Between Every Lie

Chapter IX

Loki took his seat beside Thor to the left of their father in the court room. He scarcely needed to visit the dark chamber and was always glad about that. The All-Father, Asgard's justice and absolute authority, was seated on his throne at the court's bench that loomed high over the circular pit.

Around Odin's balcony, the high council members settled themselves in their respective places on the raised platform. Below in the pit, the outer ring seats housed a few nobles, families related to Lord Mika, Volund and Bevan, and the soldiers from Thor's division. Loki could spot Jarl among the soldiers, wearing his leather trousers and light jacket over his tunic and bandages rather than armor. His mother sat closely next to him, unwilling to let go of his arm.

At the very center of the court ground, Mika and Elise stood bounded to the hooks in the floor by the chains that stretched to the shackles around their wrists. Father and daughter were flanked by Volund and his son Kiers to their right and Bevan to their left, all chained in the same manner.

"The trial will begin," an elderly councilman announce from somewhere on the balcony. "Kiers, for your direct involvement in the attack on Prince Loki, you are the first to be trialed. What is your plea?"

Loki vaguely paid attention to the lankly archer as he plead his stained innocence. His eyes stilled on Elise who was adamant on keeping her eyes staring vacantly at her feet. Seeing her in those metal restraints made his blood run angry hot and his fingers tingled with suppressed, burning magic. He reported what Elise confessed about Kiers to his father and the information gifted him with a strangely peaceful evening in his family's quarters.

Odin had been rather pleased after learning the source of the attack, considering his men had found several suspicious prints and sighting linking the young man to the crime. Loki was just glad that his father believed his lie about discovering the truth from murmurs about the halls instead of his undisclosed visit to the dungeons.

"If you want your true culprit," Kiers was saying, "Then look no further than Lord Mika. I am telling you that he is the master of this whole plot against Prince Loki. My father and I would never have followed his instructions if we were not forced—"

Mika gave a huff of a laugh. Kiers and the accused lords turned their attention to him.

"There's no use lying anymore, boy," Mika said while looking straight up into Loki's eyes. But the prince held his gaze and sat a little straighter in his seat. "You were more than willing to take on your part after what Loki did to your celebratory feast."

"Lies!" Kiers growled. "I would never fall for such petty—"

"Enough," Odin said, a bit bored, after he jab Gungnir onto the ground to silence him. "There is enough evidence to link you to the crime. I'd advise you confess the truth and be awarded with a lightened sentence."

The expression on Kiers' face was nothing short of despair as he looked desperately to his father as if the old councilman held all the answers. Lord Volund, to Loki's amazement, only glance back at his son and shook his head. Kiers grew silent and stared at the ground with widened eyes in defeat.

"Will you confess?" Odin asked.

The young lordling said nothing.

"He's finally grown half a mind to accept his fate," Thor said lowly to him.

Despite the small smirk on his face at the comment, Loki ignored him and looked to their father instead. Odin gave a small sigh and began speaking again.

"The council has agreed that this trial will conclude by nightfall. If you have nothing more to say then I call upon Volund to speak before the court."

"My King, I don't believe there is much more to say," Volund replied proudly without even waiting for Odin to address his crimes. "What I did, I did for Asgard."

"And for Asgard you plotted to harm my youngest son," Odin retorted.

There was a smirk on Volund's lips. "I stand by what I said. Loki is not worthy of the House of Odin. His presence and magic only brings chaos to our beloved realm."

"Mind your tongue!" Thor bellowed and almost stood from his seat if Loki had not caught him by the wrist. Truthfully, even he felt the readied urge to send heavily concentrated blasts of energy right into Volund's slimy grin.

There was murmuring about the audience and council members alike. Odin rapped the end of his staff down a few times again to quiet the chamber.

"That is all I need to hear from you, Volund," Odin said grimly. "Bevan, you are also accused of conspiracy and assisting the attack on my son. We will hear your words now."

Bevan raised his chin and stared in Odin's direction. "I do not deny my involvements with Lord Mika. Nor do I regret anything."

"This trial is processing enjoyably fast," Thor almost chuckled from his seat.

"Indeed," Loki finally replied. Even so, he wondered if he should be glad that time was not being wasted under the weight of lies or if he should be worried that these former lords were so readily supporting Mika without question. Unconsciously, he had shifted closer toward the edge of his seat, knowing that Mika and Elise were the last to be called to testify, to confess.

