Death's Wake 2—A Future of Darkness—Shadow's Story

Chapter 1: Departure

"Be careful, baby."

"I will, Mama."

"Don't forget your mission: stop the shooting from ever happening."

"Yes Daddy."

My mother had tears in her eyes as she hugged me. My father looked ready to cry as well as he wrapped his arms around me. "Do you have all your weapons?" My mother asked with a sniffle.

"All except the machine gun, Mama."

"Shady, you might not need that. I'm sure you won't run into anymore trouble." My father said.

"Daddy, you never know." I said as I attached my sword to the buckle on my waist.

Then to my sorrow, my mother burst into tears. "Oh Shadow! Don't go!" She cried, hugging me tight.

"Mama, I have to. This is the only way to restore our future. I must go." I said as I gently pulled away from her. My father placed an arm around her quivering shoulders.

"You remember how to use the Time Machine?" He asked me softly as I stepped into the capsule.

"Yes Daddy."

"Return to the year 773 A.D, the day: May 15th." He instructed. "Location: Capsule Corporation in the heart of West City."

"Check." I said as the Time Machine revved up. I waved goodbye to my parents as my Time Machine became shrouded in a white light.

"We love you!" They called as I vanished into the time-stream.

My name is Shadow Hope Son. I am twenty-four years old. And I have no future. Long ago, when I was only three, I was shot and nearly killed by Bra Briefs and my cousin, Son Pan. I am being sent back in time to prevent that. Because shortly after, since no one had trained due to worry about my condition, everyone was killed by an invading alien force named Datast. Everyone lives in fear, knowing that each day could be their last. My father, my mother, and I are the only known Saiyan survivors. I fell asleep and almost slept through the sixteen-hour trip. But suddenly, an alarm rang through the cockpit and the Time Machine lurched forward. I was awake instantly. Something was wrong. I wasn't sure what was going on; all the screens were flashing red and mechanisms beeped and twittered. The Time Machine was out of my control. I was thrown about the cockpit as it swerved and banged against the edges of the Space-Time Continuum. All of sudden, I was dropping, plummeting downward in a rapid descent. My Time Machine crashed into the ground nose-first and my head was slammed violently against the control panel, rendering me unconscious.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up!" Someone shouted in my ear.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know." My head was pounding. I opened my eyes with a groan. At once, I focused on two people leaning over me. My first thought was that I had screwed up big time. But as my vision grew sharper, I realized where I was. I was at Capsule Corporation. I knew these people. Dr, and Mrs. Briefs. These were Bulma's parents. "Are you all right?" Dr. Briefs asked.

I sat up. "I'm fine." I said rather rudely. I stood up and looked around. Everything looked just as my parents said it would. But something was weird. There were no power levels. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean the men?" Mrs. Briefs asked.

I'd heard she was sweet and not stupid. I'd obviously heard wrong. "Of course the men. Who else would I be looking for?" I demanded.

"Oh dear, I thought you meant Angie and Shadow." She said with a laugh.

I froze. "Where are they?"

"They went Trunks, Vegeta, Goku and Gohan last night to the Great Wasteland."

"Searching for the last Dragonball…" I said softly.

"What was that, my dear?" Dr. Briefs inquired.

"Huh? Nothing. I have to go." I ran to my Time Machine and hopped into the cockpit. I struggled to start it, but it wouldn't. "Darn it!" I yelled, banging my fists against the control panel. I was stranded in this time. I wasn't even in the right time. I was three days before. So I was stuck. I turned to the Briefs. "Touch my Time Machine and you both will die!" I threatened as I took to the air, flying to the Great Wasteland. I knew what day it was. It was May 12th 773 A.D. The day my mother killed herself. I remembered every moment. The pain. The sadness. The loneliness. Soaring to incredible heights in my mother's arms. Saying goodbye. Flying on the Nimbus Cloud and meeting my father for the first time. Then…her death. Everything happening at once. I recalled it all.

I approached the area where everyone should've been. There they were. My father crying out as my mother faded away in his arms. Then I saw myself, at the age of three, sobbing beside him. I felt a stab of grief as I watched.

I don't know who it was that saw me first. I think that it was Trunks. All I heard was someone cry out, "Hey! Who's that up there!?"