Sigyn smiled to herself as she gazed up at the vivid cloudless sky as she walked across the warm sand of the beach, slipping between her toes causing warm tingles to shoot through her body. After the royal gardens of Noatun, the beach was Sigyn's favourite place to be. She would spend hours upon hours watching the fishing vessels go about their business and listen to the thunderous crash of the waves on the rocks and it was guaranteed that if she wasn't in her chambers with her nose pressed firmly into a book or tending the plants in the Vanaheim gardens, you would find her perched on a cliff or on the shore watching the ebb and flow of the tide.

The Vanir were known for their wisdom and ability to see the future, a gift which Sigyn possessed, just as her grandfather did. The Vanir were peaceful people compared to their sister race the Aesir and only fought when they had to and they valued intellect and the teaching of magic over warrior training and strength. But, with that being said, when forced the usually peaceful Vanir became a powerful force to be reckoned with. Sigyn couldn't bear the thought of leaving her beloved homeland, the place she explored with her Uncle Frey and sisters when she was young. Finding caverns where she could hide away from her mother when she was in trouble and immerse herself in her magic undisturbed by her younger siblings. And being taught the ancient tongue of the Vanir, a language which had sadly died along with its people during the war. But Sigyn knew that one day, just like Nanna and Idunn she would have to leave her treasured Vanaheim and go to Asgard. As a way of fortifying the bonds between Aesir and Vanir for the future generations, Odin made a deal with Njord that his granddaughters must marry men of Asgard, and Njord reluctantly agreed. He wasn't the type of man to usually bargain with the lives of his loved ones, but unfortunately he saw no other way and it pained him to this very day to see his beloved granddaughters leave their homeland and start new lives a in a realm that was practically foreign to them.

"Sigyn!" Lofn shouted breathlessly for her sister's attention as she ran towards her on the shore. "I've been looking for you for hours!" She panted as she finally got to where Sigyn stood.

"Sorry, I got carried away trying to learn the art of multiplying myself" Sigyn laughed slightly and rubbed the back of her neck as she watched Lofn catch her breath. "Why have you been looking for me anyway?"

"Grandfather wants to see us all, he has news from Asgard!" She smiled broadly

"Judging by your excitement it's good news" Sigyn laughed and linked arms with her sister as they began to walk back to Noatun.

"I suspect it has something to do with Nanna and that handsome warrior Balder. They looked pretty close at the feast last month." Lofn couldn't hide her excitement. Lofn was what you would call a hopeless romantic and got excited at the prospect of a wedding.

Sigyn smirked to herself; she knew very well what the news was going to be.

By the time Sigyn and Lofn arrived at Njord's study the rest of her sisters, along with her mother had gathered to hear Njord's news from Asgard, who was still yet to arrive. The study had a wide panoramic window from which you could see Vanaheim in all its splendor it was perfect for watching the sun set and see the sky change from a vibrant blue to orange that bled into purples and reds, much like an ink blot on a piece of parchment. The domed ceilings which seemed to go on forever, where painted with intricate filigree designs and images depicting the greatest moments in Vanaheim history. The walls adorned with beautiful tapestries of Vanir prayers and sacred symbols. But despite the grandeur and lavishness of the room and the palace in general, it still felt incredibly homely and personal to the Vanaheim royal family.

"Where have you been all afternoon, Sigyn?" Freya quizzed as Sigyn took a seat next to Var and Snotra on a plush sofa.

"I was practising my magic and, as the Midgardian's say time flies when you're having fun!" Sigyn smiled

"Say no more" Freya smiled warmly "I should have known"

"Ah! Sigyn has finally decided to join us has she?" Njord's voice boomed as he entered the room. "No doubt you were getting carried away with magic" He smiled broadly.

To an outsider, Njord would be seen as intimidating, even after the Great War which had aged him terribly much like the Allfather. A tall man, well over six feet with broad shoulders and rugged looks. A man whose face was creased with worry lines, crow's feet and marked with a scar that trailed from his forehead and curved round to the corner of his mouth. But to those who knew him, his laughter and smile lines outnumbered the worry lines. His deep brown eyes were kind and loving, not cold and harsh like many rulers in the nine realms. He was a jovial man and loved his family and realm more dearly that anything. Taking his seat at this desk he readied himself to talk as Freya stood beside him.

"My girls, I have wonderful news from Asgard regarding Nanna!" He grinned widely and the room seemed to buzz with excitement. They all knew what was going to be said next, although Sigyn had known for quite some time what was happening.

"She and Balder are going to be wed and to celebrate; they are coming to Vanaheim for the summer festival along with the Allfather and his family! Isn't that exciting?" Njord beamed and watched as his granddaughters hugged each other in celebration.

"I knew it! I told you didn't I Sigyn? I told you it had something to do with Nanna!" Lofn looked triumphantly at Sigyn who was wearing one of those I-know-something-you-don't-know expressions, which Njord promptly picked up on.

"Something tells me Sigyn already knew what the news was..." Njord laughed lightly as everyone's eyes turned to Sigyn. "How long have you known?"

"Just a couple of weeks" Sigyn smiled meekly "I can't control what The Fates show me, something you know all too well yourself Grandpa"

Njord laughed and nodded his head.

"Now my darlings, I do believe we have dresses to plan!" Freya smiled broadly and started to usher her daughters out of the study, apart from Sigyn who hung back.

She raised an eyebrow at her grandfather causing him to chuckle.

"What troubles you Sigyn?"

"You knew aswell didn't you? I mean you knew before today"


"I knew it!" She laughed

"You'd be surprised at what I've seen concerning you and your sisters" Njord leaned across his desk and clasped his hands together "For example, I saw your little trick at the feast a good year or so ago." He had a playful look on his face while Sigyns own features contorted with worry.

"Please don't tell mother! She'd be furious!"

"Don't worry yourself Sigyn, your secret is safe with me" Njord sat back in his chair and grinned "Go and join your mother and sisters, you'll want to look your best for the princes"

"Thank you. And I highly doubt that Prince Thor or Price Loki would be interested in little old me" Sigyn chuckled lightly, turned on her heel and walked out the study.

Authors Note: Sorry this took me a while to post! It took me absolutely ages to figure what I was going to do in this chapter and I'm not 100% happy with it. I really wanted to get some information on Vanaheim in there somewhere and background to Sigyn and her family. Also, I apologize for the lack of Loki in this chapter! Don't worry though, he and Sigyn shall have their first meeting in the next chapter and things should get more interesting! Also, I really SUCK at writing dialogue so sorry about that!

Also, does the ending feel rushed? I feel like it feels rushed! I'm going to stop now...

Thank you to all the lovely people reviewed, it means a lot!

Let me know what you think!