Yes. She doesn't need me anymore. You do."

From there, Andrews can see the marital tension, "I'm sorry, Marri."

Marissa, still in her husband's protection turns, "Don't be. It will be alright. Don't worry. Your jobs are safe, please, please… I will not abandon you, okay?"

They all nod. Some confidently, some not so. Marissa reaches over and grabs another piece of raspberry cream fudge and raises it in toast, "Come on, you guys all know Daddy would have a fit if we had a boo-hoo session at his wake. Now, I want to hear all the sordid details you all thought I was too young to know before."

Magnus laughs, bringing the others around. Marissa grabs a handful of goodies and ushers them, "Come on, we're headed to the library!"

"But it's forbidden to eat in there."

"My house, my rules!" She recants back. They swiftly follow bringing the treats and heavy alcohol.

~~~ On and on they talked until dawn arrives. Luckily, they have no plans today, and so she and Magnus slept late. In the afternoon she takes him for a walk around the grounds and a trip through her childhood. To her delight, most of the staff joined them for pieces of the walk, brunch and then a BBQ dinner on the patio.

Her heart soars. Magnus soars with his mate. They are by each other's side for most of the day. Only a few times did she step away to deal with a matter of the estate and the occasional phone call. He knows he can get used to this life. Not the elegance reminding him too much of the Elite. No, it's the comfort of having Marissa all to himself. No war. No fighters. No bureaucracy. Nothing but them.

But he also knows, this isn't her. This is her past. This is her father's life. Listening to her talk about her life as a fighter pilot to the others as her face lights up. Listening to her talk about her pride in her troops…. Yes, she changed it so it sounded like she was fighting some tyrannical third world organization (not some alien race) but its all there. Her joy. Her pride. Her leadership. Her ….

This is Marissa Fairborne. This is the woman who came into his life. He knows, she will be returning to Cybertron to defend his home. A bittersweet truth. Leaving hers to defend his while he can not protect her like he used to so that he can hold her at night. He can't decide if he should be elated or upset. A conundrum to contemplate with Prime.

Marissa leans into him as he sips his beer beside Andrews learning how to BBQ. "I have one final meeting with the lawyer tomorrow and then we can return home. The transport is expecting us."


"Don't argue with me Magnus, please don't."

Curling an arm around her, he just buries his face into her chocolate trusses. "I was just saying, if you want more time here on Earth, do. The war-"

"Needs us. Both of us."

She pulls back and looks up to him, "I want your home to be as peaceful as mine. Now, no more talk of this tonight. Understood?"

Silently he just nods biting hard on his tongue.

After their morning run, Marissa takes off for her final meeting with the lawyer. Magnus checks over the library one last time for any last books he wants. Wandering the halls of the huge house, he recalls his time as General at Fortress Maximus. How often had he walked those halls in his private sentry duty? How many times had he walked Iacon's Tower making sure the place was secured for Prime and the rest of his charges? Now, he only has one charge. Being in flesh form does not bother him this time. Only… will he be able to hold it indefinitely?

Seeing the pool, he decides to burn off his extra thoughts with long drawn laps. Most certainly this is different than his old times of swimming with Seaspray. Still invigorating. Taxing. Elating.

Pulling himself from the pool, roughly rubs himself down and reclines onto the lounge beneath a huge stone angel. He smiles remembering his dreams of his Seeker Angel….

"Hello sleepy head."

The ex-general cracks his eyes to the sultry sound. There is his beautiful spark mate leaning over him smiling. "Good swim?"


She strokes his cheek and kisses him warmly. "Mm, you taste so good after a nap."

That piques the brows.

She leaves his side to go to the base of the angel. "Daddy had this brought in. Her face looks so similar to Mom. He didn't want me to think she was really gone. He wanted me to know she was always looking after me. As a little girl I always planned to be married right here under the wings of this statue."

"I'm sorry."

She turns to his apology and she shakes her head, "I'm not. I wanted to be married here for him. So he would know I had not forgotten her. But you know what?" Coming back to his side, she beams, "I thought I felt her presence when I was assigned the duty of Colonel to the EMC send far away from home. Funny?"

He says nothing, but lets her keep going.

"Magnus, I love you very much. I feel I have been given their blessing. I've signed the house over to the Bethesda Naval Hospital."

"Marissa! It's-"

Fingertips to his lips lets her continue, "My decision. That's what I was doing today. I was with Andrew making final arrangements. The staff will stay with the house, that he will make sure of that. This home will become a place of comfort. Families with loved ones stuck in the medical ward at Bethesda will be welcome to stay here free of charge. Children can come swimming and play with the ducks. Counselors will be here to help the wives. This is what I need."

His love for Marissa just rose infinitely. She beams in his awe.

Laying across his body with splayed hips she nuzzles into his naked chest, "For if it wasn't for a certain lover, …yes you know that's what we were before we joined…" his chest rumbles, "If it wasn't for your voice calling to me, begging me to come back to you, whispering your love to me, I would have slipped off to join my mother."

She rolls her head to face his stunned optical-eyes, "Yes, I heard you. Logic tried to tell me it was all a dream, but my spark refused to believe so. And then, I saw it in your optics. I knew. I knew even if we could never be one, I was yours. I could never leave you. I could never give up on a chance. For you never gave up on me either."

Sliding up further, she kisses him passionately, "Magnus, marry our bodies here."

"Here?" he nearly squeaks.

Her hips grind against his, "Here. Andrew has taken them all away to break the news and celebrate. We have the place one last time to ourselves. So now. Fulfill my dream. Make love to me here."

The way her fingers weave into his scalp, this is not a merging and joining of procreation. No, this is a love making she needs. "Of course…"

Slowly the fabric is shed. Under the defused sunlight of the awning, Magnus touches and kisses every scar, every dimple and every freckle of his mate. To see her in her natural form beneath the natural light of her world, pure blessed beauty.

Marissa knows this is not his natural body. No, this is the reflection of his soul. His strong masculine soul curling and melting in her touch. Her palms grip and hold the solid thighs of steady steadfastness. Down to his feet of firmly planted devotion. His hips that sway into her grace. The chest of laughter and beating warm. That strong neck of pride and yes… haughtiness for his mate. The jaw of awe and firm resolve to defend her with a sharp but soothing tongue. A nose who buries itself in her trusses needing to soak up every scent of her. The thatch of his regal crest. And of course those windows to the soul. So soft and bright, but turning dark in his need to fulfill her deepest desires. Curling a hand around his seat, she guides him home.

His neck arches back, not ready to do so… but engulfed by her heat. He lets out a deep growl, still she doesn't let him retreat. (not that he really would). Bending back to gaze at her. He sees her own back arch up to meet him. The heady look in her own eyes is not just physical. No, he sees her desire and completion. She is his alone. Alone…alone, she is his.

Whispering her name in his native tongue, he gives her one final title she will never be able to retire from: My One.

Tears streak down her face in the reverent sacred tone.

No one remembers anything after that. Sure the bodies released, they had too. The built up charge is too much. The souls just lash out and ensnare that crest riding the euphoria.

Curled up, connected in body and soul, the more-than-lovers, bask in their after glow. Finger tips trail down sun warmed skin. Drops of sweat bead and are tasted and trailed through. After glow touches, soon turn into a more passionate joining.

This time, voices cry leaving throats raw and chest heaving. Eyes dancing in delight and mirth. Exhausted, they collapse. Marissa covers his body with hers like a shield. He manages to toss a towel over her more sensitive aft-skin.

He rumbles in tired delight, "Going to be a long flight with a sunburned aft."

"Mm, whatever… just don't make me move."

Wrapping both arms across her back he nuzzles, "He's sir." The only response is a tired smile. Too spent and too enraptured to expel any more energy.


Returning home, Ultra Magnus is drawn into the Andorian trade agreements. Likewise, Marissa is drawn away to fight off pirates who are targeting one of their outposts. Giggling, he took her once more in the very same closet Firelock was messing with Hope in upon her arrival. She can't help but laugh.

"Well, maybe the punk had a good idea."

Marissa easily gives into him. Backing out of the closet, they try to look all innocent, but Optimus cocks a brow at his military advisor turned abasidor. Ultra Magnus shakes a finger at him, "Oh don't give me that look. Not unless you really want me to reveal why you couldn't be at a few key trade negotiations?"

Optimus flushes, "I have no idea what you are talking about!" Kup cracks up. "Oh shut up and get out of here!"

Ultra Magnus gives Marissa one last deep kiss and then one to her forehead, "Come home to me."

"I'll never leave." She touches his heart.

