Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I promise. Yeah, I'm disappointed too.

Sasunaru, mild cursing, un-betaed, and a LOT of fluff (Get out your toothbrushes, this is so sweet you'll get cavities)

"What the hell, Bastard?"

"What?" Sasuke huffed while leisurely sipping from Naruto's mug.

"That's my hot chocolate! If you're so thirsty get your own!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and took one last gulp before setting the mug down, "Whatever."

"Ugh! Teme, now I gotta get a new cup," Naruto snatched up the mug and made a face at the half empty glass.


"'Cause, you got your germs all over it!" Naruto stood from the couch where they had been watching a movie and began making his way to the kitchen.

"Dobe, stop getting so worked up over an indirect kiss. You're acting like a girl," He leant his head on his hand and gave Naruto a mocking stare.

Naruto spluttered and whipped back to the raven, "I-I'm not-! Stupid, Sasuke! I just don't want to get infected by your prissy Uchiha germs!"

Sasuke stood, "Hm? Well, I think it's a bit too late for that. It's not like we haven't kissed before." He advanced on the blond.

Naruto froze, "T-that was an accident! And we we're kids!"

Sasuke rubbed the back of his neck, "Hn, I guess you're right."

"Damn right, I'm right!" Naruto spun on his heel towards the kitchen again. That is, until the Uchiha whirled him around and sealed their lips together.

Naruto stood there, in Sasuke's embrace, trying to get his brain to reboot. His friend- scratch that- his best friend was kissing him…What the hell was going on?

Sasuke pulled away and gently patted the dobe's glowing cheek, "And that," he smirked, "wasn't an accident."

Naruto gaped. Mouth hung open in morbid realization. Sasuke just kissed him…and tasted like chocolate…Never mind that! Sasuke kissed him! What-?

"Hey, Dobe."

"Huh?" Naruto could feel his face heating up again.

Sasuke sighed and clasped his hand around Naruto's, "Come on back to the couch, the movie's not over yet," He began dragging the stunned blond back to the sofa.

Naruto didn't even notice that he was sitting flush up against Sasuke until the movie was over. By then, though, he supposed it wasn't so bad. Sasuke's arms wound around his middle. Yeah, not so bad at all.

AN: Who else got cavities from reading that? I know I did. Yup, I hope you liked it. If you didn't, flame me (I don't give a FLYING TURD). Constructive reviews, however, are appreciated! :)