Hello All,

I'm terribly sorry for the long hiatus with this tale however I was a little sidetracked with getting married and buying a house. I am however back with a vengeance and shall attempt to keep this tale gripping and interesting for you!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story…nor do I own their relationships and personalities, or the magical fabulous world they live in! They belong to the amazing JK Rowling who has given us fanfiction authors something to do with our time! If I did own these characters I would not be a nurse saving up for new electrics in a house that is trying to murder me…which I am!

No copyright infringement intended. This story is written purely for fun. I promise!

It was then they Realised

By the Lake

"Hey Neville?" Hannah asked. Neville turned to face her, his rugged face catching the sun.

"What do you think the Carrows' will do in detention tonight?"

Neville looked a little sheepish.

"Oh my god, you don't think, you know what they'll do don't you?" she exclaimed.

"Well, I don't know what that hag will do for your detention but I know what she'll do for mine" he admitted. Hannah said nothing.

"She try and make me use the Crutiatus Curse on the younger students who have detention, I'll refuse and then I'll be tortured in whatever way she feels like at this point in time". Hannah clapped her hand over her mouth in shock.
"Neville that's awful! We can't let that happen to you!" she said, putting her hand on his. The fire burned her cheeks but she didn't fail to notice that his also burned red.

"I'd rather that I'm the one she takes her anger out on than the younger students. First years don't stand a chance against her. I'm stronger than she is anyway. I've learnt to block out the torture she puts me through" he said confidently. Hannah looked at Neville in awe;

'How did he go from this bumbling boy to this amazingly strong man?' she thought.

'Probably because he's a Gryffindor!' remarked common sense.

'Shut up.'

Hannah lay her head on Neville's shoulder and looked out over the lake. She felt his breathing quicken and she smiled sweetly. Closing her eyes, she took in his smell, her fingers entwining with his, hoping he'd say something or even make some sort of move! His arm entwined around her waist while his free hand took hers.

"Neville?" she asked timidly.

"Hmm?" Neville replied nonchalantly.

"How do you block it out? The pain, the torture…all of the DA knows how much pain she puts you through, but I never thought it was as much as you said just now".

"It's quite simple really, I think of my parents, my friends, my gran, you. How strong and brave you all are and it gives me the continued strength to keep fighting." He said proudly.

"You think of me?" Hannah said in disbelief.

"You are one of the bravest people I know Hannah" Neville rested his head on Hannah's and tightened his grip around her waist, "It's so courageous of you to return to Hogwarts after all that happened" he said quietly. Hannah knew he was referring to the events that occurred last year.

"Though I'm glad you came back, I missed you" he finished. Hannah could not help a small smile forming. She knew her mama would have wanted her to go back to Hogwarts. She also knew her mama would approve of Neville, after all, her mama always said that 'Love conquers all'.

"Who knew?" smiled Common Sense, "Mama was right after all"

"Does that mean that I was right too?" cheeked Bravery.

"Don't push it".

"I don't think that I am brave Neville, it was hardly my choice to return here" Hannah said sadly, "but I wouldn't insult my mother's memory and not continue my education. She was a strong minded, well educated, beautiful lady"

"Just like her daughter then!" Neville said before clapping his hand over his mouth.

"Oh gosh, to quote Hagrid, I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that!" Neville mumbled, but he was surprised at Hannah's reaction, she was laughing. He started to chuckle, but soon stopped just to look at her. She stopped laughing and looked at him, looking into his eyes. His soul seemed to open up, she saw a sadness behind his eyes, something that he keep close to his chest.

"Neville?" she spoke quietly.


"You missed me?" She questioned.

"Well yeah," Neville shifted slightly, his free hand now throwing nearby stones into the lake. Hannah lay her head now on Neville's chest, noticing how his breathing quickened even more so as she did so.

"Don't. You. Dare!" said Doubt.

"Do it!" said Bravery, getting up and walking over towards Doubt.

"You'll only scare him!" said Doubt, retreating from the advancing Bravery.

"Do it!" Bravery repeated, grabbing Doubt by the wrists.

"Don't do it!" said a panicked Doubt, trying to fight Bravery off.

"Eh, do what you want" said Common Sense, "Nobody is listening to me any more. I give up."

"Perfect!" said Bravery, now stuffing Doubt into a filing cabinet.

"Neville, why haven't you mentioned your parents before? You said that you think of them to block out the pain yet you've told me before that you live with your Gran."

Neville shifted uncomfortably away from Hannah and stood up, facing towards the lake, away from Hannah.

"They don't know who I am Hannah" he said, so matter-of-factly that Hannah for a brief moment didn't recognize him.

"Idiot!" came the muffled sound of Doubt in the filing cabinet.

"Let Doubt out Bravery!" Common Sense commanded.

Neville turned to face her.

"They were tortured to insanity for information. They never gave in until their minds snapped" Hannah noticed a small tear form in the corner of Neville's eye, he blinked it away.

"I'm sorry Neville" she said sadly. Neville sighed.

"It's because of them that I will keep fighting" he said, "I'm proud to be a Longbottom, I just hope that I will one day live up to their legacy".

"You will" Hannah whispered. Neville smiled a sad smile.

"We'd better head up," Neville said, checking his watch. He stretched out his arms before turning and offering his hands to Hannah. Helping her up, he did not let go. Hannah blushed, not believing she had any more blood spare to fuel the fire in her cheeks. He held her hand all the way to the Great Hall where they sat down at their respective tables for supper.

8 o'clock chimed and Neville appeared at the her table, holding out his hand.

"Ready?" he asked. She gulped, knowing precisely what he was referring. She took a deep breath and took his hand. The spark of electric was there in his touch again. Hannah had to smile.

"As long as I have you by my side" she replied, pleased to see him swell with pride. The pair walked as slow as they could towards the dungeons knowing the next few hours were likely to be painful and agonizing.

Hello, I know it's been a while, but I would still appreciate the reviews.