Fight # 001

Eight year old Iroh grumbled as he sat stonily on his chair, his golden eyes sent angry glares at the adults talking at a distance.

He was right in the middle of his fire bending training when his mother, without warning, forced him to accompany her to her trip to the South Pole. Now, he was stuck in some cold, barren place with barely enough training to heat his own tea. Great.

He tightened his arms over his chest and swung his feet wildly, hoping his mother would finally notice his displeasure and bring him back to Fire Nation soil.

"Stupid mom. Stupid cold. Stupid ice. Stupid itchy fur coats." He muttered under his breath as the grown-ups continued to ignore him.

"You know, if you keep swinging your legs like that you're ganna fall off the chair."

"No I'm not." Stupid voice behind my back.

Without noticing it, a snow ball smacked him squarely on the back of the head, causing him to lose balance and fall off the chair, thankfully landing on a soft pole of snow. He slowly lifted his head and turned around to find a pudgy little girl standing over him, her hands on her hips.

"You should have listened to me." She said with a shrug.

He scrambled to get up and glared at her. "You're mean and I'm telling the grown-ups."

"You can't tell on me!" she whispered angrily, her dark cheeks turning slightly pink.

"And why not?" he asked haughtily as he crossed his arms over his chest once more, drawing to full height. The girl wasn't very tall, Iroh could easily see over her head.

"Cause I'm the avatar!" she said following suit and straightening up, failing to look intimidating.

He eyed her suspiciously. "No you're not."

"Yes I am!"

"No you're not. The avatar is big and powerful like great uncle Aang! You're not big or powerful! You're just a stupid little girl!"

"I'M NOT! I'M THE AVATAR" she shouted and stomped her foot. The group bellow them shook be he paid no attention to it.

"You're lying!"

Iroh's anger towards her slowly seeped out of his system as he watched her lower lip trembled. She glared at him through watery eyes. "I AM THE AVATAR!"

For a fleeting second, she sounded like a thousand powerful people speaking all at once. A brief moment of fear swept through him before the girl broke out into tears, she screamed like an injured howling monkey, tears steadily streaming down her face.

Before Iroh could properly react, his mother and a man swarmed around the pair.

"Iroh." His mother chastised when she came close. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do-"

"Korra." The man wearing the outfit similar to great uncle Aang's numerous portraits said as he picked the child up with ease, wiping the tears off her face. "What happened?" he asked softly

The girl, Korra apparently, pointed her dark, pudgy finger at Iroh. He feigned fearful innocence as he looked up at the adults.

"I don't know what-"

"We're sorry, Tenzin." His mother said, cutting him off. She sent him a hard look that meant repercussions later.

"It's quiet alright, Honora." Tenzin smiled and sent a small burst of air at Korra's face, sending the little girl into a fit of giggles.

Tenzin, with Korra in his arms, walked Iroh and his mother back to their ship. The adults talked about what his mother called 'matter-of-consequence' while Korra glared at him from behind the air bender's arms.

"Well, good bye, Tenzin."Honora said as she bowed deeply, Iroh following a beat later.

"Mother sends her apologies once again." Tenzin said as he rose from his bow. "She wishes she could have walked you out, especially since you came here on short notice."

She smiled at him "It's quiet alright. Iroh, it's time for you to say good bye to Master Tenzin and the Avatar."

Iroh stayed shell shock as he bowed to the two, Korra especially looked triumphant. She stuck her tongue out at him as the giant metal door closed, engulfing him in the fire nation ship once more.

Fight # 002

"Welcome to the United Forces battle hip, Avatar Korra. I am General Iroh and it is an honor to have you here."

Blue eyes consider the golden for a moment. A flicker of recognition flickers through her features before her hand goes across his face.

/"Did Korra just slap a general?" "Yeap." "Should we start packing our bags?" "Yeap."/

"You called me a liar when I was three."

Fight # 003

Korra's brain froze as soon she stepped into the United Forces battle ship courtyard that morning. She entered the place to find a very shirtless Iroh in the middle of his morning stretch.

"Call down, Korra" The logical part of her brain chided when she stopped mid-step, her mouth agape. "You've seen plenty of men before, granted they never took off their shirt seeing as they're from the south pole/a monk and sure, the only other experience you've had with men and the fact that they lack clothing was Meelo running around naked but that still doesn't give you the right to blatantly stare at the United Forces general as he did his morning routine. No matter how chiseled he is."

