Authors Note: First attempt at a FanFic...Please read and review . Sorry for my summary I'm not so great at that.

This is set in New York and Meredith works at Mount. Sinai Hospital with Addison, Mark & Derek. And lastly, I made up the characters Melanie and Lilli. Enjoy & thanks for reading:)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything all rights go to Shondaland

Addison let out a small moan as a certain blonde intern slammed her against the on call room door. "Oh God Mer!" the redheaded attending yelped as the blonde intern placed hot, feverish kisses along Addison's collarbone. The blonde was quick to discard of the attending's blouse and stared kissing her way down Addison's toned stomach. Meredith slid the redhead's black pencil skirt down her long legs and slowly made a trail of kisses along Addison's inner thigh.

"Please Mer don't tease me!" Addison said in a husky voice as the intern agonizingly slowly moved her finger over the attending's clit.

"Tell me what you want me to do to you baby." Meredith taunted.

"Come on Mer please!" Addison begged.

"Tell me what you want me to do." Meredith declared watching the redhead's eyes darken with lust.

"Just fuck me Mer please!" With that, Meredith slipped two fingers into the redhead's wetness.

"Oh God that feels so good. Don't stop Mer!" Addison cried. The pair was interrupted by the sound of a beeper.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" The redhead growled as she scurried around the on call room in search of her discarded clothing.

"What's wrong honey?" Meredith asked the redhead, which was now frantically in search of her underwear.

"My Jane Doe is having contractions 9 minutes apart, I have to get over there. Where the fuck are my underwear?" Meredith giggled at the attending's frantic search.

"Why are you laughing Mer? It's not funny!" Addison pouted. Meredith smiled at how cute the redhead looked when she pouted.

"Oh whatever! It's not that important. Promise me we'll finish this later." Addison said as she attempted to straighten out her hair.

"I promise." Meredith stated as she got up to give the redhead a kiss before she left.


Addison tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the elevator at Seattle Grace while reading over her new patients chart. The elevator dinged and just as she was about to step on, Derek walked out of the elevator.

"Hey baby." Derek greeted as he kissed Addison's cheek.

"Hey honey." she replied with the most sincere looking smile she could muster.

"Hey are you feeling alright? You look kind of flushed." The neurosurgeon questioned.

"Yeah, yeah. Just have a bit of a headache is all."

Addison replied with a reassuring smile. Despite the quizzical look he gave her, he gave her a thin-lipped smile and walked away. Addison exhaled as the elevator doors shut. God she liked the way 'baby' sounded coming from Meredith's mouth so much better. And she liked the way her name sounded coming from Meredith's mouth so much better, and how soft Meredith's touch was, and how Meredith's lips felt on hers and she might even like Meredith more than Der- No, no, no. I love Derek he's my husband and I love him and he loves me and I'm happy… we're happy together. The elevator dinged as it reached her floor and she shook herself of her previous thoughts. She would have to think about that later.


Addison let out a sigh of relief as she exited the OR. Her Jane Doe had the baby and they were both ok. Addison walked into her office and smiled as she read Meredith's text to her.

M: Hey sexy…any chance in me fulfilling my promise tonite? ;)

A: Hey baby, I'm not so sure… but I'll definitely try:)

Meredith smiled and a light blush crept onto her cheeks from Addison's term of endearment, which didn't go unnoticed by her fellow intern at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

"Ok either you just found out about those really embarrassing pictures of you or you've got the hots for someone." Teased Meredith's best friend at the hospital-Lilli Diaz.

"I do not!" Meredith declared.

"Oh come on Mer. We both know you're lying. Who is it? Mark Sloan in plastics?" Lilli questioned.

"You mean the one who's slept with literally all the nurses." Meredith quickly responded.

"Yeah, I guess man whore isn't really your type. Then who is it?" Lilli watched as Meredith's face turned a bright shade of red and noticed Meredith was staring at something. Lilli quickly followed Meredith's line of vision and watched as a certain leggy, neonatal surgeon strutted into the cafeteria. Lilli watched with her mouth agape as she could clearly see Meredith's blue-grey eyes looking the redhead up and down and mainly focusing on her ass.

"You have a thing for Montgomery-Shepherd?" Lilli practically yelled, causing everyone to turn around and stare at Meredith including Addison who merely looked up from the chart she was reading through her glasses.

God she looks so hot with glasses on. Why does she have to look so hot with glasses on? Meredith thought to herself. "Could you shut up!" Meredith stated more than asked. Now everyone's attention focused from Meredith to Addison who quickly walked away with her coffee and chart in hand and Melanie-the hospital's Peds attending- in tow.