"Elise," Odin said, his voice surprisingly softer than before. "You stand accused as an accomplice in your father's crimes against Prince Loki and attempted theft in the Weapon's Vault. What do you have to say, child?"

For the first time, Elise lifted her head to face Odin. Loki noticed she distinctly chose to avert his gaze. But instead of answering the All-Father, she turned to her left to look up at Mika instead. Loki drew in a steady, long breath and watched her with memorized intent. He caught the subtle exchange between Elise and Mika; there was a hint of apology in the disgraced Lord's eyes that translated into sorrow in Elise's.

"Many of the actions that I had taken," she began. "I did so under my father's instructions." There was a strain in her voice. He could hear the small hesitant pauses between her words. "But I was unaware of my father's true intentions. I acted under the impression that his ultimate goal was to secure and protect Asgard with the power from the Casket."

"And when did you discover the truth?" Odin drew in a breath.

"A few days before the city tournament."

"Why did you not disclose your father's ploy?"

"He's still my father." Elise's sharp reply almost made Odin flinched. For a split second, Loki met her eyes and his stomach hitched. He held his breath. "While I disagree with him, my father insisted that the Casket's power was only a means to dispel Loki's magical abilities." A few gasps echoed from the council members and audience alike and the murmurs erupted again. Elise ignored them and continued, "I didn't want harm to come to my father but I had to protect Loki as well. Taking the attack was the only thing I could think of. But it was my innocent brother who became the true victim."

She turned to face Jarl as many eyes followed her gaze to the wounded soldier.

"I know you will not let my father's crimes go unpunished," she went on, returning her eyes to Odin.

"Elise," Mika growled on her breath.

"But," she continued. "I only ask that you grace our family with your mercy and spare his life. Everything that he did, it was all due to his loyalty to our beloved realm. He has been nothing but loyal to you, All-Father, he served you with his whole heart and love for Asgard."

The court grew eerily silent. Odin kept his stoic expression but Loki could see the way his father's eyes softened at her words.

"Perhaps your heart is not stained, child. However, I will listen to your father's words before I decide your fates."

Loki swallowed and suddenly realized that his limbs were trembling. There was a short silence while Odin waited for Mika to begin speaking.

"My King, I will not deny that I had plotted to abolish Loki's ability to use magic." The whispers amongst the court seemed to range from shock to understanding, much to Loki's irritation. "However," Mika continued over the hushed conversations. "I still stand by my belief that what I did was for the good of Asgard. But the intent of my plans was known only by the men you see before you today. We were the only ones who were willing participants in these... crimes. My daughter, despite her actions, is an innocent under the false influence of my words—"

"Father," Elise breathed desperately at him.

"I kept the truth from her. Still, I believe her actions during the tournament have proven the extent of her affections for your son, your grace. I ask that you show her mercy."

Loki felt torn and confused between the idiotic flushing on his nose at Mika's words and the angry grinding of his teeth at the way he practically spat them out as if each syllable was dipped in peasant wine. He wished for nothing more than this trial to be over. He cared nothing for any of the men below in the pit—least of all Mika. The only desire he had was to take Elise into his arms and away from this dreadful place.

"Very well," Odin nodded. "Let this court be dismissed while the high council and I discuss your sentences. We will resume within the hour."

Silently, Loki cursed as he watched powerlessly as the guards unclasped Elise's chains from the hooks on the ground and led her out the door after the others. Before she turned completely away from him, they held each other's gaze and Loki briefly gave her a single nod of his head, hoping that he could reassure her somehow.

Once she was gone, the audience emptied and the doors closed, Odin began to speak amongst his council members. Though, while they conserved about Bevan, Volund and Kiers, Loki paid them no mind.

"Do not look so grim, Loki," Thor said.

He turned to his brother with a confused lift of a brow. "Three lords plotted to take my magic away, one physically carried out the plan and my future bride is being accused even though she was coerced into the ploy. Of those three which should I not look grim about?"

Thor gave him a grin which only fueled Loki's irate temper.

"I mean that they will be served justice. Father will not let such crimes against our family go punished."

"I care not what happens to the lords so long as they are removed from our home," Loki growled. Then he grew quiet and was somehow surprised that Thor actually saw through his demeanor.

"You worry how Father will sentence Elise."

He only nodded in response. Thor opened his mouth to speak again but Odin was addressing them both before he could voice a word. Both brothers listened to their exasperated father grumble a complaint at their absence from the discussion before he repeated his discussion with the council on rather speedy conclusion to the sentences. Loki regarded his father with boredom but was pleased with the outcomes until Elise's was mentioned.