~~~ The months are hard. Neither one sees each other. Ships passing in the night. Literally at times.

Until… Marissa is finally home and looking over her calendar. She's trying to do fuel calculations. And then…. She begins adding it up.

The Colonel whacks the com in her room. /Casino, I need you to take my shift./

/Certainly, sir. Is everything alright?/

She can't hide her glee, /I'll tell you after I see the medic for confirmation./

He chuckles too, /Very well, sir. You have my blessing./

She knows she is going to like this new …. Colonel.

Closing the line, Marissa pings the command deck. /Magnus, can you meet me in the human med bay?/

/Uh, of course…/

/Good./ And she closes the line.

Nearly flying down to the med bay, she makes her request. The nurse smiles and takes her blood sample.

By the time Magnus arrives, he sees Marissa with the cotton still pressed to her arm. The doctor comes back over and hands her the results. "So, shall we have a look?"

Magnus silently reaches out and takes her mate's hand as the nurse prepares the ultra scan. And there, like a blip on a spark reading… or a shooting star in the sky… his gift of life to his mate.

Tears track down his face. Marissa kisses the back of his hand, "We did it."

Numbly he nods.

"Tell her. Go tell your daughter she will be a big sister."

A sloppy wet kiss later, Magnus pings his daughter in her quarters resting beside her own tiny sparkling. /Hope, you will not be alone anymore./

She chuckles and there needn't be anything else to say, /Daddy, I never was. You were./

For the first time in a long time, he could swear he felt their bond again, for a second. He sighs resting his head against the wall, /When did you get so smart?/

She beams again, /I always was. Take after my sire./

/I love you, Hope./

/I never doubted that and I never will./

The sound of a rooting sparkling comes through their com. /Go see to your son./

/And you go to your mate./


Time and fate are kind to the mated pair. Prime keeps them on Cybertron in a newly created role. Marissa resigns from the EMC, remaining at their aid as an advisor. As her body to expands to accommodate her growing son, Magnus marvels more and more.

Laying awake at night, he would just watch them sleep. At times, pressing his ear to the womb to listen for his son's movements. He knew they wouldn't have the physical spark bond like he had with Hope, but he promised he would not shirk his duties this time either. This time, he will be there for his son and mate. This time… he will raise his son.


He raises his head to face his mate. She questions, "Are you alright?"

"Just thinking."

"Pleasant thoughts?"

"This time, yes. History will not be repeated."

She smiles and strokes his brow. "Alright."

Slipping higher up, he curls her to his body. Nothing else needed to me said. Feeling his son wriggle against his belly, he takes it all in.

The universe is an amazing place. Infinite possibilities. Nothing is unfathomable. Anything is possible.

"Thank you…" he whispers to his and Marissa's God.