Commanders and their Cadets



Chapter Twenty

He said what?

Disclaimer – None of the characters mentioned in the below work of fiction belong to me in any shape or form. I am merely borrowing them for my own use.

Authors note - *Hannio whistles innocently as she delivers the next chapter about six years later then originally planned* errr…. Sorry?

"I'm telling you Trowa he is a complete and utter wanker, he stood there the entire time, arms crossed smirking at us and then actually had the nerve to point out places that we apparently missed. We didn't miss any stupid places and you should have seen the size of the toothbrush they gave us, it was like it was for a baby or something. I'm surprised we finished at all. I wanted to take my stupidly tiny toothbrush and stuff it down Chang's throat"

Duo took a deep breath and brushed some hair from his eyes, his shoulders slumping down as though a great weight had been lifted from him.

It probably had Trowa decided looking at him with a raised eyebrow. The other boy had burst into their dorm room twenty five minutes ago and proceeded to launch into what could only be described as an epic rant. Trowa had sat crossed legged on his bed, listening, waiting for Duo to run out of breath but somehow he managed to go on until the end. Trowa was almost impressed by it.

Once he was sure Duo had finished he spoke.

"Where's Quatre?" Duo glanced around him looking surprised that the small blond boy wasn't in the room with them. He twisted round on the spot a few times before giving Trowa a clueless look.

"I thought he was right behind me" he proclaimed reaching out and scratching his head with a confused look.

"Did you by any chance give your thoughts of Commander Chang to Quatre on your way back to the room?" Trowa asked not surprised when Duo nodded his head.

"Well I told him what I thought of him" he replied. Trowa nodded. That would definitely explain where the other boy had gone. He had clearly figured out that Duo had been building up to a massive explosion and escaped before he had blown leaving Trowa to deal with it.

Duo sighed and threw himself on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He was silent for a moment before turning his head on the pillow and fixing Trowa with a look.

"So how was your afternoon?" he asked.

For a moment Trowa froze, his eyes widening slightly as he remember the feel of Heero's lips on his own. He had been reliving it in his mind over and over trying to see whether there was anything he could have done which would have made Heero stay with him. That kiss had scrambled his brains and yet there was nothing more he wanted to do then to experience it again.

"Errrr Trowa?" Trowa glanced at Duo to see that he had sat up and was now fixing Trowa with an intrigued expression

"What?" Trowa asked wishing not for the first time that he still had his fringe which would have hidden his eyes from view.

"Are you blushing?"

"No" Trowa answered instantly "I'm warm that's all" Duo nodded slowly his expression making it clear that he didn't believe a word that Trowa had said. Trowa resisted groaning with difficulty. Duo was like a leach at times, once he realised something was up he went at it with intent, never leaving it until he had discovered exactly what was up.

"Okay if you say so" he now replied "So how did it go at the hospital? Did they okay you for duty?" Trowa nodded a small pleased smile coming to his face.

"Yep I completely fit though I'll only be on light duty for the next few days."

Duo opened his mouth to speak when the door banged open and Quatre appeared in the door way. He look flushed and was breathless as though he had run all the way to the dorm. His gaze flickered toward Duo before moving away and focusing on Trowa, a pleased look coming to his face.

"Thank god you're here Trowa" he remarked "I need to talk to you about something important" Trowa lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Sure" he replied slowly sitting up a bit straighter "What's up?"

"I can't talk here, can we talk somewhere in private?"

"Private?" Duo all but roared coming to his feet and pointing a finger at Quatre, his face turning red. Quatre jumped his eyes wide as he stared back at him. "How more private could you get, there's just the three of us in here"

Quatre looked awkward, turning to Trowa with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Duo" Trowa now said attracting the irate boy's attention to him "Quatre just has something to tell me, I'm sure he'll tell you about it later right Quatre?" Quatre hesitated for a moment before he nodded his head.

"If Trowa says it fine then I will" he replied.

Duo looked in-between them both before he huffed coming to his feet.

"Fine" he snapped "I'll leave but you" he commented jabbing his finger in Quatre's direction "Had better tell me later. You owe me blondie."

Quatre and Trowa both watched him leave the room, wincing as he slammed the door behind him. Quatre stared at the door for a few moments before turning his attention to Trowa.

"I heard something" he said, keeping his voice low as he hurried over to the bed where Trowa was seated. Trowa nodded his head.

"So I gathered" he replied, he waited for Quatre to continue.

"I was outside under the big maple tree" Quatre said, glancing back at the door before looking back at Trowa, he sat on the edge of Trowa's bed looking nervous. "When I saw Commander Yuy and Chang" Trowa's face remained impassive even as his heart began thumping harder in his chest at the mere mention of Heero's name.

"Right" he said slowly when Quatre fell silent again. "Go on" Quatre started to speak, the words rushing out of his mouth as though he couldn't contain them any longer.

"They were walking together coming back from the canteen and they were talking about Duo about how Commander Chang had a crush on him. Or at least that what Yuy was saying, Chang was saying that he was going on a date with that girl Sally and Yuy said he was living in denial to hide what he felt for Duo."

Trowa raised an eyebrow. It was suddenly clear why Quatre had wanted to speak to Trowa alone. If he had told Duo this then god only knew what the other boy would have done with the information. As much as Trowa loved Duo as a friend he was highly unpredictable at time.

"You heard them say this?" he asked. Quatre nodded.

"Just a short time ago. I was going to tell Duo directly but then I thought that maybe he would go" he hesitated over his wording before he spoke "loopy on the information. I mean" he went on in a rush. "He cant seem to control himself can he, not when it comes to Chang. Its like he can't help but rile him up."

Trowa nodded his head.

"He just reacts to him" he met Quatre's eyes "Are you going to tell him?" Quatre bit his lip looking away.

"I don't know what would you do if you were in my shoes?" Trowa shrugged.

"I'd think over it for a few days and see how they were towards each other. There's no point adding petrol to a fire for the sake of it" he commented. Quatre sighed looking relieved by what Trowa had said

"That's what I thought as well I best go and find Duo and try and sooth his ruffled feathers, somehow I think I'll be missing out on pudding for the next few weeks" Trowa smiled and watched Quatre head to the door. He suddenly spoke without meaning to.

"Quatre did they say anything else?" he asked. Quatre looked over his shoulder at him with a confused look on his face

"About?" he asked, Trowa opened his mouth before he closed it

"Nothing, forget I said anything" Quatre nodded and opened the door before stopping and looking back at Trowa

"Now you mentioned it Chang did mention that Yuy was in love with you" he said, giving Trowa a grin at the stunned look that came over Trowa's face. "Speak to you later Trowa" he commented before slipping out the door leaving Trowa to his own thoughts.

Author note – Yay! Please review but no flames! Thanks