"You cannot punish her, she's innocent," Loki blurted.

"She was an unknowing accomplice," Odin corrected. "Even after she knew the truth about Mika's plans she decided to keep silent instead of informing the authorities. And I am not punishing her, Son. I am simply protecting you."

"By keeping my intended away from me?" he argued. Thor's large, consoling hand on his shoulder brought him little comfort.

"Did you forget that your engagement no longer exists?" Odin retorted. "It is done, Loki."

There was finality in his words that kept Loki's tongue from lashing out again. He slumped back into his chair, stunned and livid, while the court was called to resume. He followed Elise from the moment she was led back through the doors by the guards until her chains were fastened into the ground hook once again.

"The decisions have been reached," a high councilman announce somewhere in the balcony to Loki's right. "Volund and Bevan, you are both stripped of your titles and will serve the remainder of your years posted at the outer borders of Asgard. Volund, you are assigned to the Eastern watch and Bevan, the Western watch. Kiers, you too are relived of your status, removed from your position in the ranks. You will serve five hundred years in the dungeons before you are reassigned to maintain the stables in the Northern border. Mika, you are stripped of your titles and you are, forevermore, banished from the House of Odin and will remain a ward and prisoner of the Southern ranks. Elise, you are innocent of your father's crimes but under the circumstances of your actions, your engagement with Prince Loki has been nullified. Furthermore, you are forbidden from seeing and speaking to his Highness."

"Let it be known that the All-Father has graced you all with mercy," another councilman spoke. "His Grace has spared each one of you your lives. You will all have until tomorrow morning and you will be escorted from these grounds."

"This court is adjourned," Odin finished.

Loki could hear the shuffling of feet, the rustling of robes, the sniffles and sobs from family members below. But all he could truly focus on was Elise, staring up at him, her face darkened with defeat while his was shadowed with sorrow.

Then, to his bewilderment, Elise managed to offer the smallest of smiles to him. But he couldn't return the gesture knowing it was her way of saying farewell.

Loki was more than grateful that Elise's bedchamber rested only one flight of stairs above the gardens rather than reaching the high towers. With the night's shadow on his side, cloaking himself with magic was simple enough. Slipping pass the guards and through the large, curtained window was even easier. He made himself visible again and scanned the room.

He found her at a desk with her back to him, thumbing through a rather new book under the candle light. Silent feet carried him towards her and he quickly clamped a hand over her lips as firmly but softly as he could. Elise gasped under his touch but he immediately whispered into her ear, "It's only me. Promise you will not scream when I let go?"

Under his fingers, he could feel the heating of her skin and the quick pumping of her blood. Despite the shock, she nodded, and he released her. Without delay, she stumbled out of her seat and stared into him with frightened eyes.

"I—I'm not to see you," she stammered. "W—why are you here?"

"My father's decree forbids you from seeing me. He said nothing about me coming to see you."

"Loki," she sighed in a manner between wanting to chastise him and wanting to embrace him.

Without another word, he pulled her into his arms and breathed her in. They fit together perfectly with her arms wrapped tightly around his torso and one of his looped across her waist while the other tucked her forehead against his shoulder. He missed so much of her—her sweet scent, her warmth, her softness—he missed her.

She had risked herself to protect him, stood before Asgard's King and council against her father to claim so. He was almost ashamed that he had felt any disdain towards her for withholding that truth. Though now it hardly mattered. All he wished for in that moment was to keep her safe, to keep her with him.

"Elise," he whispered and took her chin in his thin fingers, tilting her head upwards until their eyes met. "Regardless of my father's decisions, you are still mine."

He wasted no time kissing her soundly on the lips, swallowing the look of overwhelming shock and joy on her face. She stilled when their lips were pressed together but before long, she was surging forward and deepening their touch. He held her tighter around the waist and let his tongue swiped across her mouth until she opened just enough for him to slide inside.

When she made a small noise at the back of her throat, Loki wondered, for a fraction of a second, if he was being too rough. But before he decided on it any further, she was pushing into him, causing to him stumble backwards until contact with the edge of her bed made his knees bent, forcing him to pull his lips away from hers and sit down.

She smiled from her height advantage of no more than a few inches, her hands seeking purchase on her shoulders. Loki took one of them and kissed her knuckles. He pushed himself further back into the bed and tugged on her wrist until she lost her footing and fell onto him.

"That's rather rude of you, your highness," she scolded playfully which got him to smirk while she adjusted herself and her skirts to sit astride on his lap.