"So you do have the hots for her?"

"I do not!" "Does she like you back? Because judging by the hickey she's sporting on her collarbone, and the one on your neck that you didn't have this morning, I think she does." Shit! Meredith had forgotten about the mark Addison had left on her neck in the on call room earlier that afternoon.

"She's married Lilli! Ever thought her husband gave it to her?" Meredith said defensively.

"Oh come on Mer. Her and Derek haven't had sex since he became head of neurosurgery 2 months ago! Everyone knows that!" Lilli waited for an answer from the blonde intern but when she didn't get one she stated, "Something's going on between you two and I'm figuring it out." And with that, she picked up her tray and left Meredith alone at the table.


Addison was walking as fast as she could without actually running from the cafeteria.

"Addison! Addie! Hold on!" she heard he friend Melanie saying behind her.

"What Melanie?" Addison questioned harshly.

"What's your problem? Why are you being a bitch to me I didn't do anything! You should be pissed of with that dumb blonde of an intern!" Melanie yelled.

"She's not a dumb blonde! She's smart and she's funny and beautif-" Addison stopped mid-sentence and realized what she'd said.

"Were you just about to call her beautiful?" her friend asked looking extremely perplexed.

"No I wasn't! I don't know what you're talking about." And with that, Addison briskly walked away from her friend to the nearest on call room. Addison shut the door and leaned against it as she exhaled a deep breath. It's not like Meredith wasn't beautiful, because she certainly was, but Addison just couldn't say that because that made all of the feelings Addison had for her real. It wasn't just sex to her anymore and it hadn't been for a while she even thought she might lo-No, no I cant love her she's the help and I wont be in love with the help. Plus I'm happily married to Derek. 20 minutes later Addison had cleared her head and convinced herself she was happy with Derek. But deep down Addison hadn't known what happiness felt like for a long time.


1 week later

Meredith hadn't spoken to Addison all week. She tried calling and texting but the redhead hadn't answered her calls or responded to her texts. She missed the redhead, on top of being really good in bed, she was beautiful, smart, and funny and Meredith had really started to care about her. She was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of her resident's voice.

"Martinez your with Sloan, Diaz your with Melanie, Turner with Shepherd, and Grey with Montgomery-Shepherd." Lilli looked over at Meredith and raised an eyebrow at whom she would be with.

"Montgomery-Shepherd?" Meredith asked to confirm she'd heard right.

"Yes Montgomery-Shepherd as in Addison Montgomery-Shepherd. Is that going to be a problem Grey?" the dark haired resident asked, putting emphasis on the word 'problem.'

"No ma'am thank you." With that, everyone left the locker room except for Lilli and Meredith.

"Have fun today with Addison." She said sarcastically and left Meredith in the locker room alone.


Addison mumbled a come in, as there was a knock on her office door. She looked up and was surprised to see Meredith standing in her doorway. Meredith closed the door to Addison's office and sat on the chair in front of her desk. She admired the redhead for a while before finally speaking.

"Look Addison, about the other day in the cafeteria I'm sorr-."

Addison cut her off mid-sentence, handing her the file she was looking over. "Dr. Grey assuming you will be on my services today I need you to check on my Jane Doe in room 415, and after that you may go to the pit as I will no longer need anything."

"Addison." Meredith tried to reason only to be cut off again.

"It's Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd and if you won't be needing anything else I suggest you start on the file." Meredith quickly grabbed the file from Addison's hand and rapidly left the room. She rushed towards the on call room by Addison's office attempting to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Just as she was passing, Lilli looked up from her chart and followed her into the on call room. When she opened the door, her ears were greeted by Meredith's sobs and she saw her sitting on the bottom bunk bawling.

"Hey Mer what happened hon what's wrong?" Lilli asked using her softest voice possible. Meredith straightened up and started to say something between sobs but Lilli couldn't understand her.

"Mer, relax a little I can't understand you." She said handing Meredith the bottle of water she had in her hand. Meredith took a sip and relaxed some before answering.

"Addison," Meredith mumbled.

"What about her Mer?" Lilli asked.

"She wants nothing to do with me." She replied before starting to cry even harder than before.

"Oh Mer honey, its ok." Lilli coaxed scooting closer to her weeping friend and pulling her into a hug.

"No, it's not ok." Meredith said almost inaudibly.

"Yes it is Mer trust me. On to the next one right? Move on." Lilli said a little harshly.

"I can't just move on Lilli!"

"Yes you can." Lilli answered.

"No I can't!" Meredith insisted, yelling it a little louder this time.

"And why the hell not Mer?" Lilli asked a little impatiently.

"Because I'm in love with her Lilli!"