An: First I need to apologize for the wait on this one. I just couldn't come up with what I wanted in a linear fashion. No excuse, I know. Now, for all those who have not figured it out already, this Universe is being continued in one shots when they come to me.

This is not betaed. If you see any glaring mistakes, pm me and let me know. Thanks, Ree

The First Week Wrap Up

Severus sank into the his seat around Filius' table. Three potions were already set out next to the glasses and the tin of biscuits. For once, he and Pomona were there before Minerva. The first week had rushed by them, and this was the first time the Heads had a chance to escape the demands of their position. Between classes, students, other teachers, Albus and the dementors, they had been run ragged.

Leaning back in his seat, Severus patiently waited. His mind took him back to the morning after their last meeting. Poppy had presented him a list of potions at breakfast. He had raised an eyebrow at three very unnecessary complex ones that the Mediwitch had been asking him to make for the last year. A hard look from Poppy let him know that it was his payment for her care of the Auror. When he agreed to brew the entire list, she had told Albus that the Auror would not be well enough to continue his meeting for another two days. 'She charged me a potion for each day of freedom. I do wonder why she wants them.'

The opening of the door caught his attention. As Minerva crossed the room and dropped wearily into her seat, three sets of eyes took in the droop of her shoulders.

"What was it this time?" Filius searched the tired face looking for a clue about the meeting with Albus.

Minerva set the scotch on the table after pouring herself a glass. "The dementors. They are restless. Albus is worried that Black will be able to sneak onto the grounds even with them posted at the entrances."

Severus contemplated the resigned expressions on the others faces. "What does Lupin say?"

Minerva studied Severus' face for just a moment before accepting the question at face value. "Nothing."

It was Pomona that humphed at that. "He was the man's best friend their entire school career, he should have an opinion."

Severus nodded while he put a silver memory into the pensive before he met their surprised expressions. "We are here to relax. And I, for one, do not find this discussion relaxing. Lupin isn't talking. That is not surprising to me. He never did when they were in school and he was in a position of power then as well. The dementors are a fact of this year, one that we cannot change and just have to get the students through. We are already keeping chocolate close at hand and I have filled the infirmary with calming drafts and sleeping draughts. We all can cast a Patronus if the need arises. So, we shall move on and keep doing what we need to do."

Filius nodded. There was nothing else that they could do at that moment. "Shall we?"

Their glasses were set on the table as they reached for the pensive.

After a quick fall, the looked about, taking in the Potions classroom as first year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs came through the door.

What caught their attention was the pair that settled at one of the back tables. They were from different houses.

"Do they have a choice to sit where they want? You classes are always divided by house." Minerva looked about the room, trying to see if there any other mixed groups while she waited to hear Severus' answer.

"They can choose their own seats. They normally choose to sit by house." Severus moved so that he could watch one of the Ravenclaws that had showed a lot of potential this week a bit closer.

"So, they stick together in defense against the scariest teacher in the school." Pomona grinned at the Slytherin Head.

Severus smirked. "Yes, they do." He nodded towards the unusual pair. "They are the reason I wanted you to watch this."

The Heads moved closer to the pair.

"Brian, you need to slice that thinner." The dark haired Ravenclaw glared at the shorter blond Hufflepuff.

"I know, but this knife isn't sharp enough. Did you being a sharpener with you, Rach?" Brian examined the edge of the knife carefully before shaking his head.

Rach sighed and pulled a whetstone out of her bag. "Honestly..."

A tentative smile was flashed over to her as Brian picked up the stone. He then dipped a finger into the cauldron to get enough water to wet the stone and started sharpening the knife. "Are you liking it in Ravenclaw? I hear that they love books there."

Rach crushed an ingredient in the mortar as she answered. "It is okay. Why aren't you there? You love books and knowledge more that I do."

The four Heads could hear the disappointment evident in her tone.

Minerva caught Filius' attention. "Miss Andrews is doing well in Ravenclaw. She is up there with the leaders of that class."

Pomona nodded. "In my class, tool. Mr. Punkin is as well."

"I don't know why." Brian's voice was tight with frustration as he set the whetstone to the side and wiped the knife edge dry. He then proceed to cut the thick slices thinner. "When the hat told me Hufflepuff, I told it that it was wrong. When it wouldn't listen, I begged and pleaded to be put into Ravenclaw. I tried to explain that I needed to be with you."

Rach sighed as she carefully scattered the slices into the boiling water. "If it hadn't already pegged you as a Hufflepuff, it would have then. Loyalty and the needed to stick by someone no matter what. You should have showed it your study." A smile flickered onto her face.

