OK, so I have other stuff I should be working on, but again, my mind will go where ever it wishes, and this is where it brought me, at 1:51 AM. Of course, what is sleep? Anywho, enjoy! Please review!

On the outside, Bruce Wayne was just the typical millionaire living in Gotham. He bought anything he wanted, he didn't do anything he didn't want to, and he most certainly didn't put is life on the line to help the poor saps that couldn't get by on their own.

To everyone but a select few, Bruce Wayne was an immature, selfish, egotistical man that cared for no one but himself. To everyone but a select few, Bruce Wayne was just an icon, a symbol of wealth and power.

To a lot of people Bruce Wayne was a complete joke. He got a new girl about as often as he got a new car, which was nearly every week. He didn't take his business seriously, and there were rumors that 'his' business would fall apart if he actually ran it for a day. Hell, the man couldn't even stay awake in important meetings let alone run an entire corporation on his own.

But little did anyone know that Bruce Wayne was just a front, a mask to hide the hero that lay beneath. Little did anyone know that the reason this man fell asleep in meetings was because he'd spent the entire night defending the poor saps that couldn't get by on their own. Little did anyone know that the reason this man had a new girl and a new car every week was to keep them blissfully unaware of his alter ego. Because little did anyone know that this man would gladly give his life to save someone below him on the social status scale, give his life for someone Bruce Wayne wouldn't be caught dead seen even talking to.

The world thought Bruce Wayne was just an ordinary man. But little did the world know that Bruce Wayne was nothing less that extraordinary.