They said that if women ruled the world then the world would come to an end. But they were wrong. The world didn't come to the end, it had become better.

The Hokage Mountain that once contained the faces of the five prior Hokages now had the faces of Tsunade and Hinata.

Hinata stood on her throne, wearing pure black leather that accentuated her figure. She oozed with sexuality.

"Stand down boys," she directed to the three men that she had on leashes, Naruto, Shino, and Kiba who looked at her with admiration and sexual need.

"We have taken over the rest of the rogue men," Sakura appeared by her side, pulling with her, Sasuke.

"Thank you. It seems everything is going according to plan. This movement will give us all the power that women need and want."


Hinata woke up gasping for air, realizing that it was all a horrible nightmare.

This OMAKE was inspired by one of my latest reviewer and hater.

So yes, if you must know, I am a feminist.

GASP! She said the F word. Hide your wife, hide your kids, hide your damn dog. She is here to terrorize us and she is a man hater!

Honestly, there are a lot of people that claim themselves to be feminists, but they only advocate for whatever class they fit in. It doesn't work that way. Feminism is about equality. Cis, trans, black, white, Mexican, homosexual, straight, male, female, non-binary, blah blah blah… Everybody deserves equality.

Oh, but if its about everyone, then why don't just call in "equalism," feminism makes it sound kind sketchy.

OH idk, why are humans called mankind? Are we all men? No. Exactly what I thought.

And that is pretty much the Feminist movement. If anyone tells you differently, then they are pretty much wrong.

In the past, I would be probably cried because of the review, but now I rather just enlighten ignorant people. I'm not here to make anyone believe anything but I am here to teach.

Naruto… I am not bashing on him. Let's all admit that Naruto is the most oblivious person if the entire anime. Like that time that Shion asked him to make babies with him and he agreed because he didn't know that that is what she meant. Or on the LAST (SPOILERS), where he had to see Hinata's memories to actually find out that Hinata was in love with him. Like what? Bro, really? And then just automatically loves her back after he realizes. That's not how love works.

Naruto doesn't know anything because everybody pretty much hid the truth from him. Its not because he is stupid.

I am making a stronger character, but at the same time is also broken. She is confident and beautiful and she has come to learn that she IS GOOD ENOUGH. Just like every person should feel and know. I guess some people get mad that even fictional women become powerful. Hinata is also not becoming the Hokage, did I ever said that? No. Or maybe she will become Hokage now that the idea is on my mind (thank you for that Guest reviewer). And Naruto will be a stay at home dad.

What!? You can't do that because gender roles! Guess what? I can because I am the author of this fanfic.

I am not writing this for anyone but myself.

To my actual fans:

-I wrote this story before I knew Neji died. Therefore Hinata never confessed a second time or sacrifice herself and then making Neji sacrifice himself.

Thank you for reading . My next chapter will have Naruto interaction with Siren and Hinata. So that will be fun.

-At the moment Naruto is not in love with Hinata. He holds her close to his heart, like a friend.

-Even I don't know what Hinata feels for Naruto.

- I gave enough hints to all of you through out my chapters. :]

For all of you that decide to stay after my rant.. Thank you.

For all of you that don't, bye. Don't even bother making a review.

P.S – no one is licking feet or getting spit on in this fanfic. That's nasty.