Brian laughed softly as he stirred the cauldron. "That is the first time you have called it by its name."

"That is because we are at school now. To call it the Endless source of Written Words just wouldn't be understood."

"I tried. When I put the hat on, I was thinking of researching its abilities." Brian sighed as he jotted a quick note on a parchment that was being held down by the edge of his book.

Rach curled her fingers up for a moment before releasing them with a sigh. "You'll help me still, right?"

Brian's hand covered hers. "Of course. We will do just as we planned. I help you study, and you make me play."

Brown eyes met hazel and they both nodded.

Brian then grinned. "Have you seen the library?" The wonderment as evident in his tone.

Rach shook her head. "Yes, it is as lovely as Endless. You cannot go in there on weekends." She brandished her knife at him. "Do you hear me?"

A small smile curled the edge of the blond's lips as he dipped his head. "Yes, Ma'am."

The four Heads settled back into their seats.

It was Minerva that voiced the thoughts they were having. "So, Mr. Punkin is an eagle in badgers clothes and Miss Andrews is the reverse."

Severus leaned back into his seat after retrieving his memory. He was glad that there was a chance that this friendship wouldn't be destroyed by house politics. "We need to watch for cheating between them." He raised an eyebrow at the glares he received. "Not that I expect it to happen, but it is something we need to pay attention to."

The other three agreed reluctantly.

Nodding slightly to himself, Filius dropped a memory into the pensive. "Talking about relationships, Severus what do you know about Mr. Terrance and Miss Batters?"

"Seventh year Slytherin and Gryffindor?" Severus' brow furled. "Nothing concrete as far as I know."

Filius gestured towards the pensive. "I hope that their parents are going to accept whatever it is."

Filius' words rang in their ears as they dropped into the charms classroom.

The Charms classroom was well lit and it was obvious to the others that Filius had just finished explaining what he wanted everyone to be doing. A quick glance about the room show that the houses were sitting together as much as they were used to doing in the other classes.

"Wand movements only, Mr. Gloster." Filius' voice was soft but resounded throughout the classroom.

Severus watched as the Slytherin dropped his head for a moment before focusing once again on the series of movements he was supposed to be learning.

Pomona nodded towards the two teens in question. "Everyone else is working on the wand movement for 'Confringo', but they are practicing the pattern for Reducto."

A short brunette flashed a quick smile over to the darker brunette, her smile brightening her eyes. "Can you get out of study hall this afternoon?"

Eric Terrance shot a fast look over to where the professor was helping out another group of students before answering. "I can. Let's meet down near the green houses before dinner."

A quick nod was the only response before they turned back to their respective partners. Even though they appeared to be ignoring each other, there were accidental brushes, eyes meeting and quick smiles.

Minerva narrowed her eyes as she took in Miss Batters actions. "Why do you allow them to sit next to each other?"

Filius watched the two. "Because it would be great if the two house can mend their problems, and this might help. Also, neither of their grades have been harmed. They are at the same level if not higher than they used to be."

Severus' lips thinned as he tried to determine the dynamics that this would bring into play. How was he going to safe guard Mr. Terrance from the other in the house? "We need to be sure that they are not caught here. It can cause a lot of strife in both Minerva's and my house. But we can make sure that they have a chance."

The others nodded as they left the memory.

Pomona quickly dropped a memory into the pensive. "Let's see if they were in the greenhouse that evening."

They all dropped into the sliver memory.

Severus looked about him, taking in the plants and the humidity that was present. "Greenhouse Three?"

Pomona nodded. "It is the one more popular with the couples. I happened to be working in it the other evening."

Minerva watched as couples glided through the plants, holding hands. "You aren't typically in here? What get the students to leave at curfew then?"

Pomona just smiled and then nodded towards an approaching couple. "I think that is our pair now."

Filius and Severus moved a few steps over so that they wouldn't be walked through.

"So, tomorrow we have to make it through potions. Are you ready for Snape's test?" Eric Terrance slipped his fingers through Mary Batter's and drew her closer to him.

Mary shook her head. "I tried studying, but the Weasley twins were showing off some new trick in the common room, and it was too late to go to the library."

Eric pulled her to a stop before moving to look down at her. "Then you should go study. Or we could review the material together."

Mary's head drooped a bit before she sighed and smiled. "Okay, let's review. I need to pass the test."

They watched as Terrance directed them over to a secluded work bench and began quizzing Batter's over the materials that Severus knew was on the last test he gave. NEWTs were never given an easy time.

Filius looked over at Severus. "Did you really give a test this week?"