Korra shook her head and coughed, finally causing Iroh to turn and face her. His cheeks tainted pink as he made a motion to fetch his shirt which was in a neat pile near his feet.

"You don't have to." She said casually, hoping she sounded like Asami or at least someone who wouldn't be so awkward in this position. "I mean, I don't want to ruin your routine or anything."

He shrugged and returned to his position. He paused and turned his head slightly to Korra's direction, who was still rooted in her spot.

"Would you like to train together?"

Korra dumbly nodded and fell two steps behind him.

"You know, Avatar Korra," he said, still facing front. "We could train with better if you were beside me."

The two worked in silence as they went through the different fire bender movements. They were in the middle of the Dancing Dragon when Iroh spoke once more.

"Here" He said as he approached her. "Let me fix your stance."

Korra gulped as he went closer to her, his bare glistening chest unbearably close to her as he coaxed her to the proper position. His face was mere inches from her when she couldn't take it anymore.

"Do you want to spar, General?" She asked suddenly, jerking away from his grip. Iroh sent her bewildered but nodded.

They walked towards the edge of the courtyard and bowed to each other. As soon as he straightened up, Iroh sent a long blast of fire to her direction. Korra barely blocked the attack, obviously surprised by the sheer speed of her sparring partner. She took one look of his smirking face and hardened her stance.

She retaliated and ran to his position, punching out powerful bursts of fire to his direction. He easily ducked her attacks, side stepping her various balls of fire. The still standing smirk on his face frustrated her. Iroh was ready to her close combat attack, deflecting her kicks and punches with forearms.

"I see the White Lotus taught you well, Avatar." Iroh said, his voice taunting. "But not well enough."

As he said this, he summoned two Dao swords of fire, spinning hem in his hands as though they were made out of real metal. He used Korra's brief moment of surprise to swipe the swords right in front of her, causing her shrunk back.

She growled and shed her outer layer, tossing them on the ground near Iroh's shirt. She summoned water from the sea and thickly coated her arms with it.

"Good" he said, nodding to her arms. "It was time this sparring session turned into a challenge."

Iroh attacked her with the swords; Korra – now invigorated by the closeness of her chosen element – blocked his attacks with water, turning them into ice every time the fire made contact. Beads of sweat dripped down both their faces. Iroh grunted in frustration, he aggressively attacked Korra with the swords, causing her to continuously take a step back. Until she dug her heel on the metal floor, placing a dent on it to keep her in place.

Korra kept her icy arm shields in front of her as she bend backwards, Iroh heavily leaning his swords on her. She fought to keep from falling as he leaned in even heavier; his angry face a mere inch from hers.

For the first time that morning, the blue eyes met the golden.

Korra lost her balance and toppled over. Luckily, Iroh caught himself before he could fully crush her under his weight, but only just.

He balanced his weight on his hands as he lay on top of her. They meet each other's eyes and almost immediately the two blushed a deep shade of red. Iroh instantly shot up and dusted himself, looking embarrassed.

"Well, Avatar Korra, I think you won this round." He said, his eyes darting around everywhere but her. "I'll meet you at dinner then. I mean with the others! Not just-urgh. I will return to my quarters now." He gave her a hasty bow and left, his shirt still lying on the floor.

Fight # 004

"Avatar Korra?"

The light inside the galley flickers open. Eyes meet, one bewildered and one fearful.

"General Iroh! I didn't think you'd be up."

"What are you doing up at this hour? And is that egg custard tarts?"

…"I was craving for something to eat."

"Did you eat ALL the tarts? That's not very healthy and-"


"What? NO! I just-"




"Avatar Ko-"

Water blasts from the window, the golden eyes widen in surprise as ice suddenly encases him to the wall.


The door on his side slams close, so strongly it's knocked off its hinges.

Three breathless figures appear at the door way, falling into defensive stance.

"What happened? We heard banging."

A pause.

"Bo, I think we should get him off the ice first."

The water pools at their feet, metal boots clang on the floor when the general ungracefully falls down, his eyes still wide, fearful and confused.

"I didn't know what happened. I just walked in on Korra eating all the egg tarts and she went crazy."


"What? What did I do?"

"It's not your fault, General Iroh. Don't take it personally."

"What do you mean, Miss Sato?"

"She means you shouldn't look at Korra in the eye when it's the full moon."

"What do you me…oh."

READ AND REVIEW Heyo guys! so this is my first Iroh/Korra fic and yeah, a one shot but it can be a series if people want. I know, it's a lame name for Iroh's mom but that's the best one in tumblr soooo, yeah.