Returning to the norm.

"Ready?" asked Flash looking at Kid Flash with a slightly worried gaze.

"Yes. I'm not a little kid. And it's been a month since I've been free Flash. I'm ready for this," he said smiling. He then started running out in front of Flash, "Even if you're not!"

Flash gave him a look and smiled kicking up his speed to keep up with the younger speedster. Not that it was too hard for the experienced Flash but it was a bit of a surprise. Wally had not been going full speed since the Fate incident. Partially because he had to readjust to life, and because he needed to readjust to taking care of his body. But that was a month ago. And Wally had said he wanted things to return to how they were before. Flash was worried but he could live with that. It wasn't good for a speedster to be all cooped up anyway.

Better this way than on a mission for the team.

"Want to rob a bank?"

"No," Trickster moaned dejectedly.

"Trying to offer suggestions here James. You have any better ideas?" asked Piper. Trickster looked back at Piper.

"I wanna play with Baby Flash," he complained. Piper sighed.

"We don't even know if Flash is letting him out yet."

"Why can't we kidnap him?"

"… Well that'll at least give us something to do…"

"Yay! We're gonna kidnap the baby!"

Piper rolled his eyes. Baby Flash was due for a kidnapping anyway. He might as well grab his flute, the rope, the tape and the stuff to do after they kidnapped him.

"Cold? Robbing ice? Where have I seen this before?" Kid Flash asked as he zipped around the villain in a yellow blur of speed. A cruel and yet familiar and oddly comforting smile appeared on the villain's face.

"So Flash brought the baby back," he said in a mocking tone. Kid Flash smirked at Cold. Ah, normalcy.

"It's Kid Cold," he joked back. A shot from Cold's gun zipped past Kid Flash (or did he zip past it?) and he felt the coolness in the air it left behind. Ah he never thought he'd actually miss it.

"Cold? Are you really stealing ice again?" Flash asked as he decided to join his partner after watching them "go at it" for about a minute.

"Already had that discussion Flash. You're getting slow," Cold said now aiming between the two speedsters.

"I am not!" he said with slight annoyance but with mostly good humor.

"I think I have to agree with Cold on this one Flash," Kid Flash joked. An indignant squeak could be heard from Flash as Cold laughed.


"Blimey. Baby's back in business," Boomerang said looking at the television at the "rogue bar".

"Bout time. I thought for a second we'd have to kidnap him from Flash," Mirror Master said leaning back in his chair, "Not that it would be too hard to grab him."

"Jus' you wait. No doubt that Trickster and Piper will be tryin to kidnap em t'day," he said in his thick Australian accent. Mirror Master let out a crooked grin at the thought.

"Now, should we help the kids?" Mirror Master asked darkly. Boomerang was already walking to the door.

"Wait up Piper! Don't think you two are gonna grab the baby without us!" he yelled down the street. Mirror Master stood up and walked to the door.

"Anyone else who wants to welcome the baby back, wait here. It shouldn't take too long," he said leaving. A few of the rogues laughed. Others rolled their eyes. Things were slowly returning to how they should be. Thanks to the baby.

"Y'know… I really should have seen this coming," Kid Flash sighed. Cold had gotten away. And he had been kidnapped while Flash was talking to the police. Seriously? He would see them tomorrow at work! Couldn't he stop and realize that his nephew was being kidnapped. No. No he could not. Which was why he was tied up in a car with Boomerang, Trickster, and Piper making Mirror Master driving. And it wasn't like he could escape either with Trickster hugging him.

"It's okay Baby Flash. You're still a little tired from the evil helmet," James said demonically making Wally inwardly laugh at the thought of villains calling something evil in a bad way that wasn't some sitcom or movie.

"Evil it is. Evil it is," Piper agreed with Trickster nodding his head with a slight smile gracing his lips.

"It is not evil. It's just very misunderstood and has no social skills," he stated thinking back to Nabu. Poor anti-social god. Which reminded Wally, "Where is the helmet anyway?"

James gave an impish grin. Piper sighed, "James is using it as a trashcan in his room."

"Dude! You can't do that to Dr. Fate's helmet!" he squeaked.

"Sure we can. It's a helmet that we aren't using for anything else," James said simply. Kid Flash groaned.

"I'm taking the helmet back James."

"NO! It's my souvenir!" he proclaimed as the car came to a stop at the rogue's diner.

"It's not something you should have James," he reasoned as he was led out of the car by Piper and Boomerang. Walking into the diner a few rogues looked at him. A few laughed.

"Baby's back."

Kid Flash rolled his eyes. Not that he minded too much. It was good to be back. But to really seal the deal…

"It's Kid Flash!" he proclaimed in a half annoyed voice. More villains snickered at the young speedster. Boomerang ruffled his fiery red locks.

"So… who wants to party!?" James yelled. A few of the rogues cheered. Others laughed. Some of the people who were not regulars left, fearful as to what would transpire. But Kid Flash just smiled. Warm and open reminiscing about past kidnappings, and most likely would be kidnappings to come. He scooped up a few darts, handing a few to James.

"Not sure about a kidnapping party James," he joked throwing a dart. James raised a brow.

"But we kidnapped you for that sleep over when we were younger… OH! We should so have a sleep-over again!"

Meh. Bored. Idea. Rogues. And Where's Roy?

"What do you mean Wally's back?!" he said now fully awake in bed. His dark green eyes full of energy and confusion.

"Oh crap… we didn't tell you? The helmet was removed about a month ago. Where were you?" Robin asked. Roy didn't say anything. He was busy avoiding Ollie…

"GA was supposed to tell you," he said simply. Roy groaned. Stupid Queen.

That's better! Please Review!