RE-UPLOADED: So because fan took down three of my fics I must re-upload them. I'm going to rewrite some parts to make them better. Please continue to support in these times of re-uploadness. And please be generous with your reviews because I lost all of them when this fic was taken down. Love you my loveies.

Hey all! Okay so I'm trying to do another chapter story :D Lets hope I don't give up on it! This is my first time tackling a Kingdom Hearts CHAPTER fic so, I need your support and caring reviews 83 So please enjoy my juvenile writing and I'm looking forward to your critique.

Oh btw I fixed the first chapter to fit the other chapters ;D

Disclaimer: I don't own any of this. Except the cliché plot…

First Day, First kiss

Students flocked into the school as the bell rang. The new floors were soon dimmed with the summer dirt. The halls bellowed with laughter and loud voices. Hugs, high-fives, and kisses were exchanged. There were more smiles than anything in the hallways at the moment. Suddenly the front doors burst open.

People gasped, "Look! it's The Perfects!" Screamed a shiny eyed girl.

In walked a group of six, one girl and five guys. Whispers and squeals flooded the halls about the six gorgeous people. A silver haired, teal eyed boy walked over to a reddish haired girl,

"Hey, yeah my summer was fine thanks for asking. Who are those weirdoes?" He leaned on the locker next to her.

The girl gasped, "Riku! How dare you! Those are the most sexiest people in the world! How out of the loop are you?" She glared at him. The boy shrugged,

"Ugh! You're so retarded! Okay, I, your best friend , Kairi, will tell you about The Perfects!" She smiled proudly.

"Alright listen up, that sexy mass of man right there," She pointed to the jade eyed redhead who was grinning, "Is Axel. He's the badass of the group. He got those tattoos under his eyes when he was like ten. He's that sexy little blondes best friend."

She pointed at the blue eyed blonde who was frowning at Axel, "That's Roxas. He's the sex appeal of the group. He's sooo sexy that he broke the football captains heart last year. But I hear he's still a virgin, which it should be illegal to be that sexy. That little number next to him is his little sister." She pointed to platinum blonde girl.

"That's Namine, she's the girl of the group. Lucky bitch, anyway it doesn't look like it but she's the most conniving person you'll ever meet. Annnd she hates Axel. The man I'm in love with is right there!"

She made a heart with her fingers around the smiling brunette with blue eyes. "That's Sora! Isn't he a doll? Ahh, isn't he gorgeous? He's the baby of the group. God! I wish he'd notice I'm alive! Aside from that, see that pink haired dude?"

She pointed to the baby blue eyed, pink haired, flower in his hair boy. "He's Marluxia, Axel's half brother. He's the player of the group. I heard he'll do it with anyone, even old crones! The last guy is so cool!"

She pointed to the steel-faced, golden eyed, tanned skin, silver haired man. "That's Xemnas, he's the unnamed leader of the group. He's really emotionless, at least he appears to be, but super, uber hot no?" Ah, well my friend, that's who The Perfects are. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna go hit on Sora!" She winked and ran off toward the group.

Riku looked once more at the group everyone seemed to be encircling. He shook his head,

"So pathetic." He smirked and walked off toward his class.

1st Period

The final bell rang, the get your ass to class bell. Axel smirked as he talked with four or five girls.

"Wha! You got so tall over the summer Axel!" One of girls squealed out.

He grinned, "Yeah I guess." His eyes scanned for a certain blonde.

They lit up as that exact blonde walked into the room,

"Roxas!" He smiled and got up. Roxas looked over and smiled. Axel jumped over a desk and walked next to him,

"I thought you'd be skipping class already." He grinned.

Roxas rolled his eyes, "As if, besides I have no where to skip to. And who'd wanna miss a class with darling little you?" Sarcasm dripping from his voice as he sat down.

Axel laughed, "Very true! Hey, hey, lemme see your schedule." He sat next to the blonde nudging him.

Roxas handed it to him and blinked, "Hey, you got another piercing." He touched the redheads ear which was covered in earrings.

The elder boy nodded, "Oh yeah, I got it that week I was in Milan." He studied the piece of paper in front of him.

Roxas pulled on his ear, "It disgusts me how rich you are." Axel whined as he was pulled toward the blonde.

"Not to mention you didn't get me a souvenir." He pulled the spitfire toward him even more.

Axel whined some more, "Ahhhahhhh, I'm sorry! I didn't have the right currency and my dad was being a dick! But I missed you! Isn't that enough?" He gave the puppy face.

Roxas looked down at him, "Hmm."

He kissed his lips. Axel's eyes grew four times their size. The blonde pulled away and licked his lips,

"That's enough."

He smirked and looked toward the front. Axel's mouth opened and shut about six times till he just gave up and put his head down.

