Chapter 1

"Eve you better hurry up or you'll be late for school" I heard my mother yell from downstairs. I groaned in my bed and said "Ok mom." I quickly got up from my bed and got a quick shower. I decided to wear my my white sweater with my black shirt and let my long browm hair down for the day. I quickly went downstairs and found my mother making me breakfast. "Morning mom" I said seating down on the kitchen seat. "Morning sweetie" she said putting my breakfast and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Where's daddy mom" I asked noticing his absent. "He got called in for work, apparently one of the construction workers we're having problems building one of the buildings for the new retirement home." "This early" I asked kind of shocked. Mom nodded while she drank her coffee and said "Yea they need to get it done by the deadline, which is only a few months away."

After finishing breakfast I hurried and grabbed my jacket and backpack. "Bye mom" I yelled as I was gettting ready to head out the door. "Wait Eve" my mom called back. I turned around and said "Yea what is it." "I have to work a late shift at the hospital tonight and your father will probably be out late as well, so I'll leave you money for pizza." I smiled at my mother "Ok mom love you." Then I hurried out the door so I wouldn't be late for school.

I quickly put my hood up as it was starting to rain, but what else is new in the town of Coupeville, Washington. I've lived here my whole lives with my parents. My mother worked as a nurse at the local hospital, while my father was an architect. This made my family pretty rich, and of coarse people at school were pretty envious of me of having such a luxorious lifestyle. My parents do tend to spoil me because I'm the only child they can ever have. They had me late in their lives around their fourties, but by all means they didn't look old, except for a few wrinkles. My mother had blonde hair which was kept in a bun most of the time. My father was a big man, but not fat, just muscle, he had light brown hair with some gray and a beard that was going gray. I loved them very much, we are all very close to each other.

"EVE" I heard my name being called out when I arrived inside the school. I saw my best friend Becca sprinting towards me. "Hey Becca" I said walking towards my locker. "Did you hear we're getting 8 new students." "Eight" I said shocked at that many people coming to our school. "I know shocking right, apparently they're all adopted by the new doctor in town, he's name Dr. Cullen" she said rambling on. Strange I felt like I heard that name from somewhere before. "The strange thing is I heard that each of them are a couple." "Really" I asked shocked as I stopped at my locker to get my things. Then we were interrupted by our other best friend Lucy. "You guys talking about the new kids" she asked exitedly. "Yea, why did you see them" Becca asked. Lucy squeled and said "Yes and there all so fucking Hot." "Oh my god tell me about them" Becca asked. I couldn't help, at how they our acting about the new kid. "I can't even begin to describe how good looking they are you would have to see them for yourselves" Lucy said. I rolled my eyes "You guys." "What you would be drooling over them to if you saw how gorgeous they are" Lucy said. Becca gave a deviously smile "No Lucy, Eve already has her sights on Kevin." "Shut up" I said through my giggling. Lucy touched my shoulders and said "But it's true you want Kevin so bad, you can't bare the thought of another second without him." "I'll see you guys later i'm not going to be late for first period" I said smirking as I walked away.

When I entered English class I quickly took my seat in the back. When the bell rang the teacher came in along with a girl with dark short hair that was almost pixie like. "Class we have a new student joining us today I want you to make her feel welcome." "Hi my name is Alice Cullen and I just to moved here from California" she said in a bell like voice. The teacher scanned the room looking for an empty seat and noticed the one next to me. "Alice you can go seat in the back corner next Eve." Once the new girl saw me she looked surprised and shocked to see me, which made me a little nervous considering i've never meet her before. She quickly took her seat next to me and I noticed her scanning me from head to toe. Okay she's kinda creeping me out now. The teacher brought the class together to discuss the love between Romeo and Juilet and wheither we believe it was true love or not.

After the class ended and I was getting ready to leave for next period the new girl named Alice came up to me and said "I'm Alice Cullen it's nice to meet you" She reached out her hand to shake mine and out of politness I shook it. "I'm Eve Martin." She just smiled at me and quickly left. She may be pretty, but she's certaintley weird.

I didn't have any other morning classes with Alice or any other Cullen for that matter. When Lunch came I was pretty sure I would see them, but I have this strange feeling like I met Alice before. "You were totally right Lucy they are so gorgeous" Becca said drooling over them as we were getting our lunch. "Ain't I always" Lucy said smiling. "I had Trig with the guy named Jasper and Emmett and I couldn't believe at their hotness" Becca said amazed. As soon as I sat down I said "I had English with with the girl named Alice and she was pretty weird." "How" Lucy asked. "The whole class time she kept sneaking glances at me." "Maybe she's a lesbian" Lucy said causing me and Becca to burst out laughing. "There's the rest of them" Lucy pointed to a group of other teenagers walking into the cafeteria and sitting all the way in the back far from any of the other students. "So who's who" I asked. "The one boy with the bronze hair I believe is Edward, the tall muscular one is Emmett, the blonde is Rosalie, the one who is Indian tan is Jacob, the girl with the curly bronze hair is Renesmee who is Edward's twin, the honey blonde boy is Jasper who is Rosalie's twin, the girl with the straight long brown hair is Bella, and then the pixie looking one is Alice." Becca and I gave her a strange look on how she could know all their names already. "What" she asked. "They've only been here for one day and your already stalking them, a new personal best I must say" Becca said jokingly. Lucy rolled her eyes and said "No their names have been spreading through out the whole school, ain't my problem you don't listen to gossip." As Lucy and Becca were talking I couldn't help, but look at the Cullens. They seemed so familiar, but I know i've never meet them before, then all of a sudden the bronze haired boy looked over to me and smiled a little. I quickly turned away wondering what that was about it was almost like he could read my mind. "What's wrong Eve" Becca asked. I quickly made up an excuse. "I was just wondering why they weren't eating any lunch is all." Lucy huffed and said "Who would want to eat this school's cafeteria food." Becca nodded and said "They may be weird,but they sure are good looking." I just rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but get the feeling that I know them.

Author's Note

Well there's chapter 1 to my new story and I hoped everyone liked it. This and Renesmee Carlie Swan are the ones i'm going to be working on right now and as soon as those are done i'm going to go back and finish all my other unfinished stories. So please read and review and tell me what you think.