Hi there again ^^

I want to thank those who bothered to review this, didn't expect to get this many honestly :D

Edit: decided to make it into a two-shot.

Elusive Lightning


Lambo chewed on his gummy candy blissfully, curiously looking at the older teens that were discussing something that appeared to be important with Reborn. Something about confirming about their status as the Vongola guardians and such.

Boring! The five year old thought.

And as though he could hear what he just thought (it wasn't that far from the truth), Reborn threw a piece of chalk at him.

"Pay attention," the suit-wearing infant ordered with an irritated sigh.

The notion was enough to make Lambo cry and bring out his bazooka, shooting himself at once. Everyone's eyes widened at that; given the fact that Lambo's bazooka had been recently upgraded, the results of shooting himself with it were still unknown.

It was when they saw the ten years older Lambo greeting them when the smoke cleared that they sighed in relief.

I'm in the future again! Lambo cheered inwardly.

He liked it here; everyone was nice.

Each one of them had a way of taking care of him. Some let him play with a collection of toys made especially for him, some gave him food, some read him a story, some comforted him, some played with him and some gave him candies.

Seriously, didn't anyone question why he wasn't crying by the time he got back to the past?

Looking around, he saw that he was in one of the mansion's hallways. It was the fact that he has been here way too many times that let him figure out that his older self was probably heading to his room to take a nap.

"I'll explore!" he exclaimed. The constant visits to the future made him memorize most of the mansion, but there were still some areas that he didn't manage to get to yet.

He strolled around for a while before he spotted a glass door at the end of the empty hallway. When he finally reached it, he pushed the door away and gaped when the sight of a beautiful garden appeared before his eyes.

Lambo was about to chase the butterfly that he just flew past him when he saw someone sitting alone beside him, and seeing that this person was the first one he met ever since arriving in this timeline, he decided to approach.

"Pineapple head!" he cheerily called out, making the other wake up from his daze.

Mukuro stared at him confusedly for a few moments. "The little cow brat? Since when you were here?"

The child ignored his question and sat next to him, beaming and still chewing on his candy. "This time you're going to be my subordinate!"

The way he was talking to him was confusing Mukuro; the brat tended to run away from him on the spot every time he came to this timeline.

Lambo, thinking that the other was staring at him because he wanted some candy, brought an opened pack of it and offered it to him. "Since you gave Lambo-san chocolate candies the other day, I'll give you this out the goodness of my heart."

So that's why. "I'm afraid I have to decline your offer, thanks though."

"Take them, they're even pineapple flavored!" The brat urged.

Mukuro twitched. "Now I'm even more sure that I don't want them."

But Lambo heard none of it. "Take them." He then sent him a kicked puppy dog eyes.

Sighing, Mukuro decided that he would humour him and take the candy.

"Tasty right?" Lambo asked eagerly.

"They're sour..." Mukuro frowned as he kept chewing it, "and sticky, but they're oddly delicious," he continued, taking more from the pack.

At that, Lambo looked terribly smug. "But of course, they've been made by the Gardens."

Mukuro merely raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

The five year old let out a scandalized gasp then. "They're the best candy making company ever! How can you not know them?"

"I'm not that familiar with candies," Mukuro admitted.

Lambo tilted his head with confusion. "But why? Didn't your family ever gave you any?"

I never knew them. "No." Mukuro smiled sadly, "they didn't." He honestly couldn't remember his real parents, he couldn't remember anything about who he was before really. Not even his real name.

Suddenly, the candy tasted too sour.

Much to his surprise, he found the small child on top of his head. When did he get there?

"Oi, cow brat, get off of me," he asked patiently; the years he spent with Fran made him capable of tolerating such antics.

The brat ignored him completely, choosing to lean forward and grab his cheeks. "You look like a grumpy old man when your face is like that."

"I'll be a very grumpy old man if you keep doing this," Mukuro warned, not that anyone will take him seriously after seeing his abused cheeks.

"But we're family right?" The boy ignored him again, smiling cheerily at him from upside down. "I gave you candies so that means you got one from your family!"

Mukuro wanted to correct the child's logic, but seeing that cheerful smile on his face, he sighed and chose against it. "Whatever you say, cow brat," he said, looking up with a small smile. And picking Lambo up, he lowered him to the ground.

"Want some more?" The pack was offered to him once again.

And this time, Mukuro let out a genuine laugh, and took another piece of candy.

They continued being that way, Lambo rambling about something ridiculous while Mukuro listened to him with unhidden amusement. It was only after ten minutes that the familiar pink smoke appeared, revealing the older Lambo behind it.

"Took you long enough," the illusionist noted.

"My younger self shot himself with a modified bazooka, so there were some problems with it," Lambo explained. And realizing who he was talking to, his eyes widened. "Y-you took care of my younger self?"

Mukuro smirked. "Yes, you got a problem with that?"

"No, it's just unexpected." The teen smiled awkwardly. He froze when he saw the older getting up from his seat and heading toward him. I knew it, I'm going to get killed now...

He was surprised when he was given a yellow colored candy. "Your younger self is rather generous when he wants to be." And with that, Mukuro had left the garden, leaving the awestruck Lambo alone.

And after realizing what just happened, Lambo had a knowing smile on his face.

So I was right all along, he is nice.