Roxas laughed, "You're so sensitive. Don't sulk." He smiled at the mass of red spikes.

"If its any consolation, I missed you too." He ran his hands through his hair.

Axel turned his head to face him, "I wish you'd give me a warning before you do shit like that. Why do you do that kind of homo stuff anyway?" He half pouted half frowned at his best friend.

Roxas shrugged, "I dunno sometimes I just feel like it. Not like it means anything anyway." He watched the teacher walk in.

Axel frowned looking away, "Right…" He sighed.

He wasn't really listening to the teacher drone on about his summer. Jade eyes focused on the small form of the blonde. Axel frowned, Roxas was always so composed. He;d like to see him flip out once in a while. Not to mention if his bestie didn't stop teasing him. He might end up devouring the boy. His eyes widened.

"That's it!"

He slammed his hands on his desk. The whole class looked at him, girls giggling. Roxas stared at him,

"What's it?" He was kind of surprised by his friend's actions.

Axel slowly looked toward him, a smirk spread across his face, "Get ready baby, I'm coming for ya."

He winked and strutted out the classroom. Roxas sat there with a confused look on his face. The teacher frowned,

"Ahem, Roxas do you know what has gotten into that boy?" He crossed his arms.

Roxas placed his head in his palm, "No, but I have a feeling its gonna be interesting." He smirked and chuckled.

Axel skidded in front of a classroom door and swung it open.

"Marluxia!" The whole class stared.

Marluxia looked up, "Oh, what bro?"

He smiled and it seemed like the flowers next to him grew. Girls swooned at the sight. Axel marched in and dragged the pink haired boy out. The door shut behind them and the teacher went on talking. Axel spun around to face his half brother,

"I just got the best idea ever!" He spread his arms out enthusiastically.

Marluxia blinked, "Okay? So what is it?" He spun the stem of a flower between his painted finger nails.

The spitfire grinned, "I'm gonna make Roxas fall in love with me!" He stood proudly.

Marluxia gave a huge sigh, "Finally! I mean damn how long was it going to take?" He smiled.

His older brother frowned, "What'da mean?" His shoulders slumped, his amazing idea feeling less amazing.

Marluxia rolled his eyes, "For fucks sake Axel everyone has known how much you love him, hell Roxas probably even knows. God, how oblivious can you get?" He tsked at his brother.

Axel frowned, "Really?" He felt so retarded at the moment, but Marluxia could have that affect on people.

The younger brother grinned, "Yeah sweetie. Now I'm going back to class, love you, see you." He waved over his shoulder as he walked away.

Axel nodded, "Yeah, see ya later Marly."

He waved half heartedly. He shoved his hands in his pockets and began walking down the hall. Even though he was older it really felt like Marluxia was the older brother. He sighed,

"That's what I get for being so childish. Mmn, but Roxas said-"

"I said what?"

Axel jumped. The blonde was right in front of him with a curious yet calm look on his face. The redhead frowned,

"What's with that face?" He cupped Roxas' face in his hands.

Roxas laughed, "This is a weird position." He smiled.

His smile disappeared when lips united with his. He shivered when a tongue slid over his lips. Axel pulled away keeping their faces close. Roxas could feel his self-control snapping,

"What's that for?" He desperately wanted to wrap his arms around the tall man.

Axel smirked, "Because I wanted to." He let go of the boys face.

Roxas felt his insides catch on fire, "Axel-"

The bell interrupted his voice. Students flooded into the hall, the two were no longer permitted to be in their own world. Axel stood up straight,

"Well I better get to class. See ya later Roxy." He waved and walked away.

Roxas frowned, "What the hell are you getting at? Fucking bastard two can play this game." He spun on his heel and stormily walked down the hall.

3rd Period

Marluxia dashed into a supposedly empty science lab. He let out a sigh of relief as he heard the footsteps of the girls run past.

"Oh thank you."

He looked around and spotted someone at a desk in the back. Someone was in this creepy place? He walked over to the desk. On it there were many different papers spread around the sleeping person. He leaned down to see the face of the person. His eyes met open eyes. Marluxia proceeded to scream like a little girl. He fell back onto the floor holding his heart. The person sat up,

"Urgh…" The man held his head.

Marluxia felt his face heat up as the man's blondish hair fell from his face, to slide down his shoulders and back. Sexy could not describe this man. He had to stop himself from drooling. The man put a hand in his hair,

"Is there a reason you're screaming child?" His emerald eyes stared him down.

Marluxia squealed inwardly, "Ah, no, I'm sorry. Its just you were sleeping, but your eyes were open." He smiled charmingly.

The man stared, "Its rude to wake people." He stood and began collecting his papers.

