I do not own Hawaii Five-0 or any characters. No copyright infringement intended.

Summary: A "what if" alternate story line loosely related to Season 1 Episode 20 "Ma Ke Kahakai". "What if" Danny had to walk back down alone after the EVAC got Steve off the mountain? This includes an assumption that the victim's body was simultaneously removed when Steve was rescued.


As Danny watched the Army EVAC lift Steve to safety, he heaved a sigh of relief and ran his hands through his hair. Still smiling, he had been unable to stop his cartoonish and goofy pantomime of "I love you" to Steve as he hung mid-air with the rescue crew. The impromptu silliness was a direct result of sheer relief to have successfully made it up to the summit and getting through to their office for help. He had also double-timed it back down the awkward slope to make sure Steve had remained relatively safe until the EVAC could arrive. He couldn't help but be a little punch-happy.

Danny hadn't anticipated seeing Chin on board the chopper and was additionally relieved to know that Steve wouldn't be able to bypass any medical care or talk himself out of a hospital stay. Things were looking good and seemingly under control.

While there, the crew had also taken the body of the victim, with Danny agreeing to deal with the hike back down the mountain. Thinking ahead while stranded, Steve had catalogued the victim's position and location. There wouldn't be a real need for a crime scene detail or evaluation per se. So by that point, there wasn't much room left in the chopper and he had Steve's truck to deal with anyway. It appeared to be an optimal solution.

Steve was already up in the chopper when Danny and the rescue crew chief had agreed to the arrangement. He had subsequently missed Steve's anger and adamant argument with that same crew chief high above his head.

Angrily, Steve had been yelling and demanding that they turn around and pick up Danny immediately. Eyes blazing, Steve was furious and worked up. "No way, Danno. No way."

"We can make room, dammit. That's not a simple walk on a city sidewalk and he's not familiar with the trail or the terrain!" Chin hadn't liked it himself, but it had been too late and the decision had already been made.

Losing the argument, Steve pointed his finger directly at Chin and commanded fiercely, "You call him, Chin. In exactly one hour – no more – you call him and you make sure he's where he should be!"

Nodding in agreement, Chin checked his watch and marked the time. "No problem. You got it."

Glaring at the rescue crew chief, Steve slumped back as he sat and allowed the medics to continue stabilizing his arm. "He better be alright." Steve muttered below the sound of the chopper's blades.

On the ground and now alone, Danny got ready to start his descent back down the trail. He realized then that Steve's pack was about fifty feet below and he had no actual supplies. That included the water and any trail bars Steve had packed for them earlier that morning.

"Fantastic!" he exclaimed sarcastically, throwing his arms up in the air and watching the departing chopper disappear in the distance. Figuring that his rapid ascent to the mountains' summit for a cell phone signal had been the worst of it, Danny again ran his fingers through his hair and began to follow the original trail back down. In reality, he wasn't too worried. Their slow and steady uphill walk had been a relatively average to moderate three-hour hike. Going down should be much easier and significantly faster. While good naturedly teasing his friend, Danny had enjoyed the time; the day was beautiful and in the low eighties; the scenery breath-taking. In truth, it was exhilarating. And it had only become marred with the discovery of the victim and Steve's terrifying tumble down the unstable and rocky cliff-side.

His time check showed it to be roughly three p.m. and he assumed that he'd be back to Steve's truck no later than four thirty or so. With any luck, he'd be able to get a report on Steve's condition by that then too.

Thirty minutes in, the trail diverted and Danny had a choice to make. Turning around to face upwards, he attempted to get a mental handle on which way they'd come up that morning.

"Yup, this looks about right." He said to himself aloud. Danny then incorrectly resumed his descent by inadvertently choosing the wrong branch. He was actually going deeper into the rainforest and away from his intended destination of the parking lot.

An hour later, Danny was becoming worried. He was hot and the humidity was increasing. Mosquitoes were starting to pester him. Swallowing hard, he was now thirsty and beginning to think about Steve's pack up by the petroglyphs. Checking his cell phone, he frowned. He had no bars – no signal just as before when Steve had fallen and his sense of uneasiness grew.

"I never lost a signal in Central Park, Steven." And he looked up at the sky, as he wiped sweat from his brow. "Yes, come to Hawaii, enjoy the time of your life." He said with mock disgust.

Continuing his personal rant, Danny carried on to himself, "Should have grabbed your pack up there, Steve."

"Why isn't this looking familiar?" he added in frustration; for the terrain was becoming slippery and the rain forest seemed to be closing in on him. He had begun to lose sight of the sun due to the dense tree cover which was impenetrable at times. And when the sun did make its way through the thick cover, it was amazingly hot on his skin. Still refusing to believe that he might indeed be lost, Danny stubbornly continued on his way.

Unbeknownst to him, Chin was at the hospital and waiting for an update on Steve's injuries. He was miserably pacing and repeatedly trying to call Danny but only getting voicemail.

"Come on. Come on, Danny. Pick up." Chin swore quietly. "You should be at the truck by now, brah." And he checked his watch for the hundredth time. "All hell's going to break loose if I can't reach you."

Chin had already called Kono with orders to triangulate Danny's cell phone signal. But she was equally unsuccessful at even finding a signal – any signal. There was no way to contact him and the two were starting to become very concerned.

As Chin left yet another voicemail for Danny, Steve came out of orthopedics with his arm in a cast. And Chin inwardly flinched at his first words, "Well, what did Danny say? Is he at the truck?"

Not getting an immediate reply, Steve's eyes narrowed dangerously and his face became hard. "Chin? Where is he? Where's Danny?"

Almost inaudible, all he could say was, "Steve, I don't know. We can't reach him."

~ to be continued ~