"I do as I please," he murmured. He held the sides of her neck and brought their foreheads together. He chuckled at himself, wondering how he could feel so content being able to breathe in her aroma and presence alone. Her gentle hands running up and down his sides was so soothing he could almost drift off into a light sleep then and there.

"Thank the Heavens you are not lost to me," she whispered. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she squeezed him to her tightly, as if afraid to let go.

He could almost feel her shivering even when his muscles went rigid at her statement. Refusing to give Mika a kind word even after his leave from the castle, Loki went to petting long strokes down her hair. She was quiet. Her jagged breathing was all her could hear. But he could feel the warm tears soaking through his light tunic.

Tenderly, he peeled her away from his chest until they could face each other and thumbed away the wetness on her cheeks. She was still grieving her father's banishment. That much was obvious. Still, even seeing her in that state, one that he never wanted to see her in, he could not bring himself to feel apologetic towards her father.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No," she replied immediately and grabbed the loose fabric of his top, "I want you to never leave my side again."

She gave his shirt another tug and he allowed himself to be pulled in until their lips crushed together again. There was tenseness in her. Loki could feel every bit of it from the way her fingers clench too tightly at his clothes, her rough, franticness with which she pressed her mouth over his.

But her words had his head spinning and his heart suddenly felt too big to fit where it should.

Loki understood then. She was grieving and frightened and distressed all at once after the whole ordeal. It was as if she was desperately clinging on as if he could disappear any second.

Without a second thought, he focused a flush of soothing, chilled energy through the pores of his palms and evened them over her trembling back. When her lips parted against his, he took his chance and breathed cold magic into her, the gossamer strands of the spell mixing with his own warm air. He heard her gasp once, a short intake of breath—he drew away from her mouth abruptly—then he felt her body began to unwind in his arms.

He wouldn't bring her father back but he could at least give her this piece of happiness, something that they could share, a pleasant distraction that he hoped would fall into regularity.

Loki peppered her neck with kisses while she sighed. In turn, her hands were cradling his neck and they were suddenly beginning to burn hot against his skin. Though it was pleasurable rather than painful, and he found himself leaning into her touch. It wasn't until he brought their lips together again did he realize that she was mirroring him. The air from her mouth was flaming its way down his throat and Loki let out a low groan drinking in the pure magic pouring from her, feeling the heat shoot from mouth to groin.

She was bewitching, the way she used her magic, magic that he taught her. With Vanir blood, he was not surprised by her talent. She had captivated his attention with her aspiration to learn from him. Her determination to master the mystic art was equally as lovely as her bright smile and soft eyes.

Yet he was even more amazed by how she much desired him. Is this how it should be, Loki pondered, to simply be accepted without question? Was it the inexplicable mixture of calming warmth and flaring passion? If that was so, Loki greedily wanted more. He grasped onto the overwhelming love threatening to overflow out of his heart and allowed the scorching lust to consume his body.

Elise let out that small sound again, a tiny, involuntary, "Ah," at the back of her throat. Somehow Loki knew she had just reacted to the hardness that had just twitched between his legs.

"Pardon," he said rather unapologetically.

At that, she giggled and kissed him on the cheek. Loki chuckled lowly and wrapped his arms around her waist and with a great heave he fell back onto the bed, taking her with him. After a few more laughs, they shifted and slid closer towards the pillows for a more comfortable position. Soon he was lying against the plush cushions with Elise tucked safely in his arms.

"Nothing in these Nine Realms will ever take you away from me," Loki said into her locks. "I won't allow it."

Loki's wish was granted after all.

His nightly visits became routine. How they spent the hours of his stay, however, were as different and unique as the flakes that fell onto the mountains of Johntenheim. Each night he would almost get his fill of her embraces and kisses before his time was cut short, forcing him to leave while there were still shadows left lingering in the halls.

The days dragged on uneventfully. With his duties to attention to, his routes mapped across much of the main halls. Still, he only ever caught Elise walking pass him through the castle a few times. Every time, the guards posted nearby would quickly escort her away, much to his distaste.

After the trial, the halls had been filled with new whispers.

Pity what happened with Elise.

Her own father, banished, the poor girl.

To be separated from Loki is a blessing. She's far better off now.

She's lovely. She'll find a better man than Loki before you know it.

He had tried his best to ignore them, deciding it would be better to follow Thor to their next appointment with haste than listen any longer.

Now, however, the hushed voices in the halls were claiming a new interest in his brother and his upcoming coronation ceremony. Loki couldn't decide if that was something to rejoice about considering he already heard enough of it at home.