Marluxia blinked, that was the first time in a long time since someone's just blown him off. He got to his feet and gathered up the rest of the papers. He held them out,

"Here you are. Once again I apologize for waking you."

He gave his charming smile another shot. The man frowned, taking the papers in disgust,

"Get to class child." He turned and curtly left the room.

Marluxia slumped against the table, "Holy shit no one's ever been that blantantly rude to me before…is this love?" He smiled hugging himself.

The door to the room opened again, "Hey Marly you in here?" Came a bubbly voice.

Marluxia walked to the door, "Yes. Need something Sora?" He patted the boys head and exited the room.

Sora smiled brightly, "Xemnas is looking for you! Oh and um, uh, Roxas wanted me to ask you something but I forgot!" He smiled even more.

Marluxia began snuggling him, "Ah, Sora. You only make my day that much better. Where's Xemnas at?" He let the boy slip from his grasp.

The brunette giggled, "He should be near his locker. Good luck! I gotta get back to class!" He waved as he ran down the hall happily.

Marluxia smiled after him, "Such a cheerful boy."

He began his journey to Xemnas' locker. Marluxia spotted the cat eyed man leaning impatiently against the locker.

"Hey there sexy." He waved smiling.

Xemnas frowned, "How long were you going to make me wait?" He stood upright.

Marluxia wrapped his arms around him, "Now, now be nice. Sides' if your not then you won't ever get into these pants again." He nibbled on the taller man's neck.

Xemnas pushed him off, "That was once and I was drunk. You weren't even that good." He smirked at the flower lover.

Marluxia pouted, "How rude. Come ooonnn, admit it, you liked it." He nuzzled his neck.

Xemnas rolled his eyes, "Whatever, it was good. Happy?" He pushed on Marluxia's face.

The pink haired boy smiled, "Yesh, now a last kiss." He leaned forward.

Xemnas sighed, "You always say it'll be the last one, but it never is." He frowned when the man just leaned closer.

"Fine. But then I have to talk to you about serious shit." He grabbed his shoulders.

Marluxia smiled, "Deal."

He pressed their lips together. Xemnas moved his head to the side, deepening the kiss, his hands ran up the shorter man's thighs. Marluxia shivered as the cat eyed man pulled away. Xemnas pecked his lips and then stood straight,

"Now then onto more pressing matters." He frowned at seeing Marluxia leaning against the lockers.

The pink haired boy ran a hand through his hair, "Fuck…You're still the king, no, emperor of kissing. Damn it, now I'm all horny!" He half whined half moaned.

Xemnas grit his teeth, "Will we ever get to talk?" He crossed his arms.

Marluxia smiled, "Come on lets have a quickie. I really wanna let loose again, anyw-"

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Said a dangerous but calm voice.

Both men turned in the direction of the newcomer. His long blue hair was pulled into a tight pony tail. Yellow eyes were enticing and mysterious. He had a large "X" shaped scar on the middle of his face. Xemnas gave a soft of groaning noise,

"More damn interruptions." He sighed.

Marluxia smiled, "You must be Saix no? I heard about you, you're the kind of person teachers love the best."

He pushed off the lockers. Saix just stared at him with a disapproving and cold look. Marluxia shrugged,

"Yeah we get it. Come on Xemmy, lets go. Bye, bye."

He attached himself to Xemnas' arm. Xemnas eyed Saix then turned and walked away with Marluxia. Saix watched them turn the corner and then sighed leaning slightly against the lockers.

"So that was Xemnas, very intimidating."

He swallowed down the breath he was holding. He straightened his clothes and began walking in the opposite direction.

6th Period

Sora skipped out onto the roof, "I should be able to eat here."

He smiled and looked around. He gasped at seeing someone already sitting down against the railing. They seemed to be sketching, he trotted over and looked over their shoulder. He gasped, it was a charcoal picture of a girl and it was, to him, beautiful.

"Wow!" The boy dropped his piece of charcoal, jumping slightly.

He turned to Sora, "Uh…." He frowned.

Sora blinked, "Oh! Shit I'm sorry! But it was so pretty!" He smiled apologetically.

The other boy shook his head, "Its okay, I should have been paying attention." He picked up his tool.

Sora smiled brightly, "In that case I'm Sora! And you're really good!" He laughed.

The other boy smiled, "I'm Riku and thanks, I'd like to think so." He stood up.

Sora grinned, "You really, really are! Who were you drawing? Your girlfriend?" He hopped closer to him.

Riku took a step back, "No one in particular and I don't have a girlfriend. You can have it, if you want." He tore it from his sketch book.

Sora clasp his hands together, "Really?" His eyes were shining.