"Of course. NEWTs need to know that they have to remember what has been already taught." Severus looked back over at the two. "They seem to be working on a solid relationship."

Minerva stepped over next to him. "They do. Is he of a neutral family?"

The others gave a sigh of relief when Severus nodded.

Their attention was jerked back to the memory as all the couples started for the greenhouse doors.

Pomona grinned at their puzzled looks. The grin dissolved into laughter at their expressions when the ceiling started raining. "It is a spell that I found that waters the plants on a schedule."

Filius shook his head as they came out of the memory. "No wonder they go to the Astronomy Tower."

Minerva sighed lightly before pulling a memory from her head. "I'm changing the topic. I need your opinion on Mr. Bertram."

Filius looked over at her quickly, the scotch bottle clunking on the table. "What are you noticing?"

Minerva shook her head and gestured towards the pensieve. Once again they fell into a classroom, but this time it was Transfigurations.

Severus looked about and noticed that unlike during his class right before this one, the fifth year Ravenclaws and Slytherins were sitting mixed together.

"Mr. Bertram is over here." Minerva led them to the far back corner.

Severus observed his Slytherins as they walked. That was one of the many perks that had come out of this deal, they were able to see how their house students were doing in their basic classes. He was almost in the back corner when he saw Sylvia White playing about. His eyes narrowed as he watched her change her mouse into everything but a butterfly.

Minerva was next to him before he could say a thing. "Miss White is fine, Severus. She in not goofing off. She could easily do what I asked of them, so we have created a different assignment for her."

At Severus' raised eyebrow, she continued. "She is to transfigure the mouse into ten unrelated objects and then incorporate an aspect of each of those ten objects into her final transfiguration, the butterfly."

She gave him a moment more to observe his snake before gesturing towards the back of the room. "Now, Mr. Bertram is over here."

The first thing that they noticed was that Bertram was having problems focusing. It was very obvious when when his attention wondered.

Pomona peered a bit closer at him and then frowned. A quick glance at Severus showed that he was wearing the same concerned frown as she was. Moving over to the Potions Master, she pitched her voice so only he could hear.

"It looks to be allergic." When he nodded, her frown deepened. "We haven't been in a new greenhouse yet, and he wasn't like that yesterday.

"They used sap from the rubber tree for the first time today." Severus focused on the reddened puffy eyelids and the slightly belabored breathing.

"Rubber? That produces a skin rash, doesn't it?" A quick glance showed that, while lightly flushed, Bertram was not breaking out in nettlerash. Severus next words struck her cold.


Filius studied Bertram for a moment before spotting Pomona and Severus in close conversation. "You two have an idea." It was a statement, not a question.

"He's not taking something he shouldn't be, is he?" Minerva frowned slightly. They all know what the symptoms of the stimulate potions looked like and that tended to be the only thing Ravenclaws abused.

"Unfortunately, that might be what happened." Severus watched as the boy focused once again on his task. He would have to teach the boy the advanced ventilation charm.

"Is Mr. Bertram good with..." His question trailed off when he noticed the stunned expression on the Head of Ravenclaw's face. "Filius, he isn't intentionally doing so. I need to know if he is good in charms."

"Are you sure?" As soon as the question was out, Filius waved it away. "Yes, he is just above the average."

Severus nodded. "You need to send Mr. Bertram to see Poppy when we leave here. And he will need to see -"

"That isn't a light flush, Severus. His face is covered with a mild nettlerash." Pomona didn't feel the glare that hit her when she interrupted, but she did notice the change in Severus's tone when he continued.

"We are done. Mr. Bertram needs to be in the infirmary now."

The other three watched as the Head of Slytherin disappeared.

"I'll tell Poppy to test him for rubber allergy while you get him up there, Filius." Pomona nodded as she too disappeared.

Filius and Minerva left right after her. When they emerged, Severus was already gone and Pomona was in the doorway.

Filius glanced at the evidence of their meeting.

"I'll clean up and leave your potion on your desk. Hurry up, go get Mr. Bertram." Minerva watched as Filius rushed out the door.

After tiding up, Minerva headed off to let Albus know the emergency and that Severus was going to be up all night brewing.


The next morning Minerva sat a pot of the strongest tea that Severus would drink next to his spot at the table as she quietly asked about Bertram. Severus shot a questioning look at Filius.

The other Heads listen closely as Filius told them that the boy would be out for the next couple of days, but would be fine,

Severus nodded and downed his first cup of tea just to refill it. Minerva and Pomona smile and the turned to watched as the students drifted into breakfast.