I Don't Own Naruto! I Sure Wish I Did!

My Brand New, Secret, (And Fake!) Boyfriend

Chapter 1

"YES! I GOT IN!" The pink-haired girl jumped in the air as her acceptance letter from Princeton University that day. She immediately picked up the phone to call her two best friends, Ino and Hinata.

"Hello, you got Ino-chan."

"Umm… This is Hyuuga H-Hinata."

"OMG! ME TOO!" Hinata screamed into the phone, stutter now completely gone.

"SO DID I!" Ino yelled.

"Meet at the café in fifteen?" Hinata said.


"See you to there!" The three girls hung up the phone and each did their own version of the happy dance.

Ino ran to her closet and smashed open her piggy bank. Gathering up all the money she could to spend on sweatshirts and other various bullshit. She then picked up the money she was going to spend on textbooks and put in another pile. She told her mom the good news and her mother was up there in seconds with boxes for Ino to pack with.

Sakura told her mom the news and opened up her pre-packed closet which had everything she was taking to Princeton with her already prepared. The future medical student had no doubt in her mind that she was going to get in, so she packed early. She picked up her phone, Siri, which had a mind of her own and said,
"Siri! Remind me to call Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, Shikamaru and anybody else to tell them the good news!"
"Did you get into Princeton, Sakura-chan?"
|"Yup! I'm so happy with myself!" She put her phone in her purse and ran out the front door saying,

"Bye Mom! I'll be back soon!"

Hinata charged into her sister, Hanabi's room and said,

"Look Hanabi! Dad said I couldn't do it, but I did!" Hanabi looked at the piece of paper in her sister's hand and screamed. As if on cue, Hyuuga Hiashi came charging through the door, almost breaking the ceramic kitten Hinata made Hanabi on her birthday, Neji, hot on Hiashi's trail.
"What happened? Are you hurt Hanabi?"
"What about Hinata?"
"She's going into medical school; she knows how to treat her own wounds." Ignoring one of the worst insults her father had ever said to her, she held up the piece of paper and shoved it in her father's face.
"Look what happened daddy!" He read over the paper and said,

"YOU got into an Ivy League school? Hinata?"
"Oh shut up Daddy. You'll pay for it, even if you don't want to because I want you to pay for Hinata's college."
"Of course I'll pay for my little girl's college." He said, rubbing Hinata's head like she was seven years old again.
"Oh, and I'm going to the café with Sakura and Ino!" She said as she picked up her purse and headed out the door.

Okay! There's chapter one, I know it's short and doesn't have anything to do with the official plot, but you needed to know how they got in. The next chapter will be much longer and have to do with boyfriends, and the plotline!