Riku looked a little taken aback, "Y-yeah." He held it out to him.

Sora took it and spun around, "Whhaaa! So pretty! Thank you so much!" He kissed Riku.

The silver haired boy stumbled back a bit, his eyes wide.

Riku pulled away, "Er…it was only a sketch." He decided to pretend the following didn't just happen.

Sora shook his head fiercely, "No! Its really amazing! Oh, but what can I give you in return?" He tapped his chin.

Riku held up his hands, "No its alright I-"

"I know! I'll let you meet my friends! I know you'll love them and they'll love you! Just meet me in the west hall eighth period alright? Okay! Well I'll see you later! Thanks again for the picture!" He waved and ran down the stairs.

Riku held out a hand, "But what about class?" He sighed.

"But that kid looked familiar…oh yeah. That boy Kairi likes, I guess I should tell her. Just not about the kiss part."

He gathered up his things and walked down the stairs. He walked down the halls toward the cafeteria. He walked into the lunch room and scanned it for Kairi and her army skanks. Well he thought they were skanks.

"Bingo." He walked toward the table with half of the girls in the room at it.

He pushed past them, "Hey Kairi, I gotta tell you something.".

The girls gave him dirty looks. Kairi stepped off the table and walked away with him.

"This better be good Riku, I was just about to tell the story about that gay hairdresser." She pouted and crossed her arms.

"I'm gonna meet with Sora eighth period." She gasped and pulled him into a corner.

"Ohmigawd! Riku you HAVE to tell him about me! Oh please! Please!" She squeezed his hands.

Riku laughed, "Sure, the only reason I'm meeting him is because he liked one of my drawings. He's really hyper." He laughed again at the girls face.

She squealed bouncing up and down, "I can't wait for eighth period! Ohhhhh!" She kissed Riku's cheek and ran back to her girls.

Riku smiled, "I guess I can't either." He walked out the cafeteria.

8th Period

Riku was leaning on the lockers waiting for the hyper active brunette. Sora ran over,

"Sorry! Mr. Winters was giving me the hardest time! He was all 'You must stay to learn about your science curriculum!' Weird right?" He smiled.

Riku stared, "You talk really fast." He began walking.

Sora blinked, "Woah! Really I do? No one's, beside Axel, has ever told me that!" He ran next to the boy.

Riku looked at him, "You yell a lot too." He put his hands in his pockets.

Sora laughed, "Maybe I do!"

He slapped Riku on his back. Riku frowned, maybe? He stopped when they came to a restroom. Sora smiled at him,

"Okay just be yourself! They're all very nice, really!" He opened the door, Riku followed him in.

"Everybody this is my new friend Riku!"

He spread his arms toward Riku. The silvered haired boy instantly remembered who Sora was after seeing the array of gorgeousness in front of him. He frowned, fuck, oh my fuck. He resisted sighing with all of his will power. Axel stared,

"That's it? I thought he was gonna be like ultra sexy the way you described him." He smirked.

Roxas gave a coy smile, "Hey nice to meet you I'm Roxas and the rude one next to me is Axel." He frowned as Axel grabbed him biting his ear.

"You're pretty cute. I'm Marluxia, but please call me Marly." He smiled.

Xemnas looked him down, "I'm Xemnas, a pleasure. Surely you can help look after our rambunctious Sora?" He ruffled the boy's hair.

Sora smiled, "Oh and the other member of our group is Namine, but she's a girl so she can't come in this bathroom." He smiled proudly.

Riku stared at them all, "Nice to meet you all too."

He couldn't believe this was happening. It was all so weird and freaky. This group never just accepted anybody. He smiled back a bit nervously, who wouldn't be? Kairi was gonna freak the hell out.And that's how Riku joined The Perfects.


:O Okay sooooo I know it was kinda boring for a first chapter, but I just wanted to introduce you to the pairings and people. Yeah I know Namine didn't get a part but I couldn't think of one for her. Can anyone guess who Mr. Winters is? Free love for anyone who does.

Even though it had a slow start I hope you stick with me all the way through it! I've never written any Xemnas/Saix before so if anyone has any advice I'd love to here it ;3 Oh yes I need reviews to write and thrive! No seriously I stop writing shit if I don't get any reviews.

Okay lets hope and pray I can finish it! This is also my first time writing a Highschool fic, I don't really like them, but I thought I should at least give it a try. Does Marly seem like a masochist to anyone else? xD He does to me!

Anyway I'll try to give each couple their own chapters every now and then. I'll try to keep the chapters longish too, sorry if they're too long Dx Kay I'll stop myself from rambling! Please excuse and errors and I hope you'll review with all your might!

P.S. - Sorry for all the jumpiness.

Next Chapter: The Sexy Science Teacher