Early evening, Loki slumped himself down onto his favorite lounge chair with a book he had barely gotten pass the first quarter of the pages. He continued to bounce his attention back and forth between the runes on the pages and the setting sun outside the window, trying his best to ignore his father and brother.

"Have the Brothers Rye confirmed their presence at my ceremony?" Thor was asking.

"Yes," Odin replied, tiredly. "They gave me their word this morning."

"Brilliant," said Thor. "I will expect nothing less than a full attendance."

Their father gave a short grunt of agreement before taking another sip of his wine.

"And the places of honor have been reserved for Lady Sif and the Warriors Three?"

"It's all been arranged, darling," Frigga joined in, smiling. "And do not forget that your old mother and your baby brother will be there as well."

"How can I forget those most important," Thor said good-naturedly with a chuckle. "Actually, Father, I just recalled. Did you invite Elise to the ceremony?"

Loki nearly jumped in his seat. With just enough composure, he kept still and fixed his eyes on his father, holding his breath. Odin didn't spare either of them a glance. The All-Father somehow found his chalice much more interesting than anything else. An uneasy air settled between them all.

"No, Son," Odin finally said.

Loki felt his nose twitch in disgust but he ground his teeth together said nothing. He turned his attention back to his book, not bothering to read the words anymore.

"I see," Thor said slowly. "An agreeable decision, Father. I suppose that's for the best."

Loki lifted a brow. "And what do you mean by that, Brother?"

"I just think that it would simply be better for you to be devoid of her presence." Thor shrugged as if his words had not just cut into him like a sharpened blade.

"Repeating your words in a different manner does not constitute as an answer," Loki seethed.

"Loki," his mother warned quietly.

He disregarded her and continued to glare at Thor.

"I only mean that," Thor said carefully for once. "Well, she may still have animosity after her father's sentencing, regardless of her history with you."

"I hadn't realized you've learned how to use telepathy."

"I am serious, Loki," Thor continued. "Father and I have talked about this before. We cannot have someone like that associated with our family. If you want a girl, Sif and I would gladly introduce—"

Immediately, Loki slammed the book shut, harder than necessary. He didn't need a mirror to know that the look he gave Thor was borderline murderous.

"Do not speak of her again," Loki growled dangerously. "You are a damn fool to think that you know anything about her. All of you." He stood up, quickly glanced at Thor's darkened, fuming look and his mother's remorseful frown. His father, with his eyes closed tiredly and his chin slightly downcast, was the only reason he hesitated two full seconds before storming out of the room.

Once the heavy door was slammed shut behind him, Loki could hear Thor's thunderous bellows about "insolence" and "knowing his place," to which Odin retorted with just as much heat and volume in his voice. That brought a smirk to his face.

As he made his way to his own chambers, Loki decided he would stay an extra hour with Elise that night.

Loki looped the skinny locks of Elise's hair into the delicate pattern from scalp to tip.

"You're rather good at tying braids," Elise giggled. "Where did you learn it?"

"My mother," Loki said with a snort. "She used to braid for my brother and me. I was a silly child and I asked her to teach me."

"Your hair is rather short for braids."

He tucked the last strands together and tied the end with a small ribbon. Satisfied, he let the braid fall into the curtain of her dark hair. Shifting closer to her on the bed, he settled his hands on her hips and fitted his chest against her back.

"Thor's coronation is tomorrow," he said.

"Yes," she replied mildly. "My mother and brother are going."

"But you are not," he said rather than asked. There was bitterness in his voice that hadn't subdued since the incident several nights before.

She shook her head slowly. "I don't think that your father would approve of my presence. I would probably not be allowed pass the door. Best if I stay here and not cause unnecessary commotions."

Loki sighed. He smoothed her hair and tucked a few locks behind her ear. "I suppose that's for the best."

When he left her that night, Loki smiled to himself as he made his way through the fire lit halls. As livid as he had been about Thor's revolting words, he knew Elise would be safer in the her rooms, far away from the monsters he would set loose on his brother's big day.

As you can probably tell, I'm making a lot of things up about Asgardian judicial court. It's terribly biased but I think that's something to be expected from an absolute monarchy.

Also, after watching the deleted scenes with from Thor between Frigga and Odin, I figure a lot of the rooms in Asgard just have large open windows without any glass to cover them. The events after this chapter will follow the Thor movie with some obvious additions.

I'd love to know what you thought of this chapter. Thank you for reading!